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    916 research outputs found

    Cancellation culture analysis on selected examples

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    Kultura otkazivanja ili kultura isključivanja nikoga ne zaobilazi. U 21. stoljeću javnost sve prati i promatra kroz prizmu vlastite etike. Javnost je sve uključenija u procese definiranja novih društvenih vrijednosti. Pojavom Interneta i društvenih mreža u svakodnevnu životu cjelokupnoga društva, greške koje je netko napravio više nisu skrivene već su javne i dostupne svima. Javnost donosi vlastiti zaključak kako će tretirati osobu koja je pogriješila. Greška može proizvesti kriznu situaciju koju danas mogu prouzrokovati napisane ili izgovorene riječ, kao i tradicionalni uzroci krize. Uz to je kultura otkazivanja pojam koji se sve češće može vidjeti i čuti u različitim vrstama medija. Cilj je rada prikazati kulturu otkazivanja na odabranim primjerima te prikazati stavove o kulturi otkazivanja. Ona se najčešće povezuje uz društvene mreže i političku korektnost, no cilj je ovog rada prikazati kulturu otkazivanja kao dio kriznog komuniciranja. U prvom je dijelu rada razrađen teorijski aspekt koji uključuje povijest nastanka kulture otkazivanja korištenjem relevantne literature. Kako bi se razumjela kultura otkazivanja rad uz to obrađuje pojmove političke korektnosti, aktivizma i cenzure te objašnjava razliku između navedenih pojmova. Rad pruža detaljnu analizu odabranih primjera kulture otkazivanja. Odabrani primjeri kulture otkazivanja prikazuju razliku kulture otkazivanja u Hrvatskoj i svijetu. Odabrani su primjeri slučaj Philips u Hrvatskoj te slučaj autorice J. K. Rowling kao primjer za kulturu otkazivanja izvan Hrvatske. Analiza je napravljena pomoću relevantnih sekundarnih izvora pomoću unaprijed definiranih parametara. Uz to, rad daje uvid u kvantitativno istraživanje na temu stavova i mišljenja o kulturi otkazivanja koje su ispunili građani Republike Hrvatske. Istraživanje je pokazalo da ispitanici imaju negativan stav prema kulturi otkazivanja te je ne podržavaju.A cancel culture or a culture of disconnection does not escape anyone. In the 21st century, the public follows and observes everything through the prism of its own ethics. The public is all involved in the process of defining new social values. With the advent of the Internet and social networks in the daily life of the entire society, mistakes made by someone are no longer hidden but are public and available to everyone. The public draws its own conclusion on how to treat a person who has made a mistake. A mistake can produce a crisis situation that today can be caused by written or spoken words, as well as traditional causes of crisis. In addition, cancel culture is a term that can be seen and heard more and more often in different types of media. The aim of the paper is to show cancel culture on selected examples and to show attitudes about the cancel culture. The cancel culture is most often associated with social media and political correctness, but the aim of this paper is to present the culture as part of crisis communication. In the first part of the paper, the theoretical aspect is elaborated, which includes the history of the cancel culture with the use of relevant literature. In order to understand the cancel culture, the paper also deals with the concepts of political correctness, activism and censorship and explains the difference between these concepts. The paper provides a detailed analysis of selected examples of crisis communication. Selected examples of cancel culture show the difference between cancel culture in Croatia and the world. Paper shows the Philips case as the Croatian example and the author J.K. Rowling as an example for the cancel culture outside of Croatia. Analysis was made using relevant secondary sources and predefined parameters. In addition, the paper gives an insight into the quantitative research on the topic of attitudes and opinions about the cancel culture, which were filled out by the citizens of the Republic of Croatia. The research showed that the respondents have a negative attitude towards the cancel culture and do not support it

    Dispositional Mindfulness and Youth Mental Health: Correlation with Stress, Anxiety and Depression

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    Narušeno mentalno zdravlje mladih gorući je problem u svijetu i u Hrvatskoj. Tijekom posljednjih nekoliko godina bilježi se značajan porast u prevalenciji psihičkih teškoća kod mladih, a osobito uslijed pandemije virusa COVID-19. Najviše su pritom zastupljeni anksiozni i depresivni simptomi. Početkom ovog stoljeća pojavljuje se interes istraživača za koncept koji bi mogao pružiti korisne smjernice za djelovanje – usredotočenu svjesnost ili mindfulness. Mindfulness je pritom definiran dvojako; kao skup vještina koje je moguće naučiti i kao osobina koju je moguće razviti. Istraživanja su pokazala da prakticiranje mindfulness tehnika rezultira većom izraženošću dispozicijskog mindfulnessa, koji djeluje kao zaštitni čimbenik u očuvanju mentalnog zdravlja. Pozitivan učinak mindfulnessa na mentalno zdravlje potvrđen je u više istraživanja, što je u svijetu rezultiralo razvojem preventivnih programa koji su integrirani u, primjerice, obrazovni sustav. Budući da u Hrvatskoj još uvijek nema mnogo istraživanja koja bi poduprla i usmjerila takve promjene, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos dispozicijskog mindfulnessa s depresivnošću, anksioznošću i stresom kod mladih u dobi 18 – 30 godina. Sudjelovalo je 204 mladih s područja Republike Hrvatske, a podaci su prikupljeni online Upitnikom. Korelacijskom analizom utvrđena je statistički značajna umjerena negativna povezanost mindfulnessa s depresivnošću, anksioznošću i stresom. Pokazalo se da mladi koji imaju više izražen dispozicijski mindfulness doživljavaju manje teškoća mentalnog zdravlja. Ovi nalazi sugeriraju da bi razvoj dispozicijskog mindfulnessa mogao biti jedna od korisnih strategija u tretmanu i prevenciji psihičkih teškoća među mladima. Osim toga, mogu biti važan temelj za buduća istraživanja na ovom području.Youth mental health seems to be greatly impaired, and it's a burning issue both globally and in Croatia. Over the past few years, there has been a significant increase in mental health issues among youth, especially following the pandemic of COVID-19, with anxiety and depression being the most common. Since the beginning of this century, researchers have been focused on the concept that seems to be very promissing, mindfulness. Mindfulness can be defined as a set of skills to be learnt, or a personality trait to be developed. Studies have shown that practicing mindfulness techniques leads to the development of dispositional mindfulness, which acts as a protective factor for mental health. Positive effects of mindfulness have been confirmed in various studies, and those findings have resulted in development of preventive programms, which have been integrated in, for example, educational system. As there's limited number of studies that would support these kinds of changes in Croatia, the aim of this study was to examine the relationship between dispositional mindfulness and depression, anxiety and stress amoung young people aged 18 – 30. There were 204 participants from Croatia, and the data were gathered via online survey. A correlational analysis showed a statistically significant moderate negative correlation mindfulness and depression, anxiety and stress. Young people with higher levels of dispositional mindfulness seem to experience fewer symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress. These results suggest that developing dispositional mindfulness could be one of the useful strategies in the treatmant and prevention of mental health issues among youth. Furthermore, they could be an important foundation for future research in this area

    Perfectionism, Body Comparison and Gestational Weight Gain as Determinants of Body Image Satisfaction in the Peripartum Period

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    Ljudi razvijaju nezadovoljstvo fizičkim izgledom kada postoji diskrepancija između trenutnog i idealnog, željenog izgleda tijela. Trudnoća je razdoblje u kojem nastupaju velike fizičke i psihičke promjene u jako kratkom razdoblju. Iako su promjene poput povećane tjelesne težine i obujma tijela očekivane tijekom ovog „drugog stanja“, istraživanja su pokazala da je trudnicama izrazito teško prilagoditi se novoj tjelesnoj težini i izgledu tijela pa često postaju nezadovoljne. Ono što je zabrinjavajuće jest da to nezadovoljstvo vlastitim izgledom ima negativan utjecaj i na majku i na dijete. Često majku dovodi u iskušenja nezdravog ponašanja; nejedenje/rigorozne dijete ili prejedanje jer traži utjehu u hrani. S obzirom na sve navedeno cilj našeg istraživanja bilo je istražiti rizične čimbenike nezadovoljstva tjelesnim izgledom u peripartalnom razdoblju. U online istraživanju sudjelovale su trudnice i majke dojenčadi do 12 mjeseci (N=192). Ispunjavale su Revidiranu ljestvicu težnje perfekcionizmu, Revidiranu ljestvicu usporedbe fizičkog izgleda i Ljestvicu zadovoljstva dijelovima tijela. Pokazano je da maladaptivni perfekcionizam nije značajan prediktor nezadovoljstva tjelesnim izgledom dok je tendencija uspoređivanja tjelesnog izgleda najznačajniji prediktor. Također, za skupinu rodilja prirast tjelesne mase bio je značajan prediktor nezadovoljstva tjelesnim izgledom, a za skupinu trudnica nije. Ovo istraživanje pomaže u razumijevanju rizičnih čimbenika za razvoj nezadovoljstva tjelesnim izgledom, može se koristiti kao smjernica za pružanje zaštite i pomoći ženama koje se u ovom osjetljivom razdoblju, uza sve, moraju nositi i s vlastitim nezadovoljstvom i zabrinutošću oko toga kako izgledaju.People develop dissatisfaction with their physical appearance when there is a discrepancy between their current and ideal, desired body appearance. Pregnancy is a period in which great physical and psychological changes occur in a very short period. Although changes such as increased body weight and body volume are normal during this period, research has shown that it is extremely difficult for pregnant women to adjust to their new body weight and appearance, and they often become dissatisfied. What is worrying is that this dissatisfaction with one's own appearance has a negative impact on both the mother and the child. It often leads the mother into temptations of unhealthy behavior; not eating/strict diet or overeating because she seeks comfort in food. In view of all the above, the main goal of this research was to explore the risk factors of dissatisfaction with body appearance in the peripartal period. Pregnant women and mothers of infants up to 12 months (N=192) participated in the online survey. They completed the Almost Perfect Scale-Revised, the Physical Appearance Comparison Scale-Revised and the Body Areas Satisfaction Scale. It was shown that maladaptive perfectionism is not a significant predictor of dissatisfaction with physical appearance, while the tendency to compare physical appearance is the most significant predictor. Also, gestational weight gain was a significant predictor of dissatisfaction with body appearance for the group of mothers, but not for the group of pregnant women. This research helps in understanding the risk factors for the development of dissatisfaction with body appearance, it can be used as a guideline to provide protection and help to women who, in this sensitive period, have to deal with their own dissatisfaction and concerns about how they look

    Comparison of clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of patients hospitalized for anxiety disorders in OB Bjelovar 1994 and 2017

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    Strah i anksioznost prva su prirodna linija obrane, kao što je i sposobnost prepoznavanja potencijalne opasnosti evolucijski bitna za preţivljavanje. Naţalost, ovaj oblik zaštite ima svoju cijenu; također je i temelj ljudske malaksalosti i nelagode. Anksiozna osoba uvijek je na oprezu očekujući opasnost na svakom koraku. Mogućnost uţivanja u mirnim i spokojnim situacijama gotovo je nemoguća. Glavna problematika proizlazi iz nesposobnosti regulacije ovog osnovnog instinkta. Drugim riječima, anksioznost postaje zabrinjavajuća kada osoba više nije u mogućnosti kontrolirati svoj strah u određenim situacijama te je narušena procjena prisutnosti stvarne opasnosti ili se strah nastavlja i nakon završetka opasne, odnosno stresne situacije. Takva problematika dovodi do razvoja anksioznih poremećaja. Anksiozni poremećaj definira se kao pretjerana briga i napetost koja traje više dana, unutar minimalno šest mjeseci. Spada u izuzetno čestu skupinu psihijatrijskih poremećaja koja obuhvaća poremećaje uzrokovane stresom i traumama, ali i niz specifičnih poremećaja poput fobija i opsesivno kompulzivnog poremećaja. U tom kontekstu je specifičan i posttraumatski stresni poremećaj čija je pojava u najvećoj mjeri povezana sa ratnim i katastrofalnim zbivanjima, dok se bitno rjeđe biljeţi u mirnodopsko vrijeme. Naglasak ovog rada je na pacijentima koji su hospitalizirani u Općoj bolnici Bjelovar pod dijagnozama anksioznog spektra (uključujući MKB-10 dijagnoze od F40.0 do F43.9) 1994. i 2017. godine. U navedenim godinama prvo se obrađuju svi hospitalizirani pacijenti kako bi se dobio uvid u to po kojim su sve dijagnozama pacijenti zaprimljeni, koliki je bio prosjek dana leţanja po pojedinim dijagnozama te ukupni broj dana liječenja u jednoj i drugoj godini. U bolesnika hospitaliziranih pod ranije navedenim dijagnozama provodi se usporedba između dvije ciljane godine uspoređujući kliničke i sociodemografske karakteristike. Temeljna hipoteza je veći broj hospitalizacija zbog posttraumatskog stresnog poremećaja, akutne reakcije na stres i poremećaja prilagodbe tijekom 1994. godine u odnosu na 2017. godinu.Fear and anxiety are the first natural line of defense, just like recognising potential danger is of evolutionary importance for surviving. Unfortunately, this particular kind of protection has its price; it is also the foundation of human malaise and discomfort. An anxious person is always on the lookout expecting danger at every corner. Enjoying peaceful and quiet moments is next to impossible. The main problem originates from a disability to regulate this basic instinct. In other words, anxiety becomes a problem when a person loses its power to control fear in certain situations and starts to develop impaired assessment of the presence and fear even after the end of the dangerous or stressful situation. Such problems lead to anxiety disorders. An anxiety disorder is defined as excessive worry and tension that lasts for several days within a minimum of six months. It belongs to an extremely common group of psychiatric disorders that includes disorders caused by stress and trauma, but also a number of specific disorders such as phobias and obsessive compulsive disorder. In this context, post-traumatic stress disorder is also specific, the occurrence of which is mostly associated with war and catastrophic events, while it is significantly more rare in peacetime. The emphasis of this work is on patients who were hospitalized in Bjelovar General Hospital under diagnoses of the anxiety spectrum (including ICD-10 diagnoses from F40.0 to F43.9) in 1994 and 2017. In the mentioned years, all hospitalized patients are first processed in order to gain an insight into what diagnoses the patients were admitted for, what was the average number of days of hospitalization for individual diagnoses, and the total number of days of treatment in the first and second year. In patients hospitalized under the previously mentioned diagnoses, a comparison is made between the two target years, comparing clinical and sociodemographic characteristics. The basic hypothesis is a higher number of hospitalizations due to post-traumatic stress disorder, acute stress reaction and adjustment disorder in 1994. compared to 2017

    Promotion and positioning of products on Instagram

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    Ovaj diplomski rad donosi povijesni pregled razvoja odnosa s javnošću s posebnim naglaskom na ulogu odnosa s javnošću u kontekstu novih medija, posebice društvenih mreža, i uloge koju odnosi s javnošću imaju u promociji u današnjem svijetu. U radu su također sagledani i analizirani marketinški apeli koji se koriste u oglašavanju. Istraživački dio rada sagledava ulogu influencera u pozicioniranju i promociji proizvoda na Instagramu kroz intervjue koji su provedeni s četiri hrvatske influencerice. Na kraju diplomski rad donosi raspravu o provedenom istraživanju, opisuju se ograničenja i implikacije za buduća istraživanja te naposljetku slijedi zaključno poglavlje. Zaključak donosi promišljanje o tome kako se problematici oglašavanja i pozicioniranja i promocije proizvoda treba pristupiti i u kontekstu moralno-etičkih problema s kojima se svijet susreće u dobu raširenog korištenja društvenih mreža.This master's thesis provides a historical overview of the development of public relations, with a specific emphasis on the role of public relations in the context of new media, particularly social media, and the role that public relations plays in contemporary promotion. The thesis also examines and analyses marketing appeals used in advertising. The research section of the thesis explores the role of influencers in product positioning and promotion on Instagram through interviews conducted with four Croatian influencers. Finally, the master's thesis presents a discussion of the conducted research, its limitations, and implications for future studies, followed by a conclusion. The conclusion reflects on how the issues of advertising, product positioning, and promotion should be approached, particularly in the context of moral and ethical challenges faced by the world in the era of widespread social media usage

    The Comparison of Permanent Pacemaker Implantation Indications for the Treatment of Bradyarrhythmics in Clinical Practice with Contemporarry Pacing Guidelines: Single-Center Retrospective Study

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    Uvod: Bradiaritmije predstavljaju poremećaje srčanog ritma sa srčanom frekvencijom koja iznosi manje od 50 otkucaja u minuti. Bradiaritmijama pripadaju sinusna bradikardija, sinus atrijski blok, sindrom bolesnog sinusnog čvora i atrioventrikulski blok. Osnovna funkcija srčanog elektrostimulatora je generiranje impulsa i održavanje odgovarajuće srčane frekvencije uslijed kronotropne insuficijencije. Indikacije za ugradnju elektrostimulatora razlikuju se ovisno o vrsti elektrostimulatora koji mogu biti jednokomorni, dvokomorni i trokomorni, a svaki od njih ima različite indikacije za ugradnju. Prijeoperativna i postoperativna njega usmjerene su na fizičku i psihičku pomoć bolesniku te na sprječavanje komplikacija. Ciljevi rada: utvrditi odstupaju li indikacije za ugradnju trajnog elektrostimulatora srca u kliničkoj praksi od suvremenih smjernica za elektrostimulaciju te utvrditi odstupaju li indikacije za ugradnju trajnog elektrostimulatora srca u kliničkoj praksi od podataka iz literature. Hipoteze su: indikacije za ugradnju trajnog elektrostimulatora srca u kliničkoj praksi ne odstupaju od suvremenih smjernica za elektrostimulaciju i indikacije za ugradnju trajnog elektrostimulatora srca u kliničkoj praksi ne odstupaju od podataka iz literature. Rezultati: Sudjelovao je 151 bolesnik. Najčešća indikacija za ugradnju elektrostimulatora bio je totalni AV blok (56 %). Najrjeđi razlozi ugradnje elektrostimulatora bili su sindrom bolesnog čvora, hipersenzitivni karotidni sinus te PQ prolongacija. DDDR mod stimulacije programiran je u 59 %, VVIR u 36 %, a VDDD u 5 % bolesnika. DDDR je najčešće ugrađivan u AV bloku. VVIR elektrostimulator najčešće je ugrađivan u sindromu tahikardije i bradikardije u trajnoj fibrilaciji atrija (84 %), a VDDD u AV bloku. Srčano zatajivanje bilo je češće prisutno u VVIR i VDDD. Zaključak: indikacije za ugradnju trajnog elektrostimulatora srca u kliničkoj praksi ne odstupaju od suvremenih smjernica za elektrostimulaciju niti od podataka iz literature.Introduction: Bradyarrhytmias are disorders in heart rhythm with heart rate lower than 50 heart beats in one minute. Bradyarrhytmias are sinus bradycardia, sinus atrial block, sick sinus node syndrome and atrioventricular block. Main function of heart pacemaker is generation of impulses and maintaining appropriate heart frequency due to cronotrop insufficiency. Indications for implementation of heart pacemaker are different depending on heart pacemaker type. Preoperative and postoperative care is focused on physical and psychological care and prevention of complications. Aims: Determine deviations between indications for heart pacemaker in clinical practice and modern guidelines and determine deviations between indications for heart pacemaker in clinical practice and literature. Hypotheses: There are no deviations between indications for heart pacemaker in clinical practice and modern guidelines and there are no deviations between indications for heart pacemaker in clinical practice and literature. Results: There were 151 participations in this research. The most common indication for implementation of heart pacemaker was AV block (56 %). The least common indications were sick node syndrome, hypersensitive carotid sinus and PQ prolongation. DDDR was implemented in 59 %, VVIR in 36 % and VDDD in 5 % of patients. DDDR is the most common in AV block, VVIR in tachycardia and bradycardia syndrome with permanent atrial fibrilation, and VDDD in AV block. Heart failure was the most often in VVIR and VDDD Conslucion: there are no deviations between indications for heart pacemaker in clinical practice and modern guidelines and literature

    Ethical Consumption in Everyday Life of Citizens of Zagreb and Surroundings

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    Imajući u vidu sociološka promišljanja interaktivnosti potrošnje (Baudrillard, 2003) koja u tekuće modernosti postaje usamljena djelatnost (Bauman, 2000), u ovomu se radu tematizirala etička komponenta potrošnje kao aktualni, ali i nedovoljno istraženi fenomen u hrvatskom društvu (Brstilo, Šuća i Zujić, 2021). Referentna istraživanja ukazuju da je etička potrošnja složena praksa svojstvena modelu moralnog jastva potrošača (Barnett, 2005) s različitim profilima etičkih potrošača (Tallontire, Rentsendorj i Blowfield, 2001) i jazom koji nastaje između stava pojedinaca o etički prihvatljivim proizvodima i kupovini istih (Tallontire i sur., 2001; Papaoikonomou, Valverde i Ryan, 2011). Za potrebe ovoga rada etička potrošnja istražena je upravo iz iskustvene perspektive etičkih potrošača. Riječ je o prigodnom uzorku sedmero građana Zagreba i okolice u dobi od 24 do 62 godine s ciljem uvida u njihove etičke potrošačke prakse, stavove i motivacije. Korištena je kvalitativna metodologija metodom individualnog polu-strukturiranog intervjua poštivanjem etičkog istraživačkog protokola o dobrovoljnosti, informiranosti o temi i svrsi istraživanja te anonimnosti. Istraživanjem se utvrdilo da je riječ o aktivnim etičkim potrošačima koji kroz etičku prizmu organiziraju vlastitu svakodnevicu, iako nisu u svim segmentima jednako sustavni. Najizraženiji etički angažman sudionici su realizirali u domeni mode i prehrane, a manje u odnosu na domene kozmetike i tehnologije. Tome u prilog ide nalaz o sudioničkom bojkotiranju brze mode i prehrambenih proizvoda pri čemu se istaknuo bojkot Nestlé proizvode. Sudionici su mišljenja kako se u hrvatskom društvu događaju pozitivnih pomaci u vidu porasta etičkog interesa i praksa građana, ali se po njima još uvijek radi o pomacima nedostatnim za strukturalnu društvenu promjenu. Upravo se ovim radom želi doprinijeti aktualiziranju teme etičke potrošnje u hrvatskom društvu s obzirom na njezin potencijal doprinosa općem dobru i održivog društvenoga i individualnog životnog stila.Taking into account the sociological reflections on the interactivity of consumption (Baudrillard, 2003), which in current modernity becomes a solitary activity (Bauman, 2000), this paper thematizes the ethical component of consumption as an actual but insufficiently researched phenomenon in Croatian society (Brstilo, Šuća, and Zujić, 2021). Referential research indicates that ethical consumption is a complex practice inherent in the model of consumer moral subjectivity (Barnett, 2005), with different profiles of ethical consumers (Tallontire, Rentsendorj, and Blowfield, 2001) and the gap that arises between the attitude of individuals about ethically acceptable products and their purchase (Tallontire et al., 2001; Papaoikonomou, Valverde and Ryan, 2011). For the purposes of this study, ethical consumption was researched precisely from the perspectives of individuals actively engaged in ethical consumption. This involved a convenience sample of seven citizens of Zagreb and its surroundings,ranging in age from 24 to 62, with the aim of gaining insight into their ethical consumer practices, attitudes and motivation. Throughout this qualitative methodology, ethical research standards were upheld, ensuring voluntary participation, transparent communication about the study's objectives and anonymity. The conducted researchshowed that the research participants are active ethical consumers who integrate ethical considerations into their daily lives, although their approach may not be equally systematic across all areas. Participants demonstrated the highest level of ethical engagement in the realms of fashion and nutrition, while showing less pronounced involvement in areas such as cosmetics and technology. This observation is supported by their participation in boycotts of fast fashion and certain food products, notably Nestlé items. Research participants expressed optimism about positive shifts occurring within Croatian society, noting an increased ethical awareness and activism among citizens. However, they also emphasized that these developments are not yet sufficient to bring about structural social change.This work aims to contribute to updating the topic of ethical consumption in Croatian society, considering its potential to contribute to the common good and sustainable societal and individual lifestyles

    "Oh, It's Nothing, It Can Always Get Worse!" - The Relationship Between Toxic Optimism and Coping With Stress

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati povezanost korištenja toksičnog optimizma sa strategijama suočavanja sa stresom kod studenata. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 262 studenta iz Republike Hrvatske. Istraživanje je provedeno online, a sudionici su ispunjavali upitnik o sociodemografskim podacima, Skalu toksičnog optimizma, Upitnik strategija suočavanja sa stresom (akcija, pozitivno razmišljanje, racionalno razmišljanje, instrumentalna podrška, emocionalna podrška, otpuštanje emocija, izbjegavanje i nijekanje), Međunarodni indeks dobrobiti te Upitnik Optimizam (nerealistični optimizam za pozitivne i negativne događaje). Prije analize povezanosti konstrukata, provjerene su strukture Skale toksičnog optimizma i Upitnika strategija suočavanja sa stresom te su dobiveni zadovoljavajući rezultati. U skladu s time, provedene su analize povezanosti toksičnog optimizma i subskala strategija suočavanja sa stresom te je dobivena značajna pozitivna korelacija između toksičnog optimizma i subskala akcija, instrumentalna podrška i pozitivno razmišljanje. Eksploratornom faktorskom analizom dobivene su strategije suočavanja višeg reda, a hijerarhijskom regresijskom analizom analiziran je prediktivni doprinosa spola i toksičnog optimizma objašnjenju istih. Rezultati pokazuju da žene koje su češće toksično optimistične koriste aktivno suočavanje, dok muškarci učestalije koriste ekspresivno traženje podrške i izbjegavanje kao strategije suočavanja sa stresom. Rezultati ovog istraživanja vrijedan su doprinos razumijevanju spolnih razlika u kontekstu korištenja različitih strategija suočavanja sa stresom te prisutnosti toksičnog optimizma u svakodnevnom funkcioniranju.The aim of this paper was to examine the connection between the use of toxic optimism and coping strategies in students. A total of 262 students from the Republic of Croatia participated in the research. The research was conducted online, and the participants filled out a questionnaire on sociodemographic data, the Toxic Optimism Scale, the Coping Inventory (action, positive thinking, rational thinking, instrumental support, emotional support, release of emotions, avoidance, and denial), the International Well-Being Index and Optimism Questionnaire (unrealistic optimism for positive and negative events). Before analyzing the relationship between the constructs, the structures of the Toxic Optimism Scale and the Coping Inventory were checked, and satisfactory results were obtained. Accordingly, analyses of the connection between toxic optimism and the subscale of coping strategies were conducted, and a significant positive correlation was obtained between toxic optimism and the subscale of actions, instrumental support, and positive thinking. Higher-order coping strategies were obtained by exploratory factor analysis, and the predictive contribution of gender and toxic optimism to their explanation was analyzed by hierarchical regression analysis. The results show that women who are toxically optimistic more often use active coping, while men more often use expressive support-seeking and avoidance as stress coping strategies. The results of this research are a valuable contribution to the understanding of gender differences in the context of the use of different strategies for dealing with stress and the presence of toxic optimism in everyday functioning

    Association of pain in the musculoskeletal system and the level of stress in the workplace among staff of University Hospital for Infectious Diseases " Dr. Fran Mihaljević": cross-sectional study

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    Uvod: Djelatnici u zdravstvu, tehničko i administrativno osoblje zaposleno u sustavu zdravstva, izloženi su visokoj razini stresa koji se nalaze u radnom okruženju, a nisu u skladu sa djelatnikovim sposobnostima, mogućnostima i potrebama. Razinu stresa povećava odgovornost prema ljudskom životu i zdravlju, kontinuirano dinamičko opterećenje u radu s bolesnicima, neadekvatni uvjeti rada i često neodgodive intervencije. Ukoliko navedeni čimbenici traju duže vrijeme oni mogu rezultirati bolovima u koštano-mišićnom sustavu. Cilj: Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati povezanost bolova u koštano – mišićnom sustavu s razinom stresa u odnosu na radno mjesto kod djelatnika Klinike za infektivne bolesti „dr. Fran Mihaljević. Metode: Istraživanje je bilo presječenog tipa. Provedeno je anketnim upitnikom koji je bio namijenjen zdravstvenim djelatnicima. Prvi dio pitanja uključio je sociodemografske podatke, a u drugom djelu je korišten upitnik koji je izrađen je po uzoru na upitnik stresa na radnom mjestu (engl.“workplacestressquetionnaire“) dok se jačina bolova kod djelatnika ispitivala VAS skalom. Rezultati: Istraživanjem je utvrđena pozitivna korelacija između stresa i jačine bolova u koštano-mišićnom sustavu kod zdravstvenih i nezdravstvenih djelatnika. Najveći broj ispitanika i kod zdravstvenih i kod nezdravstvenih djelatnika žalilo se na bolove u koštano – mišićnom sustavu u trajanju dužem od jedne godine. Zaključak: U ovom diplomskom radu utvrđena je povezanost bolova u koštano – mišićnom sustavu s razinom stresa na radnom mjestu kod djelatnika Klinike za infektivne bolesti „dr. Fran Mihaljević“. Što je veća razina stresa, to je duljina trajanja boli u koštano – mišićno sustavu veća kod svih djelatnika Klinike. U svrhu prevencije pojave bolova kod povećanog stresa, mogu se predložiti programi edukacije koji uključuju: pravilno rukovanje teretom, korištenje pomagala u njezi bolesnika, poticanje tjelesne aktivnosti, edukacija u smislu bolje komunikacije i organizacije posla.Introduction: Health professionals, technical and administrative staff employed in the healthcare system, are exposed to an elevated level of stress in the working environment that is not in line with the employee's abilities, capabilities and needs. Stress levels increase accountability to human life and health, continuous dynamic burden in collaborating with patients, inadequate working conditions and often immediate interventions. If these factors persist for a long time they may result in bone-muscular pain. Objective: The aim of the study was to examine the relationship of pain in the skeletal and muscular system with the level of stress in the workplace of the infectious disease clinic “Dr. Fran Mihaljević”. Methods: The study was of a cut-off type. The research was conducted in a questionnaire intended for healthcare professionals. The first part of the question included sociodemographic data, and the second part used a questionnaire, which was modelled on the workplace stress questionnaire and was examined by VAS pain scale. Results: The study showed a positive correlation between stress and the severity of pain in the skeletal and muscular system in health and non-health care professionals. Most respondents in both, health care and non-health care, professionals complained of bone-muscular pain for more than one year. Conclusion: In this thesis, the relationship between pain in the bone and muscle system and the level of stress at the workplace among employees of the Clinic for Infectious Diseases "dr. Fran Mihaljević". The higher the level of stress, the longer the duration of pain in the bone-muscle system for all employees of the Clinic. In order to prevent the occurrence of pain with increased stress, educational programmes may be proposed which include: proper handling of cargo, use of aids in patient care, stimulation of physical activity, education in terms of better communication and organization of work

    Knowledge and Awareness of Students of the Chatolic Univerity of Croatia in Zagreb about Breast Cancer: Cross-sectional Study

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    Uvod: Razina znanja i svijesti studenata o raku dojke važno je područje istraživanja u zdravstvu. Spoznavanje njihove informiranosti pruža vrijedne uvide u njihovo razumijevanje raznih čimbenika rizika, simptoma i preventivnih mjera raka dojke. Analizom njihova znanja mogu se razviti ciljane obrazovne intervencije koje bi unaprijedile svijest o bolesti i koje bi promaknule strategije ranog otkrivanja i brzog djelovanja. Cilj: Procijeniti znanje i osviještenost studenata i studentica Hrvatskog katoličkog sveučilišta o raku dojke. Metode: Vrsta provedenog istraživanja je presječno istraživanje. Odabrani ispitanici su bili studenti Hrvatskog katoličkog sveučilišta, a istraživanje se provelo anonimnim internetskim upitnikom, čija je poveznica za pristup podijeljena preko službene elektroničke adrese, u razdoblju od 1. do 31. ožujka 2023. godine. Ispitanici su dobrovoljno sudjelovali te su istraživanje mogli napustiti u bilo kojem trenutku. Upitnik se sastojao od sociodemografskih pitanja i pitanja o razini znanja i osviještenosti o raku dojke. Rezultati: Uzorak se sastojao od 312 ispitanika: 122 studenta sestrinstva, 78 studenata psihologije, 16 studenata povijesti, 5 studenata medicine, 45 studenata komunikologije i 46 studenata sociologije. Ispitanici su ostvarili točnost značajno veću od 50 % u odgovorima na pitanja o raku dojke. Rezultati pokazuju da su studenti medicine i sestrinstva statistički značajno točnije odgovorili na postavljena pitanja u usporedbi sa studentima ostalih studijskih programa. Zaključak: Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da studenti medicine i sestrinstva posjeduju višu razinu znanja i osviještenosti od studenata društvenih znanosti. Naglašena je potreba za daljnjom edukacijom o raku dojke među studentskom populacijom.Introduction: The level of knowledge and awareness of students about breast cancer is an important area of research in health education. Understanding their awareness can provide valuable insights into their understanding of risk factors, symptoms and preventive measures related to breast cancer. By analyzing their knowledge, targeted educational interventions can be developed to improve awareness of the disease, as well as to promote early detection strategies and rapid activity. Aim: To assess the knowledge and awareness of male and female students at the Croatian Catholic University regarding breast cancer. Methods: The type of study that was conducted is a cross-sectional study. The selected participants were students of the Croatian Catholic University and the research was conducted using an anonymous online questionnaire, whose access link was distributed via the official email address, in the course of 1st to 31st of March 2023. All of the participants were volunteers and had the option to withdraw from the study at any given time. The questionnaire consisted of sociodemographic questions and questions about the level of knowledge and awareness of breast cancer. Results: The sample consisted of 312 participants, including 122 nursing students, 78 psychology students, 16 history students, 5 medical students, 45 communication studies students, and 46 sociology students. The participants had significantly higher accuracy than 50 % in their responses to breast cancer questions. The results indicate that medical and nursing students answered given questions with statistically notable higher accuracy compared to students from other study programs. Conclusion: The study found that medical and nursing students have a higher level of knowledge and awareness compared to students in social sciences. There is am emphasized need for further education on breast cancer among the student population


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