157 research outputs found

    Faba beans in diets for growing-finishing pigs

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    Two experiments were carried out to study the effects of using the new faba bean (Vicia faba L.) cultivar Kontu as a domestic protein source for growing-finishing pigs.In Experiment 1,120 pigs were used with a body weight (BW)of 25–110 kg to study the effects of replacing 0, 25, 50, 75,and 100%of rapeseed meal with faba beans in barley +rapeseed meal based diets. Restrictedly fed grower and finisher diets contained 137–317 and 114–260 g kg–1 faba beans, respectively. A barley +soya bean meal based diet was included as a control. The replacement of rapeseed meal with faba beans exerted a quadratic effect on daily weight gain and on the feed conversion ratio of pigs in the growing period and during total fattening (P 0.05).In conclusion,inclusion of over 200 g kg–1 of faba beans in barley + rapeseed meal based diets is not recommended for growing pigs because it may result in reduced growth performance. Faba beans may influence meat colour,but this phenomenon should be investigated further

    Säilörehun korjuuasteen vaikutus naudanlihantuotantoon

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    vokKirjasto Aj-

    Responses to organic and inorganic selenium in the performance and blood selenium content of growing pigs

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    An experiment was carried out with 36 growing pigs in order to compare their responses to organic selenium and inorganic selenium. No significant differences were found in daily gain, feed/gain ratio or carcass quality of growing pigs fed with 0.1 mg inorganic Se or the same amount of Se bound in yeast. Neither were there significant differences in the content of Se in the liver and serum between these Se sources. The amount of 0.4 mg yeast selenium in the feed increased the Se level in the serum and liver significantly as compared to a lower level ofsupplementation (0.1 mg) (

    Carbohydrate and acid composition of Finnish berries

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    The study comprised six wild and seven cultivated berries grown in Finland, one imported berry and the rhubarb. The samples were analysed for sugars, starch, hemicellulose polysaccharides, cellulose, crude lignin, titratable and total acidity and organic salts, crude protein, crude fat and ash. Five berry species were furthermore analysed for the amount and composition of seeds. The sugar content of the berries is some 35—55 per cent of the dry matter, hemicellulose plus cellulose is 10—20 per cent, and crude lignin 3—10 per cent. A considerable proportion of the last two groups occurs in the seeds. The total amount of plant acids varies within a range of 10—20 per cent, and 10—30 per cent of the acids is in the form of salts. Titratable acid amounts to some 70—90 per cent of the total acid content. Seed content and the composition of seeds varies greatly. In some berries seeds account for one-quarter of the dry matter, and seeds may have a fat content that is nearly 30 per cent of the dry matter

    Effect of dietary vitamin A level on performance, vitamin A content in the liver and leg weakness of growing finishing pigs

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    A total of 160 piglets, females and castrates, were divided at weight of 25 kg into four groups in order to study the effects of dietary vitamin A supplementation. The groups were balanced according to initial weight, sex and litter origin. The same basic mixture, consisting of barley and commercial protein concentrate with all minerals and vitamins except vitamin A, was used in feeding of all the piglets. The vitamin A activity of the mixture, however, was 646 IU/kg. Special vitamin A premixes were prepared by using a commercial product providing the four final four diets with 0, 1000, 3000 and 50000 IU/kg. Three piglets were sacrificed at the beginning of the trial to determine the content of liver vitamin A. It was found to vary between 7.3 and 10.2 mg/100 g fresh liver. There were no differences between the groups in daily gain,feed: gain ratio or carcass quality. A histological examination ofleg joints did not reveal an increased frequency of osteochondrosis in pigs fed with a high level of vitamin A. Growing finishing pigs, having adequate liver stores of vitamin A at 25 kg of live weight, grew without showing any visible signs of deficiency up to 100 kg weight with no vitamin A additions. However, the liver vitamin A analysis at slaughter showed that the recommendation for vitamin A in practical pig feeds should be higher than 1000 IU/kg. In the present experiment, 3000 HJ/kg was found to be a sufficient level

    Reducing crude protein content with supplementation of synthetic lysine and threonine in barley - rapeseed meal - pea diets for growing pigs

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    This study was conducted to determine the possibility to use synthetic amino acids to lower the nitrogen output from pig production. A performance experiment was carried out with 120triplet-fed growing pigs whose dietary crude protein was reduced from 179 g/feed unit (FU= 0.7 kg starch equivalent) to 160, 140 and 122 g/FU, respectively. The diets were supplemented with synthetic lysine and threonine to keep the level of these amino acids constant. Dietary protein reduction did not affect the growth performance or feed conversion ratio of the pigs, but it did linearly increase the portion of fat to lean in the carcass. Significant linear effect was found in back fat (

    Rapeseed meal of low- and high-glucosinolate type fed to growing-finishing pigs

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    The nutritive value of five lots of rapeseed meal (RSM) from Brassica campestris or B. napus with different levels of glucosinolates (GL) was investigated in a digestibility and balance trial with a 5 x 5 Latin square design and in a growth trial with 140 growing-finishing pigs. The RSM’s were prepared from the cultivars: Span-Torch, Sigga, Gulliver and Topas, and a heat-treated RSM was also studied, their total GL contents (µmol/g defatted meal) being 42, 11, 98, 27 and 8, respectively. Cv. Sigga had yellow hulls and a lower ADF content than the other cultivars. The hat-treated RSM had a reduced lysine content. There were no significant (P > 0.05) differences in organic matter or crude protein digestibilities between the RSM’s with different GL levels or the RSM’s prepared from B. campestris and B. napus, when RSM was used as the only protein supplement at a level of 20—25 % in a barley-based diet. Heat treatment reduced the organic matter and crude protein digestibilities (P 0.05). In the growth trial supplementation with HGL-RSM Gulliver (14 % in diet) caused some palatability problems and this led to reduced performance (P 0.05). The carcass quality was similar in all the groups. The weight of the thyroid gland was higher in the pigs receiving RSM than in the SBM controls, by 6—57 % (P < 0.05). In the present study a fairly high RSM supplements from cultivars with a moderate high GL content could be used in the diet of growing pigs without impairing their performance, when the diet was formulated on the basis of the digestible nutrients of RSM. Heat-treated RSM, with protein of low rumen degradability, is of poor value in pig feeding due to the low digestibility and availability of its protein

    Uusimmat koetulokset sikatalouden tutkimusasemalta

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    vKirjasto Aj-

    Sokeri- ja tärkkelyslisäyksen vaikutus säilörehun sulavuuteen ja typen pidättymiseen pässeillä

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    Sokeri- ja tärkkelyslisäyksen vaikutusta säilörehun sulavuuteen tutkittiin kuudella pässillä, joista kaksi oli kasvavaa, neljä täysikasvuista. Koe oli järjestetty kahden peräkkäisen 3x3 latinalaisen neliön muotoon. Kokeessa 1 lisättiin dieettiin 0, 50 g tai 100 g sakkaroosia/eläin/pv. Kokeessa 2 lisäys oli 0, 200 g sakkaroosia tai 200 g vehnäntärkkelystä/eläin/pv. Vastaava ry-määrä säilörehua vähennettiin. Hiilihydraattilisäykset vastasivat noin 10, 20 ja 40 % nettoenergiasta. Pässit saivat lisäksi kivennäistä ja 200 g:n lisäaineryhmät kaseiinia 15.0 g/pv. Kokeen 1 dieetit sisälsivät raakavalkuaista noin 13—18 %, kokeen 2 15—24 % k.a:sta. Energiansaanti oli vähän yli ylläpitotarpeen. Sakkaroosi ei vaikuttanut käytännöllisesti katsoen mitään säilörehun orgaanisen aineen, hemiselluloosan, selluloosan eikä raakaproteiinin todelliseen sulavuuteen annettiinpa sitä 50, 100 tai 200 g/pv. Tärkkelyksellä todettiin pieni sulavuutta alentava vaikutus, mikä ei kuitenkaan ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevä. Kokeessa 2 määritettiin myös typpitase. Sekä sakkaroosi- että tärkkelys alensi vähän, joskaan ei merkitsevästi, typen pidättymistä. Keskenään sakkaroosi ja tärkkelys olivat tässä kohden samanarvoisia

    Puunjalostusteollisuuden jäteliemipulveri märehtijäin rehuna

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    The nutritive value of dried ammonium spent sulphite waste liquor was investigated. The waste liquor was a by-product of the birch wood manufacturing industry and was composed mainly of xylane and lignin. These substances largely occurred in such a form that the usual determinations revealed only a part of them. The nitrogen, sulphur and acetic acid contents in the different preparations were 4–7 %, 4.5–9 % and 0.5–7 %, respectively. Digestibility experiments with sheep indicated that when the milk powder in a barley-straw-milk powder diet was replaced with the waste liquor amounting to 18 % (level 1) and 9 % (level 2) of the diet, the digestibility of the organic matter decreased from 84.0 % to 73.5 % at level 1 (PTutkimus käsitteli koivuraaka-aineesta ammonium neutraali-sulfiittikeitossa muodostuvan kuivatun jäteliemen käyttöä märehtijäin rehuna. Tuote koostui pääasiassa ksylaanista ja ligniinistä. Kumpikin aine oli suureksi osaksi niin muuttuneessa muodossa, että tavanomaiset määritysmenetelmät ilmaisivat niistä vain osan. Typen määrä vaihteli erilaisissa valmisteissa rajoissa 4—7 %, rikin 4.5—9 % ja etikkahapon 0.5—7 % kuiva-aineesta. Sulavuuskokeet lampailla osoittivat, että kun ohra-olki-kurrijauhe yhdistelmässä kurrijauhe korvattiin jäteliemipulverilla, dieetin orgaanisen aineen sulavuus aleni 18 %:n tasolla (I) 84.0 %:sta 73.5 %:iin (
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