1,267 research outputs found

    Diet and coexistence of Rattus rattus rattus (Linnaeus), Rattus exulans (Peale) and Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout) on Stewart Island, New Zealand : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Zoology

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    Coexistence and diet of Rattus rattus rattus, Rattus exulans and, Rattus norvegicus on Stewart Island was investigated by snap-trapping and stomach analysis. The trapping period was from June 1982 to December 1986. Four habitats were trapped for three nights every three months. Morphometric and reproductive information was collected throughout the programme. Studies of food availability, involving two forms of invertebrate sampling and plant phenology recordings, were undertaken in the final year of trapping. Overall rat abundance was 4.0 rats/100 trap-nights which is comparable with other findings in mainland forests and on large offshore islands in New Zealand. R. norvegicus abundance was significantly lower than that of R. rattus and R. exulans. Species composition varied considerably between transects and a high degree of disassociation between R. exulans and R. norvegius was recorded. R. norvegics was restricted to areas very close to water. Seasonal variation in rat abundance was marked and was most affected by changes in R. ratrus and R. exulans numbers. Highest rat abundance was in winter of each year. Male R. exulans were heavier (x = 65.61) than females ( = 60.77) and the same was true for R. norvegicus (male = 201.40, female = 165.50). All rat species were smaller than those trapped previously from New Zealand. Few pregnant rats were trapped but seasonal breeding of R. rattus and R. exulans was suggested by annual increases in the proportions of juveniles in winter and spring. Invertebrates and vegetation were the main foods eaten. In terms of frequency of occurrence and mean percentage volume, invertebrates were most important for R. exulans and R. norvegicus. For R. rattus invertebrates were also the most commonly eaten food but vegetation provided greatest volume of diet. Of the three species, R. rattus had a more varied diet and R. exulans was most reliant on invertebrates. Orthoptera, Opiliones, Chilopoda and Coleoptera were the invertebrates most frequently eaten by R. rattus, whereas Orthoptera, Araneida, Chilopoda and Terricolae were the most common in the diet of R. exulans. Decapoda (freshwater crayfish) were the most frequent diet item of R. norvegicus, and Opiliones, Othoptera, and Araneida were also common. Fruits, especially Prumnopitys ferruginea, and unidentified seeds and rhizomes were the more common plant foods eaten. A greater importance of leaf material than has been previously recorded is suggested in the diet of R. rattus. Birds were rarely eaten by R. rattus and R. norvegicus and not at all by R. exulans. Two instances of R. norvegicus having eaten lizards were recorded. Diet overlap was considerable but significant species differences were found. Diet varied with season for each species and for R.rattus and R. norvegicus there was variation between transects. Coexistence in the various habitats is discussed

    Characterization of diversity of fungi forming arbuscular endomycorrhizae in selected plant communities

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    Knowledge of taxonomic and functional diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomales, Zygomycetes) is important in understanding the biology and ecology of such a widespread mycorrhizal symbiosis. More definitive criteria for grouping and ranking taxa were established by reinterpreting morphological characters in selected species of Glomus (Glomaceae) and Acaulospora and Entrophospora (Acaulosporaceae) based on spore ontogenesis. Members of both families shared some patterns, such as discrete stages of spore growth and differentiation in three phases, resulting in the formation of three possible character complexes: a spore wall, flexible inner walls, and a pregermination structure. Families differed in presence or absence of one or more of these complexes. Genera diverged in subcellular organization of these complexes, and species diverged solely with changes in structure and phenotypic differences in the spore wall. With improved criteria for species delimitation, studies then were conducted to assess taxonomic structure in fungal communities. This process required methods to induce or stimulate sporulation by cryptic fungal species, such as successive propagation cycles of trap pot cultures. Trap cultures varied widely in their efficiency to detect non-sporulating species (15--100%), possibly because of differences in the environment, especially temperature, between the native habitat and greenhouse conditions. Glomus species dominated all baited communities, both in number and amount of sporulation. Infectivity of total fungal propagules was predicted by spore numbers, but infectivity was not correlated with species richness. Inocula of single isolates from three fungal communities were established from trap cultures to examine the proportion of effective and non-effective fungi present in each community. Effectiveness assays using soybean and red clover as hosts revealed that at least one fungal isolate from each community was effective in increasing plant growth and phosphorus foliar content. Fungal isolates that were highly effective or non-effective produced similar responses in both hosts, suggesting that effectiveness has a heritable component. A mix of all members of each fungal community performed as well or better than the most effective isolate in each community. These results suggest that management of indigenous fungal communities may be a preferred strategy to introduction of commercial inocula in natural or managed ecosystems

    Contemporary Master Planned Community Practice

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    The authors discuss an on-going research on the planning and implementing of master planned communities in different countries, and their implications for contemporary planning practice. They show that the developers´ goal is for the MPC to become the place “of choice” for residents and employers over the long term, and that success is directly linked to the ability to adapt implementation processes and strategies that meet market and social needs

    Between Philosophy and Art

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    Similarity and difference, patterns of variation, consistency and coherence: these are the reference points of the philosopher. Understanding experience, exploring ideas through particular instantiations, novel and innovative thinking: these are the reference points of the artist. However, at certain points in the proceedings of our Symposium titled, Next to Nothing: Art as Performance, this characterisation of philosopher and artist respectively might have been construed the other way around. The commentator/philosophers referenced their philosophical interests through the particular examples/instantiations created by the artist and in virtue of which they were then able to engage with novel and innovative thinking. From the artists’ presentations, on the other hand, emerged a series of contrasts within which philosophical and artistic ideas resonated. This interface of philosopher-artist bore witness to the fact that just as art approaches philosophy in providing its own analysis, philosophy approaches art in being a co-creator of art’s meaning. In what follows, we discuss the conception of philosophy-art that emerged from the Symposium, and the methodological minimalism which we employed in order to achieve it. We conclude by drawing out an implication of the Symposium’s achievement which is that a counterpoint to Institutional theories of art may well be the point from which future directions will take hold, if philosophy-art gains traction

    Economic impact of the Florida cultured hard clam industry

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    Aquaculture and marketing of the Florida Bay Scallop in Crystal River, Florida

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    The overall goal of this study was to develop a new fishery resource product through open-water aquaculture for the west coast of Florida that would compete as a non-traditional product through market development. Specific objectives were as follows: I. To grow a minimum of 50, 000 juvenile scallops to a minimum market size of40 mm in a cage and float system in the off-shore waters of Crystal River, Florida. 2. To determine the growth rate, survival, and time to market size for the individuals in this system and area to other similar projects like Virginia. 3. To introduce local fishermen and the aquaculture students at Crystal River High School to the hatchery, nursery, and grow-out techniques. 4. To determine the economic and financial characteristics of bay scallop culture in Florida and assess the sensitivity of projected costs and earnings to changes in key technical, managerial, and market related parameters. 5. To determine the market acceptability and necessary marketing strategy for whole bay scallop product in Florida. (PDF has 99 pages.

    Profile of deaths from respiratory diseases in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, from 2006 to 2015

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    Justificativa: As doenças respiratórias atingem indivíduos de todas as faixas etárias, são responsáveis por elevados números de morbidade e mortalidade gerando uma grande demanda dos serviços de saúde. Objetivo: O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar o perfil dos óbitos por doenças respiratórias na 9ª Coordenadoria de Saúde, entre 2006 e 2015, com base no banco de dados do Datasus gerenciado pelo Ministério da Saúde do Brasil. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, observacional, descritivo. A coleta de dados foi realizada em novembro de 2017, abrangendo os últimos 10 anos. A seleção das causas de óbitos por doenças respiratórias foi estimada através do Código Internacional de Doenças 10ª revisão (CID 10), Capítulo X (Doenças do aparelho respiratório), estatísticas vitais, mortalidade de 1996 a 2015. As variáveis para esta pesquisa foram coletadas através do Tabnet, de acordo com distribuição cronológica, sexo, idade e período do ano do óbito. Resultados: Do total de 1.471 óbitos por doença respiratória, observou-se que 52% acometeram homens (767) e 48% mulheres (704), na maioria idosos, com baixa renda e pouca escolaridade. As principais causas de óbitos foram as doenças crônicas das vias aéreas inferiores e pneumonia, equivalendo a 56% (826 casos) e 29% (421 casos) respectivamente, 34% dos óbitos durante o inverno. Conclusão: As principais causas de mortalidade por doenças respiratórias ocorridas na 9ª Coordenadoria de Saúde nos 10 anos estudados foram doenças crônicas das vias aéreas inferiores e pneumonia, com maior ocorrência nos meses mais frios, acometendo mais homens idosos e com menor nível escolar

    Enhancing Seed Availability For the Hard Clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) Aquaculture Industry By Applying Remote Setting Techniques

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    The goal of this study was to test a technology that may help ensure a reliable and consistent supply of high quality and inexpensive clam seed to growers, thus fostering an emerging aquaculture industry by eliminating a seed shortage that limits sustainability. The overall objectives were to develop, test and demonstrate technical procedures and determine the financial feasibility of transferring remote setting technology from the Pacific Northwest molluscan shellfish industry to the hard clam aquaculture industry in Florida. (PDF has 44 pages.

    Atendimento do Programa Esporte e Lazer da Cidade (PELC) às pessoas em vulnerabilidade social na cidade de Pinhais/PR

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    Orientador: Dr. Fernando Marinho MezzadriCoorientadora: Drª Suélen Barboza Eiras de CastroDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Física. Defesa : Curitiba, 26/02/2018Inclui referências: p.93-101Área de concentração: Exercício e esporteResumo: O presente trabalho trata da análise do atendimento do Programa Esporte e Lazer da Cidade (PELC) no município de Pinhais, tendo como foco principal o atendimento às pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade social. Este estudo se caracteriza como uma pesquisa documental pautada em uma abordagem qualitativa e de caráter exploratório a partir do levantamento de documentos de domínio público que teve como objetivo analisar o atendimento do PELC-Pinhais às pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade social utilizando o critério de renda. Utilizamos o Sistema de Monitoramento (Sistema M&A) para organizar e tabular nossos indicadores e, como parâmetro, utilizamos o recebimento dos recursos do Programa Bolsa Família (PBF) para caracterizar a vulnerabilidade social por meio da renda. A fim de descobrir os percentuais do atendimento do PELC-Pinhais aos beneficiários do PBF fizemos o recorte temporal do mês de dezembro de 2016, o mesmo mês utilizado pela Secretaria Municipal de Assistência Social de Pinhais (SEMAS) para criar o Mapa Social de Pinhais que contêm os índices de vulnerabilidade no município. Cruzamos os nomes dos beneficiários PELC-Pinhais e PBF no intuito de estabelecermos as porcentagens de atendimento dos núcleos no município. A partir da análise destes dados tivemos o resultado de que apenas 5,56% de todas as pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade social pelo critério de renda do município foram atendidas nos núcleos PELC-Pinhais naquele período. A partir dos documentos norteadores do PELC encontramos uma lacuna nas metas relacionadas com o atendimento as pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade social. Os três documentos analisados PPA, Edital de Chamamento e os documentos de Orientação para Implementação do PELC não são coerentes quanto a prioridade, forma de quantificar e mensurar o atendimento a essa população. Os resultados da pesquisa evidenciaram que essa situação afeta no cumprimento de um dos principais objetivos do programa: democratizar o acesso ao esporte e lazer priorizando as pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade social, para que esporte e lazer possam ser entendidos e efetivados enquanto direito. Além da lacuna nos documentos outros fatores impossibilitaram o PELC-Pinhais de cumprir a contento com seus objetivos: a falta de planejamento relacionado a localização dos núcleos de atividades, a não utilização de dados do PBF na identificação das pessoas vulneráveis pelo critério de renda e, principalmente; a falta de parceria e da intersetorialidade entre secretarias no planejamento e execução das ações. Palavras-chave: Política Social. Esporte e Lazer. Atendimento. Vulnerabilidade social.Abstract: The present work deals with the analysis of the service of the City Sport and Leisure Program (PELC) in the municipality of Pinhais, with the main focus being the attendance of people in situations of social vulnerability. This study is characterized as a documental research based on a qualitative and exploratory approach based on the collection of public domain documents that had the objective of analyzing the PELCPinhais service to people in situations of social vulnerability using the income criterion. We used the Monitoring System (M & E System) to organize and tabulate our indicators and, as a parameter, we use the resources of the Bolsa Família Program (PBF) to characterize social vulnerability through income. In order to find out the percentages of the PELC-Pinhais attendance to the beneficiaries of the PBF, we made the temporal cut of the month of December 2016, the same month used by the Municipal Secretary of Social Assistance of Pinhais (SEMAS) to create the Social Map of Pinhais that contain the vulnerability indexes in the municipality. We cross the names of the beneficiaries PELC-Pinhais and PBF in order to establish the percentages of attendance of the nuclei in the municipality. From the analysis of these data we had the result that only 5.56% of all the people in situations of social vulnerability of the municipality were attended in the PELC-Pinhais nuclei in that period. From the guiding documents of the PELC we find a gap in the goals related to the attendance of people in situation of social vulnerability. The three documents analyzed PPA, Call Notice and Guidance documents for Implementation of the PELC are not coherent as to the priority, how to quantify and measure the service to this population. The results of the research showed that this situation affects the fulfillment of one of the main objectives of the program, democratizing access to sports and leisure, prioritizing people in situations of social vulnerability, so that sports and leisure can be understood and effective while right. In addition to the gap in the documents, other factors made it impossible for the PELC-Pinhais to comply with its objectives: the lack of planning related to the location of the activities centers; the non-use of PBF data in the identification of vulnerable persons by the income criterion and, mainly; the lack of partnership among secretariats, the lack of intersectoriality in the planning and execution of actions. Keywords: Social policy. Sports and leisure. Attendance. Social vulnerability