6 research outputs found


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    Teluk Bayur Padang Seaport is potential risky place for HIV/AIDS transmission. P2HA program is a comprehensive, integrative, and effective method of approach to prevent sexual transmission collaborating with government, nongovernment institution and society. The aim of this research was to find out the implementation of HIV/AIDS program or P2HA in port area. This research used mix method: Quantitative approach using cross sectional using univariate analysis by distribution of frequencies and qualitative approach using FGD and in-depth interview. This research showed that condom availability is still low, only few outlets that accessible to workers and the use of condom is still low among man workers. The awareness to access health services is still low and HIV/AIDS socialization hasn’t been included in workers' preventive behaviors. It can be concluded that implementation of HIV/AIDS program by P2HA at seaport hasn’t worked well. Bibliography : 40 (1999-2016) Keywords : HIV AIDS, Port workers, P2HA, Implemanting progra

    Floating Prostitution and the Potential Risk of HIV Transmission in a Religious Society in Indonesia

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    Background: Indonesia known as the most populous Moslem country in the world, where Padang Municipality, the capital city of West Sumatera Province is recognized as one of the most religious societies in the country. The law strictly prohibits prostitution and adultery, which is supported by all religious communities. However, the Province HIV/AIDS Prevention Commission recorded that there has been a substantial number of femle sex workers (FSWs) in the city. At the same time, the number of HIV/AIDS cases also significantly increased. This study aims to explore existence of prostitution practice and the risk of HIV transmission. Method: A qualitative study has been conducted to answer the research question by interviewing 31 women sex workers using grounded theory approach and as well as two health workers and three HIV/AIDS prevention commissioners. The data was analyzed using thematic framework analysis. Result: The poverty is the main reason of FSWs falling into prostitution practice, adding by lack social support from their family and relatives, weak personality and environment influence. Majority of them (58,1%) have low level of education and little knowledge of HIV/AIDS, in which they perceive that they are safe from getting infected when they see the client is physically healthy. Additionally, due to their economic dependant on their sexual transaction, they have low bargaining power to their clients, which leads to unprotected sex. Conclusion: Economic factor and lack of social control contribute to prostitution practice in Padang Municipality. The sexual contact is mostly unprotected, which becomes a potential risk of HIV transmission


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    Rumah Sakit sebagai sarana pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat diharapkan dapat memberikan pelayanan kesehatan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat, sehingga terselenggaranya pelayanan kesehatan yang bermutu, salah satunya adalah pelayanan rekam medis. Masalah penerapan pengodean pada keakuratan diagnosis penyakit sering terjadi sehingga berdampak pada kesalahan pencatatan penyakit dan analisis pembiayaan kesehatan. Penilitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan coder dan  ketepatan terminologi medis terhadap keakuratan kode diagnosis berdasarkan ICD-10 di RST. Dr. Reksodiwiryo Padang. Jenis penelitian adalah survei analitik dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan rancangan penelitian cross-sectional. Populasi penelitian yaitu coder sebanyak 12 orang dan 944 dokumen rekam medis. Sampel penelitian adalah 12 orang coder dan 100 dokumen rekam medis. Instrument yang digunakan adalah kuesioner, dan pedoman observasi. Teknik sampling coder dengan menggunakan sampling jenuh, dokumen rekam medis dengan menggunakan simple random sampling. Berdasarkan uji statistik Chi Square hubungan antara pengetahuan coder dengan keakuratan kode diagnosis didapat hasil ρ value 0,015, maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Hubungan antara terminologi medis dengan keakuratan kode diagnosis di dapat hasil ρ value 0,004, maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima.  Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan antara pengetahuan coder dengan keakuratan kode diagnosis dan ada hubungan antara terminologi medis dengan keakuratan kode diagnosis

    Model Determinan Perilaku “Lelaki Seks Lelaki” di Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat

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    Pada tahun 2016, Kota Padang Ibu Kota Provinsi Sumatera Barat dikejutkan dengan laporan tingginya insiden kasus HIV/AIDS di Indonesia. Tingginya kasus HIV/AIDS berhubungan dengan prostitusi dan perilaku Lelaki Seks Lelaki (LSL). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari akar permasalahan determinan perilaku LSL di Kota Padang yang dikenal dengan negeri yang religius. Metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian, berupa wawancara terhadap 44 orang pelaku yang didapatkan secara snowball, petugas Komisi Penanggulanan AIDS (KPA) Kota Padang dan konselor kesehatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaku tersebar dari berbagai tingkat pendidikan dan pekerjaan. Awal mula perilaku LSL umumnya coba-coba saat usia remaja tatkala pubertas dengan nafsu seksual yang bergejolak (54,5%) sebagai pengalihan dari berhubungan seks dengan perempuan. Ada juga pelaku yang pernah menjadi korban pelecehan seksual dari laki-laki dewasa. Anak yang kurang kasih sayang dalam keluarga, mencoba mencari sosok yang dapat menyayanginya, mudah diperdaya oleh pelaku LSL dewasa. Korban pelecahan saat anak-anak, kemudian saat remaja daan beranjak dewasa juga coba-coba untuk melakukan LSL. Perilaku yang awalnya coba-coba akan menjadi menetap jika mendapatkan lingkungan yang mendukung. Studi ini membuktikan bahwa rendahnya kualitas pola asuh dalam keluarga dan kontrol sosial berperan terhadap munculnya perilaku LSL

    Sexual Risk Behaviour of Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in an Urban Society of West Sumatera Province of Indonesia

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    Background and Aim: The cases of HIV/AIDS have increased in Indonesia in the last decade, especially in Padang Municipality of West Sumatera Province. The cases are consistency higher in high risk population groups, including men who have sex with men (MSM). The study exmanines sexual behaviour of MSM, which becomes a potential risk of HIV transmission. Method: We have conducted a qualitative research by interviewing 44 MSM and three HIV/AIDS prevention commissioners and two health workers. The data was analyzed using content thematic analysis approach, which presented narratively and semi-quantitative features. Result: The result shows that most of MSM are very sexual active and have multi sex parners. On the contrary, most of the sexual contacts are unprotected with low consitentency of condom use. They also have limited knowledge of HIV/AIDS and lack of awareness of its transmission. Voluntary of HIV testing is very low due to personal and access barrier, such as feeling shameful to be recognized by other people and perceive healthy and free from HIV/AIDS risk. Conclusion: The sexual behavior of MSM becomes a potential risk of HIV transmission. Our findings indicate that there is a need of improvement of health promotion to decrease the risk of HIV transmission, including health education and special access to HIV testing to reach this community


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    Completeness, accuracy, data quality, and timeliness in data collection and arrangement have become essential aspects related to the data processing process in medical records. This study aimed to determine the relationship between the qualifications of Filing officers and the accuracy of medical record storage at the West Sumatra Regional Technical Service Unit of the Eye Health Center. The research was conducted in a quantitative analytical nature with a cross-sectional design. The population included all Medical Record officers and service providers at the West Sumatra Regional Technical Service Unit of the Eye Health Center, totaling 46 people, and the entire population was used as the sample. The research was conducted from January to March 2022. Based on the research results, it was found that 67.4% of the respondents had a high level of education, 58.7% had attended training on medical record storage, 58.7% had been working as medical record storage officers for a long time, and 52.2% were not accurate in storing medical records. The conclusion of the research indicates that more than half of the respondents had a high level of education and training, but they were not accurate in storing medical records. There was no strong correlation between the length of employment and the accuracy of medical record storage (p = 0.341). Researchers suggest the need for long-term planning for the success of the West Sumatra Regional Technical Service Unit of the Eye Health Center in improving the quality of medical record storage accuracy, especially in terms of human resources, such as recruiting personnel with a background in medical records and participating in various medical record training programs. By doing so, the management can minimize inaccuracies in medical record storage.Completeness, accuracy, data quality, and timeliness in data collection and file arrangement are crucial aspects of the medical record data processing. This study aims to determine the relationship between the qualifications of Filing officers and the accuracy of medical record storage at the BKIM Sumbar. The research is of a quantitative descriptive nature with a cross-sectional research design. The population consists of 46 Medical Record and Service officers in West Sumatra BKIM, and the entire population is included as the sample. Based on the research findings, 67.4% of respondents have a high level of education, 58.7% have undergone medical record document storage training, 58.7% have been working as medical record document storage officers for a long time, and 52.2% do not store medical record documents accurately. The conclusion of the study is that there are still many instances of improper medical record file storage. Therefore, it is expected that hospitals can use the results of this study to enhance the knowledge of storage officers in the medical record storage process, leading to improvements in service quality at the hospital