139 research outputs found

    Copper-doped quasi-one-dimensional ZnO for effective photooxidation of As (III) to As (V) in visible light

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    By temolysis of the Zn1−  Cu (HCOO)(OCH2CH2O)1/2 complexes in one step Zn1−  Cu O solid solutions were obtained. Сopper in these materials is a regulator of the photoactivity and morphology of aggregates. According to TEM, XPS, optical spectroscopy, and voltammetry, all samples studied contain monovalent copper. It was shown that the maximum photoactivity in the reactions of photooxidation of As in UV and blue light has Zn1− Cu O (0<x<0.1) solid solutions with tubular particle morphology. With an increase in concentration up to 10 at.%, сopper manifests itself as an electron acceptor, which reduces the efficiency of the catalyst in both light ranges. Keywords: photocatalyst, Cu-doped ZnO, heterostructures, wide-band-gap semiconductors, precursor synthesi

    Microevolutionary differentiation of cereal tetraploid species by formation of recombinant genomes

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    The process of microevolutionary differentiation of cereals by formation of recombinant genomes was studied in dynamics (F6–F17) with tetraploid wheat-rye amphidiploids as examples. Evidence that joint growing of tetra ploid amphidiploids having a common (pivotal) genome in their composition and differing in secondary (differential) genomes leads to their hybridization with high probability has been found. The forms developed are characterized by a very wide range of variability caused by different combinations of chromosomes and chromosome segments in dif­ferential genomes yet maintain the same structure of the pivotal genome. Intergenomic recombinations at the level of intact chromosomes were characteristic of homeologous groups with a high rate of stabili zation of the chromosomal composition, and recombinations at the level of chromosomal segments, of groups with a low stabilization rate, where heterologous chromosome pairs remained preserved for a long time. Dominance of regulatory genetic systems of the pivotal genome provides a high pairing level of homeologues from heterologous pairs in meiosis followed by intergenomic recombinations at the level of chromosome segments. Experimen tal data suggest that newly developed tetraploid forms interbreed easily forming a single hybrid zone, where permanent redistribution of genetic material of differential genomes and further range expansion of genotypic variability available to selection take place during alternation of generations whereby such a zone becomes a poten tial centre of speciation. Subsequent adaptive radiation of hybrid material in an ecologically separated environment occurs by selection of forms with different variants of the recombinant genome in various ecological niches


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    Background. Radiation-induced damage to the pelvic organs (post-radiation proctitis, cystitis, urethritis) is a frequent complication after radiotherapy for prostate cancer. The reported frequency of late  radiation damage to the pelvic organs is up to 30 %.Material and methods. The paper presents treatment outcomes of 149 with radiation-induced pelvic injuries caused by brachitherapy  (15 patients) and combination treatment including brachitherapy and external beam radiation therapy (28 patients) for stage T1–3N0M0  prostate cancer. Radiationinduced rectitis (proctitis) was revealed in  149 patients and complications of the urinary tract after radiation treatment were noted in 107 (72 %) patients. Potency  failure was observed in 98 % of cases. All patients received  conservative treatment and 8 (5 %) of these patients underwent  surgery after inefficient conservative treatment. Results. Favorable effect of conservative therapy of radiation-induced rectitis was obtained in 141 (95 %) patients. Eight (5 %)  patients underwent colostomy due to the formation of vesicle-rectal  fistula. Chemical cauterization of the mucosa of the bladder and  rectum in patients with erosive hemorrhagic and hemorrhagic rectitis and cystitis was effective and safe. The frequency of post-radiation  complications was found to be less after brachitherapy than after  combination treatment using brachitherapy and external beam  radiation.Актуальность. Лучевые повреждения органов малого таза (постлучевой ректит, цистит, уретрит) – частые осложнения после лучевой терапии рака предстательной железы. По  данным различных авторов, частота поздних лучевых повреждений органов малого таза  составляет до 30 %. Таким образом, часть больных, излеченных от злокачественного  новообразования, приобретает новое заболевание, существенно снижающее качество жизни и требующее лечения.Материал и методы. Представлены результаты лечения 149 больных с поздним лучевым  ректитом (проктитом), который развился после дистанционной лучевой терапии (n=106),  брахитерапии (n=15) и сочетанной лучевой терапии (n=28) по поводу рака предстательной  железы T1–3N0M0. Лучевое лечение у данных пациентов проводилось в различных  учреждениях России и за рубежом. Все больные госпитализировались с лучевым проктитом II–IV степени и ремиссией рака предстательной железы. У 107 (72 %) пациентов  ректиты сочетались с лучевыми повреждениями мочевыделительной системы. Нарушение потенции наблюдалось в 98 % случаев. Всем пациентам проводилось комплексное  консервативное лечение. Больным с эрозивно-геморрагическим и геморрагическим ректитом и циститом выполнялось химическое прижигание 1–2,5 % водным раствором формальдегида.Результаты. Удовлетворительный эффект консервативной терапии лучевого ректита был  получен у 141 (95 %) больного, при формировании ректо-везикального свища ввиду  неэффективности лечения 8 (5 %) больным выполнена колостомия. Химическое прижигание слизистой мочевого пузыря и прямой кишки при эрозивно-геморрагическом и  геморрагическом ректите и цистите эффективно и безопасно. Отмечено, что после  сочетанной лучевой терапии (СЛТ) частота и степень выраженности постлучевых  осложнений больше, чем при брахитерапии (БТ) и СЛТ, но это требует дальнейшего анализа

    Labour relations in research of socio-economic systems

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    The article is concerned with the study of the theoretical and methodological patterns of the genesis of labour relations during evolution of socio-economic systems. The approach developed by the authors makes it possible to single out the basic blocks of the labour relations system, considering the actors and objects of the relations. Adopted as a basis, such an approach makes it possible to describe the labour relations of any economic system. The allocation of mandatory elements (objects) and subjects in the structure of labour relations makes it possible to disclose the content of the category “labour relations”. The relevance of theoretical studies of the characteristics of the economy at a substantial level, the increased interest in the methodology and theory of economic knowledge is due to the inconsistency and alternativeness of the current stage of development of the world economy and global society. For Russian society, such studies are determined by the exceptional complexity of transformation processes and the prospects for its evolution.peer-reviewe

    Formation of zonal agro-eco clusters as a mechanism for the development of rural areas

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    Today, the degree of agricultural development, and, in the future, the level of national food security, the public health and the quality of life, are largely ensured by innovative developments in the field of alternative agriculture, the preservation of natural resources and, above all, the main production facility – land. At the same time, the unfilled market capacity of organic products and the significant land potential for the development of organic farming create all the necessary prerequisites for enhancing the competitiveness of Russian rural producers. The development of agricultural entrepreneurship towards the greening of land use, organic production and development of the domestic market for organic (ecological) products in the format of zonal agro-eco clusters is one of the strategic directions for implementing reforms in the agricultural sector. The paper presents the directions of the formation and development of zonal agro-eco clusters for the production, processing and sale of organic products in the agricultural regions of Russia.peer-reviewe

    Spatial development of tourism based on the structure model of the territorial tourist complex

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    The article examines the problem of spatial tourism planning. The authors note that the possibility of tourist activities in different territorial zones requires functional zoning. The study justifies the use of a territorial tourist complex concept. The authors propose using the model of functional and planning complexes as a basis for understanding the structure of the territorial tourist complex, as well in the spatial development of tourism. Spatial planning of tourism implements various approaches. However, the main problem of the territorial tourist complexes’ development arises because tourist activity can be carried out in the territories of various purposes. Multi-functional zones are important for tourism as this determines their specialization and tourist flows. The study of territorial tourist complexes is related to the problem of using this concept in the practice of spatial development. Therefore, an urgent task is to develop a model that characterizes the structure of the tourist complex, which will enable moving on to an understanding of tourism development planning.peer-reviewe

    Influence of social factors on the reproduction of human capital

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    Purpose: Exploring the problems of human capital formation at the present stage of development of the Russian economy, the authors consider it expedient to analyze the theory and practice of the influence of socio-economic factors on the formation of personnel potential. Design/Methodology/Approach: The following methods were used by the authors: historical, statistical-economic, monographic. Findings: The authors revealed that the quality of life and income level is more reflected in the desire of the population to choose as a permanent place of residence - rural areas. Practical implications: The analysis of incomes as a fundamental factor influencing the formation of human capital indicates that considerable human capital has been formed in the agricultural sector, which is not fully utilized due to the low material interest of the rural population. Originality/Value: The article discusses a number of factors influencing the formation of human capital in agriculture. The authors indicated that the level of wages depends on the geographical distance of the regions from the federal center and climatic conditions.peer-reviewe

    Formation and development of the processing industry in the AIC of the region

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    The theoretical grounding of the management system of animal feedingstuff milling of the region was performed. The facilities of animal feedingstuff milling are divided according to the degree of independence of business conducting and directions of sales of the products manufactured. The factors of the internal and external environment of the animal feedingstuff milling of the region were considered. The analysis was performed and the tendencies in the development of animal feedingstuff milling of the region and the system of its management were revealed; the directions of the development of animal feedingstuff milling of the agrarian region were grounded. The potential capacity of the regional market of animal feedingstuff for livestock breeding of the region was calculated. It was offered to form the body of economic management in the form of an independent legal entity bearing the responsibility for execution of the functions imposed on it to develop and implement the plan of development of animal feedingstuff milling – JSC Animal Feedingstuff Cluster of the Altai Territory.peer-reviewe

    Motivation in personnel management of a trading enterprise

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    Purpose: Investigating the problems of personnel motivation efficiency as one of the most significant factors of the success of an enterprise at the present stage of development of the Russian economy, the authors consider expedient to consider the theory and practice of the personnel motivation system in a commercial enterprise. Design: General scientific (analysis, synthesis, comparison), and special methods of research (economic and statistical, balance sheet, design-calculation and other), document analysis, questioning, and others were used during the study. Findings: The authors revealed that the trading company should focus on the development of a system of motivation in two directions: the improvement of material motivation of staff and the improvement of non-material motivation of staff. Improving the proposed system of staff motivation will allow the company to create a favorable atmosphere in the team, increasing turnover. Practical implications: The obtained results can be used by the head of the enterprise when developing plans to improve the management system and increase investment attractiveness. Originality: This article analyzes the theoretical foundations of motivation in personnel management. Given the organizational and economic characteristics of the trading enterprise, identified the existing system of motivation in the enterprise.peer-reviewe

    Development of integration processes in the agro-industrial complex of the Russian regions

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    This paper is devoted on the methodology for assessing the development of extra- and intra-integration structures. This methodology consists of three levels of economic assessment of the agro-industrial sector: the regional level, the economic sector level, and the enterprise level. The agro-industrial complex of the Altai Republic has positive business dynamics due to the development of the livestock industry. Through assessing the business outlook for agro-industrial integration using the three levels, it has been determined that the livestock industry has the greatest potential for creating large integrated structures in the Altai Republic. The study justifies the need for creating an internal cluster (intra-cluster) in the maral deer breeding sphere of the Altai Republic, and an external cluster (extra-cluster) in the sphere of meat-and-dairy cattle breeding in the Altai Republic and the Altai Territory. The authors propose a ‘business-as-usual’ and a target scenario for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Altai Republic until 2025. The target scenario reflects the effectiveness of the proposed measures for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Altai Republic. According to this scenario, the formation of intra-clusters and extra-clusters in 2025 will lead to an increase in total profits of the livestock industry enterprises under analysis by 451 million rubles and of budget allocations by 194.3 million rubles. The goal of this study is to develop theoretical and methodological guidelines for shaping and developing integrated structures in the agro-industrial complex.peer-reviewe