5,371 research outputs found

    Infinity on Trial: Michael Heizer and the Post-War American Avant-Garde

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    Senior Project submitted to The Division of Arts of Bard College

    Behaviour of the Buff-breasted Sandpiper at the Nest

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    Observations of Tryngites subruficollis on Victoria and Jenny Lind Islands, 1962 and 1966, indicate that the female, alone, incubates and rears the brood and that the species is polygamous. Brood patches were absent in males collected in June and July; however, the skin of the chin and throat of each was vascularized. A female, flushed from eggs, did not feign injury but when flying close to the observer, slowed speed by allowing legs to dangle.Comportement au nid du Bécasseau roussâtre. Des observations sur le Bécasseau roussâtre (Tryngites subruficollis) faites en 1962 et 1966 dans les îles Victoria et Jenny suggèrent que la femelle est seule responsable de la couvée et de l'élevage de la portée et que l'espèce est polygame. Des mâles pris en juin et en juillet étaient dépourvus de marques de portée, mais dans chaque individu la peau du menton et de la gorge était vascularisée. Une femelle éloignée de ses œufs le 12 juin 1966 ne se livra à aucune simulation de blessure, mais lorsque son vol l'amenait près de l'observateur, elle laissait pendre ses pattes pour ralentir

    A Study of the Causes of Irregular Attendance in the Negro Public Schools of Fort Worth, Texas

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    This study grew out of a consideration of the fact that out of an average enrollment of 4,128 pupils for the past five years the average high school graduation class had only 163 members. At the 1944 session of the Texas State Teachers Association, the State Supervisor of Schools pointed out that the small number of Negro high school graduates was due to the low percentage of attendance in both the elementary and secondary schools. In the light of these considerations it is the thought of the writer that if the causes for which low attendances can be found, a much larger number of boys and girls may be encouraged to remain in school long enough to graduate from high school. The causes may also suggest remedies for improving the curriculum to meet the needs of the boys and girls. The problem involved in this study finds expression in a series of questions: 1. What is the status of attendance of the Negro school children in Fort Worth, Texas? 2. Is the status of school attendance of the Negro school children in Fort Worth, Texas similar to the status of the children in the state and in the nation? 3. What are the causes of irregular attendance?1 This study aims to find some of the underlying causes of irregular attendance in Negro Public Schools of Fort Worth, and to interpret them so that the average teacher may be able to use the results in improving school attendance. It may also be used as a guide for individuals who are making similar studies, and may be used as a basis for making recommendations based upon attendance. 1Irregular attendance in this study will mean the absence of a pupil from school one or more days

    Trajectory computational techniques emphasizing existence, uniqueness, and construction of solutions to boundary problems for ordinary differential equations Final report

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    Trajectory computational techniques emphasizing existence, uniqueness, and construction of solutions to boundary problems for ordinary differential equation

    The Rough-Legged Hawk in the American Arctic

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    Information is presented on an occurrence and geographical range of Buteo lagopus; its nests and nesting habits in the Frobisher Bay area of Baffin Island in 1953; the young; food (mostly lemmings), nesting success; relationship with peregrine hawk, etc

    On Certain Anatids of Frobisher Bay, Baffin Island

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    Of ten ducks, geese and swans known to breed in southern Baffin, seven were observed by the writers, June 14-Aug. 1953, near the end of Frobisher Bay; Canada geese, snow geese, blue geese, old-squaws, common eiders, king eiders, and red-breasted mergansers are described: numbers seen, the young, physical appearance of adults and young

    Survival Problems of the Water-Pipit in Baffin Island

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    Contains results of observations and collections made by the writers June 14-Aug. 22, 1953, near the Royal Canadian Air Force station at the head of Frobisher Bay. Nesting and feeding behavior is described. Incubation period was found to be about 12 days, fledgling period 12-14 days. Description and data on hatching success of 14 nests are given. The pipit was least successful in nesting of all birds of the Frobisher region in summer 1953. Principal losses, of well-developed nestlings, occurred during the third week of July when bad weather created an insect shortage. Four adult specimens collected are described

    Steal A Little Kiss : While Dancing

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