248 research outputs found

    Takotsubo cardiomyopathy vs acute myocardial infarction: diagnostic utility of subtle ECG differences

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    The clinical findings of Takatsubo Cardiomyopathy and acute myocardial infarction can be very similar. While Takatsubo cardiomyopathy rarely leads to severe complications, acute myocardial infarction can be life threatening. Treatment of both these conditions is different and so it is imperative for clinicians to have a high index of suspicion for either. Several EKG differences between the two entities have been proposed. This article summarizes the EKG changes most likely seen in Takatsubo cardiomyopathy and compares them to those seen in Acute Myocardial infarction

    IAA production and maize crop growth promoting potential of endophyte Aspergillus niger (AO11) under salt stress

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    Maize is cultivated under a broad range of soil conditions and environments. Maize is slightly vulnerable to salt stress and therefore it is seriously affected by soil salinity all over the world. Recognizing the responses of maize to salt stress and making a good strategy to overcome this problem could aid to develop solutions in saline areas to improve maize productivity. We investigated in this research the impacts, tolerance and salt stress management in corn. Many endophytic fungi can produce the Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is known for their role in plant growth and development both with and without salt stress conditions. The current study was focused on the production of IAA by endophytic fungi (Aspergillus niger) and maize seeds germination and promotion of seedling growth and vigor. In order to evaluate the defense response of maize plant, in relation to A. niger, an experiment was designed with three replications of treatments (control, salt stressed, salt stressed inoculated with A. niger, and only A. niger inoculated plants. It was determined that A. niger has the ability to produce the IAA in NaCl and KCl stress peaking 53 μg/ml and was not significantly by alternating the nitrogen and carbon sources in the nutrient broth but increasing the tryptophan concentration raised its production level. High concentration stress of sodium chloride and potassium chloride decrease maize plant seeds germination percentage, shoot and root length also affected the fresh and dry weight of maize. A. niger improves salt resistance in maize and also increased the germination percentage up to 30%, also improved the chlorophyll level and it was proved an effective approach for improving maize germination and growth under salt stress

    Giant Left Main Coronary Artery Aneurysm Presenting as Multiple Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Shocks

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    Giant aneurysms of the left main coronary artery are one of the rarest findings in cardiology, encountered in less than 0.02% of patients. The presentation is usually the same as coronary artery disease since most coronary aneurysms in the western world are associated with atherosclerosis. Here we report the first case of giant aneurysm of the left main coronary artery presenting as ventricular tachycardia with multiple shocks of the defibrillator in a 57-year-old man with heart failure. We also review the etiology, pathology, and management of coronary aneurysms

    A Time-Series Analysis of Economic Growth in the Context of Indian Economy

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    India has a sizable and successful consumer class, which is critical given that household consumption accounts for 60% of GDP. Total market value is calculated by adding the monetary or market values of all final goods and services produced inside a nation's borders. Additionally, the gross domestic product at market value (GDP at market value) may be employed to reflect this total market value. Total domestic production is defined in terms of GDP to assess the economy's health. GDP is computed on a quarterly or yearly basis, depending on the state of the economy at the moment. Human capital is a country's most important natural resource, and it must be used appropriately and acknowledged to accomplish long-term economic goals sustainably. India is the world's second-most populated nation, with 1.3 billion people behind China. According to the World Bank, India's global influence has grown in lockstep with its consistent economic success. Compared to wealthier nations, emerging countries have several obstacles, including a lack of infrastructure and a low per capita income. Another issue that has to be addressed is the growth of rural economic systems. According to some experts, India's current economic instability will culminate in an unprecedented economic boom, which they believe has already begun

    Exploring the Relationship of Network Centrality and Academic Performance of Female Students

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    This research endeavor aims to investigate the impact of network centrality (degree, closeness and betweenness) on academic performance (CGPA) of female students in an academic advice network. Where degree centrality refers to the number of direct links that an actor has with other actors, betweenness centrality refers to the degree to which an actor lies on the geodesic paths between other actors and closeness centrality focuses on how close a member is to all other members in network. Data was collected from 182 female students enrolled in various programs at a public sector University in Baluchistan through name generators for egocentric network by Burt. Techniques of correlation and standard multiple regression analysis are employed to test the hypotheses. The results of statistical analysis revealed that high degree and betweenness centrality leads to increase academic performance of students whereas higher closeness centrality leads to decrease academic performance. The result of the study has practical implications for students’ academic life: it will aid the female students to discover structural pattern of social ties of their advice network and enhance their tendency for forming more ties related with academic advices for the achievement of excellent academic performance

    Exploring the Relationship of Network Centrality and Academic Performance of Female Students

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    This research endeavor aims to investigate the impact of network centrality (degree, closeness and betweenness) on academic performance (CGPA) of female students in an academic advice network. Where degree centrality refers to the number of direct links that an actor has with other actors, betweenness centrality refers to the degree to which an actor lies on the geodesic paths between other actors and closeness centrality focuses on how close a member is to all other members in network. Data was collected from 182 female students enrolled in various programs at a public sector University in Baluchistan through name generators for egocentric network by Burt. Techniques of correlation and standard multiple regression analysis are employed to test the hypotheses. The results of statistical analysis revealed that high degree and betweenness centrality leads to increase academic performance of students whereas higher closeness centrality leads to decrease academic performance. The result of the study has practical implications for students’ academic life: it will aid the female students to discover structural pattern of social ties of their advice network and enhance their tendency for forming more ties related with academic advices for the achievement of excellent academic performance

    Anthropometric measurements as a risk for hypertensive disorders in pregnancy: a hospital based study in South Asian population

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    Objectives: To determine the relationship between pregnancy induced hypertensive diseases and obesity. Methods: A retrospective case controlled study was performed at Aga Khan University Hospital including records from July 2000 to June 2005. All women developing hypertension with or without proteinuria after 20 weeks of pregnancy (n = 218) were included. Categories of pregnancy induced hypertensive diseases (PIHD) were defined according to National high blood pressure working group and ACOG committee bulletin. Controls were selected randomly with a ratio of 1:1.7 between cases and controls. Results: The estimated prevalence of pre-eclampsia in our institution is 1.9%. Earlier reports suggested mostly non-Asian women primigravida were more likely to develop gestational hypertension when compared with multigravidae (p-value = 0.004). Mean BMI of cases was significantly higher than controls (p = \u3c 0.001). The risks of both non-protienuric hypertension (Mean BMI = 27.16 +/- 5.46) and preeclampsia (Mean BMI = 27.39 +/- 6.15) increased consistently with increasing BMI. This rise was significantly associated with severity of pre-eclampsia and early development of PIH, but not associated with complications like eclampsia. No significant association of height and hypertension was found as most women of both cases and control were 150-165 cm tall. Conclusion: High BMI in pregnant women serves as a significant risk factor for developing hypertension in pregnancy but failed to establish this association with height is the main findings of our study

    Utilization pattern of drugs among patients attending geriatric outpatient department in a tertiary care hospital in Kashmir

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    Background: Quality and safety of prescribing in older people remains a global healthcare concern and inappropriate prescribing is a major public health issue because of its direct association with morbidity, mortality and wastage of health resources in this age group. Very limited data is available on the drug utilization pattern in geriatric population and the present study was carried out to see the prescription pattern in geriatric population in this part of the world.Methods: The present study was conducted by the department of pharmacology in outpatient department of geriatrics in a tertiary care centre to look into the prescription pattern among geriatric age group.Results: A total of 237 prescriptions were collected, out of which 108 (45.56%) were males and 129 (54.44%) were females. The majority of the patients were in the age group of 60-69 years (n=141, 59.5%). The most commonly found comorbidity was hypertension (63.29%) and antihypertensive agents (74.68%) were the most frequently prescribed class of drugs. Calcium (37.57%), budesonide (32.91%), thyroxine (27.84%) and pantoprazole (25.31%) were the most common individual drugs prescribed.Conclusions: Like other studies on geriatric population polypharmacy was also observed in the present study and periodic therapeutic audit is essential to ensure rational medicine use

    Colostrum and mature breast milk analysis of serum irisin and sterol regulatory element-binding proteins-1c in gestational diabetes mellitus

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    Background: We aimed to evaluate irisin and SREBP-1c levels in serum, colostrum and mature breast milk in women with and without gestational diabetes (GDM); and to relate them with maternal glucose, lipid profile and weight status of babies.Methods: GDM positive women (n = 33) and normal glucose tolerant women (NGT) (n = 33) were recruited. Maternal blood samples were collected at 28th week of gestation and later at 6-week post-partum while breast milk samples of the lactating mothers were collected within 72 hours of birth (colostrum) and at 6 weeks post-partum (mature milk). Irisin and SREBP-1c levels were analyzed by commercially available ELISA kits for all maternal samples.Results: Lower levels of irisin were seen in serum, colostrum and mature breast milk of GDM females (p \u3c .01). SREBP-1c profile showed a similar trend of low serum levels in GDM, however, they were undetectable in colostrum and mature breast milk. Weak to moderate correlations of serum irisin with BMI (r = 0.439; p \u3c .001), GTT 0 hours (r = 0.403; p = .01), HbA1c (r = -0.312; p = .011), Fasting blood glucose (r = 0.992; p = .008), and baby weight at birth (r = 0.486; p \u3c .001). Colostrum and mature breast milk irisin showed positive associations with baby weight at 6 weeks (r = 0.325; p = .017; r = 0.296; p = .022, respectively). Serum SREBP-1c at 6 weeks correlated with random blood glucose (r = 0.318; p = .009), and HbA1c (r= -0.292; p = .011). All correlations were lost once we adjusted for maternal BMI.Conclusions: Low irisin and SREBP1-c levels may favor development of GDM in pregnant subjects. Further, low mature breast milk levels may act as a continued stressor from fetal to infant life as long as breast-feeding is continued. Further studies are required to identify the mechanistic relationship between these biomarkers and GDM