1,769 research outputs found

    Closed classes of functions, generalized constraints and clusters

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    Classes of functions of several variables on arbitrary non-empty domains that are closed under permutation of variables and addition of dummy variables are characterized in terms of generalized constraints, and hereby Hellerstein's Galois theory of functions and generalized constraints is extended to infinite domains. Furthermore, classes of operations on arbitrary non-empty domains that are closed under permutation of variables, addition of dummy variables and composition are characterized in terms of clusters, and a Galois connection is established between operations and clusters.Comment: 21 page

    Characterization of preclones by matrix collections

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    Preclones are described as the closed classes of the Galois connection induced by a preservation relation between operations and matrix collections. The Galois closed classes of matrix collections are also described by explicit closure conditions.Comment: 11 page

    Vertex dynamics during domain growth in three-state models

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    Topological aspects of interfaces are studied by comparing quantitatively the evolving three-color patterns in three different models, such as the three-state voter, Potts and extended voter models. The statistical analysis of some geometrical features allows to explore the role of different elementary processes during distinct coarsening phenomena in the above models.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to be published in PR

    Phase transition and selection in a four-species cyclic Lotka-Volterra model

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    We study a four species ecological system with cyclic dominance whose individuals are distributed on a square lattice. Randomly chosen individuals migrate to one of the neighboring sites if it is empty or invade this site if occupied by their prey. The cyclic dominance maintains the coexistence of all the four species if the concentration of vacant sites is lower than a threshold value. Above the treshold, a symmetry breaking ordering occurs via growing domains containing only two neutral species inside. These two neutral species can protect each other from the external invaders (predators) and extend their common territory. According to our Monte Carlo simulations the observed phase transition is equivalent to those found in spreading models with two equivalent absorbing states although the present model has continuous sets of absorbing states with different portions of the two neutral species. The selection mechanism yielding symmetric phases is related to the domain growth process whith wide boundaries where the four species coexist.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Flow properties of driven-diffusive lattice gases: theory and computer simulation

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    We develop n-cluster mean-field theories (0 < n < 5) for calculating the flow properties of the non-equilibrium steady-states of the Katz-Lebowitz-Spohn model of the driven diffusive lattice gas, with attractive and repulsive inter-particle interactions, in both one and two dimensions for arbitrary particle densities, temperature as well as the driving field. We compare our theoretical results with the corresponding numerical data we have obtained from the computer simulations to demonstrate the level of accuracy of our theoretical predictions. We also compare our results with those for some other prototype models, notably particle-hopping models of vehicular traffic, to demonstrate the novel qualitative features we have observed in the Katz-Lebowitz-Spohn model, emphasizing, in particular, the consequences of repulsive inter-particle interactions.Comment: 12 RevTex page

    Variability of M giant stars based on Kepler photometry: general characteristics

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    M giants are among the longest-period pulsating stars which is why their studies were traditionally restricted to analyses of low-precision visual observations, and more recently, accurate ground-based data. Here we present an overview of M giant variability on a wide range of time-scales (hours to years), based on analysis of thirteen quarters of Kepler long-cadence observations (one point per every 29.4 minutes), with a total time-span of over 1000 days. About two-thirds of the sample stars have been selected from the ASAS-North survey of the Kepler field, with the rest supplemented from a randomly chosen M giant control sample. We first describe the correction of the light curves from different quarters, which was found to be essential. We use Fourier analysis to calculate multiple frequencies for all stars in the sample. Over 50 stars show a relatively strong signal with a period equal to the Kepler-year and a characteristic phase dependence across the whole field-of-view. We interpret this as a so far unidentified systematic effect in the Kepler data. We discuss the presence of regular patterns in the distribution of multiple periodicities and amplitudes. In the period-amplitude plane we find that it is possible to distinguish between solar-like oscillations and larger amplitude pulsations which are characteristic for Mira/SR stars. This may indicate the region of the transition between two types of oscillations as we move upward along the giant branch.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. The normalized light curves are available upon reques

    Causation, Measurement Relevance and No-conspiracy in EPR

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    In this paper I assess the adequacy of no-conspiracy conditions employed in the usual derivations of the Bell inequality in the context of EPR correlations. First, I look at the EPR correlations from a purely phenomenological point of view and claim that common cause explanations of these cannot be ruled out. I argue that an appropriate common cause explanation requires that no-conspiracy conditions are re-interpreted as mere common cause-measurement independence conditions. In the right circumstances then, violations of measurement independence need not entail any kind of conspiracy (nor backwards in time causation). To the contrary, if measurement operations in the EPR context are taken to be causally relevant in a specific way to the experiment outcomes, their explicit causal role provides the grounds for a common cause explanation of the corresponding correlations.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur

    Compositional Inversion Symmetry Breaking in Ferroelectric Perovskites

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    Ternary cubic perovskite compounds of the form A_(1/3)A'_(1/3)A''_(1/3)BO_3 and AB_(1/3)B'_(1/3)B''_(1/3)O_3, in which the differentiated cations form an alternating series of monolayers, are studied using first-principles methods. Such compounds are representative of a possible new class of materials in which ferroelectricity is perturbed by compositional breaking of inversion symmetry. For isovalent substitution on either sublattice, the ferroelectric double-well potential is found to persist, but becomes sufficiently asymmetric that minority domains may no longer survive. The strength of the symmetry breaking is enormously stronger for heterovalent substitution, so that the double-well behavior is completely destroyed. Possible means of tuning between these behaviors may allow for the optimization of resulting materials properties.Comment: 4 pages, two-column style with 3 postscript figures embedded. Uses REVTEX and epsf macros. Also available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~dhv/preprints/index.html#sai_is

    Friedmann branes with variable tension

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    We introduce brane-worlds with non-constant tension, strenghtening the analogy with fluid membranes, which exhibit a temperature-dependence according to the empirical law established by E\"otv\"os. This new degree of freedom allows for evolving gravitational and cosmological constants, the latter being a natural candidate for dark energy. We establish the covariant dynamics on a brane with variable tension in full generality, by considering asymmetrically embedded branes and allowing for non-standard model fields in the 5-dimensional space-time. Then we apply the formalism for a perfect fluid on a Friedmann brane, which is embedded in a 5-dimensional charged Vaidya-Anti de Sitter space-time.Comment: 12 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Vortex dynamics in a three-state model under cyclic dominance

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    The evolution of domain structure is investigated in a two-dimensional voter model with three states under cyclic dominance. The study focus on the dynamics of vortices, defined by the points where three states (domains) meet. We can distinguish vortices and antivortices which walk randomly and annihilate each other. The domain wall motion can create vortex-antivortex pairs at a rate which is increased by the spiral formation due to the cyclic dominance. This mechanism is contrasted with a branching annihilating random walk (BARW) in a particle antiparticle system with density dependent pair creation rate. Numerical estimates for the critical indices of the vortex density (β=0.29(4)\beta=0.29(4)) and of its fluctuation (γ=0.34(6)\gamma=0.34(6)) improve an earlier Monte Carlo study [Tainaka and Itoh, Europhys. Lett. 15, 399 (1991)] of the three-state cyclic voter model in two dimensions.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, to appear in PR