41 research outputs found


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    Revealing humanity issues through posters is a strategy to address conflicts. Therefore, campaign posters should attract the readers to concern about these issues. The unlimited multimodal texts provide chances to be semantically analyzed. This study focuses on social semiotics with a multimodal perspective in campaign posters that contain humanity issues. This study aims to identify the use of campaign posters in spreading principles of humanity and to reduce the prolonged humanitarian crisis in the world. The study applied reading images theory proposed by Kress & Leeuwen (2006), systemic functional linguistics proposed by Halliday (2004), the connotation of names and terms of address proposed by Keith Allan (2001), social semiotics proposed by Bezemer and Kress (2008), and observed the relation between verbal-visual texts through logico-semantic proposed by Martinec and Salway (2005). The study showed that the campaign posters can be considered as a part of efforts to improve the awareness of freedom, equality, and values comprehensively through multimodal

    Memes As the Representation of Criticism in Social Media

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    The development of the internet world is now increasingly widespread and diverse. Information can be immediately obtained. For example, meme content is distributed via social media accounts. Memes are a form of creative ideas that are packed with graphic design and often contain insinuations about something. The purpose of this study is to uncover the signified and signifier, and speeches that appear in memes that are circulating on Fakartun Instagram account regarding the disappointment with the House of Representatives (DPR). Following a student rally in the courtyard of the DPR, concerning to the rejection of the revision of the Organization Statue of the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi - KPK) and the Indonesian Criminal Code (UU KUHP), various responses emerged on social media platforms. In particular, electronic graphic designs spread from one person to another through social media platforms such as Instagram. These memes represent some people’s anxiety about the revised bills. This study relies on Roland Barthes’s semiotic approach which is the development of Ferdinand De Saussure’s semiotic theory and the illocutionary act of Searl. The results of this study suggest that the memes merged as a form of reaction to the disappointment of citizens over the revision of the bills. Keywords: semiotic-pragmatics, illocutionary acts, representations, meme


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    This study aims to investigate the use of speech act refusal strategies in virtual communication via instant message application, WhatsApp. This study uses cyberpragmatics and relative relations studies to determine the form of a politeness strategy for the participants who are involved in virtual communication. The object studied are screenshots of the WhatsApp chat between a banker and a prospective bank customer which is analyzed by using a qualitative descriptive and Discourse Completion Task (DCT) methods. The results showed that the dominant refusal strategy that emerged was the indirect refusal strategy, which included reason, statement of regret, and promise of future acceptance. Also, the use of negative politeness has a more tendency towards the use of refusal strategies

    Language Evaluation of Covid-19 Vaccination News: Corpus of Indonesian Newspaper and Appraisal Insights

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    The current study is intended to explore the language evaluation of vaccination of covid-19 news of post-pandemic era in the corpus of the Jakarta post as Indonesian newspapers through the study of Systemic Functional Linguistics, hereafter SFL, by considering interpersonal meaning. To view and evaluate a comprehensive purpose, the corpus and appraisal analysis are deployed. The study revealed that the journalist, as media representation, tended to reflect a positive value corroborating with desirable attitude and preferred to show a good judgment through the news to society but the functional meaning should be depended with the whole context. The result also emphasized that media which realized by journalist engaged the society in persuading vaccination of Covid-19 to normalize all of human’s life aspect either healthy, economic, or other factor after the disruption era although as functionally it convey with a negative attitude. The study has implication for journalist that attitude rules are required to reach an effective interpersonal discourse of target community perspective in reporting and persuading a vaccination of covid-19 for the new normal era

    Investigating the types and causes of slips of the tongue of one of the Indonesian female singers

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    A slip of the tongue is one of the speech errors that often encounter in everyday life. Many people may have experienced this phenomenon either consciously or not. However, it would be different when a public figure made slips of the tongue. One of the Indonesian female singers has been viral on social media because of slips of the tongue that she made. She frequently made slips of the tongue when speaking in front of people. Thus, the study is conducted to investigate the phenomenon of slips of the tongue of this singer by revealing the mistakes found in the process of the articulatory program of her utterances, the dominant types of slips of the tongue used by her, and the causes of slips of the tongue. Furthermore, the study is based on a qualitative case study. The data were obtained by downloading three YouTube videos that contained the compilation video of slips of the tongue by the singer and her interview video with Sarah Sechan Talk Show as well as Narasi Entertainment’s Podcast. The transcriptions of the three videos became the source of the data. The study uses the theory from Garrett (1975) about the process of the articulatory program and Clark and Clark (1977) about types of slips of the tongue and factors of speech error. This study also uses the theory from Carroll (1986) about other types of slips of the tongue which are addition and deletion to analyze the data. This study has revealed that this Indonesian female singer mostly made mistakes in the process of phonetic segments as many as 33 times. It was also found that substitution is the dominant type of slips of the tongue that used in the video, as many as 22 times. Moreover, the causes of slips of the tongue were cognitive difficulty and social factors. Keywords: Speech error; slips of the tongue; one of the Indonesian female singers


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    This paper aims to investigate the factors that affect the students’ willingness to communicate in English in the classroom. This study employs a qualitative method, particularly the case study with the use of observation, questionnaire, and interview to collect the data. It can be concluded that there are mainly five factors that influence students’ willingness to communicate namely teachers, topic discussions, classroom environment, peers, and types of activities


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    Video game is a new media of telling stories to young people and adults and it is no longer seen as gameplay only but gameplay with story. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain took Cold War as the main story background tells the story differently. The game system of this video game offers freedom to players to interact with anything during the gameplay, but this freedom has consequences. Applying social semiotic approach, this paper aims to identify how appraisal theory and narrative representation can be used to promote ecological awareness. After observing, collecting and viewing, transcribing and analyzing multimodal data, the researchers find that killing non-playable characters in form of human and animals and even enemy will reduce the score which is important in developing the playable characters’ weapons and equipment. Adopting the theory from Martin White in appraisal theory and Kress and van Leewuen, Caple in narrative representation, this paper also finds that appraisal theory is used to guide the players to play in ethical way such as using non-lethal weaponry, capturing wild animals to protect them from war, and collecting medical plants as needed only, besides, the enemy soldiers can be hired and give beneficial results to the players when they are used to play. In narrative representation, the freedom of choices is designed to make ethical play more plausible


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    This paper aims to investigate the factors that affect the students’ willingness to communicate in English in the classroom. This study employs a qualitative method, particularly the case study with the use of observation, questionnaire, and interview to collect the data. It can be concluded that there are mainly five factors that influence students’ willingness to communicate namely teachers, topic discussions, classroom environment, peers, and types of activities

    PROSIDING SEMINAR TAHUNAN LINGUISTIK UNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA (SETALI 2017): Language Policy and Language Planning: Nationalism and Globalization (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 10 – 11 Agustus 2017)

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    eminar Tahunan Linguistik 2017 kali ini bertemakan “Language Policy and Language Planning: Nationalism and Globalization”. Ada sekitar 100 (seratus) makalah terpilih yang dimuat dan akan dibentangkan dalam Setali 2017 kali ini. Makalah-makalah yang terhimpun dalam prosiding ini telah diseleksi melalui proses dan pertimbangan yang cukup cermat. Dalam konteks global, politik bahasa dan perencanaan bahasa di Indonesia tidak sekadar diarahkan pada pengelolaan bahasa yang dipilih dan direncanakan untuk diajarkan dan dipelajari di sekolah saja (perencanaan akuisisi). Bagi bangsa Indonesia ada semacam refleksi tentang kejadian politik dan proses sosial yang mengarahkan politik bahasa dan perencanaan bahasa sebagai instrumen untuk mengukuhkan kedaulatan berbahasa bagi penutur bahasa Indonesia, yaitu memuliakan bahasa Indonesia di tanahnya sendiri sebagai bahasa persatuan, bahasa keagamaan, bahasa kebudayaan, bahasa pendidikan, bahasa teknologi, bahasa politik, dan banyak yang lainnya. Sekalipun politik dan perencanaan bahasa merupakan kajian yang relatif baru berkembang dalam jagat linguistik, namun sebagai kegiatan informal politik dan perencanaan bahasa memainkan peranan penting dalam distribusi kekuatan dan sumber daya di semua lapisan masyarakat. Politik dan perencanaan bahasa merupakan bagian integral dari sekian banyak aktivitas politik yang pantas untuk dipelajari secara eksplisit dari sudut pandang politik dan kebahasaan. Dengan rasional seperti itulah tema Setali 2017 kami pertimbangkan untuk dipilih. Politik dan perencanaan bahasa adalah rangkaian kegiatan yang sangat kompleks yang melibatkan adanya persilangan dua tema besar yang sangat berbeda dan berpotensi bertentangan, yaitu politik dan bahasa. Jika kita memulainya dari titik perbedaan yang luas, yaitu antara sistem yang dirancang dan sistem yang berkembang, maka perencanaan bahasa berarti mengenalkan proses desain dan fitur desain ke dalam sistem, dalam hal ini bahasa, yang secara alami berkembang (Halliday 2001: h.177). Dalam pandangan saya, hal yang dinyatakan Halliday itu sangat relevan dengan pekerjaan besar kita, yaitu bagaimana mengenalkan proses desain dan fitur desain ke dalam sistem bahasa Indonesia yang diakui dan berfungsi secara global. Akhirnya, dengan memohon petunjuk dan keridhoan Allah Swt., saya berharap agar penyelenggaraan Setali 2017 ini dapat berjalan dengan tertib dan lancar. Selain itu, saya pun berharap semoga dokumentasi akademik seperti ini dapat memberikan kontribusi nyata bagi perkembangan Linguistik di Indonesia. Dalam kesempatan ini, saya merasa perlu untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada para pihak yang telah turut serta membantu terlaksananya Setali 2017 ini berjalan dengan baik. Selamat berseminar