53 research outputs found

    Resource Sustainability: The Development Challenge In Resource-poor Area (Keberkelanjutan Sumberdaya: Tantangan Pembangunan di Kawasan Miskin Sumberdaya)

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    Keberlanjutan (sustainability) menekankan pada hubungan antara lingkungan dan manusia dengan tujuan mencapai kelestarian lingkungan serta meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Sayangnya konsep ini berkaitan dengan menurunnya ketersediaan sumberdaya alam yang disebabkan oleh eksploitasi yang berlebihan. Masyarakat yang terlibat eksploitasi sumberdaya alam secara langsung serta yang kesejahteraannya, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, sangat tergantung pada sumberdaya alam, adalah mereka yang hidup di daerah pedesaan. Masyarakat pedesaan seringkali kesulitan dalam membuat keputusan mengenai sumberdaya alam, dimana di satu sisi, mereka perlu untuk memanfaatkan sumberdaya alam, tetapi di sisi lain, mereka perlu melestarikan kapasitas produktif dari sumberdaya tersebut untuk menopang kesejahteraannya. Situasi ini menjadi lebih buruk jika ketersediaan sumberdaya alam di kawasan tersebut sudah sangat terbatas, karena hal ini akan meningkatkan proses eksploitasi. Sehingga, pembangunan berkelanjutan di kawasan pedesaan adalah sebenarnya mengenai ketahanan pangan (food security), yang seringkali diperoleh dengan mengorbankan lingkungan. Salah satu contoh kawasan miskin sumberdaya alam adalah Karst Gunung Sewu. Ketahanan hidup masyarakat Gunung Sewu sangat ditentukan oleh ketersediaan sumberdaya alam di lingkungannya, sehingga adopsi mereka terhadap suatu sistem pertanian tertentu, dapat menunjukkan bagaimana mereka berupaya untuk mengimbangi kebutuhan-kebutuhan agar dapat terus hidup. Pertahanan untuk terus hidup dengan hanya memanfaatkan sumberdaya yang terbatas ini, menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan sumberdaya alam yang berkelanjutan di daerah pedesaan terutama di kawasan miskin sumberdaya alam merupakan suatu tantangan pembangunan di kawasan pedesaan. Masyarakat Gunung Sewu telah mengembangkan cara-cara tradisional dalam memanfaatkan serta melestarikan sumberdaya alamnya untuk memastikan adanya efisiensi dalam pemanfaatan sumberdaya untuk produksi pangan. Strategi pemanfaatan lahan yang dipilih dipengaruhi oleh kondisi sosio-ekonomi termasuk budaya, sedangkan strategi untuk meningkatkan pendapatan lebih dipengaruhi oleh kondisi fisik lingkungannya (Sunkar, 2008)

    Deforestation And Rocky Desertification Processes In Gunung Sewu Karst Landscape (Proses Deforestasi dan Rocky Desertifcation di Landskap Karst Gunung Sewu)

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    Kerapuhan suatu kawasan karst merupakan dasar terbentuknya rocky desertification, yaitu proses yang merubah kawasan karst yang sebelumnya ditutupi oleh vegetasi dan tanah, menjadi landskap batuan hampir tanpa vegetasi dan tanah (Yuan, 1991: 1). Pada Kenyataannya, hal ini diperparah dengan pertumbuhan populasi manusia dan meningkatnya deforestasi yang menambah tekanan terhadap kesuburan tanah seperti yang terlihat di kawasan Karst Gunung Sewu. Studi pustaka yang meliputi analisis isi (content analysis) dari bahan-bahan sekunder diperlukan untuk mengumpulkan data serta informasi yang terkait dengan sejarah Perubahan landskap Gunung Sewu. Selain itu, data dan informasi juga dikumpulkan dari pengamatan langsung di lapangan serta wawancara dengan kelompok petani. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi Perubahan landskap di kawasan Karst Gunung Sewu yang terkait dengan budaya membuka lahan untuk bertani.Di Gunung Sewu, populasi manusia yang berlebihan menyebabkan meluasnya pembukaan wilayah hutan untuk areal pertanian serta pemukiman. Pembukaan lahan yang terus menerus akibat deforestasi meningkatkan erosi tanah sehingga tutupan vegetasi maupun tanah menurun yang diikuti oleh meningkatnya singkapan batuan karst

    RESOURCE SUSTAINABILITY: THE DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGE IN RESOURCE-POOR AREA (Keberkelanjutan Sumberdaya: Tantangan Pembangunan di Kawasan Miskin Sumberdaya)

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    Keberlanjutan (sustainability) menekankan pada hubungan antara lingkungan dan manusia dengan tujuan mencapai kelestarian lingkungan serta meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Sayangnya konsep ini berkaitan dengan menurunnya ketersediaan sumberdaya alam yang disebabkan oleh eksploitasi yang berlebihan. Masyarakat yang terlibat eksploitasi sumberdaya alam secara langsung serta yang kesejahteraannya, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, sangat tergantung pada sumberdaya alam, adalah mereka yang hidup di daerah pedesaan. Masyarakat pedesaan seringkali kesulitan dalam membuat keputusan mengenai sumberdaya alam, dimana di satu sisi, mereka perlu untuk memanfaatkan sumberdaya alam, tetapi di sisi lain, mereka perlu melestarikan kapasitas produktif dari sumberdaya tersebut untuk menopang kesejahteraannya. Situasi ini menjadi lebih buruk jika ketersediaan sumberdaya alam di kawasan tersebut sudah sangat terbatas, karena hal ini akan meningkatkan proses eksploitasi. Sehingga, pembangunan berkelanjutan di kawasan pedesaan adalah sebenarnya mengenai ketahanan pangan (food security), yang seringkali diperoleh dengan mengorbankan lingkungan. Salah satu contoh kawasan miskin sumberdaya alam adalah Karst Gunung Sewu. Ketahanan hidup masyarakat Gunung Sewu sangat ditentukan oleh ketersediaan sumberdaya alam di lingkungannya, sehingga adopsi mereka terhadap suatu sistem pertanian tertentu, dapat menunjukkan bagaimana mereka berupaya untuk mengimbangi kebutuhan-kebutuhan agar dapat terus hidup. Pertahanan untuk terus hidup dengan hanya memanfaatkan sumberdaya yang terbatas ini, menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan sumberdaya alam yang berkelanjutan di daerah pedesaan terutama di kawasan miskin sumberdaya alam merupakan suatu tantangan pembangunan di kawasan pedesaan. Masyarakat Gunung Sewu telah mengembangkan cara-cara tradisional dalam memanfaatkan serta melestarikan sumberdaya alamnya untuk memastikan adanya efisiensi dalam pemanfaatan sumberdaya untuk produksi pangan. Strategi pemanfaatan lahan yang dipilih dipengaruhi oleh kondisi sosio-ekonomi termasuk budaya, sedangkan strategi untuk meningkatkan pendapatan lebih dipengaruhi oleh kondisi fisik lingkungannya (Sunkar, 2008).Kata kunci: Keberlanjutan, pengelolaan sumberdaya alam, kawasan miskin sumberdaya alam, pangan, Karst Gunung Sew

    DEFORESTATION AND ROCKY DESERTIFICATION PROCESSES IN GUNUNG SEWU KARST LANDSCAPE (Proses Deforestasi dan Rocky Desertifcation di Landskap Karst Gunung Sewu)

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    ABSTRACT Kerapuhan suatu kawasan karst merupakan dasar terbentuknya rocky desertification, yaitu proses yang merubah kawasan karst yang sebelumnya ditutupi oleh vegetasi dan tanah, menjadi landskap batuan hampir tanpa vegetasi dan tanah (Yuan, 1991:

    The effect of open green space on the stress level of Bogor Botanical Garden visitors

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    Stress is a global phenomenon that has become a part of everyday life. Stress can be triggered by the presence of stressors. In Indonesia, the prevalence of psychological stress keeps increasing. This study aims to analyze the perceived restoration effect of green open parks on the stress levels of Bogor Botanical Gardens visitors. A survey of 100 visitors of Bogor Botanical Garden was conducted based on the Perceived Stress Scale. Data on respondent characteristics and stress levels were analyzed using descriptive analysis, the visitor's characteristics that affected their stress levels were analyzed using stepwise linear regression and analysis of variance, and the effect of having a garden and the proximity to open green space on the visitor's stress levels were identified using analysis of variance. The respondents who felt low, medium, and high-stress levels, were 22%, 73%, and 5% respectively. The majority of the respondents perceived Bogor Botanical Garden as restorative. Factors that significantly affect the stress level of respondents are age and purpose of visit. The older the respondent, the lower their stress level tends to be. Visitors who visit for exercise/health activities have significantly lower stress levels than for other visits. In this study, no significant relationship was found between garden ownership and proximity to green parks on the stress level of the respondents

    Economic Valuation of Sun Bear (Helarctos malayanus) and Sumatran Elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus) Based on Maintenance Cost Approach

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    Sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) and sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus) are two species with high population decline due to poaching and illegal wildlife trade. It is still difficult to enforce laws related to hunting and wildlife trade due to legal standardization that can be used as an economic basis for lawsuits. One method of quantifying the economic value of animals can be done through an economic valuation process. This study aims to examine the economic value of sun bears and sumatran elephants based on a maintenance cost approach. The research was conducted at the conservation institutions of Medan Zoo, Siantar Zoo, and PPS Tashikoki from February – May 2021. The method used in the study was to manage conservation institutions to obtain the amount of cost allocation for animal care that refers to the five principles of animal welfare. The results showed that the sun bear's economic value based on its maintenance cost for 2 years reached Rp. 76,760,000 and for the sumatran elephant, it reached Rp. 621,730,000. The highest maintenance cost allocation for these two species is in the feed allocation. This high economic value indicates a disproportionate amount of fines given to the perpetrators of hunting and illegal wildlife trade, which has implications for weak legal products and does not cause a deterrent effect


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    Traditional knowledge explains the sustainable use and management of natural resources that are critical for the long-term of ecosystems and food security one of the challenges in maintaining traditional knowledge is urbanization. This study aims to identify the diversity of food plants used by the Gayo Lut community and describe the effect of urbanization on changes in traditional knowledge. Data collection methods include freelisting and field observation. This research involved 3 groups of 16 elders, 16 non-urban, and 16 Urban. The respondents were asked to freelist by mentioning 25 of Gayo Lut traditional common food plants and interviews related to food terminology, including the food plants used. Data were analyzed with Salience Index using Anthropac, and Jaccard index to see the similarity knowledge. This study found a total 188 of food plants and 224 dishes. The effect of urbanization on food plants knowledge is significantly seen for urban community. In contrast to cuisines knowledge, urban people tend to have more knowledge, and modified recipes as a form of adaptation but still maintained distinctive flavors. This study also reveals that there is a close relationship between traditional cuisine and food plants, which can be an alternative for food plant conservation. Key words: food plant, Gayo Lut, salience index, traditional cuisine, traditional knowledg


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    A person may contribute to the conservation of species through donations. The willingness to donate (WTD) to conserve endangered species can depend on many factors. This research aims to determine the willingness of visitors to Indonesia's zoos and safari parks to make a donation for species conservation and identify the determinants of their WTD through preferences toward certain species. This research focused on 12 priority endangered mammals. The study began with a preliminary survey of 110 respondents in January 2020, followed by data collection in February 2020 involving 1011 adult visitors to zoos and safari parks in Java and Bali. Specifically, descriptive statistics in the form of percentages ere used to analyze the influence of preferences toward species conservation and amount of donation while considering individual characteristics such as gender, age, place of residence, occupation, and level of education. Our results confirmed that mammals, mega-herbivores and large carnivores are very popular among young adult visitors. Overall, the results demonstrated that visitors placed rhino, elephant and tiger as the three priority species to be conserved in terms of donation given. It is clear that these three charismatic species have a very high conservation value in the eyes of the people. Furthermore, the characteristics of species and the knowledge and psychological preferences of the visitors can contribute to the determination of the preference for the number of donations to certain wildlife species.    Key words: charismatic species, conservation institutions, demographic characteristics, Indonesia, primat


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    Forest ranger is one of Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) human resources that is assigned the job to protect and secure forests. They played very important role within The Ministry of Forestry.  As civil servant, forest ranger is evaluated using Performance Appraisal and Credit Unit.  On average, they achieved higher job rank in more than four year, which is thought to be too long. A method to enhance their performance is thus necessary.  The research objective was to formulate performance index for four levels of forest ranger's namely: junior forest ranger, forest ranger, senior forest ranger, and supervisor of forest ranger.  The research was conducted in two BKSDA, in the Provinces of Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta.  The performance was determined using (i) criteria and indicators, (ii) weighted indicators and (iii) performance index’s limit as requirement for promotion.  The criteria and indicators were set fixed from forest ranger’s duty, then indicator's values were defined by using Analytical Hierarchy Process’s (AHP) assessed by experts.  Performance index has five performance criteria: educational background; conducting forest protection and security operation; conducting oversight of forest products, floras and faunas circulation; professional capacity building; and carrying out complementary activities.  Each of these criteria had indicators which the amount depended on the rank of forest ranger.  Results of the Performance Index for each forest ranger’s level were 111 for junior forest ranger, 213 for forest ranger, 125 for senior forest ranger, and 72 for supervisor of forest ranger. Keywords:  forest ranger, human resources, performance index, criteria, indicator valu

    Uji Standar Kinerja Pengelolaan Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak pada Prinsip Kelestarian Fungsi Sosial Budaya

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    The current national park management did not fully take into account the sustainability of socio cultural benefits, particularly for indigenous communities. Therefore the park's performance achievement on the aspect of socio cultural required to be assessed by using tested management standards. The research objectives were: (1) to measure the actual verifier and assess the indicators formulated by the Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation and Bogor Agricultural University in Gunung Halimun Salak National Park (GHSNP), (2) to analyze the validity of management performance indicators of GHSNP (3) to measure the achievement of each indicator based on a minimum standard of performance, and (4) to formulate recommendations for improving management standards. The results showed that: (1) the actual value of management performance indicators for GHSNP was good for one indicator and fair for four indicators. There were four indicators that could not be measured and assessed; (2) eight of the nine indicators which have been tested in the field were valid; (3) the achievement of performance indicators for GHSNP management on the principle of socio-cultural sustainability has achieved its minimum values; and (4) the standard management of national park should be completed because field results showed that, there were difficulties measuring the verifiers and assessing the indicators. This research found that there were inconsistency on the terminology used in the standards, lack of operational definition, difficulty in using the norm, and verifier inappropriate with actual condition
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