110 research outputs found


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    Walleshausen Gyulára, egy olyan tudós kiválóságra emlékezünk születésének 100. évfordulója alkalmából, aki a magyar könyvtárügy, az 1945 utáni könyvtárosok első nagy nemzedékének kiemelkedő, elhivatott szaktekintélye, s e mellett a hazai agrárképzés-, az agrár-felsőoktatás-, a mezőgazdasági szakképzés története feltárásának egyik meghatározó kutatója. Könyvtárosi és történészi munkája során tisztelte, hozzáértő tudásával elemezte, tudományos igényességgel kötetekké formálta a múlt történeti értékeit, ezzel megőrizve és átörökítve az utókor számára. Könyvtárszakmai írásai, egyetemtörténeti munkái megkerülhetetlenek, fontos alapművek, ha valaki egy-egy általa művelt témakörben kutatást végez, vagy csak egyszerűen érdeklődik valamely könyvtári kérdés, intézmény vagy szak története iránt. Ezen írásunkban egész életútjára és munkásságára, de elsősorban agrártörténészi tevékenységére emlékezünk.

    Recent Progress in the Diagnosis and Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Era of COVID-19 and Single Cell Multi-Omics Technologies

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is one of the world’s leading causes of death and life-threatening conditions. Therefore, we review the complex vicious circle of causes responsible for T2DM and risk factors such as the western diet, obesity, genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and SARS-CoV-2 infection. The prevalence and economic burden of T2DM on societal and healthcare systems are dissected. Recent progress on the diagnosis and clinical management of T2DM, including both non-pharmacological and latest pharmacological treatment regimens, are summarized. The treatment of T2DM is becoming more complex as new medications are approved. This review is focused on the non-insulin treatments of T2DM to reach optimal therapy beyond glycemic management. We review experimental and clinical findings of SARS-CoV-2 risks that are attributable to T2DM patients. Finally, we shed light on the recent single-cell-based technologies and multi-omics approaches that have reached breakthroughs in the understanding of the pathomechanism of T2DM

    The Effects of Exercise Training and High Triglyceride Diet in an Estrogen Depleted Rat Model

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    Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality of premenopausal women are significantly lower compared to men of similar age. However, this protective effect evidently decreases after the onset of menopause. We hypothesized that physical exercise could be a potential therapeutic strategy to improve inflammatory processes and cardiovascular antioxidant homeostasis, which can be affected by the loss of estrogen and the adverse environmental factors, such as overnutrition. Ovariectomized (OVX, n= 40) and sham-operated (SO, n= 40) female Wistar rats were randomized to exercising (R) and non-exercising (NR) groups. Feeding parameters were chosen to make a standard chow (CTRL) or a high triglyceride diet (HT) for 12 weeks. Aortic and cardiac heme oxygenase (HO) activity and HO-1 concentrations significantly decreased in all of the NR OVX and SO HT groups. However, the 12-week physical exercise was found to improve HO-1 values. Plasma IL-6 concentrations were higher in the NR OVX animals and rats fed HT diet compared to SO CTRL rats. TNF-α concentrations were significantly higher in the NR OVX groups. 12 weeks of exercise significantly reduced the concentrations of both TNF-α and IL-6 compared to the NR counterparts. The activity of myeloperoxidase enzyme (MPO) was significantly increased as a result of OVX and HT diet, however voluntary wheel-running exercise restored the elevated values. Our results show that estrogen deficiency and HT diet caused a significant decrease in the activity and concentration of HO enzyme, as well as the concentrations of TNF-α, IL-6, and the activity of MPO. However, 12 weeks of voluntary wheel-running exercise is a potential non-pharmacological therapy to ameliorate these disturbances, which determine the life expectancy of postmenopausal women

    Novel features of the rat model of inflammatory bowel disease based on 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acidinduced acute colitis

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    The 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBS)-induced acute inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) model in the rat is discussed, focusing on the details of the TNBS instillation and highlighting the advantages and limitations of this model. For determination of the time-dependent action of 50% ethanol and different doses of TNBS, male Wistar rats were treated with 50% ethanol or 10 mg or 30 mg of TNBS dissolved in 50% ethanol. The TNBS-induced inflammation peaked 48-72 h after installation and the colitis caused by 30 mg of TNBS was more severe than that caused by 10 mg of TNBS. To test the effectiveness of sulfasalazine (SASP), male rats were treated with 10 mg of TNBS or with 10 mg of TNBS and SASP, and 72 h later the extent of mucosal damage was determined. Orally administered 50 mg/kg/day SASP proved to reduce the TNBS-induced colonic inflammation in rats significantly. The TNBS-induced colitis model facilitates a better understanding of the immunopathological mechanisms of IBD. Optimization of the dose of TNBS and oral SASP as positive control in TNBS-induced colitis in rats furnishes an appropriate test system for new anti-IBD drugs

    A Szépművészeti Múzeum Antik Gyűjteményének szakkatalógusai VI = Catalogues of the Classical Collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, VI

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    Az OTKA által immáron hatodik ciklusban támogatott pályázat során három szakkatalógus elkészítését tűztük ki célul (kilenc megkezdett kutatás közül). Megjelent a CVA Hongrie 2 kötete (Szilágyi János György, etruszk és és campaniai vázák; a kézirat még az előző ciklusban készült el). Közvetlenül a leadás előtti fázisig jutott a CVA Hongrie 3 kötet a bronzkori, geometrikus és korinthosi kerámia feldolgozása (Márton András, Lebegyev Judit). Lényegében elkészült a CVA Hongrie 4 kötet a délitáliai kerámiáról (Vandlik Katalin) és a délitáliai terrakották feldolgozása (Bencze Ágnes). Mindkettő közvetlenül kapcsolódik a két kutató doktori dolgozatához (Bencze Ágnesé sajtó alatt van a nápolyi Centre Jean Bérard gondozásában, Vandlik Katalinét pedig már kitűzték védésre). Az előzőkhöz hasonlóan ezek a kötetek is a római L'Erma di Brettschneider kiadónál fognak megjelenni. Valamennyi szerző a klasszika archaeológia fiatal nemzedékéhez tartozik. A projekt lehetővé tette egy új anyagcsoport, a daktyliothékák rendezését és internetes publikációjuk megalapozását. Az OTKA támogatásnak ebben a ciklusban is döntő szerepe volt abban, hogy fenn tudott maradni a magyarországi klasszika archaeológia múzeumi bázisa. | Through the grant provided by OTKA now for the sixth project cycle, we aimed at preparing three reference catalogues (out of nine ongoing research projects). The volume of CVA 2 has been published (János György Szilágyi: Etruscan and Campanian Vases; the manuscript was completed in the previous project cycle). The volume of CVA 3 treating Bronze Age, Geometric and Corinthian pottery (András Márton, Judit Lebegyev) is ready to be laid out for publication. The volume of CVA 4 on Southern Italian pottery (Katalin Vandlik) and the treatment of Southern Italian terracottas (Ágnes Bencze) is practically also finished. Both works are directly connected with the PhD dissertations of the two researchers. Similarly to previous catalogues these volumes will also be published by L’Erma di Brettschneider in Rome. All authors belong to the younger generation of classical archaeologists. The project has also facilitated the classification of a new group of objects, that of dactyliotheques, and has also provided a basis for their publication through the internet. As in the previous projects cycles, the OTKa support has played a crucial role in the survival of the museological basis of classical archaeology in Hungary