1,394 research outputs found

    Alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harm among young people: studies of the recent experience in Sweden

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    Background: The starting point for this thesis was the unexpected development in recent trends in youth drinking and harm in Sweden which seemed to question some basic assumptions of the total consumption model. For example, rapidly falling youth consumption and rising non-drinking rates were seen despite higher availability and increasing population drinking. Furthermore, although drinking declined among young people, there were some indications that alcohol-related harm increased, at least in terms of alcohol-related hospitalisations. Objective: The overall aim of the thesis is to examine changes in alcohol consumption and harm among young people in Sweden with a focus on experiences during the last decades. In particular, the thesis has focus on the following main topics; (I) the association between consumption of illegal alcohol and alcohol-related harm (hospitalisations) among young people, (II) the association between population drinking, adolescents’ binge drinking and harm (violence), (III) the degree of collectivity of drinking among youth and (IV) determinants of non-drinking among young people in Sweden in a European comparative perspective. Method: The thesis is based on four articles. Articles I and II use aggregate time series analysis (ARIMA-modeling) to assess the association between consumption of illegal alcohol and alcohol-related hospitalizations (article I) and the association between binge drinking and violence among youth as well as the association between binge drinking and population drinking (article II). In the third article the respondents are divided into seven drinking groups based on their relative ranking on consumption to examine whether the decline in consumption was mirrored in all drinking groups during the period 2000-2012. In article IV logistic regression models were used to examine the association between non-drinking and demographic and social factors among six European countries. Results: No significant effect was found between consumption of smuggled alcohol and alcohol-related hospitalizations when the model was adjusted for average consumption (article I). This indicates that the amount of alcohol matters more for the risk of harm than where the alcohol comes from. In article II there was evidence for an association between binge drinking and violence among young people during a confined study period (1971-2000) but most of these estimates became non-significant during the full study period (1971-2009). Similar results were found for the association between per capita consumption and binge drinking among young people. In article III support for collectivity of drinking behavior among Swedish youth during the period 2000-2012 was found since the decline in consumption was mirrored in all seven drinking groups examined. Furthermore, there was a marked relation between overall consumption on the one hand and mean consumption and heavy episodic drinking on the other in each of the seven drinking groups. In article IV no clear pattern of national differences could be found with respect to which factors were associated with non-drinking among youth. However, having non-drinking friends was an important factor in all countries. Discussion and conclusion: A main conclusion of the thesis is that the total consumption model is in general a useful perspective for understanding aggregate level changes in youth drinking and harm in Sweden. Per capita consumption among young people was related to alcohol-related hospitalizations and there was strong evidence for collectivity in changes in drinking among Swedish youth during the recent decade. However, all results did not support the notion of collectivity; for instance, the aggregate link between alcohol and violence seems to have become weaker, suggesting that the assumptions of the model do not apply universally

    Creative Destruction and Productive Preemption

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    We develop a theory of commercialization mode (entry or sale) of entrepreneurial inventions into oligopoly, and show that an invention of higher quality is more likely to be sold (or licensed) to an incumbent due to strategic product market effects on the sales price. Moreover, preemptive acquisitions by incumbents are shown to stimulate the process of creative destruction by increasing the entrepreneurial effort allocated to high-quality invention projects. Using detailed data on patents granted to small firms and individuals, we find evidence that high-quality inventions are often sold, and that they are sold under bidding competition.Acquisitions; Entrepreneurship; Innovation; Start-ups; Patent; Ownership; Quality

    Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for System Identification

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    One of the key challenges in identifying nonlinear and possibly non-Gaussian state space models (SSMs) is the intractability of estimating the system state. Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods, such as the particle filter (introduced more than two decades ago), provide numerical solutions to the nonlinear state estimation problems arising in SSMs. When combined with additional identification techniques, these algorithms provide solid solutions to the nonlinear system identification problem. We describe two general strategies for creating such combinations and discuss why SMC is a natural tool for implementing these strategies.Comment: In proceedings of the 17th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID). Added cover pag

    Automatisk avstÀngning av sprutan

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    Use of non-sprayed buffer zones is a widely used method to protect sensitive objects within or adjacent to fields treated with pesticides. These buffer zones should protect the objects from pesticide residues caused by spray drift and leakage. The use of untreated buffer zones has been mandatory for Swedish farmers since 1997. E.g. recommended minimum safe distances to sensitive areas for spray situations are 12 m to wells, 6 m to streams, ponds or lakes, and 1 m to ditches and drainage wells. Studies have shown that buffer zones are not always respected and that there is a need to improve the protection of sensitive objects. On a typical sprayer, all nozzles on a section of the boom are either on or off. A higher resolution in sprayer control would reduce the untreated area but still be able to respect the buffer zones. German and Dutch research have shown how GNSS-controlled (Global Navigation Satellite System) application of pesticides can be targeted to defined areas in the field. GIS (Geographic Information System) was used to define the areas to be sprayed. The objectives of this study were to develop and evaluate a system that automatically could shut off single nozzles along the spray boom to avoid pre-defined areas in the field. Such a system could improve management of buffer zones, reduce the risk for mistakes and improve record keeping from spraying activities. At the time of project start, there were commercial controllers that could fulfil parts of the requirements involved in the project. A commercial spray controller, Legacy 6000 (Teejet), could consider pre-defined areas by using the field boundary features. During 2006 and 2007, the system was used in practice on a conventional trailed sprayer with a 24 m boom and 7 boom sections. Experiences from mapping and spraying were documented. Also accuracy of the system was studied in an experiment using video recorder and analysis of the video frame by frame. Results were communicated with several manufacturers of sprayer controllers to improve development of coming products. The following season, 2008, a small sprayer with a 6 m boom and individual nozzle control was constructed. This year, the study of accuracy focused on small circular buffer zones, e.g. close to drainage wells. Spraying was done on an asphalt surface during a sunny day, leaving wet and dark marks when nozzles were activated. The whole buffer zone was photographed directly after spraying, and the pictures were later analysed manually to determine the accuracy of the sprayer. Different controller settings, spray nozzles and GPS receivers were used. The accuracy of a conventional sprayer with DGPS was found to be about +/- 1 m. Accuracy of the sprayer with solenoid valves and RTK GPS was about half of this, i.e. +/- 0,5 m. This is probably better than the possibilities with manual control. Different methods for mapping fields and creation of boundary files were evaluated and compared. Mapping could be done through digitalisation of an aerial photograph or when spraying the field for the first time. Best accuracy is achieved if mapping could be done with a RTK GPS on e.g. an ATV. A method for calculation of double-sprayed area has been developed in the project. The mapped fields in the project have served as a base for a simplified tool that can be used by farmers and advisors to determine the advantages with more accurate sprayer control. In general terms, a farmer can save 1-5 % of the pesticide cost if a GNSS-controlled sprayer with individual nozzle control is used, instead of a conventional sprayer. The project sprayers have been demonstrated on several field shows and other activities with farmers. The number of controllers for automatic boom control on the Swedish market has increased during the project time

    Public Arenas of the Humanities : The Circulation of Knowledge in the Postwar Period

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    The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate how a new history of thepostwar humanities could be written. Drawing on approaches from thehistory of knowledge, it outlines the conditions of the circulation ofknowledge in the public sphere during the 1960s and 1970s. By introducing“public arena of knowledge” as an analytical concept, the authors highlightcertain media platforms where circulation of knowledge occurred. As theirempirical examples, they focus on paperback series and the Christianpublic sphere. All in all, the chapter underlines the importance of thehumanities for a wider circulation of knowledge and thereby challengesa crisis narrative of the humanities of the postwar period that is prevalentin established historiography

    Svensk skogsindustris framtida konkurrensfördelar

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    De senaste 20 Ären har mÄnga nya marknads- och managementdicipliner dykt upp och alla har förebÄdat en ny era av effektivare ledning. Employer branding Àr en av dem och det finns goda skÀl som talar för att den har kommit för att stanna. Fler och fler företag börjar inse att anstÀllda, precis som kunder, gör medvetna val av arbetsgivare. Det gÄr inte lÀngre ta de anstÀlldas engagemang och lojalitet för givet utan det krÀvs ett mer fokuserat och sammanhÀngande förhÄllningssÀtt för att attrahera rÀtt sorts mÀnniskor. Svensk skogsindustri stÄr inför en rad problem och utmaningar som, beroende pÄ hur de tacklas, kommer att bli avgörande för industrins fortsatta utveckling. Till skillnad frÄn vad mÄnga tror har svensk skogsindustri ingen uttalad kompetensfördel trots en del branschspecifika utbildningar. Syftet med examensarbetet Àr att definiera skogsindustrins framtida konkurrensfördelar ur ett medarbetarperspektiv genom att beskriva skogsindustrins employer value proposition (EVP). Studien har genomförts pÄ branschnivÄ och innefattar delbranscherna massa/papper, trÀmekanisk industri och skogsbruk. Vidare omfattar studien de tre utbildningskategorierna civilingenjörer, jÀgmÀstare och KY-utbildade. Det krÀvs ett relativt omfattande empiriskt underlag för att kunna dra tillförlitliga slutsatser om skogsindustrins framtida konkurrensfördelar och av den anledningen genomfördes en kvantitativ enkÀtundersökning. Studien söker utröna skogsindustrins aggregerade employer brand men eftersom enskilda företag i branschen kan avvika mer eller mindre frÄn helhetsbilden Àr employer branding pÄ branschnivÄ riskabelt. Studien visar emellertid att skogsindustrins employer brand överlag ses som positivt ut medarbetarhÀnseende. ProblemomrÄden som studien tar upp inkluderar bland annat avsaknaden av introduktions- och karriÀrutvecklingsprogram men Àven nÀr det gÀller belöningar och erkÀnnande pÄvisas brister. Med tanke pÄ att miljöfrÄgor fÄtt allt större tyngd pÄ den politiska agendan samt skogens roll i kampen mot klimatförÀndringarna bör miljöaspekten tillmÀtas stor uppmÀrksamhet i skogsindustrins employer brand. Branschen Àr högteknologisk, nÄgot som gemene man förmodligen inte Àr medveten om. Studien visar Àven att innovation Àr intimt förknippat med branschen. PÄ branschnivÄ kommer studien fram till att lÀmpliga brandingÄtgÀrder berör miljö- och innovationsdimensionerna eftersom dessa delas av alla företag i branschen. Ansvar för rekryteringen till branschrelaterade utbildningar bör Àven det lÀggas pÄ branschnivÄ samt Àven information och kunskapsförmedling inom de mer generella akademiska segmenten och för allmÀnheten i stort

    Who Needs Agglomeration? Varying Agglomeration Externalities and the Industry Life Cycle

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    In this paper, the changing roles of agglomeration externalities during different stages of the industry life cycle are investigated. A central argument is that agglomeration externalities vary with mode of competition, innovation intensity, and characteristics of learning opportunities in industries. Following the Industry Life Cycle perspective, we distinguish between young and mature industries, and investigate how these benefit from MAR, Jacobs’ and Urbanization externalities. The empirical analysis builds on a Swedish plant level dataset that covers the period of 1974-2004.The outcomes of panel data regression models show that the benefits industries derive from their local environment are strongly associated with their stage in the industry life cycle. Whereas MAR externalities increase with the maturity of industries, Jacobs’ externalities decline when industries are more mature. This is in line with the hypothesis that young industries operate in an environment dominated by rapid product innovation and low levels of standardization. Hence, it pays off when knowledge can be sourced locally from many different sources, but there is still little scope for specialization benefits. Mature industries, in contrast, are associated with lower innovation intensities and a focus on cost saving process innovations. Therefore, there are major benefits to be derived from specialization, whereas knowledge spillovers from different industries are less relevant. The distinction between the product competition in young industries and price competition in mature industries is reflected in our finding that high regional factor costs are detrimental to mature industries, but not to young industries. This can also be related to the finding that high quality living environments, attractive for highly paid employees, are important to young industries. Overall, the outcomes stress that industrial life cycles have to be taken into account in the analysis of agglomeration externalities.agglomeration externalities, industry life cycle, urbanization, Sweden

    Hotet mot husfriden. En kvalitativ innehĂ„llsanalys av makeoverprogrammen Sommar med Ernst och Äntligen Hemma ur ett queer- och heteronormativitetsperspektiv

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    I denna uppsats har jag studerat tvĂ„ populĂ€ra svenska makeoverprogram som visats pĂ„ TV4 under 2012. De tvĂ„ programmen Ă€r: Sommar med Ernst med huvudprogramledaren Ernst Kirschsteiger och Äntligen Hemma med huvudprogramledaren Martin Timell. I bĂ„da programmen har jag granskat könskonstruktionerna av bĂ„de mĂ€n och kvinnor utifrĂ„n hur de representeras, konstrueras och vilka reaktioner som konstruktionerna vĂ€ckt pĂ„ det sociala forumet Flashback. DĂ„ programmen utspelas inom den domestiska sfĂ€ren, dvs. hemmiljön, Ă€r de extra intressanta dĂ„ detta Ă€r en traditionell arena för ansvars- och arbetsfördelning mellan mĂ€n och kvinnor. En fallstudie har genomförts och programmen har studerats genom en kvalitativ innehĂ„llsanalys med fokus pĂ„ att belysa könskonstruktionerna ur ett queer- och heteronormativitetsperspektiv, dvs. hur en icke-normativ manskonstruktion ser ut och pĂ„ vilket sĂ€tt den avviker vid jĂ€mförandet av traditionell heteronormativ maskulinitet. Studien Ă€mnar dĂ€rför frĂ€mst till att undersöka konstruktionen av och reaktioner pĂ„ framstĂ€llningen av den icke-normativa mansbilden inom vĂ„rt samhĂ€lle. Vidare Ă€r uppsatsens frĂ€msta syfte att studera de reaktioner som uppstĂ„tt kring bĂ„da manskonstruktionerna i programmen och vilka underliggande ideologiska uttryck som uppkommit till följd av programmens framstĂ€llning. Studien resultat visar hur framstĂ€llningen av icke-normativ maskulinitet i makeoverprogram möts av starka reaktioner i form av förminskning i feminin riktning, hat och hot, samt hur den heterosexuella makten elimineras nĂ€r de ontologiska referenspunkterna utmanas av en stark grĂ€nsöverskridande manskonstruktion
