20 research outputs found

    Unilateral facial palsy and hearing loss as initial manifestation of Granulomatosis with polyangiitis: a case report

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    Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) is a systematic autoimmune disorder characterized by necrotizing vasculitis of small to medium-sized-vessels and granuloma formation. GPA is commonly initially presented with respiratory and renal symptoms. Although involvement of the temporal bone is not unusual, an otologic disorder is rarely the presenting symptom. We present a case of a 36-year-old patient complaining of severe ear pain, hearing loss and unilateral facial palsy. After comprehensive clinical diagnostics and temporal bone and chest imaging, a multiorgan involving form of GPA was diagnosed. The patient was treated with cyclophosphamide and methylprednisolone which resulted in amelioration of ear pain, improvement of hearing loss, partial resolution of facial palsy and altogether clinical improvement of the patient. Although infrequently, systemic GPA can initially present with otologic symptoms and should not be overlooked as a possible cause of an otologic disorder resilient to usual pragmatic treatment

    Unilateral facial palsy and hearing loss as initial manifestation of Granulomatosis with polyangiitis: a case report

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    Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) is a systematic autoimmune disorder characterized by necrotizing vasculitis of small to medium-sized-vessels and granuloma formation. GPA is commonly initially presented with respiratory and renal symptoms. Although involvement of the temporal bone is not unusual, an otologic disorder is rarely the presenting symptom. We present a case of a 36-year-old patient complaining of severe ear pain, hearing loss and unilateral facial palsy. After comprehensive clinical diagnostics and temporal bone and chest imaging, a multiorgan involving form of GPA was diagnosed. The patient was treated with cyclophosphamide and methylprednisolone which resulted in amelioration of ear pain, improvement of hearing loss, partial resolution of facial palsy and altogether clinical improvement of the patient. Although infrequently, systemic GPA can initially present with otologic symptoms and should not be overlooked as a possible cause of an otologic disorder resilient to usual pragmatic treatment

    Numerical Modeling of Fluid Structure Interaction with Combined Finite Element Method and Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics : Doctoral Thesis

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    U okviru ovoga rada razvijen je 3D numerički model za međudjelovanje konstrukcije i tekućine u uvjetima dinamičkog opterećenja. Model se zasniva na pristupu sa zasebnim rješenjima, kod kojega se konstrukcija i tekućina rješavaju odvojeno i različitim metodama. Za analizu konstrukcije korišten je prethodno razvijeni model zasnovan na metodi konačnih elemenata (eng. finite element method - FEM), koji je poboljšan uvođenjem rotacijske krutosti degeneriranog izoparametrijskog konačnog elementa ljuske. Za analizu tekućine korišten je prethodno razvijeni model zasnovan na metodi hidrodinamike izglađenih čestica (eng. smoothed particle hydrodynamics – SPH), koji je poboljšan uvođenjem dodatne korekcije tlakova tekućine uz rub računalne domene. Razvijeni model je primarno namijenjen simulaciji čeličnih konstrukcija koje se mogu opisati elementima ljuske (vodotornjevi, rezervoari i dr.). Modelom je moguće opisati glavne nelinearne značajke konstrukcijskog čelika: tečenje (popuštanje) u tlaku i vlaku i razvoj plastičnosti. Moguće je adekvatno simulirati i osnovne nelinearne karakteristike tekućine (stišljivost, viskoznost i turbulencija). U okviru rada provedena su i eksperimentalna ispitivanja međudjelovanja otvorenog pravokutnog rezervoara i vode na potresnoj platformi. Eksperimentalna ispitivanja su dala doprinos dodatnim spoznajama o stvarnom ponašanju ljuskastih konstrukcija koje su u doticaju s tekućinom i izložene različitim dinamičkim opterećenjem. Osim toga, stvorena je eksperimentalna baza podataka za provjeru razvijenog numeričkog modela. Numerički testovi provedeni pomoću razvijenog numeričkog modela prikazuju njegovu pouzdanost i mogućnost primjene. Provjera modela izvršena je na primjeru rezultata eksperimentalnih testova provedenih u okviru rada, ali i numeričkih i eksperimentalnih rezultata iz dostupne literature. Na kraju su navedeni najvažniji zaključci provedenih istraživanja.Within this paper, a 3D numerical model for the fluid structure interaction under dynamic load, has been developed. Partitioned approach has been used, where the construction and fluid are solved separately and by different methods. For the analysis of construction, a previously developed model based on the finite element method (FEM) has been used, which was improved by introducing the drilling stiffness of the degenerated isoparametric final element of the shell. For the analysis of fluid, a previously developed model based on the method of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) has been used, which was improved by introducing additional correction of fluid pressures values along the boundaries of the computer domain. The model is primarily developed for simulation of steel structures that can be described by shell elements (water tanks, reservoirs, etc.). The model can be used to describe the main nonlinear characteristics of the construction steel: flow (yield) under compression and tension and evolvent of plasticity. It is also possible to simulate the basic nonlinear characteristics of the fluid (compressibility, viscous flow and turbulence). Experimental investigations of the interaction of open rectangular reservoirs and water on the shake table were performed within this paper. Experimental investigations have contributed to additional knowledge of the real behaviour of shell structures that are in contact with the fluid and exposed to different dynamic loads. In addition, an experimental database for verification of the developed numeric model was created. Numerical tests performed by using a developed numerical model show its reliability and application. Model verification was performed on the example of the results of the experimental investigations performed within the paper but also from the numerical and experimental results from available literature. Finally, the most important conclusions of the conducted investigations are listed

    Parental burnout, stress, and well-being of mothers of gifted and non-gifted children

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    Roditeljstvo darovite djece nosi sa sobom mnoge izazove ali i dobrobiti, stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio ispitati razlike u roditeljskom sagorijevanju, percipiranom stresu, zadovoljstvu životom i psihološkom procvatu majki darovite i nedarovite djece. U uzorak je bilo uključeno 66 majki darovite i 63 majke nedarovite djece. U istraživanju su korišteni sljedeći mjerni instrumenti: Upitnik sagorijevanja u roditeljstvu, Ljestvica percipiranog stresa, Skala zadovoljstva životom i Skala psihološkog procvata. Očekivalo se da se majke darovite i nedarovite djece neće razlikovati u razini sagorijevanja, ali će majke darovite djece imati veću razinu i stresa i dobrobiti. Razlike u ispitivanim varijablama između majki darovite i nedarovite djece testirane su t-testom. Rezultati su pokazali da su majke darovite djece obrazovanije, ali se od majki nedarovite djece ne razlikuju značajno ni u jednoj ispitivanoj varijabli.Parenting gifted children has many challenges as well as benefits, so the aim of this research was to test differences in parental burnout, perceived stress, life satisfaction and psychological flourishing of mothers of gifted and non-gifted children. The sample included 66 mothers of gifted and 63 mothers of non-gifted children. The following instruments were used: Parental Burnout Assessment, Perceived Stress Scale, Life Satisfaction Scale and Flourishing Scale. It was expected that mothers of gifted and non-gifted children would not differ in the level of parental burnout but mothers of gifted children would exibit a higher level of both percieved stress and well-being. Differences in the examined variables between mothers of gifted and non-gifted children were tested with a t-test. The results showed that mothers of gifted children are more educated, but do not differ significantly from mothers of non-gifted children in any of the examined variables

    Numerical Model for Fluid-Structure Interaction by the Coupled SPH and the FEM Method

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    The paper presents the numerical model developed for the simulation of the fluid-structure interaction problem. The model is based on the so called “partition scheme”, in which the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method is used for the fluid and the standard Finite Element Method (FEM), based on shell elements, is used for the structure. Then, the two solvers are coupled to obtain the behaviour of the coupled fluid-structure system. The effects of large displacements and small strains are taken into account in the model for shells. The elasto-plastic material model for the structure (shell), which includes some important nonlinear effects like yielding in compression and tension, is briefly discussed. Some of the model’s possibilities are illustrated in a practical example of a rectangular medium sized fluid tank with rigid and deformable walls under several ground excitations

    Smjernice za dijagnostiku i liječenje akutne vrtoglavice i gubitka ravnoteže

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    Dijagnostičko-terapijske smjernice za akutnu vrtoglavicu i gubitak ravnoteže, namijenjene su ponajprije otorinolaringolozima, specijalistima hitne medicine, liječnicima obiteljske medicine, te ostalim liječnicima u Republici Hrvatskoj koji skrbe o bolesnicima s vrtoglavicom i gubitkom ravnoteže, u primarnoj i bolničkoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti. U izradi smjernica sudjelovali su predstavnici Hrvatskog društva za otorinolaringologiju i kirurgiju glave i vrata (HD ORL), te predstavnica Hrvatskog neurološkog društva. Prepoznati uzrok akutne vrtoglavice u praksi otežava činjenica da se simptomi oštećenja u različitim organskim sustavima preklapaju, nejasni su i djeluju dramatično. Cilj ovih smjernica je pomoć pri postavljanju dijagnoze kod bolesnika s izraženim simptomima vrtoglavice i pravodobno razlikovanje benigne od životno ugrožavajuće vrtoglavice koja zahtijeva hitno, bolničko liječenje. Smjernice sadrže i detaljne algoritme koji preporučuju postupanja s bolesnikom s napadajem akutne vrtoglavice i gubitkom ravnoteže

    Takeover of retail chain in Croatia

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    Predmet analize ovog rada je istraživanje preuzimanja u području trgovačkih lanaca preko konkretnog primjera poduzeća Spar d.o.o. Hrvatsku karakterizira visoka internacionalizacija sektora maloprodaje te želja za povećanjem konkurentske moći sve više raste. Zauzimanje vodeće pozicije samo je jedan od glavnih motiva odluke ulaska u proces preuzimanja stoga će se u radu provesti detaljna analiza poslovanja poduzeća prije i nakon procesa te će se utvrditi uspješnost provedbe. U radu su korišteni razni financijski pokazatelji koji su izračunati na temelju financijskih izvještaja preko kojih je moguće donijeti ocjenu uspješnosti i sigurnosti poslovanja poduzeća. Cilj istraživanja je donošenje konačnog zaključka koliko je preuzimanje bilo korisno za poduzeće te kako poduzeća koji su sudionici procesa posluju.The object of the analysis of this thesis is to investigate takeovers in the field of retail chains through a concrete example of Spar d.o.o. Croatia is characterized by a high internationalization of the retail sector and the desire to increase competitive power is growing. Taking on a leadership position is only one of the main motives behind the decision to enter the takeover process, therefore, a detailed analysis of the company's operations before and after the process will be conducted in the paper and the success of implementation will be determined. Various financial indicators have been used in this thesis, which have been calculated on the basis of the financial statements through which it is possible to make an assessment of the performance and safety of the company. The aim of the research is to reach a final conclusion on how beneficial the acquisition was for the company and how the companies that are participants in the process operate

    Parental Burnout, Stress and Life Satisfaction in Parents of Gifted and Non-gifted Children

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati razlike u roditeljskom sagorijevanju, percipiranom stresu i zadovoljstvu životom te psihološkom procvatu majki darovite i nedarovite djece. U uzorak je bilo uključeno 129 majki, od kojih su 66 majke darovite djece, a 63 majke nedarovite djece. Kako bi se dobili podaci, za mjerenje roditeljskog sagorijevanja korišten je prilagođen i preveden Upitnik sagorijevanja u roditeljstvu. Za mjerenje percipiranog stresa korištena je Ljestvica percipiranog stresa, odnosno njezina adaptirana verzija. Zadovoljstvo životom mjereno je Skalom zadovoljstva životom, a psihološki procvat Skalom psihološkog procvata. Razlike u ispitivanim varijablama između majki darovite i nedarovite djece testirane su t-testom. Rezultati su pokazali kako se majke darovite i nedarovite djece ne razlikuju značajno u roditeljskom sagorijevanju, percipiranom stresu, zadovoljstvu životom ni psihološkom procvatu.The aim of this research was to examine differences in parental burnout, percieved stress, life satisfaction, and psychological flourishing between mothers of gifted and non-gifted children. The sample consisted of 129 mothers, with 66 being mothers of gifted children and 63 mothers of non-gifted children. In order to collect data, the adapted and translated Parental Burnout Questionnaire was used to measure parental burnout. The Perceived Stress Scale, along with its adapted version was employed to measure perceived stress. To assess the level of life satisfaction, the Satisfaction with Life Scale was used, and for measuring psychological flourishing, the Flourishing Scale. To test the hypotheses, independent samples t-tests were conducted. The results indicated that mothers of gifted and non-gifted children do not significantly differ in terms of parental burnout, percieved stress, life satisfaction, or psychological flourishing


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    Obiteljska politika je cjelovit sustavan skup mjera koje djeluju u korist obitelji i djece. Zaštita članova obiteljske zajednice i poticanje stvaranje obitelji su bitne odrednice na kojima se zasnivaju mjere obiteljske politike. Vladajući trendovi starenja stanovništva i pada nataliteta bitno utječu na strukturu obitelji pa tako i na mjere. Naime, Primorsko-goranska županija po popisu stanovništva u 2011.godini zauzima peto mjesto po broju stanovnika u odnosu na cijelu Republiku Hrvatsku. Svojim ekonomskim obilježjima zauzima vrlo dobru poziciju i samim time razvoj mjera obiteljske politike ne bi trebao predstavljati probleme. Problem pada nataliteta i starenje stanovništva je prisutno na cijelom području republike Hrvatske pa tako i u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji. Također mora se uzeti u obzir kako gradovi i naselja koja su manje naseljena imaju manji prirodni priraštaj s obzirom da stanovništvo ima tendenciju migrirati u veće gradove. Obitelji imaju tendenciju imanja djece u kasnijoj životnoj dobi i manji broj djece nego što je to bio slučaj davnih dana. Promicanje mjera poticanja roditeljstva i novčane pomoći pri osnutku obitelji pomogle bi u povećanju prirodnog priraštaja

    Parental Burnout, Stress and Life Satisfaction in Parents of Gifted and Non-gifted Children

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati razlike u roditeljskom sagorijevanju, percipiranom stresu i zadovoljstvu životom te psihološkom procvatu majki darovite i nedarovite djece. U uzorak je bilo uključeno 129 majki, od kojih su 66 majke darovite djece, a 63 majke nedarovite djece. Kako bi se dobili podaci, za mjerenje roditeljskog sagorijevanja korišten je prilagođen i preveden Upitnik sagorijevanja u roditeljstvu. Za mjerenje percipiranog stresa korištena je Ljestvica percipiranog stresa, odnosno njezina adaptirana verzija. Zadovoljstvo životom mjereno je Skalom zadovoljstva životom, a psihološki procvat Skalom psihološkog procvata. Razlike u ispitivanim varijablama između majki darovite i nedarovite djece testirane su t-testom. Rezultati su pokazali kako se majke darovite i nedarovite djece ne razlikuju značajno u roditeljskom sagorijevanju, percipiranom stresu, zadovoljstvu životom ni psihološkom procvatu.The aim of this research was to examine differences in parental burnout, percieved stress, life satisfaction, and psychological flourishing between mothers of gifted and non-gifted children. The sample consisted of 129 mothers, with 66 being mothers of gifted children and 63 mothers of non-gifted children. In order to collect data, the adapted and translated Parental Burnout Questionnaire was used to measure parental burnout. The Perceived Stress Scale, along with its adapted version was employed to measure perceived stress. To assess the level of life satisfaction, the Satisfaction with Life Scale was used, and for measuring psychological flourishing, the Flourishing Scale. To test the hypotheses, independent samples t-tests were conducted. The results indicated that mothers of gifted and non-gifted children do not significantly differ in terms of parental burnout, percieved stress, life satisfaction, or psychological flourishing