3,084 research outputs found

    Outpost: Life on the Frontlines of American Diplomacy,by Christopher Hill

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    An American diplomat for over three decades, Christopher Hill’s service took him all over the globe and into some of the most challenging cir- cumstances faced by a member of the Foreign Service. This account of his unique postings during that dy- namic time frame is a vivid reminder of how much the world has changed

    Transverse instability and its long-term development for solitary waves of the (2+1)-Boussinesq equation

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    The stability properties of line solitary wave solutions of the (2+1)-dimensional Boussinesq equation with respect to transverse perturbations and their consequences are considered. A geometric condition arising from a multi-symplectic formulation of this equation gives an explicit relation between the parameters for transverse instability when the transverse wavenumber is small. The Evans function is then computed explicitly, giving the eigenvalues for transverse instability for all transverse wavenumbers. To determine the nonlinear and long time implications of transverse instability, numerical simulations are performed using pseudospectral discretization. The numerics confirm the analytic results, and in all cases studied, transverse instability leads to collapse.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Relationship between X-ray and ultraviolet emission in 3C 273

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    In 3C 273, ultraviolet flux and X-ray flux measured by BATSE are not well correlated, contrarily to predictions of several models, unless the X-ray flux lags the UV emission by 1.75 yr. The absence of observed correlation at small lag cannot be due to spectral variability. A Comptonizing corona model is however compatible with all UV and X-ray observations covering the BATSE period.Comment: LaTeX, 4 pages, 6 figures. espcrc2.sty style file included. Poster contribution to the symposium "The Active X-ray Sky: Results from BepppoSAX and Rossi-XTE", Rome, October 199

    How to deal with reality when we're not built to

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    Philip K. Dick’s writing can be infuriatingly confusing. It feeds readers many ambiguoussignals that convey no real sense of closure—and The Man in the High Castle is no exception. Perhaps bewildering the audience is the intent, not a side-effect. We crave closure for many of the questions we find in Dick’s books, and he consistently denies us any real sense of arriving at definite answers. Lingering confusion and the gnawing feeling that the true nature of reality is just out of our grasp have been the dominant themes of both Dick’s narratives and philosophical and psychological studies for decades. Together, they all attest to how important understanding and embracing confusion can be in the business of dealing with reality

    Postharvest Handling of Fresh Vegetables: Proceedings of a workshop held in Beijing, People’s Republic of China, 9–11 May 2001

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    This proceedings covers papers presented at end of project workshop in Beijing in 2001. The workshop introduced new research challenges that have been proposed in the fields of postharvest handling of melons and in improvements to microbial safety of fresh vegetables. (ISSN 1447-0837

    Cremmer-Gervais r-matrices and the Cherednik Algebras of type GL2

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    We give an intepretation of the Cremmer-Gervais r-matrices for sl(n) in terms of actions of elements in the rational and trigonometric Cherednik algebras of type GL2 on certain subspaces of their polynomial representations. This is used to compute the nilpotency index of the Jordanian r-matrices, thus answering a question of Gerstenhaber and Giaquinto. We also give an interpretation of the Cremmer-Gervais quantization in terms of the corresponding double affine Hecke algebra.Comment: 6 page

    The quantitative soil pit method for measuring belowground carbon and nitrogen stocks

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    Many important questions in ecosystem science require estimates of stocks of soil C and nutrients. Quantitative soil pits provide direct measurements of total soil mass and elemental content in depth-based samples representative of large volumes, bypassing potential errors associated with independently measuring soil bulk density, rock volume, and elemental concentrations. The method also allows relatively unbiased sampling of other belowground C and nutrient stocks, including roots, coarse organic fragments, and rocks. We present a comprehensive methodology for sampling these pools with quantitative pits and assess their accuracy, precision, effort, and sampling intensity as compared to other methods. At 14 forested sites in New Hampshire, nonsoil belowground pools (which other methods may omit, double-count, or undercount) accounted for upward of 25% of total belowground C and N stocks: coarse material accounted for 4 and 1% of C and N in the O horizon; roots were 11 and 4% of C and N in the O horizon and 10 and 3% of C and N in the B horizon; and soil adhering to rocks represented 5% of total B-horizon C and N. The top 50 cm of the C horizon contained the equivalent of 17% of B-horizon carbon and N. Sampling procedures should be carefully designed to avoid treating these important pools inconsistently. Quantitative soil pits have fewer sources of systematic error than coring methods; the main disadvantage is that because they are time-consuming and create a larger zone of disturbance, fewer observations can be made than with cores

    Impact of seeding rate on weed-free field peas

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    Non-Peer ReviewedThe impact of seed placement and seeding rate on crop yield is not clearly understood for field pea (Pisum sativum L.). A field experiment was conducted at seven sites across Saskatchewan in 2001 to examine the influence of a wide range of seeding rates (20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, and 120 target plants m-2). Yield component compensation occurred where increased plant density from higher seeding rates reduced seed weight. Seed yield benefits were small at seeding rates greater than 50 target plants m-2. There was a tendency for lower yields with seeding rates less than 50, especially at sites with higher yield potential. Yields of field peas grown under relatively weed-free conditions should be optimized with a seeding rate of 50 to 75 seeds m-2

    Earthworms and furrow irrigation infiltration

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    Infiltration rates into furrows in southcentral Idaho, after decreasing toward a base rate, sometimes increase. The increase is sometimes sufficient to cause tailwater runoff to cease and the furrow stream to recede up the furrow, resulting in poor water distribution. The infiltration increase is caused by earthworms piercing the furrow wetted perimeter during the irrigation allowing water to enter and infiltrate from their extensive burrow system. Low concentrations of aqua ammonia in the irrigation water prevent the infiltration increase, apparently by repelling the worms from the furrows

    Multiwavelength analysis of four millisecond pulsars

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    Radio timing observations of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) in support of Fermi LAT observations of the gamma-ray sky enhance the sensitivity of high-energy pulsation searches. With contemporaneous ephemerides we have detected gamma-ray pulsations from PSR B1937+21, the first MSP ever discovered, and B1957+20, the first known black-widow system. The two MSPs share a number of properties: they are energetic and distant compared to other gamma-ray MSPs, and both of them exhibit aligned radio and gamma-ray emission peaks, indicating co-located emission regions in the outer magnetosphere of the pulsars. However, radio observations are also crucial for revealing MSPs in Fermi unassociated sources. In a search for radio pulsations at the position of such unassociated sources, the Nan\c{c}ay Radio Telescope discovered two MSPs, PSRs J2017+0603 and J2302+4442, increasing the sample of known Galactic disk MSPs. Subsequent radio timing observations led to the detection of gamma-ray pulsations from these two MSPs as well. We describe multiwavelength timing and spectral analysis of these four pulsars, and the modeling of their gamma-ray light curves in the context of theoretical models.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the Pulsar 2010 Conference, Italy, 10 - 15 October 201
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