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    The rate of entry of Foreign Workers in Indonesia during the current pandemic is very concerning, this is due to the consequences for the health of Indonesian citizens during the current Covid 19 period. This situation is made more complicated by the unregulated supervision and restrictions on the use of foreign workers in this country. This writing aims to analyze the problem of the absence of restrictions and supervision of foreign workers during the Covid 19 period in Indonesia today. The method used is normative juridical. Based on the study conducted, it was found that the political implementation of the use of foreign workers has not been able to achieve justice, this is because the legal politics of the use of foreign workers has resulted in reduced job opportunities for domestic workers which in turn resulted in unemployment and poverty problems. The weaknesses in the implementation of the politics of using foreign workers are the shortcomings in the form of time limits and the amount of use of foreign workers is not clearly regulated in the politics of foreign labor law in Indonesia, then the weakness in the case of dualism in work permits for foreigners in Law no. 13 of 2003 and Law no. 6 of 2011. The supervision of foreign workers in the Employment Creation Law is not fully regulated, this results in an unstoppable rate of foreign workers so that it has an economic impact on TKI and health impacts for the local community

    Experimental evaluation of mechanical properties of friction welded mild steel

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    Friction welding is a solid state joining process used to join similar and dissimilar metals, not possible with other available welding techniques. Now a day’s Friction welding is most commonly used in industry that is aeronautical engineering, automobile engineering, submarine industry and heavy industry. In this research, an experimental setup was designed and fabricated in order to accomplish friction welded joints mild steel. Thereafter, the effect of forging pressures and rotation speed on the mechanical properties of friction welded ST 42 steels, produced by mechanical joining, have been investigated. Samples were welded under friction pressure 10 MPa by different forging pressures 25 MPa and 35 MPa with different rotation speed 1095 rpm, 1200 rpm, and 1400 rpm. The tensile strength values of the weldments were determined and evaluated. The top result is produced from sample were welded under forging pressures 35 MPa at rotation speed 1400 rpm that is tensile strength 437,27 N/mm2 and yield strength 399,75 N/mm2.Keywords : friction welding, forging pressure, tensile strength, yield strength, and elongation


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    Law as a method is always declared to be generally applicable to anyone and anywhere in the territory of the country, without discrimination. Although there are exceptions stated explicitly and based on certain reasons that can be accepted and justified. Basically, the law does not apply in a discriminatory manner, except for law enforcement officials or organizations in social reality that have imposed the law in a discriminatory manner. Finally, law enforcement does not reflect the existence of legal certainty and a sense of justice in society. Law will be meaningful if human behavior is influenced by law and if people use the law according to their behavior, while on the other hand the effectiveness of the law is closely related to the problem of legal compliance as the norm. This is different from the basic policies that are relatively neutral and depend on the universal value of the objectives and reasons for establishing legislation. In practice we see that there are laws which are mostly obeyed and there are laws that are not obeyed. The legal system will clearly collapse if everyone does not comply with the law and the law will lose its meaning. The ineffectiveness of laws tends to influence the timing of attitudes and quantity of non-compliance and has a real effect on legal behavior, including behavior of lawbreakers. This condition will affect law enforcement which guarantees certainty and justice in the community


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    Abstract. Intention has an important role in entrepreneurship. Although entrepreneurial intention is a variable that has been widely studied, only a few have discussed the relationship interactively with entrepreneurship education, economic literacy and self-efficacy. This study aims to explore and investigate the direct and indirect effects of entrepreneurship education, economic literacy and self-efficacy as mediating variables on entrepreneurial intentions of Economics Education students at Kuningan University. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire with a research sample of 93 students of the Economics Education Study Program who had received entrepreneurship education courses. The data obtained were analyzed using Path Analysis with SPSS statistics. The results showed, First, entrepreneurship education has a significant effect on students' entrepreneurial intentions. Second, entrepreneurship education has a significant effect on entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Third, entrepreneurship education has a significant effect on entrepreneurial intentions through student self-efficacy. Fourth, economic literacy has a significant effect on student entrepreneurial intentions. The five economic literacy have a significant effect on entrepreneurial self-efficacy.The six economic literacy have a significant effect on entrepreneurial intentions through student self-efficacy. The research findings show that student self-efficacy will integrate knowledge and action in starting entrepreneurship. Keywords: Entrepreneurship Education, Economic Literacy, Self-Efficacy, Entrepreneurial Intention Abstrak. Niat memiliki peran penting dalam kewirausahaan. Meskipun intensi berwirausaha merupakan variabel yang telah banyak diteliti, namun masih sedikit yang membahas hubungannya secara interaktif dengan pendidikan kewirausahaan, literasi ekonomi dan efikasi diri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi dan menginvestigasi pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung dari pendidikan kewirausahaan, literasi ekonomi dan efikasi diri sebagai variabel mediasi terhadap intensi berwirausaha mahasiswa Pendidikan Ekonomi Universitas Kuningan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak 93 mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi yang telah mendapatkan mata kuliah pendidikan kewirausahaan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan Path Analysis dengan statistik SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, Pertama, pendidikan kewirausahaan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap intensi berwirausaha mahasiswa. Kedua, pendidikan kewirausahaan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap efikasi diri berwirausaha. Ketiga, pendidikan kewirausahaan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap intensi berwirausaha melalui efikasi diri mahasiswa. Keempat, literasi ekonomi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap intensi berwirausaha mahasiswa. Kelima, literasi ekonomi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap efikasi diri kewirausahaan, dan keenam, literasi ekonomi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap niat berwirausaha melalui efikasi diri mahasiswa. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efikasi diri mahasiswa akan mengintegrasikan pengetahuan dan tindakan dalam memulai kewirausahaan. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Kewirausahaan, Literasi Ekonomi, Efikasi Diri, Intensi Berwirausah

    Ekstraksi dan karakterisasi minyak dari kulit ikan patin (Pangasius hypophthalmus)

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    Catfish is playing an important role in aquaculture production; it is one of the primary commodities of inlandfisheries industry. Catfish meat has a yield of 49% and resulted in 51% of waste products. Thus catfish waste product has potency as source of fish oil which riches of omega-3. The Purpose of this study was to evaluate the suitable extaction method to obtain the high quality of fish oil from catfish skin. Based on the oxidative quality analysis data obtained extraction temperature of 60°C gives the best quality of fish oil with parameters such as peroxide value, free fatty acid, p-anisidine value, acid value and total oxidation of 38 meq/kg, 0.45%, 107,5 meq/kg, 895 mg KOH/kg and 187.5, respectively. The best yield was 18.75% which was obtained at extraction temperature of 75 °C. It was concluded that best extraction at 60°C, for 30 minutes, with solvent and sample ratio 1:1

    Menentukan Prioritas Penanganan Ruas Jalan Nasional di Pulau Bangka

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    National road are crucial to the economy and it spurs the economic development potential of the area contained in the province of Bangka Belitung Archipelago. National road lines is the busiest traffic lane linking inter-cities/regencies in Bangka Island requires maximum handling but the ability of the central government in providing funding is very limited. Prioritization of road handling must be done evenly as needed so that the purpose of the existence of these roads remains unfulfilled. The purpose of this study was to determine the priority handling of national road Lines in Bangka Island by the method of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) using 6 (six) criteria. Data results of the questionnaire showed that of 6 (six) criteria taken in this study namely accessibility (19.3%) is the most dominant criteria. Followed mobility (17.6%), the condition of roads (17.1%), current road segment (16.3%), the development of regional (15.9%), and Economic of Gross Regional Domestic Product (13.8%). By entering the 6 (six) criteria to 21 segments, the roads segment that became the priority of road handling is Sungailiat – Boundary of Pangkalpinang  followed Tanjung Gudang - Lumut, and the next successive

    Designing programs for eliminating canine rabies from islands: Bali, Indonesia as a case study

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    <p>Background: Canine rabies is one of the most important and feared zoonotic diseases in the world. In some regions rabies elimination is being successfully coordinated, whereas in others rabies is endemic and continues to spread to uninfected areas. As epidemics emerge, both accepted and contentious control methods are used, as questions remain over the most effective strategy to eliminate rabies. The Indonesian island of Bali was rabies-free until 2008 when an epidemic in domestic dogs began, resulting in the deaths of over 100 people. Here we analyze data from the epidemic and compare the effectiveness of control methods at eliminating rabies.</p> <p>Methodology/Principal Findings: Using data from Bali, we estimated the basic reproductive number, R0, of rabies in dogs, to be ~1·2, almost identical to that obtained in ten–fold less dense dog populations and suggesting rabies will not be effectively controlled by reducing dog density. We then developed a model to compare options for mass dog vaccination. Comprehensive high coverage was the single most important factor for achieving elimination, with omission of even small areas (<0.5% of the dog population) jeopardizing success. Parameterizing the model with data from the 2010 and 2011 vaccination campaigns, we show that a comprehensive high coverage campaign in 2012 would likely result in elimination, saving ~550 human lives and ~$15 million in prophylaxis costs over the next ten years.</p> <p>Conclusions/Significance: The elimination of rabies from Bali will not be achieved through achievable reductions in dog density. To ensure elimination, concerted high coverage, repeated, mass dog vaccination campaigns are necessary and the cooperation of all regions of the island is critical. Momentum is building towards development of a strategy for the global elimination of canine rabies, and this study offers valuable new insights about the dynamics and control of this disease, with immediate practical relevance.</p&gt


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    The restoration of the rights and conditions of victims of trafficking in persons has not yet been carried out properly. This paper aims to further analyze the protection of victims of the crime of trafficking in persons who have not been able to accommodate the rights and losses of victims. The method is non-doctrinal with a socio-legal approach. Based on the analysis of the existing findings, it is clear that the implementation of the protection of the rights of victims of trafficking in persons has not been running effectively due to unclear restitution arrangements, both in terms of magnitude and related to criminal arrangements for replacement of restitution. The Crime of Trafficking in Persons is a crime against humanity that can harm a person both materially and physically and mentally. In addition, it is necessary for victims of trafficking in persons to obtain protection of their rights, which in this case can be done through restitution. In practice, the amount of restitution is not clearly defined. In addition, the existence of a criminal substitute for compensation, which in this case includes restitution, makes the implementation of restitution constrained for victims of trafficking in persons. Such conditions clearly contradict the First Precepts, Second Precepts, and Fifth Precepts of Pancasila, as well as the Fourth Paragraph of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia as the purpose of the state, as well as Article 28D paragraph (1) and Article 28G Paragraph (1 ) and Paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia as the basic foundation related to the human rights of victims of human trafficking, and as a legal ratio in law in Indonesia. The update in this paper is to contribute thoughts regarding the importance of adding restitution as an additional crime in the provisions regarding criminal sanctions against perpetrators of criminal acts of trafficking in persons in Indonesia


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    Pros and cons of opinion that enlivened the government’s plan related to the omnibus law, among those who supported the government’s plan, stated that the omnibus law was the right solution to address the overlapping issues of several laws and regulations in Indonesia. But the opponents or contra think that the omnibus law plan is considered as an effort to delegitimize the rights of each sector of the nation’s life, especially concerning labor and other sectors that can be affected due to their enactment. The problem in writing this paper is how is omibus law in terms of advantages and disadvantages of the legal codification system in Indonesia? Codification and omnibus law systems are systematic and integrated written patterns of norms for written regulations based on the principle of popular sovereignty with the formation of laws as a product of political approval or the highest legislative act under the law basis through people’s representative institutions whose elaboration is further stipulated by executive acts by the implementing agency of the law or branch of executive power. Omnibus law is a product of the Act that can revoke or amend several existing laws that can be scattered in several regulations, then streamlined in one Act to better target the solution to a conflict between government administrators and regulations legislation with specific objectives to improve the investment climate and as a guarantee of legal certainty and legal protection for policy makers. Even though the aim is good, it must still be considered in terms of advantages, that is, there are efficiencies and shortcomings that allow for legal deviations in our legal codification system in Indonesia

    Wild Animals Inventarisation in Sempu Island Nature Reserve [ Wild Animals Inventarisation in Sempu Island Nature Reserve]

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    Keberadaan satwa liar di cagar alam diharapkan terus lestari dan menjadi simpanan sumberdaya genetik dimasa yang akan data. Beragam aktivitas yang dilakukan di Cagar Alam Pulau Sempu (CAPS) saat ini dirasa sangat perlu dilakukan pengelolaan sesuai dengan status kawasan konservasi yang berupa cagar alam. Aktivitas ekotourism yang berkembang dikawasan sekitar CAPS memicu kekhawatiran akan terganggunya keberadaaan dan keanekaragaman satwa yang menghuni kawasan konservasi di Malang selatan ini. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan survei potensi satwa liar dilakukan di CAPS. Penelitian ini penelitian deskriptif yang menguraikan data-data yang didapatkan dan dijelaskan baik dengan tabel maupun grafik. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan September-Nopember 2015. Metode jelajah digunakan dalam pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian telah menemukan 66 jenis jenis burung. Dari sejumlah burung tersebut memiliki status berbeda-beda yaitu 10 jenis burung endemik Indonesia, 25 jenis burung dilindungi, empat jenis migran, sembilan jenis merupakan Appendix CITES, empat jenis burung bernilai konservasi tinggi (jenis-jenis yang masuk dalam Redlist IUCN) yaitu Pelatuk merah (Chrysophlegma miniaceum) dan Sikatan-rimba dadacoklat (Rhinomyias olivaceus).Sedangkan jenis mamalia ditemukan sembilan species dan reptilia sebanyak tujuh species. Selain jenis burung, mamalia dan reptil, hasil survei ini juga telah menemukan satu species Lepidoptera terdokumentasikan adalah Idea stolli. Kajian tentang kelompok satwa ini perlu mendapatkan perhatian mengingat pentingnya dalam ekologis di CAPS