72 research outputs found
Czy z wiekiem stajemy się bardziej inteligentni emocjonalnie? Przetwarzanie informacji o emocjach w wieku młodzieńczym i średniej dorosłości
Age differences in emotional intelligence – are we getting better? Processing of emotional information in adolescence and mature age This study examined relationships between age and the ability to process emotional information. Emotion processing is defined as the ability to organize and represent emotional experience and includes the ability to recognize and label facial expressions of basic emotions, the ability to express emotions, and the ability to regulate the intensity with which emotions are perceived and experienced (Bland, Williams, Scharer, Manning, 2004). The ability to process emotional information is a basic concept of emotional intelligence (Mayer, Caruso, Salovey, 1999). The participants were 77 (37 females and 40 males) in two groups: adolescents (N=38) and middle-aged (N=39). Processing emotional information was measured by Processing of Emotional Information Test (Szczygieł, 2002), based on the theory of cognitive representation of emotion (Maruszewski, Ścigała, 1995). Hypotheses related to age differences, implying that older people process emotional information more accurately than younger was supported in relation to processing of more complex and differentiated material (nonverbal feature). The interpretation of results was performed in reference to the theory of socioemotional selectivity and the concept of postformal thinking. Socioemotional selectivity theory (Carstensen, 1995; Carstensen,Isaacowitz, & Charles, 1999) asserts that changes in the life of older adults result from motivational changes. The concept of postformal thinking assumes a progression in thinking from dualistic or absolutist thought to more subjectively determined modes of thinking in which the relativistic and/or dialectical nature of knowledge is more thoroughly understood (Labouvie-Vief, Diehl, 2000; Kielar-Turska, 2000; Gurba, 2006)
Inteligencja emocjonalna i powodzenie szkolne
Emotional inteligence and school achievmentAccording to popular opinion emotional intelligence (EI) predicts success at school, at work and in relationships as well or better than IQ. However, little research exists to support or refute that claim. This article examines the role of EI in school achievement. The subjects were 58 pupils (25 females and 33 males). School achievement was operationalized in two ways: firstly, as academic success and, secondly, as sociometric measurements of the ability to empathize with others and understand one’s own emotions. Sociometric nominations were completed by schoolmates. EI was measured with a Polish version (Jaworowska, Matczak, 2001) of the Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale (SEIS: Schutte, Malouff, Hall, Haggerty, Cooper, Golden, Dornheim, 1998) and a Polish version (Szczygieł, Kolańczyk, 2001) of the Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale (LEAS: Lane, Quinlan, Schwartz, Walker, Zeitlin, 1990). The SEIS is a measure of perceived EI in terms of individuals’ beliefs about their own emotional abilities. The LEAS is a verbal measure of emotional awareness. General intelligence and personality dimensions were controlled. The results of the study indicated that EI accounts for variance in academic success, and emotional awareness accounts for the number of sociometric nominations concerning empathy and ability to understand one’s own emotions. The research confirmed incremental validity of measures of EI above the level attributable to personality traits.
Wpływ przebytej rekonstrukcji więzadła krzyżowego przedniego na akcelerometryczną analizę chodu
Wstęp: Uszkodzenia ACL - obok uszkodzeń więzadeł pobocznych, łąkotek stawu kolanowego - należą do jednych z najczęstszych obrażeń stawu kolanowego, wymagających bardzo często rekonstrukcji chirurgicznej. Przywrócenie prawidłowego
wzorca chodu staje się głównym celem leczenia. Celem pracy była ocena wpływu przebytej rekonstrukcji więzadła krzyżowego przedniego (ACL) na wybrane parametry chodu w ocenie akcelerometrycznej.
Materiałi metody: W badaniach wzięły udział 34 osoby w wieku 18-54 lat. Do pierwszej grupy włączono 20 osób po przebytej rekonstrukcji ACL w wieku 19-54 lat (x =29 lat). Do drugiej grupy zakwalifikowano 14 zdrowych osób bez uszkodzeń narządu ruchu w wieku 18-45 lat (x =25,36 lat). Przeprowadzono analizę chodu we własnym oraz szybkim tempie przy użyciu
CQMotion Elektronik System typu MEMS.
Wyniki: W pierwszej grupie, u 75% osób w czasie chodu wolnego, a u 95% podczas chodu szybkiego, wykazano różnicę przekraczającą 5% między kończyną zdrową a poddaną rekonstrukcji ACL. Szybkość chodu miała wpływ na wartość przyspieszenia zaobserwowaną w wartościach RMS w obu grupach. Wartość RMS była różna w zależności o tempa chodu.
Wnioski: nioski: Akcelerometryczna analiza chodu pokazała, iż nie odnotowano dużych różnic w porównywanych wartościach
przyspieszenia pomiędzy kończynami, natomiast tempo chodu miało wpływ na wybrane parametry chodu.Introduction: ACL injuries - next to damage to the collateral ligaments, menisci of the knee - are the most common injuries
of the knee joint and very often require surgical treatment. The main aim of the treatment is to restore normal gait pattern.
The objective of this study was to determine the infl uence of reconstructed ACL on selected gait parameters by using an accelerometer system.
Material and methods: aterial and methods: The study involved 34 people aged 18-54 who were divided in two groups. The fi rst group consisted of 20 people after ACL reconstruction, aged 19-54 years old (mean 29). The second group consisted of 14 healthy people
between the age of 18-45 (mean 25.36). Gait analysis in normal and fast rate was performed using the CQMotion Electronik System, MEMS type.
Results: Differences in the results were observed in the fi rst group. In 75% of people during normal walking and in 95% during fast walking, a 5% difference between the healthy limb and the limb after ACL reconstruction was observed. The gait rate
had influence on acceleration value which was observed in RMS (Root Mean Square) values in both of the groups. The RMS
value was different, depending on the gait rate.
Conclusions: Accelerometric gait analysis shows that the differences in comparing rate values between limbs are not so great,
however, the gait pace has influence on some gait parameters
Postawa ciała a wybrane zmienne stabilometryczne u chorych na depresję
Wstęp: Pionowa postawa ciała wyróżnia człowieka spośród innych istot żywych. Wyznacza również specyficzne warunki dla ruchu.
Elementem łączącym zarówno postawę, jak i ruch jest stabilność. Polega ona na statycznym i dynamicznym równoważeniu destabilizujących sił grawitacji oraz bezwładności przez pobudzenie odpowiednich grup mięśniowych. Zakłócenia kontroli posturalnej mogą
być uwarunkowane różnymi czynnikami. Wśród nich wymieniany jest udział czynnika psychicznego. Celem przeprowadzonych badań
była analiza wybranych zmiennych charakteryzujących stabilność posturalną osób z depresją.
Materiał i metody: W badaniach wzięło udział 54 osoby, które przydzielono do dwóch grup. Do pierwszej grupy zakwalifikowano 28
pacjentów ze zdiagnozowaną depresją. Średnia wieku badanych wynosiła 37,25 +/- 3,88 lat. Do drugiej grupy zakwalifikowano 26
osób. Osoby te były w pełni zdrowe, rekrutowane z ogólnej populacji, u których wykluczono depresję i obniżenie nastroju. Średnia wieku badanych wynosiła 33,31 +/- 5,19 lat. Do badań oceniających stabilność wykorzystano platformę PEL 38 i oprogramowanie komputerowe TWIN 99.
Wyniki: Uzyskane wyniki różniły się istotnie między grupami w zakresie pięciu zmiennych: zmian oscylacji środka ciężkości w płaszczyźnie
czołowej i strzałkowej, średniego odchylenia w płaszczyźnie czołowej oraz w parametrach niestabilności: pola powierzchni i stosunku
długości do powierzchni. Grupa z depresją w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną uzyskała wyższe wartości 4 z 5 ocenianych parametrów.
Wnioski: Osoby z depresją cechuje zmniejszenie stabilności ciała w porównaniu do osób bez depresji.Introduction: A vertical posture distinguishes humans from other living beings. It also determines the specific conditions for movement.
The element which connects body posture and movement is stability. It is based on the static and dynamic balancing of the destabilising forces of gravity and inertia through stimulating the appropriate muscle groups. A disruption of postural control may be conditioned by various factors, among which the literature mentions mental health. The purpose of this study wasa comparative analysis
of selected variables characterising the postural stability of persons with depression.
Material and methods: The study involved fifty-four persons who were divided into two groups. The first group comprised 28 patients diagnosed with depression. The mean age of the participants was 37.25 +/- 3.88. The second group consisted of 26 completely healthy persons who were recruited from the general population, excluding persons with depression ora low mood. The mean age
of the participants was 33.31 +/- 5.19 years. The postural stability was assessed usinga PEL 38 posturographic platform and TWIN
99 computer software.
Results: The results differed significantly between the two groups with regard to five variables: oscillations of the centre of gravity in
the frontal and the sagittal planes, average deviation in the frontal plane, and deviations in the parameters of instability (the surface
area and the ratio of length to the surface area). It was observed that the group witha diagnosis of depression displayed higher values
in 4 out of 5 the evaluated parameters when compared to the control group.
Conclusions: Persons with depression are characterised bya reduced body stability compared to those who do not suffer from depression
Ocena grubości mięśnia poprzecznego brzucha oraz jakości życia u usprawnianych z powodu konfliktu korzeniowo-dyskowego kręgosłupa lędźwiowo-krzyżowego leczonych operacyjnie metodą resekcji krążka kręgowego
Wstęp: Celem pracy było określenie zależności pomiędzy zmianą grubości mięśnia poprzecznego brzucha (TrA) po przeprowadzonej terapii z elementami reedukacji stabilizacji centralnej, a zmniejszeniem dolegliwości bólowych i jakością życia u chorych po przebytej resekcji krążka międzykręgowego kręgosłupa LS.
Materiałi metody: Grupę badaną stanowiło 30 chorych (17 kobiet i 13 mężczyzn) w wieku 28-87 lat (58 ±15 lat) przebywających na turnusie rehabilitacyjnym. Wszyscy badani przebyli resekcję krążka międzykręgowego na poziomie LS w latach od
2012 do 2016 roku. U wszystkich włączonych do badania dokonano oceny ultrasonograficznej grubości mięśnia TrA, współczynnika aktywacji, procentowej zmiany grubości mięśnia, oceny jakości życia SF-36, oceny komponenty bólowej w skali VAS
oraz do oceny sprawności wykorzystano skalę Barthel. Wszyscy badani zostali skierowani na 3-tygodniową terapię połączoną
z reedukacją kontroli motorycznej uwzględniającą trening mięśni głębokich. Badania wykonano przed i po przeprowadzonej
fizjoterapii w oparciu o autorski program ćwiczeń.
Wyniki i wnioski: Procent zmiany grubości mięśnia TrA w pierwszym badaniu wynosił 15,84 ±0,1 %, natomiast po leczeniu
16,09 ±0,13 %. Między pomiarami nie odnotowano istotnie statystycznie różnic. W ocenie jakości życia pacjenci w pierwszym badaniu uzyskiwali średni wynik 113,23 ±28,07 pkt., natomiast w drugim 85,1 ±27,05 pkt. Różnica między wynikami
była wysoce istotna statystycznie (p<0,001). Ocena komponenty bólowej w skali VAS wynosiła średnio w pierwszym badaniu 4,3 ±0,83 pkt., z kolei po interwencji 2,83 ±1,04 pkt. Różnica w pomiarach była wysoce istotna statystycznie (p<0,001).
Ocena poziomu niepełnosprawności za pomocą skali Barthel ze średnim wynikiem 93,66 ±8,4 pkt. wykonana w badaniu
pierwszym świadczyła o pełnej sprawności badanych osób. Przeprowadzona u chorych operowanych z powodu konfliktu korzeniowo-dyskowego kręgosłupa LS autorska terapia, wpływa korzystnie na zmianę grubości mięśnia TrA zarówno w skurczu
jak i w spoczynku, wpływa również na obniżenie poziomu dolegliwości bólowych i poprawia jakość życia.Purpose: The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between the changes in abdominal transverse muscle thickness (TrA) after therapy that included elements of reeducation of central stabilisation, and pain reduction as well as quality of
patients’ life after intervertebral disc resection of lumbar spine.
Material and methods: The study group consisted of 30 patients (17 women and 13 men) aged 28-87 (58 ± 15) participating
in a rehabilitation stay. All subjects underwent intervertebral disc resection (LS level) within the years 2012-2016. All subjects
included in the study underwent ultrasound evaluation of the thickness of the TrA muscle, evaluation of activation ratio, percentage change in muscle thickness, evaluation of the quality of life with SF-36, assessment of pain components on the VAS
scale and level of disability using the Barthel index. All the subjects were referred to a 3-week therapy programme combined
with motor control re-education including deep muscle training. The tests were performed before and after the physiotherapy
on the basis of the original exercise programme.
Results and conclusions: esults and conclusions: The percentage of TrA muscle thickness change in the first exam was 15.84 ±0.1%, and 16.09 ±0.13%
after treatment. There were no statistically significant differences between the measurements. In the assessment of quality of life,
patients in the first exam reached the score of 113.23 ±28.07 points, whereas in the second one - 85.1 ±27.05 points. The difference between the results was statistically significant (p<0.001). Pain components on the VAS scale were assessed at 4.3 ±0.83
points on average in the former exam, and 2.83 ±1.04 points in the latter one. The difference in measurements was statistically
significant (p<0.001). The assessment of the level of disability using the Barthel scale with an average score of 93.66 ±8.4 points,
conducted in the first exam, indicated that the studied persons were characterised by full efficiency. The original therapy, carried
out among subjects operated on due to disc-root conflict of the LS spine, has a positive effect on the thickness of the TrA muscle
both in contraction and at rest, and also reduces the level of pain while improving quality of life
Aiming to be perfect parents increases the risk of parental burnout, but emotional competence mitigates it
editorial reviewedParenting perfectionism, especially the dimension of perfectionistic concerns—preoccupation with self-criticism including concern over mistakes and doubts about own behaviors—, has been shown to be a weighty factor for parental burnout. Drawing on the Balance between Risks and Resources (BR2) theory of parental burnout, this paper examines whether emotional competence could moderate/buffer the effect of parenting perfectionism on parental burnout. We investigated this question in two independent samples of parents collected in Belgium (N = 347) and Poland (N = 377). The results of both studies show that emotional competence cancels out the detrimental effect of perfectionistic concerns on parental burnout. Beyond its contribution to parenting perfectionism and emotional competence literatures, the present article also provides further evidence of the potential of the BR2 theory of parental burnout
Parenting with a smile: Display rules, regulatory effort, and parental burnout
peer reviewedPositive parenting prescriptions prevailing in Western countries encourage parents to regulate their emotions and, more specifically, to show more positive emotion to their children and control negative emotions while parenting. The beneficial effect of this practice on child development has been much documented, but its possible costs for parents have been much less researched. The current study borrowed the well-known emotional labor framework from organizational psychology to examine this issue. We sought to answer five questions in particular: (1) Do parents perceive display rules? (i.e., do they feel pressured to up-regulate positive emotions and down-regulate negative emotions while parenting?) (2) Do parents make regulatory efforts to comply with these rules? (3) Is this costly? (4) Is it possible that these regulatory efforts are associated with higher risk of parental burnout? (5) Are there strategies that render this effort less costly? We investigated these questions in a sample of 347 parents. The results revealed that parents perceive emotional display rules, which were associated with more regulatory efforts and then a higher vulnerability to parental burnout. How parents meet display rules also matters, in that regulating emotions superficially (i.e., surface acting) is more detrimental than regulating genuinely (i.e., deep acting). Overall, these results support the translation of the emotional labor framework to the parenting context, which helps us understand how external pressures on parents may increase parental burnout
Pneumocystis jirovecii colonization in preterm newborns with respiratory distress syndrome
© The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, e-mail: [email protected] describe the prevalence of Pneumocystis jirovecii in mother-infant pairs of very low birth weight newborns <32 weeks gestation. Molecular and microscopic methods were used for detection of P. jirovecii in patients' specimens. Pneumocystis DNA was detected in eight nasopharyngeal aspirates (14%) of 56 newborns and in seven oral washes (21%) of 34 mothers. Pneumocystis detection immediately after birth suggests the possibility of its transplacental transmission. Comparing to non-colonized infants, more frequent occurrence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia was seen in colonized ones (P=0.02), suggesting a potential clinical importance of this pathogen in abnormal lung development.publishersversionpublishe
The Absolute Magnitude of RRc Variables From Statistical Parallax
We present the first definitive measurement of the absolute magnitude of RR
Lyrae c-type variable stars (RRc) determined purely from statistical parallax.
We use a sample of 247 RRc selected from the All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS)
for which high-quality light curves, photometry and proper motions are
available. We obtain high-resolution echelle spectra for these objects to
determine radial velocities and abundances as part of the Carnegie RR Lyrae
Survey (CARRS). We find that M_(V,RRc) = 0.52 +/- 0.11 at a mean metallicity of
[Fe/H] = -1.59. This is to be compared with previous estimates for RRab stars
(M_(V,RRab) = 0.75 +/- 0.13 and the only direct measurement of an RRc absolute
magnitude (RZ Cephei, M_(V, RRc) = 0.27 +/- 0.17). We find the bulk velocity of
the halo to be (W_pi, W_theta, W_z) = (10.9,34.9,7.2) km/s in the radial,
rotational and vertical directions with dispersions (sigma_(W_pi),
sigma_(W_theta), sigma_(W_z)) = (154.7, 103.6, 93.8) km/s. For the disk, we
find (W_pi, W_theta, W_z) = (8.5, 213.2, -22.1) km/s with dispersions
(sigma_(W_pi), sigma_(W_theta), sigma_(W_z)) = (63.5, 49.6, 51.3) km/s.
Finally, we suggest that UCAC2 proper motion errors may be overestimated by
about 25%Comment: Submitted to ApJ. 11 pages including 6 figure
Discovery of the 2010 Eruption and the Pre-Eruption Light Curve for Recurrent Nova U Scorpii
We report the discovery by B. G. Harris and S. Dvorak on JD 2455224.9385
(2010 Jan 28.4385 UT) of the predicted eruption of the recurrent nova U Scorpii
(U Sco). We also report on 815 magnitudes (and 16 useful limits) on the
pre-eruption light curve in the UBVRI and Sloan r' and i' bands from 2000.4 up
to 9 hours before the peak of the January 2010 eruption. We found no
significant long-term variations, though we did find frequent fast variations
(flickering) with amplitudes up to 0.4 mag. We show that U Sco did not have any
rises or dips with amplitude greater than 0.2 mag on timescales from one day to
one year before the eruption. We find that the peak of this eruption occurred
at JD 2455224.69+-0.07 and the start of the rise was at JD 2455224.32+-0.12.
From our analysis of the average B-band flux between eruptions, we find that
the total mass accreted between eruptions is consistent with being a constant,
in agreement with a strong prediction of nova trigger theory. The date of the
next eruption can be anticipated with an accuracy of +-5 months by following
the average B-band magnitudes for the next ~10 years, although at this time we
can only predict that the next eruption will be in the year 2020+-2.Comment: Astronomical Journal submitted, 36 pages, 3 figures, full table
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