2,162 research outputs found


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    The problem that arises in this classroom action research is the low learning outcomes of Indonesian in the remaining class VIII of SMPN One Roof 3 clan Jaya. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in Indonesian learning outcomes for students through the Improvement of Persuasion Text Writing Skills with the Think Talk Write Strategy for Class VIII Students of SMPN One Roof 3 Marga Jaya in the Academic Year 2020/2021. This classroom action research was conducted in two cycles, each cycle consisting of 4 stages, namely: planning, action, observation, and reflection. The method of collecting research data is through observation and tests. While the research indicator is KKM 72%. From the research results indicate an increase in student achievement. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that pre-cycle learning completeness by 72% increases to cycle I which reaches 82% means an increase of 9%. From cycle I to cycle II there was also an increase in learning completeness, namely from 82% in cycle I to 86% in cycle II. Thus, from the initial condition to the final condition, learning completeness has increased by 14%

    Upaya Peningkatan Kompetensi dan Kinerja Guru dalam Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar Melalui Supervisi Kependidikan

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    Tujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang sejauh mana penguasaan kompetensi guru SD Negeri 210 Palembang dalam melaksanakan kegiatan belajar mengajar serta penelitian tindakan sekolah ini untuk mengungkapan kondisi permasalahan guru, khususnya kompetensi mengajar. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini memiliki relevansi praktis dengan kebijakan pemerintahan saat ini, seperti kebijakan peningkatan mutu guru, sehingga temuan penelitian ini digunakan untuk memperbaiki keadaan sesuai dengan kebijakan yang digariskan pemerintahan. Penelitian tindakan sekolah ini dilaksanakan di SD Negeri 210 Palembang. Kompetensi guru dapat dinyatakan baik di setiap aspeknya. Hal ini ditunjukkan adanya siklus I dan siklus II perencanaan satuan pembelajaran meningkat setiap siklusnya dari 51,11 pada siklus I menjadi 82,22 pada siklus II, sikap guru dalam menyusun satuan pembelajaran 64,44 pada siklus I menjadi 83,33 pada siklus II,  pelaksana-an dalam PBM dari 58,89 menjadi 78,89 pada siklus II dan efektivitasnya dari 61,11 menjadi 75,56. Simpulan dalam penelitian ini dengan adanya supervisi kependidikan maka kompetensi dan kinerja guru dalam PBM dapat ditingkatka

    Manajemen Pembelajaran Matematika Menggunakan Media Benda Konkrit

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the learning outcomes after the implementation of mathematics learning management using concrete object media. This type of research is a classroom action research. The data were collected by evacuation test, documentation, and observation. The sample of the research is the populative sample that is all the population member used as the research sample. Results of mathematics learning showed that students have better mastery of material compared with the learning process that does not use concrete objects media with the assumption that the weight of the material is balanced

    Quality of Life of Older People in Karachi, Pakistan

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    Introduction: There are several conceptualizations regarding the quality of life and what it means for individuals. This thesis takes a specific approach to examine the quality of life by examining the work of Maslow (1961), and Doyal, and Gough (1991), basic human needs. Doyal’s and Gough’s (1991) work operationalized through CASP-19 (Control, Autonomy, Self-realization, and Pleasure), a well-established and theoretically derived instrument to assess the quality of life in older adults in Karachi, Pakistan. Method: The cross-cultural survey was conducted to assess the quality of life of 50+ older adults in Karachi, Pakistan. Nearly 100 participants from each low, middle, and high-income areas were selected using cluster sampling. The rigorous method was used for cross-cultural adaptation of CASP 19 in Pakistani population, which included (translated from English to Urdu, back translation, pre-test the Urdu version). Results: The pilot-testing explored the language, cultural and conceptual similarities of the tool to the original version. Both focus groups confirmed that CASP-19 has conceptual relevance to Pakistani culture. However confirmatory analysis results show that CASP13 had a good model fit to use in Karachi, Pakistan. The regression analysis was used to model the association between the various predictors of quality of life, for example, the socio-demographic variables show that age does not show any effect on the quality of life, whereas gender inequality decreases the quality of life. While financial constraints in later life decrease the quality of life in Karachi, Pakistan. Conclusion: This thesis indicates that after appropriate analysis, CASP13 is a valid and reliable tool to assess the quality of life of 50+ older adults in Karachi. Moreover, study’s finding recommended the importance of developing policies at the state level within the government

    Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Pengawasan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Ritel Modern (Kasus Karyawan Frontliner PT. Metro Abadi Sempurna Semesta

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    Supervision is series activity that be done consciously and systematicy by manager to ascertain that all operational action be run truly according to plan that had to be made previous. Supervision can be done in form direct also undirect by Manager or people who be gave authority by company.Performance is level succeedness someone according to entirely as long as one surest periods inside to execute it task to be compared with various possibility, like work result standart, target or criteria. As indicator of working performance individualy is: working quality, pressal quality, quantity, correctness time, effectivity, and stand aloneness.In ritels business, frontliners employee has role that very big that is as company spear end. Frontliners task working is interact directly to consumer, must able to give it a optimal service so that consumer can feel satisfy. Existence the supervision that be done will make employee to work according to what was have been decided by company and ascertain that the job be done to goodly.This research Result show that the influency supervision execution in working performance. It can be seen from result be knowing t count (6,833) >; table (3,120) and Sig (0,000) < 0,05. So hypothesiical that to state it that existence supervision execution influence in performance can be accepted.key word : Influence, Supervision, Performance

    Cash Flow Trends and Their Fundamental Drivers: A Continuing Look Comprehensive Industry Review (Qtr 4, 2008)

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    This research report is one of a series that looks at the cash flow performance of Corporate America. Our primary focus is on free cash margin, or free cash flow measured as a percent of revenue. We also look at the drivers or components of free cash margin in an effort to determine factors behind observed changes. In the current study we conduct a comprehensive review of 20 four-digit GICS non-financial industries and their 61 six-digit GICS sub-industries for a series of rolling twelve-month periods from the first quarter of 2000 through the fourth quarter of 2008. Recession notwithstanding, due to declining capital expenditures and reduced working capital requirements, free cash margin held up reasonably well during the twelve months ended December 2008. The metric declined to 4.12%, down from a high of 5.14% reached in June 2004, and more recently, the 4.93% level reached in December 2007 and 4.44% in September 2008. With free cash margin at 4.12%, corporate America is generating 4.12 cents of free cash flow for every dollar of revenue generated. The number of industries experiencing declining free cash margin increased from our last report. For our sample as a whole, free cash margin last bottomed at 2.43% during the 2001 recession. We continue to believe that during the current recession, free cash margin will likely decline to levels that are at or below those found in the 2001 recession, suggesting a continuing contraction of free cash flow of 50% or more from current levels. However, a continuing focus on maintaining low working capital levels and reduced capital expenditures may leave companies better off on a cash flow basis than they were in 2001

    Strategi Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Supervisi Pembelajaran Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Di SMPN 1 Petasia Kabupaten Morowali Utara

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    This study discusses the ''Leadership Strategy of the Principal in Supervision of Islamic Religious Education Learning at SMPN 1 Petasia, North Morowali Regency'' with the main problems located in: (1) How is the technique of vital authority in directing Islamic learning? Educational Educators at SMPN 1 Petasia (2) What are the elements that hinder and support vital initiative procedures in conducting learning management for madrasah teachers at SMPN 1 Petasia. This study is expected to be able to decide on the leading initiative technique in supervising Islamic Religious Education educators at SMPN 1 Petasia, North Morowali Regency. This type of examination uses a fascinating subjective technique approach. The strategies used in gathering information are perception, meeting, documentation, and triangulation. The consequences of this review show that the methodology used by school principals in supervising the learning of Islamic Religious Education teachers is very large, namely based on their duties and responsibilities as school principals, deliberation in making decisions, applying discipline, using a democratic type or style of leadership. , also uses techniques namely individual supervision, direct supervision and roundabout, and gathering supervision. The inhibiting variables seen by the principal in carrying out supervision are the main administrative obligations which are very thick with the aim of managing and cannot be carried out routinely differences in beliefs, and management. carried out during the pandemic only in the form of reports. The supporting factors for school principals in carrying out supervision are infrastructure facilities and administrative completeness

    Peranan Kepala Madrasah Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru Di Madrasah Aliyah Guppi Gunung Jati Kecamatan Gantarang Kabupaten Bulukumba

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    This research was conducted with the aim of: (1) knowing the role of the madrasah head in improving teacher performance at Guppi Gunung Jati Madrasah Aliyah; (2) knowing the supporting and inhibiting factors of the role of the madrasa head in improving teacher performance at the Guppi Gunung Jati Madrasah Aliyah.This study used a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type. Methods of data collection through observation, interviews and documentation in an effort to find out the role of the madrasa head in improving teacher performance at Guppi Gunung Jati Madrasah Aliyah.The results of this study indicate that the madrasa head has carried out his role in improving teacher performance as: (1) the madrasa head as a leader, motivator, educator and supervisor. (2) Factors supporting the madrasah head in improving teacher performance, namely (a) the quality of teachers who wish to develop their abilities, (b) the establishment of good communication, (c) the collaboration between educators and the head of the madrasa. The inhibiting factors for the role of the madrasa head in improving teacher performance are: (a) there is still a lack of civil servant education staff, (2) teachers are less able to divide their time between homework and school work, (c) innate abilities. The conclusion of this study is that the role of the head of the madrasah in improving teacher performance in Madrasah Aliyah Guppi Guning Jati has been carried out well through the program made by the madrasah

    To Assess Sleep Quality among Pakistani Junior Physicians (House Officers): A Cross‑sectional Study

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    Background: Sleep deprivation among junior physicians (house officers) is of growing concern. In developed countries, duty hours are now mandated, but in developing countries, junior physicians are highly susceptible to develop sleep impairment due to long working hours, on‑call duties and shift work schedule. Aim: We undertook the study to assess sleep quality among Pakistani junior physicians. Subjects and Methods: A cross‑sectional study was conducted at private and public hospitals in Karachi, Pakistan, from June 2012 to January 2013. The study population comprised of junior doctors (house physicians and house surgeons). A consecutive sample of 350 physicians was drawn from the above‑mentioned study setting. The subject underwent two validated self‑administered questionnaires, that is, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). Results: A total of 334 physicians completely filled out the questionnaire with a response rate of 95.4% (334/350). Of 334 physicians, 36.8% (123/334) were classified as “poor sleepers” (global PSQI score &gt; 5). Poor sleep quality was associated with female gender (P = 0.01), excessive daytime sleepiness (P &lt; 0.01), lower total sleep time (P &lt; 0.001), increased sleep onset latency (P &lt; 0.001), and increased frequency of sleep disturbances (P &lt; 0.001). Abnormal ESS scores (ESS &gt; 10) were more prevalent among poor sleepers (P &lt; 0.01) signifying increased level of daytime hypersomnolence.Conclusion: Sleep quality among Pakistani junior physicians is significantly poor. Efforts must be directed towards proper sleep hygiene education. Regulations regarding duty hour limitations need to be considered.Keywords: Epworth sleepiness scale, Excessive daytime sleepiness, House officers, Junior physicians, Pittsburgh sleep quality index, Poor sleepers, Sleep disturbances, Sleep qualit
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