21 research outputs found

    Language audit in the management of language and cultural competences : research on the European Program Children's University ‘Little Polyglot’

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    PURPOSE: Identification of key factors in the balance of language competences of school-age children during the COVID-19 pandemic.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Statistical techniques and machine learning framework for NET were used in the analysis. The following were used to transform the data: one-hot encoding, replace missing value, normalize the mean variance data transformation, L-BFGS Logistic Regression algorithm (for the first model) and SDCA regression algorithm (for the second model).FINDINGS: The results indicate disproportions in improving English language competences as a result of the reorganization (change of the teaching model) by COVID-19. The average result of the knowledge test dropped by 19-21 percentage points in relation to the first test carried out as part of the language competency audit and, at the same time, by 15-17 percentage points in relation to the test as part of the placement language audit. In the course of remote learning, the disproportions in increasing competences between students increased approximately twice. These disproportions were influenced not only by the test results and the age of the student, but also the financial situation of the student and teacher.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The results obtained are important both for scientific institutions and teaching institutions, but also for economic practice. Results provide information that could be implemented in language education curricula, management of competences from the very beginning of education and cultural communication. The added value of this approach is to find gaps and weaknesses that can be eliminated in order to improve sustainable education.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The originality of the study consists in combining different test methods to conduct a language audit in the management of language competences. On the one hand, methods using artificial intelligence were used. On the other hand, qualitative and quantitative methods and dedicated to didactic evaluation. This is a novel approach, as it combines embedding research alongside trends that are now seen in similar issues.peer-reviewe

    Wstępna identyfikacja zaburzeń mowy - przesiewy logopedyczne w praktyce nauczyciela

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    The subject of the article is the role of speech disorder screening in speech and language therapy (SLT) prevention and intervention. The authors presented a detailed account of the screening test Testing instrument for kindergarten aged children screening, supplementing it with a classification of norms according to which a child is assessed, as well as the examples of various speech aspects tests. The article emphasizes the possibilities of preventive impact in teacher work

    Państwo i społeczeństwo w XXI wieku. Style myślenia politycznego Polaków na progu XXI stulecia. Akcenty retro- i prospektywne

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    Słowo wstępne: "W kształtowaniu tożsam ości ideowej III R zeczpospolitej uczest­niczą przedstawiciele różnych nurtów ideowych i orientacji politycz­nych. Są wśród nich socjaliści, upom inający się o niezalatw ione kwe­stie społeczne, ludowcy i agraryści, odzyskujący swoje miejsce na wsi z hasłam i „żywią, bronią i gospodarują”, i chrześcijańscy dem okraci, apelujący w stylu „niech każdy robi w swoim kręgu co każe duch boży a całość jakoś się ułoży” oraz nieliczni konserwatyści-zachowawcy, przypominający o zasadniczych wartościach życia publicznego (tra­dycji, rodzinie, religii i własności pryw atnej) a także narodow i dem o­kraci z pakietem uwspółcześnionych „myśli nowoczesnego Polaka”. W ich dążeniach do uspraw nienia państw a i uporządkow ania życia publicznego, jak i wyobrażeniach o sam orządnej III R P uwidaczniają się idee, poglądy i koncepcje, słowem - styl m yślenia politycznego minionych generacji, zwłaszcza pokolenia II Rzeczpospolitej."(...

    Państwo, gospodarka, społeczeństwo w integrującej się Europie TOM 1

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    Ze wstępu: "III Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa, jaką w pierwszych dniach czerwca 2003 roku zorganizowała Krakowska Szkoła Wyższa, poświęcona była uczczeniu wyjątkowego jubileuszu 500-lecia urodzin jej patrona - Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego. Jednak to nie myśl polityczna tego wielkiego Polaka i reformatora stała się wiodącym tematem konferencji. W centrum zainteresowań znalazły się zagadnienia 0 wiele bardziej aktualne, dotyczące bowiem integracji europejskiej. Problematyka tym bardziej żywotna, gdyż dotykająca bieżącego życia politycznego - zwłaszcza w kontekście referendum akcesyjnego, które odbyło się w równy tydzień po konferencji. Tak więc jej uczestnicy mieli doskonałą okazję do podjęcia interesujących rozważań związanych z perspektywą rozwoju państwa, gospodarki i społeczeństwa w warunkach integracji europejskiej."(...

    Životinje u frazeološkom ruhu

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    Životinje u frazeološkom ruhu zbornik je većega dijela radova izloženih na međunarodnom znanstvenom skupu Animalistički frazemi u slavenskim jezicima. Skup je održan 21. i 22. ožujka 2014. godine na zagrebačkom Filozofskom fakultetu u sklopu istoimenoga istraživanja kojem je Sveučilište u Zagrebu dodijelilo potporu u studenom 2013. godine. Na skupu je sudjelovalo 49 znanstvenika: 22 iz Hrvatske te 27 iz Bosne i Hercegovine, Bugarske, Mađarske, Makedonije, Poljske, Slovačke i Slovenije. Zbornik sadržava recenzirane znanstvene radove u kojima se propituje zastupljenost naziva životinja u različitim frazeološkim jedinicama slavenskih, ali i romanskih te germanskih jezika, ukazuje na njihovu pragmatičnu i kulturološku važnost te pruža uvid u suvremene frazeološke tendencije primijenjene i na odabranu skupinu frazema. (iz Predgovora / Ivana Vidović Bolt

    Developing the child's multilingualism: the concept of concurrent foreign language learning at the Mały Poliglota Children's University

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    The author of this paper provides a detailed discussion on the idea of teaching foreign languages to children and youth in the aspect of developing bi- and multilingualism. The main aim of this article is to present the concept of concurrent foreign language learning that has been pursued by the Mały Poliglota Children’s University at the Faculty of Philology at the University of Szczecin (Poland) since 2012. The article involves a description of the concept of the Mały Poliglota Children’s University with due account of the latest research in the field of language education and guidelines of modern language policy (in the European Union and in Poland). The paper presents methodological solutions which have been applied and the obtained implementation results. Moreover, the author refers to the specificity of teaching in a unique region of Poland, namely, West Pomerania, a border area, and discusses local conditions that affect the suggested foreign language teaching offer. The main idea of the creators of the Mały Poliglota Children’s University is to promote and develop the child’s and young people’s multilingualism by allowing them to participate in regular professional language classes organized at a higher education institution, conducted by well-qualified language instructors – academic teachers, and implemented based on the original curricula. The project concept covers concurrent teaching of two foreign languages supported by cultural and general development activities. Educational offer of Mały Poliglota currently involves the following language groups: English and Russian, German and Spanish, and Norwegian and Italian. This offer not only makes the Mały Poliglota Children’s University stand out in the market of language classes for the youngest in Szczecin but is also unique in Poland. The described principles are currently implemented as part of the Mały Poliglota Children’s University project, co-financed by the European Union with the funds of the European Social Fund (project no. POWR.03.01.00-00-U032/17)

    On the linguistic convention of a journey in the Radio Szczecin programme “Time machine”

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    Niniejszy artykuł został poświęcony językowej konwencji podróży realizowanej w audycjach radiowych „Machina czasu”, wyemitowanych na antenie Radia Szczecin w latach 2012–2015. Łącznie analizie poddano 165 programów o średniej długości 55 minut. Materiał badawczy został zgromadzony w postaci nagrań oraz transkrypcji. Zastosowano leksykalno-semantyczną metodę opisu tekstu radiowego. Dzięki prowadzonej analizie można stwierdzić, że cały program utrzymany jest w konwencji podróży, o czym świadczy zarówno podejmowana w nim tematyka, jak i liczne środki językowo-stylistyczne. W artykule zamieszczono cytaty pochodzące z audycji, co umożliwiło ukazanie omawianych subtelności komunikacji językowej w szerokim kontekście.The subject of the article is the linguistic convention of a journey used in the Radio Szczecin programme “Time machine” broadcasted in 2012–2015. Altogether 165 broadcastings were analysed of average length of 55 minutes each. The research material was collected in the form of the recordings and transcriptions. A lexical-pragmatic method of description of the radio text was used to identify the lexis specific to the selected problems and point to its pragmatic functions. The whole programme adopted the convention of a journey, which is visible both in its subject-matter and in a wide range of the linguistic and stylistic devices. The article contains the quotations from the analysed broadcastings, thereby demonstrating the discussed nuances of language communication in a broad context

    Linguistic creation of city in Bambino by Inga Iwasiów

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    The article describes the linguistic mechanisms that create an image of Szczecin in the novel Bambino by Inga Iwasiów. The subject of examination are lexical and phraseological forms and word interactions which present an image of the city in three dimensions: spatial, social and both: historical and cultural. This lexical and semantic circle was made up by the names, usage of selected colloquial lexemes and non-standard verbal collocations. Linguistic mechanisms are various and contain also specifi c evaluation of used forms. The article is concluded with the observation that linguistic creation of Szczecin in analyzed novel is a multiaspectual and subjective construction

    The functions of colors in the novel Bambino by Inga Iwasiów

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    The aim of this paper is to isolate and characterize linguistic expressions with components of color names contained in the novel Bambino by Inga Iwasiów. In the article is used a linguistic and stylistic method of analysis literary texts. It should fi rst be noted that in the novel there is no a lot of color names. The most common color name is red (27x), then – white (25x), grey (17x), black (12x) and green (10x). Other names of the colors have been used less than ten times. In the novel Bambino names of colors were used – mostly – in the contexts established in the Polish culture. The key word is the gray color which takes particular importance in the analyzed novel. Other colors – even appearing occasionally – are important for the creation of the world presented in the novel