1,331 research outputs found

    Cu2+ uptake by Chlorococcum hemicolum - A Xeric Chlorophycean Alga

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    Bioremediation of copper by xeric chlorophycean bioremediator, Chlorococcum hemicolum was investigated. The growth rates at various concentrations of Cu2+ were assessed in terms of protein level and 8 mg L-1 (37.67 % level in growth kinetics) is the tolerance limit. Absorption/adsorption kinetics was estimated after 240 hrs of Cu2+ treatments. Absorptions were higher than adsorption with maximum accumulation factor (AF) of 1.40. The Cu2+ concentration and absorption were linearly related (r = 0.99; p>0.01). Other biochemical parameters like total sugar, chlorophyll and carotenoids were also quantified to correlate the state of metabolism and these exhibited reduction due to heavy metal stress

    Improved techniques for bispectral reconstruction of signals

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    Higher order cumulants and spectra have found a variety of uses in many areas of digital signal processing. The third order spectrum, or bispectrum, is of specific interest to researchers because of some of its properties. The Bispectrum is defined as the fourier transform of the third order cumulant se quence for stochastic processes, and as a triple product of fourier transforms for deterministic signals. In the past, bispectral analysis has been used in applications such as identification of linear filters, quadratic phase coupling problems and detection of deviations from normality. This work is aimed at developing techniques for reconstructing deterministic signals in noise us ing the bispectrum. The bispectrum is zero for many noise processes, and is insensitive to linear phase shifts. The main motivation of this work is to exploit these properties of bispectrum that are potentially useful in signal re covery. The existing bispectral recovery techniques are discussed in the signal reconstruction frame work and their main limitation in handling noisy de terministic signals is brought out. New robust reconstruction procedures are provided in order to use bispectrum in such cases. The developed algorithms are tested over a range of simulated applications to bring out their robustness in handling both deterministic and stochastic signals. The new techniques are compared with existing bispectral methods in various problems. This thesis also discusses some of the tradeoffs involved in using bispectrum based reconstruction approaches against non-bispectral methods


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    Precise control of physiological phenomena is performed by various kinds of receptormediated signaling. The vast majority of receptors belong to the superfamily of G proteincoupled receptors (GPCRs), which form one of the largest protein families. In theclassical model of GPCR signaling, stimulation of seven transmembrane spanning GPCRleads to the activation of heterotrimeric G proteins, which dissociate into a and bgsubunits. The subunits activate effector molecules, which include second messengergenerating systems, giving rise to various kinds of cellular responses. The LH/CGreceptor is a member of the glycoprotein hormone receptor family along with the FSHand TSH receptors, which belongs to the GPCR superfamily. Human chorionicgonadotropin (hCG) binds to the exodomain of LH/CG receptor and the resulting hCGexodomaincomplex is thought to interact with the endodomain of the receptor to bringabout hormone signal.Unfortunately, little evidence is available for the precise hormonecontact points in the exo domain and endo domain of the receptor. The affinity ofhormone binding to the exodomain was enhanced when the endodomain was truncated.This suggests that the endodomain modulates the hormone binding to the exodomain ofthe receptor. To understand this, the role of exoloop 2 on the modulation of high affinityhormone binding to the exodomain was studied using photoaffinity labeling technique

    Heat balance analysis of annealing and galvanneal furnace in continuous galvanizing lines

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    Galvanizing facilities are highly energy intensive operation with electrical and fuel energy representing a significant share of their total energy usage. Furnaces are extensively used in galvanizing process. Production process expertise along with the energy conservation practices can play a significant role in proper usage of energy at galvanizing facilities. Therefore, benchmarking galvanizing energy consumption and understanding the specific energy consumption by various elements are critical. E-GEPDSS (Enhanced Galvanizing Energy Profiler Decision Support System) was built to identify this specific energy consumption by using heat balance analysis. The use of E-GEPDSS does not hinder the production process and the user may run the model for different set of operating conditions and observe the results. The results obtained from the analysis will help the user to make energy enhancing decisions.;This research involved the analysis of galvanizing operations focusing on the furnace side of energy consumption. The furnace heat balance was built and applied using the data collected from a host company during the plant visit. Sensitivity analysis were done to study the impact of changing process and product parameters on the total heat loss from the system.;From the energy analysis conducted for the furnace equipment at the host facility, it was found that the useful heat absorbed by the product is only 50% of the heat supplied to the furnace and rest of heat dissipates as losses. Heat losses from surfaces, walls, water cooling and stack are significant. Heat loss due to opening and phase change heat loss seem not to be significant. Emissivity, dimensions of the furnace, temperature of the zones, thermal conductivity of insulation materials and the strip temperature at the entry and exit of each zone have significant impact on the total heat loss. In the future, the model will be applied extensively to more galvanizing lines in order to help the galvanizers to have a better understanding about the energy consumption while producing their product

    Free vibration and stability of tapered Euler–Bernoulli beams made of axially functionally graded materials

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    AbstractThe free vibration and stability of axially functionally graded tapered Euler–Bernoulli beams are studied through solving the governing differential equations of motion. Observing the fact that the conventional differential transform method (DTM) does not necessarily converge to satisfactory results, a new approach based on DTM called differential transform element method (DTEM) is introduced which considerably improves the convergence rate of the method. In addition to DTEM, differential quadrature element method of lowest-order (DQEL) is used to solve the governing differential equation, as well. Carrying out several numerical examples, the competency of DQEL and DTEM in determination of free longitudinal and free transverse frequencies and critical buckling load of tapered Euler–Bernoulli beams made of axially functionally graded materials is verified

    Efficient Privacy on Personalized Web Search Using Web Transformation Technique in User Profile

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    The time required for query processing over the internet is high due to the massively increasing amount of data on the server. Sometimes we may get irrelevant information as a result for a query. So we go for Personalized Web Search (PWS) to make the query processing good. In PWS, the query processing is done with the help of user profile. The user profile is created in two manners namely implicit and explicit. The implicit method creates the user profile from user’s browser histories, email, document and etc., without any effort from the user. Through this method the profile created with some user’s personal and secret information. Exposure of secret information on web leads to the privacy problem. In another way that the profile was created by explicit method. In this method the users requested to create their profile manually on the web. After profile creation the query processing is takes place. At each time a query is generated by a user that is combined with the personalized profile to generate a personalized query. Now the generalized query is send to the server. The server process the query then ranks the collected information. Finally the results are given to the client side and viewed to the user. The profile is updated in both ways at each time of query processing (automatically) and also by the manual update. To increase the privacy protection the profile details is reviewed at users own time. They can hide their secret information from the profile. Each profile updating process checks the newly added field information with the already hided field information. If any newly added field information matches with the personalized information then a notification is generated automatically to alert the user to personalize their profile. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15060

    A Novel Planar Antenna for CubeSats

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    The UHF radio amateur band situated around 436 MHz is a very popular radio band for CubeSat Communications. This band has around 14.5 dB lower path loss compared to the popular S-band due to the lower frequency. The longer wavelength accompanied with the UHF band results in antennas that are relatively big compared to the size of a CubeSat. To communicate in this band, CubeSats are therefore equipped with linear wire antennas in dipole or turnstile configuration. Compared to patch antennas which are used to communicate in the S-band, these linear wire antennas have the downside that they need a deployment mechanism. This deployment mechanism increases the risk of failure during the mission, and subsequently asks more attention during design, integration and testing of the CubeSat. Furthermore, this system adds extra mass to the CubeSat and it takes up space that could be used by other subsystems. A novel planar antenna is proposed in this paper that obviates the need for deployment and meets most of the communication requirements for a CubeSat. Key characteristics of the proposed antenna is a gain of 3.72 dBi with a bandwidth of 2.82 MHz

    FOPID Controlled Shunt Active Filter in IEEE Thirty Bus System with Improved Dynamic Time Response

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    This paper aims on improving the dynamic time response of a Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) connected to IEEE Thirty Bus System(TBS) using Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) in closed loop controlled Active Power Filter with FOPID. The simulation results are presented to find the effect of shunt active filter using FOPID controller. Open Loop Thirty Bus System (OLTBS) with change in load is simulated. The simulation results with PI and FOPID Controller based SAF are compared and the corresponding time-domain parameters are presented. The results indicate that FOPID Controller system has better response than PI controlled system

    The effect of sugar mill effluent on seed germination of green gram (Vigna radiatia L.)

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    Sugar industry is an agro-based industry in India which released lot of effluent into the environment during sugar production. The formers used this effluent in agriculture for scarcity of water. The effluent contained large amount of organic and inorganic materials which affects the water, soil and living organisms especially plants. The present study was the analysis of sugar mill effluent and different concentrations (10, 25, 50, 75 and 100%)  of sugar mill effluent effects on germination and growth development of green gram (Vigna radiata L.). As a result the lower concentration (10%) of sugar mill effluent promoted the germination and growth of the seedlings but higher concentrations of sugar mill effluent inhibited the germination and growth of the green gram seedlings. The lower concentration of effluent contained may be better nutrients of plant which used for irrigation purposed for high growth and yield