230 research outputs found

    Unanticipated population structure of European grayling in its northern distribution: implications for conservation prioritization

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The European grayling (<it>Thymallus thymallus</it>) is a salmonid fish native to Europe, with a distribution ranging from England and France to the Ural Mountains of north-western Russia. The majority of grayling populations inhabit freshwater rivers and lakes but some populations also occupy brackish water in northern parts of the Baltic Sea. Previous population genetic studies have demonstrated that grayling populations in Finland, Estonia and Russia belong to a single mitochondrial lineage and exhibit high levels of differentiation even at a small geographic scale. As a result, we predicted that grayling populations should not cluster regionally. Despite the extensive amount of genetic research that has been carried out on grayling, comprehensive national-level information on population structure of grayling in Northern Europe is still lacking. Yet this is the level at which populations are currently managed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found unanticipated population structure of grayling clustering into three groups largely corresponding to the northern, Baltic and south-eastern geographic areas of Finland using 13 microsatellite loci. We also found a high level of genetic differentiation among the groups and moderate to high differentiation within the groups. This combined with low variability strongly indicates that genetic drift and limited migration have a major impact on grayling population structure. An allele size permutation test indicated that mutations at microsatellite loci have not significantly contributed to genetic differentiation among the three Finnish groups. However, at the European scale, mutations had significantly contributed to population differentiation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This research provides novel genetic information on European grayling in its northern distribution range and has clear implications for supporting country-scale conservation efforts. Specifically, the strong between population divergence observed indicates that single populations should generally be recognized as separate management units. We also introduced an alternative prioritization strategy for population conservation based on the evaluation of the relative roles of different evolutionary forces shaping the gene pools. We envision that the proposed approach to categorize populations for conservation will be a useful tool for wildlife researchers and conservationists working on a diverse range of organisms.</p

    Effects of multiple targeted repelling measures on the behaviour of individually tracked birds in an area of increasing human–wildlife conflict

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    1. Some animal populations are rapidly increasing in numbers and expanding their ranges, leading to intensified human–wildlife conflicts. A wide range of tools has been developed to repel animals from areas where they are suspected to cause damage. For waterfowl, direct comparisons of multiple repelling methods have so far focused only on species® presence, total numbers, cost effectiveness or subsequent damage assessments, but not on individual behaviour. 2. Here, we investigated the individual responses of free-flying geese to three repelling methods using high-resolution tracking data. In an experimental setup, tracked individuals were repelled by human approach, gunshot sound or handheld lasers. 3. We found that repelling success and return time to the field where the repelling took place increased when individuals were repelled multiple times. Travel distances after the repelling events were longer after human approach and gunshot sound compared to the handheld laser treatments. In spring, the probability to return to the same field was higher after repelling with handheld lasers, but no difference between treatments was evident in autumn. We observed no increase in the probability to visit accommodation fields, where geese were allowed to forage and were not repelled, after the repelling events. 4. Synthesis and applications. We found no strong differences between the three methods regarding the repelling effectiveness and the resulting behaviour of the tracked geese. However, the higher return rates of individuals after repelling with handheld lasers in spring suggest that this method might be less effective in situations with bright sunlight or very large aggregations of geese. Apart from these limitations, we can recommend handheld lasers for repelling as they might reduce energetic losses for the geese and disturbance of non-target wildlife. Since repelling by gunshot sound and handheld lasers was twice as fast as repelling by human approach, those methods will reduce working hours by 50% and therefore be more cost-effective in practice

    Solar System Objects in the ISOPHOT 170 micron Serendipity Survey

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    The ISOPHOT Serendipity Survey (ISOSS) covered approximately 15 % of the sky at a wavelength of 170 micron while the ISO satellite was slewing from one target to the next. By chance ISOSS slews went over many solar system objects (SSOs). We identified the comets, asteroids and planets in the slews through a fast and effective search procedure based on N-body ephemeris and flux estimates. The detections were analysed from a calibration and scientific point of view. Through the measurements of the well-known asteroids Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta and the planets Uranus and Neptune it was possible to improve the photometric calibration of ISOSS and to extend it to higher flux regimes. We were also able to establish calibration schemes for the important slew end data. For the other asteroids we derived radiometric diameters and albedos through a recent thermophysical model. The scientific results are discussed in the context of our current knowledge of size, shape and albedos, derived from IRAS observations, occultation measurements and lightcurve inversion techniques. In all cases where IRAS observations were available we confirm the derived diameters and albedos. For the five asteroids without IRAS detections only one was clearly detected and the radiometric results agreed with sizes given by occultation and HST observations. Four different comets have clearly been detected at 170 micron and two have marginal detections. The observational results are presented to be used by thermal comet models in the future. The nine ISOSS slews over Hale-Bopp revealed extended and asymmetric structures related to the dust tail. We attribute the enhanced emission in post-perihelion observations to large particles around the nucleus. The signal patterns are indicative of a concentration of the particles in trail direction.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables; Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Effects of multiple targeted repelling measures on the behaviour of individually tracked birds in an area of increasing human-wildlife conflict

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    1. Some animal populations are rapidly increasing in numbers and expanding their ranges, leading to intensified human-wildlife conflicts. A wide range of tools has been developed to repel animals from areas where they are suspected to cause damage. For waterfowl, direct comparisons of multiple repelling methods have so far focused only on species ' presence, total numbers, cost effectiveness or subsequent damage assessments, but not on individual behaviour. 2. Here, we investigated the individual responses of free-flying geese to three repelling methods using high-resolution tracking data. In an experimental setup, tracked individuals were repelled by human approach, gunshot sound or handheld lasers. 3. We found that repelling success and return time to the field where the repelling took place increased when individuals were repelled multiple times. Travel distances after the repelling events were longer after human approach and gunshot sound compared to the handheld laser treatments. In spring, the probability to return to the same field was higher after repelling with handheld lasers, but no difference between treatments was evident in autumn. We observed no increase in the probability to visit accommodation fields, where geese were allowed to forage and were not repelled, after the repelling events. 4. Synthesis and applications. We found no strong differences between the three methods regarding the repelling effectiveness and the resulting behaviour of the tracked geese. However, the higher return rates of individuals after repelling with handheld lasers in spring suggest that this method might be less effective in situations with bright sunlight or very large aggregations of geese. Apart from these limitations, we can recommend handheld lasers for repelling as they might reduce energetic losses for the geese and disturbance of non-target wildlife. Since repelling by gunshot sound and handheld lasers was twice as fast as repelling by human approach, those methods will reduce working hours by 50% and therefore be more cost-effective in practice.</p

    HeinĂ€veden reitillĂ€ merkittyjen taimenten ja jĂ€rvilohien vaellukset, kasvu ja pyynti vuosina 2009–2022

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    Taimenen ja jĂ€rvilohen vaellusten pituutta ja suuntaa, pyyntikokoa, kasvua ja pyyntimenetelmiĂ€ selvitettiin pyydystĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ vesistöistĂ€ 501 taimenta ja 30 jĂ€rvilohta ja merkitsemĂ€llĂ€ ne t-ankkurimerkeillĂ€ HeinĂ€veden reitillĂ€ Vuoksen pÀÀvesistöalueella vuosina 2009–2019. Kalat pyydystettiin merkintÀÀn virtavesiltĂ€ vapavĂ€lineillĂ€ ja verkolla ja jĂ€rviltĂ€ vapavĂ€lineillĂ€. Taimenten merkintĂ€pituuden keskiarvo ja vaihteluvĂ€li olivat 40 ja 15–79 cm ja jĂ€rvilohen vastaavasti 54 ja 20–88 cm. Taimenista arviolta 50–90 % oli luonnossa syntyneitĂ€, jĂ€rvilohista mahdollisesti muutama. LisĂ€ksi HeinĂ€veden koskiin istutettiin 1821 ankkurimerkittyĂ€ 2-vuotiasta taimenta vuosina 2012–2017 ja KermajĂ€rvelle 727 ankkurimerkittyĂ€ 2-vuotiasta jĂ€rvilohta vuonna 2012. Tulokset perustuvat vapaa-ajankalastajilta saatuihin merkkipalautuksiin ja -havaintoihin. VirtavesillĂ€ merkityistĂ€ 487 taimenesta saatiin 66 palautusta merkintĂ€virtavesiltĂ€ ennen kalojen mahdollista jĂ€rvivaellusta, 16 palautusta jĂ€rviltĂ€, 7 palautusta toisesta koskesta jĂ€rven toiselta puolelta ylĂ€- tai alavirrasta sekĂ€ 8 palautusta merkintĂ€koskista mahdollisesti jĂ€rvivaelluksen tehneinĂ€. JĂ€rvillĂ€ merkityt 14 taimenta tuottivat 4 palautusta jĂ€rviltĂ€ ja 1 palautuksen koskilta. MerkityistĂ€ istukkaista saapui vain 14 palautusta. JĂ€rvilohista saatiin 6 palautusta jĂ€rviltĂ€ ja 1 palautus koskilta. VirtavesillĂ€ merkittyjen ja jĂ€rviltĂ€ pyydettyjen taimenien lĂ€htöpituuden vaihteluvĂ€li oli ainakin 29–77, mutta mahdollisesti 21–86 cm. VirtavesillĂ€ merkittyjen taimenten pyyntipituuden keskiarvo ja vaihteluvĂ€li olivat 53 ja 29–86 cm, jĂ€rvillĂ€ merkittyjen taimenten 56 ja 50–70 cm, merkittyjen taimenistukkaiden 42 ja 23–69 cm, jĂ€rvillĂ€ ja virtavesillĂ€ merkittyjen jĂ€rvilohien 54 ja 45–73 cm sekĂ€ merkittyjen jĂ€rvilohi-istukkai-den 53 ja 40–76 cm. VirtavesillĂ€ merkittyjen taimenten merkinnĂ€n ja pyynnin vĂ€linen pituuskasvu ja ajanjakso olivat keskimÀÀrin 8 cm ja 415 vrk. Pituuskasvu ja ajanjakso olivat keskimÀÀrin sitĂ€ pienempiĂ€ mitĂ€ suurempana kala oli merkitty. Pituuskasvun keskiarvo oli vain 6 ja 3 cm merkintĂ€pituusluokissa 40–56,9 cm ja ≄57 cm. Koskista jĂ€rvivaellukselle lĂ€hteneistĂ€ taimenista saatiin 11 palautusta ylĂ€virran ja 12 palautusta alavirran puoleisilta jĂ€rviltĂ€. Vaellusmatka merkintĂ€kosken niskalta tai alareunalta pyyntipaikalle suorinta vesireittiĂ€ pitkin oli keskimÀÀrin 19 kilometriĂ€. PisimmĂ€t vaellukset olivat 139 km ylĂ€virtaan ja 56 km alavirtaan. Taimenen kaikkien merkintĂ€ryhmien merkkipalautuksissa saaliksi otetuista kaloista pyydystettiin verkolla ja vavalla 87 ja 13 %. JĂ€rvilohella vastaavat osuudet olivat toisinpĂ€in, 27 ja 73 %. JĂ€rviltĂ€ saatujen merkkipalautusten perusteella villin jĂ€rvitaimenen ja jĂ€rvilohen elinkierron toteutuminen jĂ€rvivaelluksella oli todennĂ€köisesti niukkaa tutkimusjaksolla HeinĂ€veden reitillĂ€ ja Vuoksen pÀÀvesistön lĂ€ntisessĂ€ osassa. Kalastuskuolevuus jĂ€rvillĂ€ oli todennĂ€köisesti suuri lajien elinkiertoon suhteutettuna

    The impacts of environmental warming on Odonata: a review

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    Climate change brings with it unprecedented rates of increase in environmental temperature, which will have major consequences for the earth's flora and fauna. The Odonata represent a taxon that has many strong links to this abiotic factor due to its tropical evolutionary history and adaptations to temperate climates. Temperature is known to affect odonate physiology including life-history traits such as developmental rate, phenology and seasonal regulation as well as immune function and the production of pigment for thermoregulation. A range of behaviours are likely to be affected which will, in turn, influence other parts of the aquatic ecosystem, primarily through trophic interactions. Temperature may influence changes in geographical distributions, through a shifting of species' fundamental niches, changes in the distribution of suitable habitat and variation in the dispersal ability of species. Finally, such a rapid change in the environment results in a strong selective pressure towards adaptation to cope and the inevitable loss of some populations and, potentially, species. Where data are lacking for odonates, studies on other invertebrate groups will be considered. Finally, directions for research are suggested, particularly laboratory studies that investigate underlying causes of climate-driven macroecological patterns

    Microfluidic analysis techniques for safety assessment of pharmaceutical nano- and microsystems

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    This chapter reviews the evolution of microfabrication methods and materials, applicable to manufacturing of micro total analysis systems (or lab‐on‐a‐chip), from a general perspective. It discusses the possibilities and limitations associated with microfluidic cell culturing, or so called organ‐on‐a‐chip technology, together with selected examples of their exploitation to characterization of pharmaceutical nano‐ and microsystems. Materials selection plays a pivotal role in terms of ensuring the cell adhesion and viability as well as defining the prevailing culture conditions inside the microfluidic channels. The chapter focuses on the hepatic safety assessment of nanoparticles and gives an overview of the development of microfluidic immobilized enzyme reactors that could facilitate examination of the hepatic effects of nanomedicines under physiologically relevant conditions. It also provides an overview of the future prospects regarding system‐level integration possibilities facilitated by microfabrication of miniaturized separation and sample preparation systems as integral parts of microfluidic in vitro models.Non peer reviewe

    Amidst the flyway: co-designing accommodation fields for the barnacle goose in south-eastern Finland

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    The barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis) is strictly protected under the Finnish national and EU legislation. The protection has succeeded: the size of the Russia/Germany and Netherlands population has increased from 20 000 individuals to 1.4 million individuals in 40 years (1980-2020). Some 500 000-800 000 individuals of this population nowadays stopover in Finland during their spring and autumn migrations between their breeding grounds in the Russian Arctic and wintering grounds along the North Sea coast. To the frustration of the farmers, resting and feeding in the agricultural areas cause major damage, resulting in a human-wildlife conflict - the alleviation of which calls for a wide range of approaches. The reimbursement for farmers has dramatically increased in ten years, with €3 million paid by the Finnish government in 2020. In collaboration with local farmers and regional and national environmental administration, we co-designed and experimentally tested accommodation fields for geese using a rights-based framework. On these fields, geese are allowed to forage and rest without disturbance, while geese are repelled from neighbouring fields, dedicated to regular farming. In this chapter, we explain our transdisciplinary findings about the institutional and natural conditions of these accommodation fields.Peer reviewe

    Expression of a prostate-associated protein, human glandular kallikrein (hK2), in breast tumours and in normal breast secretions

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    The recent demonstration of human glandular kallikrein (hK2) expression in a breast carcinoma cell line has suggested that this putatively prostate-restricted, steroid hormone-regulated protease may also be expressed in breast epithelium in vivo and secreted into the mammary duct system. Given that the only substrate yet identified for hK2 activity is the precursor of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), the expression of which in breast carcinomas may be associated with favourable prognosis, our purpose was to examine the expression pattern of both hK2 and PSA in breast tumour tissues. Cytosolic extracts of 336 primary breast carcinomas prepared for routine oestrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) analysis, as well as 31 nipple aspirates from six women with non-diseased mammary glands, were assayed for hK2 and PSA using immunofluorometric assays developed by the authors. In the tumour extracts, measurable hK2 and PSA concentrations were detected in 53% and 73% of cases respectively, and were positively correlated to each other (r = 0.59, P = 0.0001). Higher concentrations of PSA and hK2 were found in tumours expressing steroid hormone receptors (P = 0.0001 for PSA and P = 0.0001 for hK2, by Wilcoxon tests for both ER and PR), and both PSA (r = 0.25, P = 0.0001) and hK2 (r = 0.22, P = 0.0001) correlated directly with PR levels. A negative correlation between patient age and PSA (r = –0.12, P = 0.03) was also found. Both proteins were present in nipple aspirate fluid at relatively high concentrations which were positively correlated (r = 0.53, P = 0.002). The molecular weights of the immunoreactive species quantified by the hK2 and PSA assays were established by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and were consistent with the known molecular weights of hK2 and PSA. Together these data provide the first evidence, to our knowledge, that both malignant breast tissue and normal breast secretion contain measurable quantities of hK2, and that the degree of hK2 expression or secretion is directly proportional to the expression of PSA and steroid hormone receptors. hK2 expression may therefore be a marker of steroid hormone action in breast tissue. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig
