Carbohydrate and acid composition of Finnish berries


The study comprised six wild and seven cultivated berries grown in Finland, one imported berry and the rhubarb. The samples were analysed for sugars, starch, hemicellulose polysaccharides, cellulose, crude lignin, titratable and total acidity and organic salts, crude protein, crude fat and ash. Five berry species were furthermore analysed for the amount and composition of seeds. The sugar content of the berries is some 35—55 per cent of the dry matter, hemicellulose plus cellulose is 10—20 per cent, and crude lignin 3—10 per cent. A considerable proportion of the last two groups occurs in the seeds. The total amount of plant acids varies within a range of 10—20 per cent, and 10—30 per cent of the acids is in the form of salts. Titratable acid amounts to some 70—90 per cent of the total acid content. Seed content and the composition of seeds varies greatly. In some berries seeds account for one-quarter of the dry matter, and seeds may have a fat content that is nearly 30 per cent of the dry matter

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