1,636 research outputs found

    Efficient FFT-based Circulant Embedding Method and Subspace Algorithms for Wideband Single-carrier Equalization

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    In single-carrier transmission systems, wider bandwidth allows higher data rate by transmitting narrower pulses. For wireless applications, however, this means that the effective channel response is longer and the number of significant taps increases. This results in higher computational burden at the receiver. In this paper, we first review some well-known equalization methods and their shortcomings. Then we will propose the use of the circulant embedding method and the CG algorithm as efficient equalizers that are specifically well suited in dealing with long delay spread channels. These methods take advantage of the low computational complexity of the FFT algorithm, resulting in the same overall computational complexity of N log(N). Furthermore, when the CG algorithm is used correctly, it may perform better than the MMSE equalizer at a much lower cos

    Constructing packings in Grassmannian manifolds via alternating projection

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    This paper describes a numerical method for finding good packings in Grassmannian manifolds equipped with various metrics. This investigation also encompasses packing in projective spaces. In each case, producing a good packing is equivalent to constructing a matrix that has certain structural and spectral properties. By alternately enforcing the structural condition and then the spectral condition, it is often possible to reach a matrix that satisfies both. One may then extract a packing from this matrix. This approach is both powerful and versatile. In cases where experiments have been performed, the alternating projection method yields packings that compete with the best packings recorded. It also extends to problems that have not been studied numerically. For example, it can be used to produce packings of subspaces in real and complex Grassmannian spaces equipped with the Fubini--Study distance; these packings are valuable in wireless communications. One can prove that some of the novel configurations constructed by the algorithm have packing diameters that are nearly optimal.Comment: 41 pages, 7 tables, 4 figure

    Sparse Randomized Kaczmarz for Support Recovery of Jointly Sparse Corrupted Multiple Measurement Vectors

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    While single measurement vector (SMV) models have been widely studied in signal processing, there is a surging interest in addressing the multiple measurement vectors (MMV) problem. In the MMV setting, more than one measurement vector is available and the multiple signals to be recovered share some commonalities such as a common support. Applications in which MMV is a naturally occurring phenomenon include online streaming, medical imaging, and video recovery. This work presents a stochastic iterative algorithm for the support recovery of jointly sparse corrupted MMV. We present a variant of the Sparse Randomized Kaczmarz algorithm for corrupted MMV and compare our proposed method with an existing Kaczmarz type algorithm for MMV problems. We also showcase the usefulness of our approach in the online (streaming) setting and provide empirical evidence that suggests the robustness of the proposed method to the distribution of the corruption and the number of corruptions occurring.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Frame Permutation Quantization

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    Frame permutation quantization (FPQ) is a new vector quantization technique using finite frames. In FPQ, a vector is encoded using a permutation source code to quantize its frame expansion. This means that the encoding is a partial ordering of the frame expansion coefficients. Compared to ordinary permutation source coding, FPQ produces a greater number of possible quantization rates and a higher maximum rate. Various representations for the partitions induced by FPQ are presented, and reconstruction algorithms based on linear programming, quadratic programming, and recursive orthogonal projection are derived. Implementations of the linear and quadratic programming algorithms for uniform and Gaussian sources show performance improvements over entropy-constrained scalar quantization for certain combinations of vector dimension and coding rate. Monte Carlo evaluation of the recursive algorithm shows that mean-squared error (MSE) decays as 1/M^4 for an M-element frame, which is consistent with previous results on optimal decay of MSE. Reconstruction using the canonical dual frame is also studied, and several results relate properties of the analysis frame to whether linear reconstruction techniques provide consistent reconstructions.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures; detailed added to proof of Theorem 4.3 and a few minor correction

    Analysis of Basis Pursuit Via Capacity Sets

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    Finding the sparsest solution α\alpha for an under-determined linear system of equations Dα=sD\alpha=s is of interest in many applications. This problem is known to be NP-hard. Recent work studied conditions on the support size of α\alpha that allow its recovery using L1-minimization, via the Basis Pursuit algorithm. These conditions are often relying on a scalar property of DD called the mutual-coherence. In this work we introduce an alternative set of features of an arbitrarily given DD, called the "capacity sets". We show how those could be used to analyze the performance of the basis pursuit, leading to improved bounds and predictions of performance. Both theoretical and numerical methods are presented, all using the capacity values, and shown to lead to improved assessments of the basis pursuit success in finding the sparest solution of Dα=sD\alpha=s

    MUBs inequivalence and affine planes

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    There are fairly large families of unitarily inequivalent complete sets of N+1 mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) in C^N for various prime powers N. The number of such sets is not bounded above by any polynomial as a function of N. While it is standard that there is a superficial similarity between complete sets of MUBs and finite affine planes, there is an intimate relationship between these large families and affine planes. This note briefly summarizes "old" results that do not appear to be well-known concerning known families of complete sets of MUBs and their associated planes.Comment: This is the version of this paper appearing in J. Mathematical Physics 53, 032204 (2012) except for format changes due to the journal's style policie

    Symmetric Informationally Complete Quantum Measurements

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    We consider the existence in arbitrary finite dimensions d of a POVM comprised of d^2 rank-one operators all of whose operator inner products are equal. Such a set is called a ``symmetric, informationally complete'' POVM (SIC-POVM) and is equivalent to a set of d^2 equiangular lines in C^d. SIC-POVMs are relevant for quantum state tomography, quantum cryptography, and foundational issues in quantum mechanics. We construct SIC-POVMs in dimensions two, three, and four. We further conjecture that a particular kind of group-covariant SIC-POVM exists in arbitrary dimensions, providing numerical results up to dimension 45 to bolster this claim.Comment: 8 page

    The road to deterministic matrices with the restricted isometry property

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    The restricted isometry property (RIP) is a well-known matrix condition that provides state-of-the-art reconstruction guarantees for compressed sensing. While random matrices are known to satisfy this property with high probability, deterministic constructions have found less success. In this paper, we consider various techniques for demonstrating RIP deterministically, some popular and some novel, and we evaluate their performance. In evaluating some techniques, we apply random matrix theory and inadvertently find a simple alternative proof that certain random matrices are RIP. Later, we propose a particular class of matrices as candidates for being RIP, namely, equiangular tight frames (ETFs). Using the known correspondence between real ETFs and strongly regular graphs, we investigate certain combinatorial implications of a real ETF being RIP. Specifically, we give probabilistic intuition for a new bound on the clique number of Paley graphs of prime order, and we conjecture that the corresponding ETFs are RIP in a manner similar to random matrices.Comment: 24 page

    Measurements of Flavour Dependent Fragmentation Functions in Z^0 -> qq(bar) Events

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    Fragmentation functions for charged particles in Z -> qq(bar) events have been measured for bottom (b), charm (c) and light (uds) quarks as well as for all flavours together. The results are based on data recorded between 1990 and 1995 using the OPAL detector at LEP. Event samples with different flavour compositions were formed using reconstructed D* mesons and secondary vertices. The \xi_p = ln(1/x_E) distributions and the position of their maxima \xi_max are also presented separately for uds, c and b quark events. The fragmentation function for b quarks is significantly softer than for uds quarks.Comment: 29 pages, LaTeX, 5 eps figures (and colour figs) included, submitted to Eur. Phys. J.
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