1,522 research outputs found

    Values Education Through The English Language Learning

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    This study focuses on teaching values through English language learning. It explores the related literature reviewing the possibility of integrating values into the English language learning activities. Value-oriented education is an alternative to pursuing both the academic and social competence of students. It is constructed in response to the problematic issues of youngsters’ deviant behaviors and attitudes. It also challenges the trend of today’s education, which puts greater emphasis on mere academic achievement, employment opportunity, and economic growth. Consequently, students in schools turn to prioritize only academic competence for an employment chance. Few wish to achieve success both academically and socially, whereas they have a life outside their schools and homes; the life in society. The study views that integrating values into English language learning is not an easy task. It requires teachers’ innovation and creativity to pursue goals that are more than just the content of the curriculum. The challenge is that English language teachers need to construct their own lesson plans as core values are sometimes unclearly stated in the curriculum. In classrooms, the teachers recommend not to impose their own values or those of a particular culture in the society on their student

    Teaching English for Student Flourishing

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    Teaching for student flourishing is part of social justice education, which highlights positive changes in society through education. It opens a space for teachers, English language teachers in particular, to accommodate different backgrounds and characteristics of students, from which it gives them opportunities to flourish. However, teaching within this perspective is not that easy. The English teachers face a number of problematic challenges during the teaching learning activities. They need to find the ways to overcome these challenges. This paper aims to determine the challenges faced by the English teachers and gives some insights on how to surmount the problems. It employs a qualitative study, and argues that the English teachers have some challenges in teaching English for a flourishing life of students. They need to concern identifying the challenges and figure out the ways to solve it

    Integrating Themes of Care into English Curriculum: Toward the Enhancement of Students’ Moral Reasoning Skill

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    The purpose of the study is to explore possible strategies to ‘insert’ themes of care into Indonesia’s English curriculum. It is stipulated that the English curriculum containing themes of care, ethics and morality can contribute to the advancement of students’ engagement in learning and enable moral reasoning skill toward the generation of responsible members of society upholding values of tolerance and respect for difference of others. This is a library research, employing a qualitative content review of related literature to find strategies for integrating themes of care into English curriculum.  It is found that integrating themes of care into curricular subjects, including English, is very possible to undertake, and provides students with higher order thinking skills in a functional manner. It is of great importance to students as they get benefits from being taught the ways to approach and eventually solve complex, real-life moral problems by applying particular skills drawn from the PAVE moral reasoning strategy. The English curriculum addressing such a long-term outcome for the application of the integration incorporates teaching students how to attain balanced competence, academically, socially and morally all at once

    Ibnu Hazm al-Andalusi’s concept of love : a unification study between sufism and psychology

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    Love is a feeling that will share together or affection for anyone. In religion, it is also not forbidden. It has awful impact. Human creation, nature, and whole universe are because of God’s love. People ungrudgingly do everything for love. Coward be brave, stolid becomes fussy. In modern era now days, love is tied with sexual activity. It becomes sex and desire satisfying device. It is not love when relationship between man and woman is not done by sexual activity. It is their expression in connection. They are worse. Actually that was running in their mind is lust. Unhappily, that attitude is not taboo in the society. Based on these descriptions, the researcher are interested in researching and find out more about love. In this research, researcher uses book entitled Risalah Cinta translated from T{auqul H{ama>mah written by Ibnu H{azm al-Andalusi. After getting data needed, the next step is analyzing the data. To analyze the data, researcher uses qualitative analysis method because this research uses pure library method. Therefore it is needed many methods, are: description. Based on the result of research, love concept of Ibnu H{azm gives a sense in itself. Sense that he provided is easier to be accepted and understood. Differ from love concept that has been discussed in psychology studies, Ibnu H{azm provided his love concept by religion. By not leaving religion, love still can be expressed but in a proper corridor. By limitation of religion, sensation that felt will be so beautiful like stories, novel, poem that describes who beautiful love is. Love concept of Ibnu H{azm that is easy to be understood brings easier to be applied by human. Modern era that grows so fast gives effect in stress increase. When back in psychology concept, love will be bad thing. Whereas when we back to the love concept of religion (mah}abbah) that is so high, it can be difficult for common people. Ibnu H{azm intermediate it by his love concept. Human can easier apply it now days because his concept is not soar skyward. Key words : Concept of Love, Ibnu Hazm, Human Lif

    Multiple Assessment Methods Towards the Improvement of Students’ English Language Learning

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    The study explores the perspective of multiple assessment methods and possibility of applying it in English language learning. Assessment of English language learning needs to consider the philosophical perspective of progressive education. Assessment in progressive notions of education is primarily used to nurture and develop individual students’ capacity and range of talents. Likewise, the perspective of the 2013 National Curriculum demands students’ real performance on relevant tasks. The study notes that an assessment process refers to implementing multiple methods or a range of strategies to make decisions regarding instruction and gathering information about students’ performance and behaviour, diagnoses students’ problems, monitors their progress and gives feedback for improvement. Rather than a single method of assessment, multiple assessment methods are more beneficial to help the teacher triangulate the evidence for a complete picture of student comprehension and understanding. Every method of assessment has weaknesses, and hence, by using multiple assessment methods, the strengths of one particular method can overcome the problematic weaknesses of another

    Konsep, Identifikasi, Alat Analisis Dan Masalah Penggunaan Variabel Moderator

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    This article is presented to comprehend theory, concept and analysis tools in using moderating variable. Stipulating a theory, concept will affect at USAge or election of analysis tools. Therefore, this matter suggests researchers have to select tool of analysis that most precise. Some approach to be elaborated, for example, Interaction Approach, Absolute Difference Value Approach, Residual and of Subgroup Approach. The major problem of the operation and identification of moderator variables are discussed. Classification of moderating variable can be based on the relationship with the criterion variable, that is, whether the specification variables are relate or not relate to the criterion variable and whether the specification variables interacts with the predictor variable. It will be discussed also at least four problems of competent to get attention when use moderator variable

    Improving the Quality of English Language Teaching And Learning

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    This is a literature study on how to improve the quality of English language teaching and learning. Teaching, in general, can give one daily an unbelievable roller coaster ride from the depths of total frustration to the heights of incredible rewards. Teaching is a profession that is given little respect and lots of criticism. English language teaching and learning is an educational process. It requires great preparation and implementation to maintain the interaction between teacher and students. Apart from this, the teacher needs to be skillful in identifying the needs that should be fulfilled and the objectives which should be achieved. Teacher perspective needs to orient itself to the teaching and learning activities that cover selection on the instructional materials being inline with the instructional objectives, approaches, methods, techniques, and suitable tasks and exercises. The study indicates that good English teaching and learning is tied not only to the subject matter in hand but also to the perspective of teaching that upholds the learner-oriented standpoint. It is strongly suggested that English language teaching and learning needs to do more on psycho-motoric domains, in the sense that it encourages students to do more practice in their learning.This is a literature study on how to improve the quality of English language teaching and learning. Teaching, in general, can give one daily an unbelievable roller coaster ride from the depths of total frustration to the heights of incredible rewards. Teaching is a profession that is given little respect and lots of criticism. English language teaching and learning is an educational process. It requires great preparation and implementation to maintain the interaction between teacher and students. Apart from this, the teacher needs to be skillful in identifying the needs that should be fulfilled and the objectives which should be achieved. Teacher perspective needs to orient itself to the teaching and learning activities that cover selection on the instructional materials being in line with the instructional objectives, approaches, methods, techniques, and suitable tasks and exercises. The study indicates that good English teaching and learning is tied not only to the subject matter in hand, but also to the perspective of teaching that upholds the learner-oriented standpoint. It is strongly suggested that English language teaching and learning needs to do more on psycho-motoric domains, in the sense that it encourages students to do more practice in their learning


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    This study aims to describe the application of the type of picture and picture cooperative   learning   models   to   increase   student   responsibility   and   learning achievement. This research uses the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method which is carried out in three cycles with four stages consisting of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. This research also uses quasi experiment. The subject of the study was the second semester of VB grade students in the 2019/2020 school year at SD Negeri 9 Lahat, totaling 25 students. Whereas the quasi-experiments were VA and VC grade students, each of which numbered 25 students. Data collection instruments in this study used  observation  sheets  and  tests.  Analysis  of research  data  using  statistical averages (mean), percentages and t-test

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Matematika Materi Bangun Ruang Melalui Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Make A Match pada Siswa Kelas VI B SD Negeri 61/X Talang Babat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan matematika materi bangun ruang melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif make a match pada siswa kelas IV B SD Negeri 61/X Talang Babat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Penelitan ini terdiri dari 3 siklus dan setiap siklus terdapat satu kali pertemuan. Tahapan setiap siklus adalah tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi tindakan. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas IV B SD Negeri 61/X Talang Babat tahun ajaran 2018/2019 sebanyak 26 orang siswa. Data penelitian ini adalah teks dan angka tentang kemampuan siswa dalam materi bangun ruang. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi dan tes. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan adanya peningkatan kemampuan siswa kelas IV B SD Negeri Talang Babat pada materi bangun ruang melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif make a match. Kriteria keberhasilan penelitian adalah 70,00 nilai tersebut diperoleh pada siklus ke-tiga. Peningkatan nilai dari siklus pertama sampai ketiga adalah 65,15 menjadi 66,81 menjadi 77,15. Hasil refleksi siklus pertama belum mampu mencapai kriteria keberhasilann dikarenakan belum terbiasa menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif make a match. Jumlah siswa yang mencapai kriteria keberhasialan pada siklus ketiga adalah 21, yang belum mencapai adalah 5 siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa model kooperatif make a match dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa kelas IV B SD Negeri 61/X Talang Babat materi bangun ruang