42 research outputs found

    New media development, sleep and lifestyle in children and adolescents

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    The number of children using portable electronic devices and the Internet has been on the increase in recent years. This study aimed to analyse how the overuse of various types of electronic devices and the Internet interfere with the sleep patterns and lifestyle of children and adolescents. This study group included 376 participants (189 girls, 187 boys) aged 6–15. The body composition estimates were obtained by means of a foot-to-foot bioelectrical impedance analysis whereas the body height was measured with the use of a stadiometer. The questionnaire survey consisted of questions concerning the children’s lifestyle, new media use, eating and sleeping habits, their physical activity as well as their socio-demographic data. The correlation of the two variables was calculated with the Spearman rank correlation coefficient. Correspondingly, the odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were measured. This study indicated that the use of the media resulted in a significant drop in the study group’s physical activity but also had a negative association with their sleeping and eating habits. In conclusion, health professionals ought to provide parents with more guidance on appropriate new media use

    Assessment of measurement reliability for the IPN test in cardiac patients

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    Cardiological diagnostics use maximal and submaximal tests with increasing load. Maximal stress tests are currently considered the gold standard. The Institut für Prävention und Nachsorge, Cologne (IPN) test may be an alternative when maximal patient load is not indicated. The universality of the test is well-documented in sport, but the reliability of this test is unknown. The aim of this study was to assess between-trial and between-day reliability for parameters assessed by the IPN stress test in cardiological patients.: In a study of 24 patients aged 39 to 79 years with cardiovascular diseases, the IPN cycle ergometer short test was performed (submaximal performance test). The reliability of heart rate, systolic and diastolic pressure, absolute power at submaximal load, relative performance at submaximal load and target heart rate were assessed. Good (Interclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) values ranged from 0.832 to 0.894) and excellent (ICC values ranged from 0.904 to 0.969) between-trial reliability was noted. Between-day reliability was good (ICC values from 0.777 to 0.895) and excellent (ICC values from 0.922 to 0.950). The obtained results suggest that the IPN test may be a reliable tool for use in the assessment of cardiological patients, avoiding the implementation of maximal efforts when excessive patient load is not recommended

    Przyczynek do rozmieszczenia pluskwiaków różnoskrzydłych (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) w Polsce

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    This paper presents almost 1600 new faunistic records for 271 species of Polish Heteroptera. List of species reported for the first time from each zoogeograph-ical region is also provided

    Novel Opioid-Neurotensin-Based Hybrid Peptide with Spinal Long-Lasting Antinociceptive Activity and a Propensity to Delay Tolerance Development

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    The behavioral responses exerted by spinal administration of the opioid-neurotensin hybrid peptide, PK23, were studied in adult male rats. The antinociceptive effect upon exposure to a thermal stimulus, as well as tolerance development, was assessed in an acute pain model. The PK23 chimera at a dose of 10 nmol/rat produced a potent pain-relieving effect, especially after its intrathecal administration. Compared with intrathecal morphine, this novel compound was found to possess a favourable side effect profile characterized by a reduced scratch reflex, delayed development of analgesic tolerance or an absence of motor impairments when given in the same manner, though some animals died following barrel rotation as a result of its i.c.v. administration (in particular at doses higher than 10 nmol/rat). Nonetheless, these results suggest the potential use of hybrid compounds encompassing both opioid and neurotensin structural fragments in pain management. This highlights the enormous potential of synthetic neurotensin analogues as promising future analgesics

    Effectiveness of exercise interventions in animal models of multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is associated with an impaired immune system that severely affects the spinal cord and brain, and which is marked by progressive inflammatory demyelination. Patients with MS may benefit from exercise training as a suggested course of treatment. The most commonly used animal models of studies on MS are experimental autoimmune/allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) models. The present review intends to concisely discuss the interventions using EAE models to understand the effectiveness of exercise as treatment for MS patients and thereby provide clear perspective for future research and MS management. For the present literature review, relevant published articles on EAE animal models that reported the impacts of exercise on MS, were extracted from various databases. Existing literature support the concept that an exercise regimen can reduce the severity of some of the clinical manifestations of EAE, including neurological signs, motor function, pain, and cognitive deficits. Further results demonstrate the mechanisms of EAE suppression with information relating to the immune system, demyelination, regeneration, and exercise in EAE. The role for neurotrophic factors has also been investigated. Analyzing the existing reports, this literature review infers that EAE is a suitable animal model that can help researchers develop further understanding and treatments for MS. Besides, findings from previous animal studies supports the contention that exercise assists in ameliorating MS progression

    Digital health and mobile health: a bibliometric analysis of the 100 most cited papers and their contributing authors

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    Aim: This study aimed to identify and analyze the top 100 most cited digital health and mobile health (m-health) publications. It could aid researchers in the identification of promising new research avenues, additionally supporting the establishment of international scientific collaboration between interdisciplinary research groups with demonstrated achievements in the area of interest. Methods: On 30th August, 2023, the Web of Science Core Collection (WOSCC) electronic database was queried to identify the top 100 most cited digital health papers with a comprehensive search string. From the initial search, 106 papers were identified. After screening for relevance, six papers were excluded, resulting in the final list of the top 100 papers. The basic bibliographic data was directly extracted from WOSCC using its “Analyze” and “Create Citation Report” functions. The complete records of the top 100 papers were downloaded and imported into a bibliometric software called VOSviewer (version 1.6.19) to generate an author keyword map and author collaboration map. Results: The top 100 papers on digital health received a total of 49,653 citations. Over half of them (n = 55) were published during 2013–2017. Among these 100 papers, 59 were original articles, 36 were reviews, 4 were editorial materials, and 1 was a proceeding paper. All papers were written in English. The University of London and the University of California system were the most represented affiliations. The USA and the UK were the most represented countries. The Journal of Medical Internet Research was the most represented journal. Several diseases and health conditions were identified as a focus of these works, including anxiety, depression, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Conclusions: The findings underscore key areas of focus in the field and prominent contributors, providing a roadmap for future research in digital and m-health

    Różnice w kinematyce stawów kończyn dolnych podczas chodu u kobiet i mężczyzn

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    Introduction: Men and women are claimed to walk differently- with modern techniques we are able to quantify gait parameters and establish whether those perceived dissimilarities are supported by precise measurements. Creating separate normative values for men and women may help in gait disturbances diagnosis, prevention and therapy. Objectives: We review available studies on normal locomotion in adult men and women, to clarify if there is scientific evidence to create separate normative values of normal gait according to gender. Methods: Potentially relevant articles were identified with an electronic search of PubMed, Web of Science and Science Direct. Combination of keywords ‘gait’, ‘sex’, ‘gender’, ‘men’, ‘women’, ‘male’, ‘female’ were used. Articles were included if they met following criteria: article was written in English, the article contained information about non-pathological subjects, the study analyzed biomechanics of walking, the article compared metrics of both sexes, the study included data for adults. If additional papers were identified from cited references and met the inclusion criteria they were incorporated into the catalog of references. Results: The inclusion criteria was met by 12 articles. After reviewing abstracts and full-text articles 8 were included and 4 were excluded due to not applying common gait biomechanics parameters or studying gait biomechanics for purposes not connected to the review’s topic. Conclusions: There are differences between males’ and females’ gait kinematic values for coronal plane pelvis and hip movement and possibly in sagittal plane ankle movement. Creating separate normative values is recommended.Wprowadzenie: Sposób chodu kobiet i mężczyzn jest od dawna postrzegany jako różny, jednak stosunkowo niedługo istnieje możliwość wykonania dokładnych pomiarów dających precyzyjne informacje na temat tych różnic. Stworzenie oddzielnych przedziałów norm chodu dla kobiet i mężczyzn mogłoby pomóc w diagnostyce, profilaktyce i terapii zaburzeń lokomocji. Cel: Praca przedstawia przegląd dostępnej literatury na temat chodu zdrowych dorosłych kobiet i mężczyzn, w celu wykazania czy istnieją naukowe podstawy do stworzenia oddzielnych przedziałów wartości norm dla chodu w zależności od płci. Metody: Przeszukano elektroniczne bazy danych PubMed, Web of Science i Science Direct stosując hasła ‚gait’, ‚sex’, ‚gender’, ‚men’, ‚women’, ‚male’, ‚female’. Kryteria włączenia obejmowały: artykuł był dostępny w języku angielskim, artykuł zawierał informacje dotyczące osób zdrowych, w badaniu analizowano biomechanikę chodu, w badaniu porównywano wartości dla obu płci, badanie obejmowało osoby dorosłe. Jeżeli w piśmiennictwie wyszukanych prac pojawiały się artykuły spełniające kryteria włączenia były one dołączane do przeglądu. Wyniki: Kryteria włączenia spełniało 12 prac. Po przejrzeniu abstraktów, a następnie pełnych tekstów pozostawiono 8 prac, 4 wyłączono ze względu na nie stosowanie powszechnych parametrów biomechanicznych lub badanie biomechaniki chodu do celów innych niż temat przeglądu (badanie ortez). Wnioski: Istnieją różnice w parametrach kinematycznych kobiet i mężczyzn podczas chodu dla miednicy i stawu biodrowego w płaszczyźnie czołowej i prawdopodobnie w płaszczyźnie strzałkowej dla stawu skokowego. Zalecane jest stworzenie oddzielnych przedziałów norm dla kobiet i mężczyzn

    Choline—An Underappreciated Component of a Mother-to-Be’s Diet

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    The nutritional status of the mother-to-be has a key impact on the proper development of the fetus. Although all nutrients are important for the developing baby, recent research indicates the importance of adequate choline intake during the periconceptional period, pregnancy, and lactation. Choline plays a key role in the biosynthesis of cell membranes, supporting liver function, neurotransmission, brain development, and DNA and histone methylation. Choline participates in the formation of a child’s nervous system, supports its cognitive development, and reduces the risk of neural tube defects. The human body is incapable of producing sufficient choline to meet its needs; therefore, it must be obtained from the diet. Current data indicate that most women in their reproductive years do not achieve the recommended daily intake of choline. The presented narrative review indicates the importance of educating mothers-to-be and thereby increasing their awareness of the effects of choline on maternal and child health, which can lead to a more aware and healthy pregnancy and proper child development

    The Influence of Plantar Short Foot Muscle Exercises on the Lower Extremity Muscle Strength and Power in Proximal Segments of the Kinematic Chain in Long-Distance Runners

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of plantar short foot muscles exercises on the performance of lower extremities in long-distance runners. 47 long-distance runners aged 21-45 years took part in this study. The participants were divided into two groups based on baseline measurement of Foot Posture Index: Group 1 (n=27) with neutral foot and Group 2 (n=20) with slight and increased pronation. The participants performed the exercises daily for 6 weeks. The knee flexors and extensors torque, work, and power on Isokinetic Dynamometer and Running-Based Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST) were checked at baseline and after 6 weeks of exercises. Higher values of peak torque of knee flexors were observed. This change was statistically significant at high load with angular velocity 90°/s (73.55 Nm at baseline and 89.05 Nm after 6 weeks) and 160°/s (69.40 Nm at baseline and 79.00 Nm after 6 weeks) in Group 2. In both groups higher values of maximum power were noted. Participants in Group 2 achieved lower values in each 35-metre run time and higher values of power. In Group 2 there was significant improvement of total time (35.26 s at baseline and 34.79 s after 6 weeks) compared to Group 1 (37.33 s at baseline and 37.56 s after 6 weeks). Exercises strengthening short foot muscles may improve energy transfer through body segments and increase strength and values of generated power. They should be included as a part of daily training programme of runners. This study was registered in the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR). Registration number: ACTRN12615001200572

    The Diagnostic-Measurement Method—Resting Energy Expenditure Assessment of Polish Children Practicing Football

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    Establishing the amount of energy needed to cover the energy demand of children doing sport training and thus ensuring they achieve an even energy balance requires the resting energy expenditure (REE) to be estimated. One of the methods that measures REE is the indirect calorimetry method, which may be influenced by many factors, including body composition, gender, age, height or blood pressure. The aim of the study was to assess the correlation between the resting energy expenditure of children regularly playing football and selected factors that influence the REE in this group. The study was conducted among 219 children aged 9 to 17 using a calorimeter, a device used to assess body composition by the electrical bioimpedance method by means of segment analyzer and a blood pressure monitor. The results of REE obtained by indirect calorimetry were compared with the results calculated using the ready-to-use formula, the Harris Benedict formula. The results showed a significant correlation of girls’ resting energy expenditure with muscle mass and body height, while boys’ resting energy expenditure was correlated with muscle mass and body water content. The value of the REE was significantly higher (p ≤ 0.001) than the value of the basal metabolic rate calculated by means of Harris Benedict formula. The obtained results can be a worthwhile suggestion for specialists dealing with energy demand planning in children, especially among those who are physically active to achieve optimal sporting successes ensuring proper functioning of their body