1,418 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan Sekolah Berbasis Akreditasi Studi Situs SD Muhammadiyah Gunungpring Muntilan Kabupaten Magelang

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) pengelolaan kurikulum di SD Muhammadiyah Gunungpring. (2) Pengelolaan SDM di SD Muhammadiyah Gunungpring, (3) Pengelolaan Sarana prasarana di SD Muhammadiyah Gunungpring,(4) Pengelolaan Dana di SD Muhammadiyah Gunungpring. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang dilakukan di SD Muhammadiyah Gunungpring Muntilan Kabupaten Magelang. Subjek utama dalam penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah dan guru. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan model analisis yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan. Keabsahan data dalam penelitian ini meliputi credibility, transferability, dependability, dan confermability. Hasil dari penelitian ini (1) Kurikulum yang ada di SD Muhammadiyah Gunungpring adalah Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). Dalam pengelolaan kurikulum diawali dengan kegiatan perencanaan kurikulum yang dilakukan pada awal tahun ajaran baru untuk menganalisis situasi dan kondisi sekolah secara objektif. Perencanaan kurikulum dilaksanakan berdasarkan 5 tahapan yaitu (a) evaluasi pelaksanaan kurikulum pembelajaran 1 tahun yang lalu, (b) rapat komisi sesuai dengan 8 standar pendidikan, (c) sidang pleno, (d) penetapan dan pengesahan, (e) sosialisasi. (2) Sumber daya manusia yang ada di SD Muhammadiyah Gunungpring antara lain tenaga pendidik, tenaga kependidikan dan penjaga sekolah. Pengelolaan SDM dilakukan melalui kegiatan seperti perekrutan pegawai, seleksi, kompensasi dan pelatihan. Peningkatan kualitas SDM dilaksanakan dengan mengikutsertakan tenaga pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan melalui workshop atau seminar yang sesuai dengan bidangnya. (3) Pengelolaan sarana dan prasarana dilakukan oleh orang yang kompeten di bidangnya. Pengelolaan sarana dan prasarana diawali dengan pembentukan tim. Kemudian tim tersebut akan melakukan pendataan tentang sarana dan prasarana yang dimiliki sekolah. Kegiatan evaluasi sarana dan prasarana yang dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah dan tim evaluasi. (4) Sumber dan alokasi dana pendidikan berasal dari pemerintah (APBD dan APBN), masyarakat dan orang tua siswa. Dalam penganggaran dana sekolah berisi tentang program atau kegiatan yang akan dilakukan oleh sekolah untuk satu tahun ke depan. Pengalokasian dana sekolah juga disesuaikan dengan perencanaan penganggaran dana sekolah. Proses pertanggungjawaban dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah yang dibantu oleh bendahara sekolah yang dilaporkan setiap sebulan sekali. Setelah laporan tersebut dibuat kemudian akan di periksa oleh petugas (auditor) yang ditunjuk oleh sekolah

    Measuring the dengue risk area using Geographic Information System: a review

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    Background: Dengue is a viral infection transmitted by mosquitoes that continue to be a significant health challenge in many tropical and subtropical countries. So far, Geographic Information System (GIS) in the health sector contributed to disease prevention, especially for visualization of the disease case. GIS is one of the important tools in spatial epidemiology to assist identification and spatial analysis of the target disease intervention. This article summarizes the use of GIS to assess risk factors for DHF, and how efficient the use of GIS in facilitating the improvement of disease surveillance systems for the prevention and control of diseases. Methods: This paper was developed using a descriptive approach, conducted in September and December 2019. The primary data used in this research were from ScienceDirect databased by collecting some studies that assess the risk of dengue using GIS applications. Results: The results of reviews of research in several countries which use GIS applications in assessing the risk of dengue incidence, ie, in Swat, Pakistan evaluated the impact of the slope, population density, and the distance to the river through GIS applications. Then in Seremban and Putrajaya, Malaysia implemented a participatory approach to identify the spatial risk of dengue in the community. Research in Lahore, Pakistan, analyzed the risk of dengue. Study in Colombia conducted GWR to evaluate the association between socioeconomic factors and the environment with dengue fever incidence. Recently, research in Taiwan integrated GIS to detect the correlation between population density and the possibility of human contact with mosquitoes. Conclusions: Based on the results of the review, it can be drawn that asses the dengue risk with GIS applications is highly relevant because it can determine the factors which affect the incidence of dengue. Besides, it can determine the spatial correlation between risk factors and the incidence of dengue, as well as to evaluate the impact of the dengue occurrence.           &nbsp

    Position Improvement Strategy for Balinese Tourism Human Resources to Manager Level in Rated Hotels in Bali

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    Creating superior Indonesian tourism requires that it be managed by tourism human resources who are qualified and professional in their field. Pitana (2011) stated that Indonesian tourism human resources are of sufficient quality. On the other hand, Pangestu (2012) asserted that although national tourism has shown growth with increasing competitiveness rankings, yet Indonesian tourism is still inferior when compared to neighboring countries. Bali, as a quickly growing tourist region, has become a magnet for job seekers from other provinces, even foreigners. This, of course, is an ironic matter for local human resources in terms of competing to occupy managerial positions. Problems taken up were: 1) what are the obstacles faced by Balinese tourism human resources in order to be able to occupy manager positions at rated hotels in Bali, and 2) how is the strategy for increasing the number of Balinese tourism human resource manager positions at rated hotels in Bali. This research aimed to produce a model strategy for improving the position of Balinese tourism human resources to the level of manager at rated hotels in Bali. An exploratory sequential mixed method with qualitative to quantitative data was used through interviews with fourteen informants who are managers at rated hotels in Sanur, Nusa Dua, and Kuta and tourism practitioners and academics as well as questionnaires. Data analysis applied competence theory (Spencer & Spencer, 1993), hegemony theory (Gramsci, 1971), and motivation theory (Clelland, 1976). The research results show six informants stated that the number of Balinese tourism human resources who occupy manager positions is still low. Meanwhile, eight informants stated the opposite. The results of the research analysis are: 1) the cause of Balinese tourism human resources not being selected for manager positions are: (a) underestimation of Balinese tourism human resources; (b) low competitiveness; (c) politicization of positions; (d) adat (customary) commitments; and (e) lack of mobility. And, 2) a strategy to increase positions can be carried out by: (a) providing opportunities for achievement; (b) creating a cooperative atmosphere; and (c) providing opportunities for status improvement

    Acceptance of Health Information System for Public Health Centre in North Borneo, Indonesia

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    This study sought the factor associated with own acceptance of HIS for PHC by using the modification of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in the Sebengkok PHC, Central Tarakan Subdistrict, Tarakan City, North Borneo, Indonesia. A cross-sectional approach was conducted through a survey on the 37 of PHC\u27s user. A set of questionnaires which was adopted from the previous research was used to collect the information from the participant. The model was developed by involving job relevance, output quality, result demonstrability, screen design, terminology, facilitating condition, perceived of usefulness, perceived ease of use, intention to use and system use (actual usage) as the construct. According to the hypothesis testing, perceived usefulness predicted by terminology, perceived ease of use is significantly predicted by screen design and terminology, perceived usefulness significantly predicts the intention of use and perceived ease of use, while system use which predicted considerably by the intention of use and facilitating condition. This study may have a contribution to the future improvement of HIS for PHC and guide the next coming research to dig the difference acceptance among the user

    Evaluasi Sistem Penggajian Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Sistem Pengendalian Intern (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Malang)

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    This study aims to determine the payroll system of PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Malang and to know the payroll system that done by PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Malang has fulfilled aspects of internal control or not. Data collection is done through observation, interviews, and documentation. The method used is descriptive method to present the facts about the payroll system at PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Malang. The results of this study concluded that there are weaknesses in functions related to payroll system because there are not a function of recording time. Payroll system ofPT.Pos Indonesia (Persero) Malang has drawbacks because the payroll system is done only by one person HR staff. In terms of internal control systems, organizational structure on PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) is not good enough because the position of staff has not been reflected in the organizational structure and the jobdescription PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) none of the parts that have the duty to hold the employee payroll matters either HR or finance and BPM


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    This final project report is written based on the job training done at Solo Grand Mall within a month. The writer did some jobs with the supervisor of Public Relations of Solo Grand Mall by helping the supervisor to finish her job like written press release, attending events, etc. to gain the information reported in this report. The objectives of this report are: 1) to describe the job description of public relation, 2) to describe the relationship between Public Relations and mass media. The following job description of Public Relations of Solo Grand Mall are forming and keeping reputation for company, managing company functions, covering information to the public, arranging and distributing press release. The relationship between Public Relations of Solo Grand Mall and mass media such as newspaper, radio, television is realized in special program held in several mass media or press release. Solo Grand Mall has a program called ā€œGerai Metta bersama Solo Grand Mallā€ in radio Metta FM Solo as one of the radio partners of Solo Grand Mall. Another program is ā€œPROSPEKā€ conducted in TATV as one of the television partners of Solo Grand Mall. The programs with the media work well. It can be seen by the raising trust of public to Solo Grand Mall and the rising number of visitor in Solo Grand Mall. In conclusion, as a big shopping center, Solo Grand Mall should maintain the relationship well, because mass media has many important roles in business world especially to raise public awareness in modern lifestyle necessity
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