8 research outputs found

    Spatio-temporal variation in the wintering associations of an alpine bird

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    Many animals make behavioural changes to cope with winter conditions, being gregariousness a common strategy. Several factors have been invoked to explain why gregariousness may evolve during winter, with individuals coming together and separating as they trade off the different costs and benefits of living in groups. These trade-offs may, however, change over space and time as a response to varying environmental conditions. Despite its importance, little is known about the factors triggering gregarious behaviour during winter and its change in response to variation in weather conditions is poorly documented. Here, we aimed at quantifying large-scale patterns in wintering associations over 23 years of the white-winged snowfinch Montifringilla nivalis nivalis. We found that individuals gather in larger groups at sites with harsh wintering conditions. Individuals at colder sites reunite later and separate earlier in the season than at warmer sites. However, the magnitude and phenology of wintering associations are ruled by changes in weather conditions. When the temperature increased or the levels of precipitation decreased, group size substantially decreased, and individuals stayed united in groups for a shorter time. These results shed light on factors driving gregariousness and points to shifting winter climate as an important factor influencing this behaviour.M.d.M.D. was financially supported by the (i) Spanish Ministry of Sciences, Innovation and Universities (no. CGL2016-79764-P) and (ii) a Spanish Ramon y Cajal grant no. RYC-2014-16263. M.B. was partly supported by the project Mediterranean Mosaics II funded by MAVA to Lipu

    Impact of 25 years of grazing exclusion and shrub removal on plant community structure and soil characteristics in a xerophytic rangeland

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    Aim of study: We tested the hypothesis that long periods of grazing exclusion in areas with a history of high grazing intensity will have a positive impact on soil nutrient conditions and favor soil infiltration, increase biomass and lead to a recovery in vegetation.Area of study: Noria de Guadalupe, Zacatecas, Mexico.Material and methods: We analyzed the impact of grazing exclusion on biomass, species richness, evenness, soil nutrient content and soil water infiltration after 25 years of exclusion during each of the four seasons by  excluding two 15 × 15 m plots of grazing and compared with two control plots.Main results: Exclusion management did not lead to biomass increases; however, it did lead to an important recovery in the plant community. Moreover, soil nutrient content was more affected by the seasonality of rainfall in the study site than by 25 years of exclusion. The elimination of dominant shrubs in the excluded area led to a faster recovery in palatable shrubs and shortgrass vegetation, which was improved by better infiltration values during the end of spring and summer explaining some of the differences in nutrient avaibility.Research highlights: In our study, exclusion management can lead to an important recovery in vegetation without affecting the growth of Atriplex canescens, a valuable source of fodder. Although biomass presented a higher dependence on seasonality and was not related to the treatment, the impact on the forage quality is evident by the different plant communities established after 25 years of exclusion

    Impact of 25 years of grazing exclusion and shrub removal on plant community structure and soil characteristics in a xerophytic rangeland

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    Aim of study: We tested the hypothesis that long periods of grazing exclusion in areas with a history of high grazing intensity will have a positive impact on soil nutrient conditions and favor soil infiltration, increase biomass and lead to a recovery in vegetation.Area of study: Noria de Guadalupe, Zacatecas, Mexico.Material and methods: We analyzed the impact of grazing exclusion on biomass, species richness, evenness, soil nutrient content and soil water infiltration after 25 years of exclusion during each of the four seasons by  excluding two 15 × 15 m plots of grazing and compared with two control plots.Main results: Exclusion management did not lead to biomass increases; however, it did lead to an important recovery in the plant community. Moreover, soil nutrient content was more affected by the seasonality of rainfall in the study site than by 25 years of exclusion. The elimination of dominant shrubs in the excluded area led to a faster recovery in palatable shrubs and shortgrass vegetation, which was improved by better infiltration values during the end of spring and summer explaining some of the differences in nutrient avaibility.Research highlights: In our study, exclusion management can lead to an important recovery in vegetation without affecting the growth of Atriplex canescens, a valuable source of fodder. Although biomass presented a higher dependence on seasonality and was not related to the treatment, the impact on the forage quality is evident by the different plant communities established after 25 years of exclusion

    EnREDate en el Ribera

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    Se desarrolla un proyecto de innovación educativa que pretende conectar con el profesorado e implicarlo en la utilización de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación para aplicarlas en sus asignaturas y repercutir en la formación del alumnado para que igualmente utilicen las Nuevas Tecnologías como complemento a su formación. EnREDate consiste en la divulgación de una forma atractiva y puesta en práctica de una herramienta telemática de trabajo cooperativo desarrollado para centros de enseñanza. Dicha herramienta permite al profesorado y al alumnado colocar sus apuntes, trabajos y sugerencias, y un medio de comunicación La realización del proyecto se ha dividido en tres partes. En la primera parte se ha realizado la formación del profesorado en el uso de la herramienta informática Claroilex en dos turnos de formación, uno de mañana y otro de tarde. El profesorado ha recibido la información necesaria en el uso de Intranet, incidiendo especialmente en la subida de apuntes al servidor para que el alumnado pueda consultarlo, para la realización de exámenes, para la entrega de trabajos y para la comunicación de incidencias. En la segunda fase se ha informado al alumnado sobre la utilización de los recursos a través de regalos con información sobre el funcionamiento del recurso. Se distribuyen dípticos con información sobre el uso de Intranet y carpetas dónde en su portada se narra las posibilidades que pueden realizarse en la plataforma. En tercer lugar se realiza una campaña de concienciación para el uso de esta herramienta informática por parte del profesorado y del alumnado. Finalmente se desarrolla y se lleva a cabo el proyecto de Intranet, siendo exclusivo para el IES Ribera de Castilla y utilizado principalmente por el profesorado y el alumnado de conocimientos centrados en ciencias.Castilla y LeónConsejería de Educación. Dirección General de Universidades e Investigación; Monasterio de Nuestra Señora de Prado, Autovía Puente Colgante s. n.; 47071 Valladolid; +34983411881; +34983411939ES

    [Correspondencia de Camilo Díaz Baliño] , 1917-1936

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    Mss. (algúns en fotocopia) autógrafo e mecanografiadoResumen: Correspondencia recibida por Camilo Díaz Baliño entre os anos 1917-1936 relacionada con asuntos persoais e laboraisBiblioteca de GaliciaForma de ingreso: Depósito. Fuente de ingreso: Díaz Pardo, Isaac. Fecha de ingreso: 2011. Propietario: Herdeiros de Isaac Díaz PardoDixitalización Telefónica-IDP 2012Contén : Cartas de: Manuel Abelenda (1 páx.) -- Cesar Alvarez (1 páx.) -- Carlos Amigo Collía (2 páxs.) -- Banco Hispano-Americano (2 páxs.) -- Alfonso Barreiro (3 páxs.) -- Eliseo Barros Gamallo (1 páx.),(2 páxs.) -- Ramón Beade (2 páxs.) -- Benito(2 páxs.) -- Fernando Blanco(1 páx.) -- José Bouzas y Cardama (1 páx.) -- Albino Bouzó Fernández (1 páx.),(2 páxs) -- José Cabada Vázquez (4 páxs.),(1 páx.),(1 páx.) --Salvador Cabeza (1 páx.) -- Antonio Carballa (1 páx.) -- Leandro y Euxenio Carré (2 páxs.) -- V. Carro (1 páx.) -- Santiago Casares (1 páx.) -- Alvaro Cebreiro (2 páxs.) -- Centro Gallego de Buenos Aires (1 páx.),(1 páx.) -- Compostela (2 páxs.) -- Manolo: Continental (2 páxs.) -- Coral de Ruada (1 páx.),(2 páxs.) -- Amando Cotarelo(1 páx.),(1 páx.) -- Eduardo Dorado Xaneiro (8 páx.) -- Círculo Mercantil e Idustrial: Ramón Fernández (1 páx.) --Virgilio Fernández(3 páxs.) -- Ramón Fernández Mato (2 páxs.) -- B. Ferreiro(1 páx.) -- Jenaro de la Fuente (1 páx.) -- Isaac Fraga: Espéctaculos Empresa Fraga (1 páx.),(1 páx.) -- Antonio Folgar Lema(1 páx.)--Alicio Garcitoral (1 páx.) -- Cándido González Raño (1 páx.) -- Daniel González Rodriguez (2 páxs.),(2 páxs.) -- Edurardo G.del Río (1 páx.) -- Hermanos Hernández (2 páxs.),(1 páx.),(1 páx.),(1 páx.) -- José Iglesias Sánchez (2 páxs.) -- Irmandades da Fala (1 páx.) -- José Silva? (2 páxs.) -- Arturo Longa (1 páx.) -- Casimiro López (1 páx.) -- Edmundo López (1 páx.),(1 páx.) -- Eduardo R. Losada y Rebellón (2 páx.) -- Carlos Maside (1 páx.) -- Enrique Mayer (1 páx.) -- Antonio Méndez Laserna (1 páx.) -- Anselmo Padín (1 páx.) -- Xavier Pardo (1 páx.) -- Partido Republicano Radical Socialista (1 páx.) -- Pérez Bustamante (1 páx.) -- Modesto Piñeiro (2 páxs.) -- Salustiano Portela (2 páxs.) -- José Seijo Rubio (2 páxs.) -- Suarez Picallo (2 páxs.) -- Luis Losada (1 páx), (1 páx.) -- Ricardo Valdés (2 páxs.),(2 páxs.),(2 páxs.),(1 páx.) -- A.Nilo Varela (1 páx.),(2 páxs.),(2 páxs.) -- Juan Varela de Limia (1 páx.) -- Victorino? Varela (1 páx.) -- Jesús Varela (3 páxs.) -- F.Vázquez Suarez (1 páx.) -- Santiago Vidal Gimeno (1 páx.) -- Pedro Vieitez (1 páx.) -- M. Villar (2 páxs.) -- Anónima (1 páx.) -- Anónima (1 páx.

    Revista Temas Agrarios Volumen 26; Suplemento 1 de 2021

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    1st International and 2nd National Symposium of Agronomic Sciences: The rebirth of the scientific discussion space for the Colombian Agro.1 Simposio Intenacional y 2 Nacional de Ciencias Agronómicas: El renacer del espacio de discusión científica para el Agro colombiano