24 research outputs found
Potensi Energi Angin (Studi Kasus Pemanfaatan Energi Angin untuk WilayahKodya Makassar dan Sekitarnya)
The mean hourly wind speed in the year of 1997 at the city of Makassar has been analyzed by Weibull distribution. The analysis shows the wind is generally light and irregular and the distribution has a relatively high dispersion, since the values of Weibull parameters: the shape factor k and scale factor c are 1.52 and 4.91 respectively. The average wind speed 4.42 knot (2.27 m/s). The necessary calculations of the output of windmill for water pumping on the basis of wind regime data are explained. From the cost consideration, the price of water supply by windmill is higher than by the electric pump set. It is clear that the use of windmill for water pumping is not attractive as alternative energy utilization.
Keywords: Wind energy, Weibull function, shape and scale factor
Utilization of Wind Energy, the Case Study on Analyzing Hourly Wind Data at the City of Makassar and its Surroundings
The one-year of mean hourly wind speed recorded in the year of 1997 at the city of Makassar and its surroundings have been analyzed by using Weibull distribution. The analysis shows that the wind is generally light and irregular and the distribution is relatively high dispersion, since the values of Weibull parameters ie: factor k and factor c are 1.52 and 4.91 knots respectively. The average wind speed 4.42 knots (2.27 m/s). The necessary calculations of the annual output of windmill for water pumping are explained. From the cost consideration, the price of water supply by windmill is higher than that by electric pump set. It is clear that the use of windmill for water pumping is not attractive as alternative energy utilization
Analisa Pengaruh Pendinginan Sel Surya Terhadap Daya Keluaran dan Efisiensi
Penelitian ini membahas pengaruh pendinginan sel surya dengan mengalirkan air pada bagian bawah panel terhadap daya keluaran, efisiensi. Besar daya dan efisiensi sel surya dapat diketahui dengan mengukur arus dan tegangan dengan multimeter. Seksi uji adalah sel surya dengan kapasitas 50 watt peak, yaitu sel surya berpendingin dan tanpa berpendingin. Data menunjukkan bahwa untuk sel surya berpendingin dengan debit aliran 150 ml/s dapat menghasilkan daya sebesar 36,51 W dengan efisiensi 8,11 %, sedangkan tanpa berpendingin daya keluaran 34,0 W dengan efisiensi 7,57 %. Tegangan pada open circuit voltage,Voc = 21,7 Volt dan arus pada shot circuit current, Isc = 2,54 Ampere, sedangkan tanpa berpendingin, Voc = 19,9 Volt dan Isc = 5,62 Ampere pada intensitas matahari 1190,7 W/m2.Kata Kunci : Sel surya, berpendingin, daya keluaran dan efisiensi
Pembuatan dan Pengujian Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro Turbin Banki Daya 200 Watt
The study aims to find out how to get start in fabricating Banki turbine of 200 watt in electical power capacity and determine the influence of fixed blade opening and dynamometer loading variation. This study was performed and examined directly in the laboratory of University of Muslim Indonesia Makassar, turbine rotation velocity, water capacity, were measured using hand tachometer, and manometer respectively. The fixed blade valve setting also performed during the test.The result of study show that fixed blade opening with load variation at constant rotation turbine produced maximum power as follows: fixed blade opening of 12o with 2 kg load in 550 rpm produced 72 watt of electrical power and maximum fixed blade opening of 20o with 5.2 kg load in 550 rpm produced 186 watt of electrical power
Aplikasi Aktuator Pneumatik sebagai Simulator Beban Dinamis Vertikal pada Mekanisme Suspensi Roda Kendaraan Seperempat
Driving comfort for riders and passengers is a keytarget to be achieved. Fluctuations in vehicle loads, bumps,perforated surfaces, and other road damage will greatly affectthe vehicle suspension working system. This study aims tocalculate the vertical dynamic load of the vehicle actually whichoccurs on road construction after through the vehicle wheelsuspension mechanism. The Pneumatic cylinder that was drivenby pressurized air directly weigh on the spring and ShockAbsorber that contained on the wheels of the vehicle. The loadfluctuations of the medium weight category vehicle aredetermined by the regulation of the amount of pressurized airentering into the pneumatic cylinder chamber pushing the pistonand connecting rods. The deviation that occurs duringcompression on the Spring and Shock Absorber, is substitutedinto the vehicle dynamic load equation by taking also themagnitude of the spring stiffness constant, and the fluid or gascoefficient of the damper. The results showed that the magnitudeof the displacement when the compression force worked hassignificantly influenced the amount of vertical dynamic load ofthe vehicle that overlies the road construction. Experimentalresults using pneumatic actuators instead of real dynamic vehicleloads illustrate the characteristics of the relationship betweenwork pressure and dynamic load. If the working pressure of P2(bar) is given great, the vertical dynamic load Ft (N) whichoverloads the structure of the road is also greater. From thegraph shows that shock absorbers have greater ability to reducedynamic load vertically when compared to spring ability