339 research outputs found

    The Development of Online Tutorial Program Design Using Problem-Based Learning in Open Distance Learning System

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    This research aimed to evaluate of online tutorial program design by applying problem-based learning Research Methods currently implemented in the system of Open Distance Learning (ODL). The students must take a Research Methods course to prepare themselves for academic writing projects. Problem-based learning basically emphasizes the process of problem-solving, active learning, and collaborative learning in order to develop problem-solving skills and self-learning abilities. It is expected that the program will be implemented for the students as a learning program as eligible criteria for learning as well as for a good presentation in ODL systems. This research adopted the methods of Research-Based Development (Borg& Gall 2005), and several steps of research-based development methods were used to create effective problem-based learning for the Online Tutorial package of the Research Methods course. The researcher divided the research and development into five stages, namely, Need Analysis, Research Design, Materials Development, Formative Evaluation Design Program, and Implementation Program. The population of study was all students in Semester 2015.2 who took the Research Methods course. The study sample consisted of 20 students, facilitated by two Online Tutor facilitators. Sample selection was carried out randomly regardless of ability or particular capacity. At this stage of development of the learning models, the evaluation model of learning was developed using the expert research method (expert judgments) and designers of learning. The tool is a measuring instrument used in the Evaluation Instrument of the Program. The finding of this research shows that Online Tutorial Program Design has already developed the criteria for learning as well as criteria for a good presentation of students’ Open Distance Learning. Keyword: Program Design, Online Tutorial, Problem-Based Learning, Research Based- Development, Research Methods, Open Distance Learning


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    Suatu matriks interval adalah suatu matriks yang elemennya adalah suatu interval tertutup. Sedangkan suatu sistem persamaan matriks interval didefinisikan sebagai Ax=b di mana A,b,x  terdiri dari matriks interval. Pada  penelitian ini  dibahas  bagaimanakah  generalisasi  metode  dekomposisi  LU (Doolittle dan Crout) dan dekomposisi LDU untuk menyelesaikan sistem persamaan matriks interval. &nbsp


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak penggunaan Kahoot dalam pembelajaran siswa SMA. Dalam upaya mencapai tujuan tersebut, digunakan metode kajian pustaka atau library research, di mana lima belas artikel yang dipilih dari jurnal terakreditasi dalam negeri yang terbit antara Januari 2018 hingga April 2023 menjadi sumber data utama. Melalui proses pengumpulan dan analisis data, penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengungkapkan berbagai dampak yang mungkin terkait dengan pemanfaatan Kahoot dalam pembelajaran di tingkat SMA. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan Kahoot dalam pembelajaran siswa SMA memiliki dampak yang signifikan. Terdapat peningkatan prestasi belajar siswa. Melalui interaksi yang interaktif dan menarik dalam format permainan kuis, Kahoot mampu meningkatkan pemahaman siswa terhadap materi pelajaran dan kemampuan mereka dalam mengingat informasi yang diajarkan. Kesimpulannya, penggunaan Kahoot dalam pembelajaran siswa SMA memiliki dampak positif. Dengan meningkatkan prestasi belajar, membangkitkan motivasi belajar, memudahkan penguasaan materi, dan menarik minat belajar siswa, Kahoot dapat menjadi alat yang efektif untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran di kelas SMA


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    (This research aimed to determine the effectiveness of the application of the ARIAS learning model (Assurance, Relevance, Interest, Assessment, Satisfaction) in improving student learning outcomes of SMPN 17 Pontianak. The method used is experimental research in the form of pre-experimental design research. The type of Pre- Experimental Design research used is One Group Pretest-Posttest. The population in this study were class VIII students of SMP Negeri 17 Pontianak in the 2019/2020 academic year. While the research sample is class VIII F SMP Negeri 17 Pontianak. The data collection technique that will be carried out in this study is a measurement technique by collecting data from the results of the pretest and posttest. The data collection tool is in the form of a written test in the form of multiple choice questions as many as 15 questions. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the application of the ARIAS learning model was effective in improving student learning outcomes in class VIII vibration material at SMP Negeri 17 Pontianak. The average student learning outcomes before the implementation of the ARIAS learning model was 57. While the average student learning outcomes after the implementation of the ARIAS learning model was 78. The two-sample t-test related in this study showed that the significance value of 2-tailed <0.05. This means that there is a significant increase in learning outcomes between before and after the implementation of the ARIAS learning model. The calculation of the normalized n gain value shows an increase in learning outcomes before and after the implementation of learning with a normalized n gain value of 84% of the students the increase is in the medium and high categories. The effect size of the ARIAS learning model in improving student learning outcomes is 5.88 which is quite high. the application of the ARIAS learning model (Assurance, Relevance, Interest, Assessment, Satisfaction) is effective to improve student learning outcomes at SMPN 17 Pontianak

    Pemanfaatan Citra Google Earth Untuk Pembuatan Peta Wilayah Desa Sempayang Dan Analisis Perbandingan Hasil Luas Penggunaan Lahan Pemukiman Berdasarkan Metode Supervised dan Unsupervised Classification

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    Kecamatan Malinau Barat tediri dari 9 desa dengan luas sebesar 73.824,99 Ha. Hampir sebagian besar wilayah desa tersebut belum memiliki peta tematik sebagai media informasinya. Salah satunya adalah Desa Sempayang dengan luas 559,74 Ha. Oleh sebab itu, Laboratorium Pemetaan dan Geografis Teknik Sipil melakukan kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat di Desa tersebut. Pada artikel ini tidak hanya membahas terkait pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat, namun juga sekilas membahas perbandingan nilai hasil perhitungan luas penggunaan lahan di wilayah pemukiman Desa Sempayang. Acuan basemap yang digunakan dalam pembuatan peta adalah citra yang tersedia pada platform Google Earth, sedangkan analisis luas penggunaan lahan menggunakan Metode Supervised dan Unsupervised Classification. Berdasarkan proses yang telah dilaksanakan, maka didapatkan hasil pembuatan peta wilayah desa yang representatif memberikan informasi gambaran wilayah Desa Sempayang. Selain itu, berdasarkan penerapan dua metode klasifikasi luas penggunaan lahan didapatkan nilai perbedaan sebesar 0,04% secara keseluruhan. Namun terjadi perbedaan yang sangat signifikan pada nilai luasan disetiap jenis klasifikasi yang ditetapkan, sehingga menyebabkan sulitnya pengambilan keputusan. Oleh sebab itu, dibutuhkan validasi kontrol dengan menerapkan metode digitasi manual dan pengukuran terestrial untuk menentukan metode mana yang lebih akurat untuk digunakan


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    AbstractThis study aims to find out if the cooperative learning model of think pair share type can improve the learning outcomes of students in business materials in Grade VIII SMP Negeri 1 Subah. The form of research used is quasi experimental design with nonequivalent control group design. Samples in the study through simple random sampling techniques and selected based on recommendations from science. The test in this study is in the form of 5 essay questions. Based on the data reference, it is concluded (1) The gain of learners' learning results on business materials before the granting of a think pair share type cooperative learning model is 47.72 while the acquisition of learners' learning outcomes on business materials before being given conventional learning is 44.54 and the acquisition of learning results on business materials after being given a cooperative learning model type think pair share is 70.90 while the acquisition of learning results of learners in business materials after being given conventional learning is 61.47. (2) There are differences in learning outcomes in business materials between students who follow a think pair share type cooperative learning model with students who follow conventional learning. (3) Based on the results of the effect size test of 1.2 is categorized as high. This shows that the cooperative learning model of think pair share type can be used effectively to improve the learning outcomes of business material students in grade VIII SMP Negeri 1 Subah.Keywords: Cooperative Learning Model Type Think Pair Share, Learnin

    A Multimodal Discourse Analysis on E-Learning Website at Universitas Terbuka

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    This study aimed at finding out the visual elements provided in the e-learning website of Universitas Terbuka. The elements include visual presentation, usability, accessability, and content. The method employed in this study was Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA) involving the visuals of the website as data source which is available at https://elearning.ut.ac.id/. The instrument used was visual theories which support the propositions of visual presentation, usability, accessability, and content to validate the data found. In analyzing the data, interactive analysis was used involving data condensation, data display, and data verification. The findings showed that: in visual presentation, the website portrays good presentation except for its unbalance split; in usability, the website has good extent of usability, this website has provided good navigation system and easy to understand, except for the video speed; in accessibility, all elements of accessibility are achieved well; and in concern of materials, the materials are easy to access and relevant with the learners’ need


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    This study aims to obtain information about the influence of the Parent’s involvement in Family Education Program (PPK) and parenting styles to child discipline on PAUD student who already have an intervention of family education program. This study uses facto ex-post facto survey method. Respondence of this research are parents of PAUD student in south Jakarta who already have an intervention of family education program. Research Results (1) The involvement of parents at schools through family education programs has an impact on child development (discipline). (2) Parenting styles (democratic and authoritarian) have affects to discipline of children (3) Parental involvement at schools and parenting has interaction (4) Parental involvement in family education programs and democratic parenting have a better influence on child discipline (5) Active parental involvement in family education programs at schools and authoritarian parenting have an influence on children's discipline Keywords: Parents, Parenting Styles, and Child Discipline Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh keterlibatan orangtua dan pola asuh terhadap disiplin anak pada satuan PAUD yang sudah mendapatkan intervensi program pendidikan keluarga. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survey expost facto. Responden penelitian adalah orang tua siswa PAUD di Jakarta Selatan setelah mendapatkan intervensi program pendidikan keluarga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Keterlibatan orangtua di satuan pendidikan melalui program pendidikan keluarga memiliki pengaruh pada disiplin anak. (2) Pola asuh orangtua mempengaruhi disiplin anak (3) Keterlibatan orangtua di satuan pendidikan dan pola asuh memiliki interaksi (4) Keterlibatan orangtua pada program pendidikan keluarga dan pola asuh demokratis memiliki pengaruh lebih baik terhadap disiplin anak (5) Keterlibatan orangtua aktif pada program pendidikan keluarga dan pola asuh otoriter memiliki pengaruh terhadap disiplin anak. Kata Kunci:&nbsp;Orangtua. Pola Asuh, Disiplin Anak &nbsp

    Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of Polyvinylalcohol Based Gel Electrolyte

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    Research on the effect of electrolyte ammonium salt, concentration electrolyte with plasticizer to ionic and electronic conductivity of polymer gel electrolyte has been conducted with the variations of two electrolyte NH4Cl-PVA and NH4SCN-PVA at a concentration of 10, 30, 40 (wt%). The measurement of using ionic conductivity by using  impedance spectroscopy method showed that the highest value was 0.0156 Scm-1 i.e. in the  54.6% propilen carbonate with 40%  NH4Cl and PVA. The lowest value was 0.009 Scm-1 i.e. in the NH4SCN based electrolyte without propilene carbonate and electronic conductivity showed that the highest value was 0.0156 Scm-1 i.e. 40% NH4Cl-PVA and NH4SCN-PVA and the lowest value was 0.009 Scm-1, i.e. in the NH4SCN based electrolyte without propilene carbonate. Factorial analyses showed that the concentrations of electrolyte and the plasticizer affect conductivity value. FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) measurement showed that the  addition of propilene carbonate did not show new bond formation between electrolyte and PVA. It can be shown in absence of characteristic wave number for propilene carbonate and NH4+ ion.Keywords: DOE, plasticizer,  propylenecarbonate, ionic, electronic, conductivit
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