23 research outputs found
The Covid-19 outbreak that is hitting globally has an impact on various sectors, especially in the transportation sector. The rapid spread of COVID-19 has resulted in the government issuing a policy with a maximum regulation of 50% - 70% of the normal vehicle capacity. Based on this, community service was carried out to find out the condition of passenger transportation in Sidoarjo district after the adaptation of new habits was implemented. By providing socialization and personal protective equipment for public transport crews, public transport drivers and public transport passengers. This community service is carried out by socializing and distributing PPE to public transport actors and to find out the results in providing socialization, observation or post-socialization observations are carried out. The level of awareness of passengers at the initial observation was still low so that there were still passengers who did not do physical distancing, then the PKM team carried out socialization and distribution of PPE to users and drivers of public transportation which was then monitored or re-observed after the socialization showed the results of transportation users having carried out physical distancing and wear a mask when on public transport.Wabah Covid-19 yang sedang melanda secara global menimbulkan dampak pada berbagai sektor khususnya bidang transportasi. Penyebaran covid-19 yang begitu cepat mengakibatkan pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijakan dengan peraturan maksimal kapasitas angkut 50% - 70% dari kapasitas kendaraan normal. Berdasarkan hal tersebut pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kondisi angkutan penumpang yang ada di kabupaten sidoarjo pasca diberlakukan adaptasi kebiasaan baru. Dengan memberikan sosialisasi dan alat pelindung diri bagi awak angkutan umum, sopir angkutan umum dan penumpang angkutan umum. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan melakukan sosialisasi dan pembagian APD kepada pelaku angkutan umum dan untuk mengetahui hasil dalam pemberian sosialisasi dilakukan observasi atau pengamatan pasca sosialisasi. Tingkat kesadaran penumpang pada observasi awal masih rendah sehingga masih ada penumpang yang tidak melakukan physicall distancing, kemudian tim PKM melakukan sosialisasi dan pembagian APD kepada pengguna dan sopir angkutan umum yang kemudian dilakukan pemantauan atau observasi kembali pasca dilakukan sosialisasi menunjukan hasil pengguna angkutan sudah melakukan physicall distancing dan menggunakan masker saat berada di angkutan umum
Identifikasi Daerah Rawan Kecelakaan sebagai Dasar Pembuatan Buku Pedoman Teknis Penanganan Kecelakaan (Studi Kasus: Beberapa Ruas Jalan di Wilayah Kota Surabaya Provinsi Jawa Timur)
AbstractTraffic accidents are events that are not expected to involve at least one motor vehicle on a road and resulted in material losses, even to swallow the loss of life (source: Kadiyali, 1973). Therefore, the research team was interested in the theme of research related to the identification of Accident-prone Areas/Dots Black Spot as the basis for the creation of a technical Manual Handling accident (Accident Prone Area case study in the city of Surabaya of East Java province) in order to overcome the accident so as not to continue to increase. The purpose of research can determine the condition of the existing road indicated on the accident-prone areas. So that the existing problems in the field can be immediately made known to the handling of the proposal in the form of the Handbook. Methods of research conducted by the research team in this study is to identify existing conditions in order to know all the problems that occur in the field that causes a lot of accidents. The results of the identification / field surveys can be known perangkingan worst location on the basis of the number of accident victims. The location was ranked first to third is streets A.Yani value EAN 1467 (ranking first location) and has a value of 10,003 black spot; Kalianak roads EAN value 1266 (ranking second location) and has a value of 38,662 black spot; roads Mastrip EAN value in 1257 (ranked third) and had a 7138 value of the black spot. Value of the accident rate on the roads.A. Yani of 25.008; Mastrip Streets of 12.746; and Kalianak roads of 1266. Troubleshooting strategies applied divided 3 time periods, i.e. short term strategies, medium-term and long-term. The Division is performed based on the level of difficulty of the work and the magnitude of the costs incurred.Keywords : Identification, EAN, Black Spot, Coping StrategiesAbstrakKecelakaan lalu lintas adalah peristiwa yang diperkirakan tidak melibatkan setidaknya satu kendaraan bermotor di jalan dan mengakibatkan kerugian material, bahkan menelan korban jiwa (sumber: Kadiyali, 1973). Oleh karena itu, tim peneliti tertarik dengan tema penelitian yang berkaitan dengan identifikasi Daerah Rawan Kecelakaan / Titik-titik Hitam sebagai dasar untuk pembuatan teknis kecelakaan Penanganan Manual (studi kasus Daerah Rawan Kecelakaan di kota Surabaya Timur). Provinsi Jawa) guna mengatasi kecelakaan agar tidak terus meningkat. Tujuan penelitian dapat menentukan kondisi jalan yang ada ditunjukkan pada daerah rawan kecelakaan. Sehingga masalah yang ada di lapangan dapat segera diketahui penanganan proposal dalam bentuk Buku Pegangan. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan oleh tim peneliti dalam penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi kondisi yang ada untuk mengetahui semua masalah yang terjadi di lapangan yang menyebabkan banyak kecelakaan. Hasil identifikasi / survey lapangan dapat diketahui perangkingan lokasi terburuk berdasarkan jumlah korban kecelakaan. Lokasi yang peringkat pertama hingga ketiga adalah jalan-jalan A.Yani nilai EAN 1467 (peringkat pertama lokasi) dan memiliki nilai 10,003 black spot; Nilai EAN jalan Kalianak 1266 (peringkat kedua lokasi) dan memiliki nilai 38.662 titik hitam; nilai jalan Mastrip EAN di 1257 (peringkat ketiga) dan memiliki 7138 nilai titik hitam. Nilai tingkat kecelakaan di jalan. Yani dari 25.008; Mastrip Streets of 12.746; dan jalan Kalianak tahun 1266. Strategi pemecahan masalah yang diterapkan dibagi 3 periode waktu, yaitu strategi jangka pendek, jangka menengah dan jangka panjang. Divisi ini dilakukan berdasarkan tingkat kesulitan pekerjaan dan besarnya biaya yang dikeluarkan.Kata kunci : Identifikasi, EAN, Black Spot, Strategi Mangatas
Evaluasi Kinerja Angkutan Umum Di Kabupaten Sidoarjo
Public transportation is very important to support community activities in a city. The Lapindo mud disaster in Sidoarjo has impacts on community activities and public transportation travel patterns in the area. The performance of public transportation services in Sidoarjo is currently quite poor, with an average frequency of less than 6 vehicles/hour, an average headway of greater than 10 minutes, a load factor of less than 70 %, an average speed less than 30 km/hour, and an average travel time of less than 60 minutes. The low load factors could result in decreasing the revenue of public transportation operators which implies a decrease in welfare. In the field, around 20 % of public transportation vehicles are not operating in accordance with the route. In addition, some fleets are not in operation, especially on the route that led to the Porong area, because of the declining number of passengers as a result of the Lapindo mud disaster. For that reason, it is necessary for public transportation route network to adapt to impact map of the Lapindo mudflow and the development of the road network in Sidoarjo
Traffic Accident Model Reviewed from The Factors of Driving Behaviour of Surabaya-Gempol Toll Road
The development of road capacity is not in line with the development of the population and the increase in the number of vehicles. This has become a classic problem of transportation in the big cities of Indonesia, including in East Java Province. The existence of road capacity in accommodating vehicles must be resolved. One way to accommodate the number of vehicles is through the toll road. But comfortable conditions of the toll road can cause accidents. One factor causing this is the driver's behavior factors, as the toll road is a freeway, they tend to drive carelessly. On the other hand, high planning standards make the difference between toll roads and ordinary highways. Yet barrier-free road does not mean that the traffic accident problem can be resolved properly. This study aims to determine how significant is the influence of driver behavior factor in causing accidents. The methodology is done by analyzing the data using statistical methods. Based on the accident data obtained, a mathematical model with multiple linear regression analysis is made. The model connects the number of traffic accidents on the Surabaya-Gempol toll road with the number of accidents caused by driver factors. The results showed that the factors causing the accident were caused by less anticipated driver factors, carelessness, drowsiness, drunkenness, distance, etcetera. This variable has a significant effect on traffic accidents at Surabaya-Gempol Toll Road by 54%
Abstract Public transportation is very important to support community activities in a city. The Lapindo mud disaster in Sidoarjo has impacts on community activities and public transportation travel patterns in the area. The performance of public transportation services in Sidoarjo is currently quite poor, with an average frequency of less than 6 vehicles/hour, an average headway of greater than 10 minutes, a load factor of less than 70 %, an average speed less than 30 km/hour, and an average travel time of less than 60 minutes. The low load factors could result in decreasing the revenue of public transportation operators which implies a decrease in welfare. In the field, around 20 % of public transportation vehicles are not operating in accordance with the route. In addition, some fleets are not in operation, especially on the route that led to the Porong area, because of the declining number of passengers as a result of the Lapindo mud disaster. For that reason, it is necessary for public transportation route network to adapt to impact map of the Lapindo mudflow and the development of the road network in Sidoarjo. Key words: public transportation, performance evaluation, load factor, headway, route Abstrak Angkutan umum sangat penting untuk mendukung aktivitas masyarakat di suatu kota. Bencana lumpur Lapindo di Sidoarjo berdampak pada aktivitas masyarakat dan pola perjalanan angkutan umum di daerah tersebut. Kinerja layanan angkutan umum di Kabupaten Sidoarjo saat ini kurang baik, dengan frekuensi rata-rata kurang dari 6 kendaraan/jam, waktu antara rata-rata lebih besar dari 10 menit, faktor muat kurang dari 70 %, kecepatan rata-rata kurang dari 30 km/jam, serta waktu tempuh perjalanan rata-rata kurang dari 60 menit. Faktor muat yang rendah berakibat menurunnya penghasilan operator angkutan umum yang berimplikasi pada penurunan kesejahteraan. Hal yang terjadi di lapangan adalah bahwa sekitar 20 % angkutan umum beroperasi tidak sesuai dengan ijin trayeknya. Selain itu beberapa armada tidak beroperasi, khususnya pada trayek yang menuju ke daerah Porong, karena menurunnya jumlah penumpang akibat bencana lumpur Lapindo. Untuk itu, diperlukan jaringan trayek angkutan umum yang disesuaikan dengan peta dampak lumpur Lapindo dan pengembangan jaringan jalan di Sidoarjo. Kata-kata kunci: angkutan umum, evaluasi kinerja, faktor muat, waktu antara, traye
The bus service in Surabaya is far from adequate and there is a need to evaluate the bus performance from time to time. The purpose of this study is to measure the bus performance on 21 service routes in Surabaya. The performance indicators used consist of frequency, headway, load factor, and travel time. The results show that only load factor and travel time are indicating that the bus service is good, while frequency and headway indicators suggest that the bus service needs to be enhanced.Keywords: service performance, frequency, load factor, headway, travel tim
The bus service in Surabaya is far from adequate and there is a need to evaluate the bus performance from time to time. The purpose of this study is to measure the bus performance on 21 service routes in Surabaya. The performance indicators used consist of frequency, headway, load factor, and travel time. The results show that only load factor and travel time are indicating that the bus service is good, while frequency and headway indicators suggest that the bus service needs to be enhanced.Keywords: service performance, frequency, load factor, headway, travel tim
Abstract Public transportation is very important to support community activities in a city. The Lapindo mud disaster in Sidoarjo has impacts on community activities and public transportation travel patterns in the area. The performance of public transportation services in Sidoarjo is currently quite poor, with an average frequency of less than 6 vehicles/hour, an average headway of greater than 10 minutes, a load factor of less than 70 %, an average speed less than 30 km/hour, and an average travel time of less than 60 minutes. The low load factors could result in decreasing the revenue of public transportation operators which implies a decrease in welfare. In the field, around 20 % of public transportation vehicles are not operating in accordance with the route. In addition, some fleets are not in operation, especially on the route that led to the Porong area, because of the declining number of passengers as a result of the Lapindo mud disaster. For that reason, it is necessary for public transportation route network to adapt to impact map of the Lapindo mudflow and the development of the road network in Sidoarjo. Key words: public transportation, performance evaluation, load factor, headway, route Abstrak Angkutan umum sangat penting untuk mendukung aktivitas masyarakat di suatu kota. Bencana lumpur Lapindo di Sidoarjo berdampak pada aktivitas masyarakat dan pola perjalanan angkutan umum di daerah tersebut. Kinerja layanan angkutan umum di Kabupaten Sidoarjo saat ini kurang baik, dengan frekuensi rata-rata kurang dari 6 kendaraan/jam, waktu antara rata-rata lebih besar dari 10 menit, faktor muat kurang dari 70 %, kecepatan rata-rata kurang dari 30 km/jam, serta waktu tempuh perjalanan rata-rata kurang dari 60 menit. Faktor muat yang rendah berakibat menurunnya penghasilan operator angkutan umum yang berimplikasi pada penurunan kesejahteraan. Hal yang terjadi di lapangan adalah bahwa sekitar 20 % angkutan umum beroperasi tidak sesuai dengan ijin trayeknya. Selain itu beberapa armada tidak beroperasi, khususnya pada trayek yang menuju ke daerah Porong, karena menurunnya jumlah penumpang akibat bencana lumpur Lapindo. Untuk itu, diperlukan jaringan trayek angkutan umum yang disesuaikan dengan peta dampak lumpur Lapindo dan pengembangan jaringan jalan di Sidoarjo. Kata-kata kunci: angkutan umum, evaluasi kinerja, faktor muat, waktu antara, traye
Study Of Transport Reform And Development In The Middle Of The Covid-19 Pandemic In Sidoarjo Regency
Sidoarjo is part of the Gerbangkertosusila which is a Metropolitan area, so facilities and infrastructure are needed that are able to support the needs of the city together with the Covid-19 pandemic, it is necessary to revitalize fundamental public transport. According to a survey conducted using the AHP method, the model Y= 0.158X1 + 0.187X2 + 0.135X3 + 0.156X4 + 0.126X5 + 0.131X6 + 0.066X7 + 0.042X8. The calculation results show that the city of Sidoarjo is ready to be developed. The development carried out is to develop the existing transportation route Purabaya Terminal - Porong Terminal into road-based mass transportation, namely medium buses with a capacity of 30 passengers, which has a circulation time of 1 hour 49.25 minutes/trip, with a load factor of 77%, headway 11.55 minutes , and a fleet that requires 12 units of the fleet, as well as the temporary tariff determined according to the BOK of Rp. 8.334,-. The revitalization of existing transportation is by scraping by rerouting existing transportation to be used as feeders, rejuvenating existing transportation, selling it outside the city, and if it is not roadworthy, old iron scrap is sold using the kiloan metho