534 research outputs found

    The Roman Saturnalia and the Survival of its Traditions Among Christians

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    Struktura farme i konkurentnost u mađarskoj poljoprivredi

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    After the political, economic and social transformation in 1989-1990, the farm structure in Hungary became undoubtedly more diverse than earlier. The new farm structure is radically different from the characteristics of its main competitors, mainly of other EU member states. The past two decades after the transition was a period long enough to appreciate the characteristics and the main changes in the farm structure, so the current relevance of this topic is unquestionable. Viability, subsistence and competitiveness are significant concepts which could be measured by the profitability of the agricultural holdings. It is very important to define the main criteria of viability, subsistence and competitiveness but we should not forget the multifunctional role of agriculture as this could solve very important challenges, especially in maintaining the rural population and helping their livelihoods.Nakon političkih, ekonomskih i društvenih promjena od 1989.-1990. struktura farmi se u Mađarskoj bez sumnje značajno promijenila u odnosu na prethodno razdoblje. Nova struktura farme bitno se razlikuje po svojim obilježjima od strukture farme glavnih konkurenata, uglavnom ostalih zemalja članica EU. Protekla dva desetljeća nakon tranzicije trebala su biti dovoljna da se procijene karakteristike i glavne promjene u strukturi farme, tako da je trenutna važnost teme neupitna. Održivost, opstanak i konkurentost predstavljaju važan koncept koji bi se mogao mjeriti profitabilnošću poljoprivrednih posjeda. Vrlo je bitno odrediti glavne kriterije održivosti, opstanka i konkurentosti, no ne smijemo smetnuti s uma multifunkcionalnu ulogu poljoprivrede, budući da ona može riješti važne izazove, posebice u zadržavanju ruralne populacije i pomoći njihovim domaćinstvima

    Tissue acidosis associated with ischemic stroke to guide nimodipine delivery

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    Background: Ischemic stroke is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Yet, the effective therapy of focal cerebral ischemia has been an unresolved challenge. We propose here that ischemic tissue acidosis, a sensitive metabolic indicator of injury progression in cerebral ischemia, can be harnessed for the targeted delivery of neuroprotective agents. Ischemic tissue acidosis, which represents the accumulation of lactic acid in malperfused brain tissue is significantly exacerbated by the recurrence of SD events. Deepening acidosis itself activates specific ion channels to cause neurotoxic cellular Ca2+ accumulation and cytotoxic edema. These processes are thought to contribute to the loss of the ischemic penumbra. Importantly, acidosis in the ischemic penumbra may also be used to guide therapeutic intervention. Nimodipine, an L-type VGCC antagonist dilates cerebral arterioles, but its systemic administration may cause potential side effects (mainly hypotension). We have constructed chitosan nanoparticles as drug carriers, which release nimodipine in response to decreasing pH typical of cerebral ischemia. Here we have set out to evaluate this nanomedical approach to deliver nimodipine selectively to acidic ischemic brain tissue. Methods: Two sets of experiments are presented in this thesis. In Experimental Project I, nimodipine was applied in solution (100 μM), then global forebrain ischemia was induced in half of the animals by bilateral common carotid artery occlusion under isoflurane anesthesia. Functional hyperemia in the somatosensory cortex was created by mechanical stimulation of the contralateral whisker pad under α‐chloralose anesthesia. SD events were elicited subsequently by 1 M KCl. LFP and CBF in the parietal somatosensory cortex were monitored by electrophysiology and LDF. In Experimental Project II, nimodipine was associated with pH-sensitive nanoparticles in suspension. After washing the nanoparticle suspension with or without nimodipine (100 μM) on the exposed brain surface of anesthetized rats, both common carotid arteries were occluded to create forebrain ischemia. SDs were elicited by 1 M KCl to deepen the ischemic insult. LFP, CBF and tissue pH were recorded from the cerebral cortex. Microglia activation and neuronal survival were evaluated in brain sections by immunocytochemistry. Results: Nimodipine in solution attenuated evoked potentials and SD. In addition to the elevation of baseline CBF, nimodipine augmented hyperemia in response to both somatosensory stimulation and SD, the drug effect was particularly discernable under ischemia. Ischemia-induced tissue acidosis initiated nimodipine release from nanoparticles, confirmed by the significant elevation of baseline CBF. Nimodipine shortened the duration of both SD itself, and the associated tissue acidosis, moreover it enhanced the SD-related hyperemia. Chitosan nanoparticles did not activate microglia. Conclusions: The administered nanoparticles release nimodipine in acidic tissue environment, which reliably delineates sites at risk of injury. The data support the concept that tissue acidosis linked to cerebral ischemia can be employed as a trigger for targeted drug delivery. Nimodipine-mediated vasodilation and SD inhibition can be achieved by pH-responsive chitosan nanoparticles applied directly to the brain surface. Ultimately, this approach may offer a new way to treat stroke patients with the hope of more effective therapy, and better stroke outcome

    Smart entry in local retail markets for electricity and natural gas

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    Consider a market with switching costs that is initially served by a monopolistic incumbent. How can a competitor successfully enter this market? We show that an offer to undercut the incumbent by a fixed margin serves this purpose. This strategy dominates traditional entry where the entrant just offers a lower price because it restrains the ability of the incumbent to block entry by limit pricing. We also consider adding a price ceiling to insure customers against future price increases. While this has a strategic advantage in markets with elastic demand, it is too risky if substantial cost increases are possible. -- Die vorliegende Arbeit hat zwei Anliegen. Zum einem analysiert sie die konkrete Markteintrittsstrategie von E WIE EINFACH für die bislang von lokalen Monopolen beherrschten Endverbrauchermärkte für Strom und Erdgas. Zum anderen liefert sie einen allgemeinen Beitrag zur theoretischen Analyse von Markteintrittsstrategien in Märkten mit Wechselkosten. Die Besonderheit der Markteintrittsstrategie von E WIE EINFACH besteht darin, anstatt eines eigenständigen Preisangebots den Preis des lokalen Grundversorgers um eine feste Marge zu unterbieten. Ergänzt wurde diese Strategie bis vor kurzem durch die Garantie einer Preisobergrenze auf dem Niveau des bei Vertragsschluss resultierenden Preises. Wir zeigen zunächst, dass die Strategie mit einer festen Marge dem traditionellen Eintritt mit anschließendem Preiswettbewerb überlegen ist, da dem etablierten Unternehmen die Möglichkeit genommen wird, mittels der impliziten Androhung einer Preissenkung (Limit Pricing) den Markteintritt zu verhindern. Ein solches Limit Pricing ist bei Wechselkosten deswegen möglich, da hier der etablierte Wettbewerber einen Preis über den Grenzkosten festlegen kann. Eine genauere Analyse bei elastischer Nachfrage zeigt, dass das etablierte Unternehmen zwar den Markteintritt nicht durch eine Senkung des Preises verhindern kann, dass aber eine Erhöhung des Preises bei gegebener Marge den Wechselvorteil der Konsumenten verringeren und dadurch potentiell einen Wechsel unattraktiv machen könnte. Der Neueintreter kann diese Strategie jedoch zum einen durch die Festlegung einer höheren Marge unattraktiv machen oder -was die pro?tablerer Lösung ist -durch die Kombination von Marge und Preisobergrenze der Verhinderung des Markteintritts durch Preiserhöhung den Boden entziehen. Während sich mit diesen Überlegungen die ursprünglich gewählte Markteintrittsstrategie von E WIE EINFACH ökonomisch begründen lässt, muss für die Erklärung der Aufgabe der Preisobergrenze eine Analyse mit unsicheren Kosten herangezogen werden. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass die Preisobergrenze bei (deutlich) steigenden Bescha?ungskosten (und damit Gleichgewichtspreisen) problematisch sein kann: Es sind dann nicht nur geringere erwartete Gewinne als bei Festlegung einer Marge ohne Preisobergrenze möglich, sondern es kann ex post sogar zu Verlusten kommen. Vor dem Hintergrund der beobachtbaren Kostenentwicklung -insbesondere im Erdgasmarkt -ist darum gut erklärbar, wieso die Strategieanpassung erfolgt ist. In Bezug auf die zweite Fragestellung zeigt die Arbeit eine grundsätzliche Möglichkeit der Selbstbindung beim Markteintritt auf, die auch in anderen Märkten der Überwindung von Markteintrittsbarrieren dienen könnte.Entry strategies,Price competition,Electricity,Natural gas,Markteintrittsstrategien,Preiswettbewerb,Strommarkt,Erdgasmarkt

    Modulation-frequency acts as a primary cue for auditory stream segregation

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    In our surrounding acoustic world sounds are produced by different sources and interfere with each other before arriving to the ears. A key function of the auditory system is to provide consistent and robust descriptions of the coherent sound groupings and sequences (auditory objects), which likely correspond to the various sound sources in the environment. This function has been termed auditory stream segregation. In the current study we tested the effects of separation in the frequency of amplitude modulation on the segregation of concurrent sound sequences in the auditory stream-segregation paradigm (van Noorden 1975). The aim of the study was to assess 1) whether differential amplitude modulation would help in separating concurrent sound sequences and 2) whether this cue would interact with previously studied static cues (carrier frequency and location difference) in segregating concurrent streams of sound. We found that amplitude modulation difference is utilized as a primary cue for the stream segregation and it interacts with other primary cues such as frequency and location difference

    Szókincsfejlesztő drámajátékok a kisgyermekkori idegennyelv-oktatásban

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    I strongly believe that with the help of drama pedagogy we can make our lessons much more enjoyable and - what is more important - more efficient Teaching of a foreign language in the first two years of elementary school is focused on the primary language skills: listening and speaking. Student don’t read or write. In these years the emphasis of language teaching is on expanding vocabulary. As a result of the characteristics of this age simple drama games can be used in many ways to develop student’s vocabulary. I wanted to show three of the countless possibilities with some variations. The shown activities can be useful at the stage of the practice first of all

    Symmachus : Levelek Praetextatushoz

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    A 4. századi római arisztokrácia világába engednek bepillantást Symmachus azon levelei, amelyeket Vettius Agorius Praetextatushoz írt. A nagy tiszteletnek örvendő senator, a régi római vallás egyik legnagyobb védelmezője Symmachus mentora és kedves barátja volt. A hozzá szóló levelek, amelyek képet adnak a korszak előkelőinek elfoglaltságairól, életmódjáról és mentalitásáról, először jelennek meg jegyzetekkel kísért magyar fordításban