46 research outputs found

    An In Vitro Barrier Model of the Human Submandibular Salivary Gland Epithelium Based on a Single Cell Clone of Cell Line HTB-41: Establishment and Application for Biomarker Transport Studies

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    The blood–saliva barrier (BSB) consists of the sum of the epithelial cell layers of the oral mucosa and salivary glands. In vitro models of the BSB are inevitable to investigate and understand the transport of salivary biomarkers from blood to saliva. Up to now, standardized, cell line-based models of the epithelium of the submandibular salivary gland are still missing for this purpose. Therefore, we established epithelial barrier models of the submandibular gland derived from human cell line HTB-41 (A-253). Single clone isolation resulted in five different clones (B2, B4, B9, D3, and F11). Clones were compared to the parental cell line HTB-41 using measurements of the transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER), paracellular marker permeability assays and analysis of marker expression for acinar, ductal, and myoepithelial cells. Two clones (B9, D3) were characterized to be of acinar origin, one clone (F11) to be of myoepithelial origin and one isolation (B4) derived from two cells, to be presumably a mixture of acinar and ductal origin. Clone B2, presumably of ductal origin, showed a significantly higher paracellular barrier compared to other clones and parental HTB-41. The distinct molecular identity of clone B2 was confirmed by immunofluorescent staining, qPCR, and flow cytometry. Experiments with ferritin, a biomarker for iron storage, demonstrated the applicability of the selected model based on clone B2 for transport studies. In conclusion, five different clones originating from the submandibular gland cell line HTB-41 were successfully characterized and established as epithelial barrier models. Studies with the model based on the tightest clone B2 confirmed its suitability for transport studies in biomarker research

    Movement asymmetries in horses presented for prepurchase or lameness examination

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    Background The increasing popularity of objective gait analysis makes application in prepurchase examinations (PPE) a logical next step. Therefore, there is a need to have more understanding of asymmetry during a PPE in horses described on clinical evaluation as subtly lame.Objectives The objective of this study is to objectively compare asymmetry in horses raising minor vet concerns in a PPE and in horses raising major vet concerns with that found in horses presented with subtle single-limb lameness, and to investigate the effect of age/discipline on the clinicians' interpretation of asymmetry on the classification of minor vet concerns in a PPE.Study Design Clinical case-series.Methods Horses presented for PPE (n = 98) or subjectively evaluated as single limb low-grade (1-2/5) lame (n = 24, 13 forelimb lame, 11 hindlimb lame), from the patient population of a single clinic, were enrolled in the study provided that owners were willing to participate. Horses undergoing PPE were assigned a classification of having minor vet concerns (n = 84) or major vet concerns (n = 14) based on findings during the dynamic-orthopaedic part of the PPE. Lame horses were only included if pain-related lameness was confirmed by an objective improvement after diagnostic analgesia exceeding daily variation determined for equine symmetry parameters using optical motion capture. Clinical evaluation was performed by six different clinicians, each with >= 8 years of equine orthopaedic experience. Vertical movement symmetry was measured using optical motion capture, simultaneously with the orthopaedic examination. Data were analysed using previously described parameters and mixed model analysis and least squares means were used to calculate differences between groups.Results There was no effect of age or discipline on the levels of asymmetry within PPE horses raising minor vet concerns. MinDiff and RUD of the head discriminated between forelimb lame and PPE horses raising minor vet concerns; MinDiff, MaxDiff, RUD of the Pelvis, HHDswing and HHDstance did so for hindlimb lameness. Two lameness patterns differentiated both forelimb and hindlimb lame from PPE horses with minor vet concerns: RUD Poll + MinDiff Withers - RUD Pelvis and RUD Pelvis + RUD Poll - MinDiff Withers. Correcting for vertical range of motion enabled differentiation of PPE horses with minor vet concerns from PPE horses with major vet concerns.Main Limitations Objective data only based on trot on soft surface, limited number of PPE horses with major vet concerns.Conclusions Combinations of kinematic parameters discriminate between PPE horses with minor vet concerns and subtly lame horses, though overlap exists

    Novel Methods for Surface EMG Analysis and Exploration Based on Multi-Modal Gaussian Mixture Models

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    <div><p>This paper introduces a new method for data analysis of animal muscle activation during locomotion. It is based on fitting Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) to surface EMG data (sEMG). This approach enables researchers/users to isolate parts of the overall muscle activation within locomotion EMG data. Furthermore, it provides new opportunities for analysis and exploration of sEMG data by using the resulting Gaussian modes as atomic building blocks for a hierarchical clustering. In our experiments, composite peak models representing the general activation pattern per sensor location (one sensor on the long back muscle, three sensors on the gluteus muscle on each body side) were identified per individual for all 14 horses during walk and trot in the present study. Hereby we show the applicability of the method to identify composite peak models, which describe activation of different muscles throughout cycles of locomotion.</p></div

    Coordination dynamics of the horse-rider system

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    Etude comparative de l'interaction cavalier cheval lors d'une séquence de trot, entre un cavalier novice et un cavalier expert

    Coordination Dynamics of the Horse-Rider System

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    Electromyography activity of the equine splenius muscle and neck kinematics during walk and trot on the treadmill

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    Reasons for performing study: Skeletal muscle activity can be concentric or eccentric, anisometric or isometric and correlation of the equine splenius muscle activity with the movement of its effector joints at walk and trot has not yet been fully characterised.Objective: Investigating activity of the splenius muscle together with kinematics of head and cranial neck at walk and trot.Materials and methods: Kinematics and surface electromyography were measured in 6 horses (8-20-years-old, 450-700 kg) without signs of neck pain. Markers were placed on left and right crista facialis, and on left and right cervical vertebrae 1 and 3. Head and neck angle was calculated in sagittal and horizontal planes. Electrodes were placed over both splenius muscles at the level of C2. Left and right muscle activity was compared using Student t test for paired samples and correlations calculated using Pearson correlation coefficient. Significance was set at