24 research outputs found

    Предизвици и решенија на промовирање на производи за широка потрошувачка од аспект на малите и средни претпријатија во РМ

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    Малите и средните претпријатија (МСП) се клучни носители на економскиот развој во секоја национална економија. Оваа улога на МСП, која ја задржаа и во времето на рецесијата од 2008 год., ја нагласува потребата од унапредување на нивните деловни и маркетиншки стратегии, во кои значаен удел има и промотивната стратегија, која бездруго обезбедува информирање на крајниот потрошувач, односно негово запознавање со постојните и новите производи, нагласување на ценовната политика и достапноста на производите и креира ниво на свесност за самото претпријатие и неговата мисија на целниот пазар. Овој труд, преку намерен статистички примерок од 38% од вкупно регистрираните претпријатија во кондиторскта индустрија на РМ како претставници на индустријата на добра за широка потрошувачка, ги анализира предизвиците на промотивната стратегија и медиумите кои притоа ги користат за пренесување на своите пораки МСП во Република Македонија. Со примарно истражување преку структуриран анкетен прашалник се дава преглед на сфаќањата и размислувањата на сопствениците и менаџерите во однос на маркетингот и маркетинг стратегијата, увидени се главните недостатоци во тековното работење во однос на промотивната стратегија и се презентираат најдобрите практики кои треба да се следат во работењето, за постигнување на подобри деловни резултати.Од истражувањето е добиена информација дека МСП, без оглед на целната публика, користат комбинација најчесто од два промотивни елементи: економска пропаганда и продажна промоција, додека останатите се поретко користени, а најмногу се рекламираат преку традиционалните масовни медиуми, особено телевизијата и тоа, во полза на националната наспроти локалната телевизија. Врз основа на овие сознанија, направен е сет на предлози кои ќе ја направат промотивната стратегија на МСП поефективна и поефикасна, особено од аспект на целната публика и категоријата, однoсно типот на производите кои ги произведуваат и продаваат

    Yield of warm prok carcassess from landras breed

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    The influence of life weight of the 30 pigs from Swedish Landras breed to the carcass yield and mass of parts who may be eat and they who can not be eaten have been investigated. The pigs are slaughtered with average age of 6 months and average weight of 116.58 kg. This is the ideal ages and life weight for pig's slaughtering. The mass of the pork carcass parts, who may be eat and they who can not be eaten after slaughtering has been weighted. The weight of all of those parts is 36.12 kg or of the body weight is 30.98 %, have been determined. The warm carcass weight of the slaughtered pigs obtained is average of 83.254 kg, and the yield of pork carcasses is 69.02 %

    Marketing knowledge and strategy for SMEs: Can they live without it?

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    The literature has for more than two decades warned of operational, organizational, dysfunctional, market and managerial barriers hindering the marketing activities and plans of small companies. Small firms typically possess certain characteristics, which serve to differentiate them from larger organizations. These characteristics include inherent weaknesses with respect to capitalization and marketing awareness and practice. Many observed problems stemmed from businesses failing to practice marketing or produce marketing strategy and plans. High failure rates of small firms are largely attributed to weaknesses in financial management and marketing. Many classical management concepts are unsuitable for application in a small firm context, with research suggesting non-implementation of theoretically based marketing practice is the rule rather than the exception in the small firm. This paper reviews issues pertaining to marketing practice of strategy and planning in the small firm, acknowledges inherent weaknesses with regard to marketing in small firms, reviews marketing practice in the context of small firm characteristics, and considers the roles of owner/managers in improving small firm’s marketing practice

    Influence of the Breed on the Gain and Slaughter Quality of the Kids Meat

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    The aim of this investigation was to determine the gain and slaughter quality of the kids of the domestic Balkan goat and its crossbreeds with alpine breed All male kids (from domestic Balkan breed and F1 crossbreeds between domestic Balkan breed and Alpine breed) were fed and maintained in the same conditions. After the slaughter, the measurements of each carcass, were made. The results show significant differences in birth weight of domestic Balkan breed (3,24 kg) and F1 crossbreeds between domestic Balkan breed and Alpine breed (2,67 kg). Dressing percentage was found lower (51,94%) with pH1 6,56 and pH2 5,90 in domestic Balkan kids compared to Alpine kids (57,61%) with pH1 6,40 (pH of hot carcass) and pH2 5,76 (pH of cold carcass). Muscle tissue in three rib cut of kids was 49,46 %, fat tissue 17,35% and bones 33,19% in domestic Balkan kids. Muscle tissue from F1 crossbreeds was 55,57%, fat tissue 18,19% and bones 26,54%

    Neke karakteristike mesa Balkanske koze i jarića

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    The aim of this research was to determine how breed inuences growth intensity and carcass traits of kid meat. All male kids (from domestic Balkan breed and F1 crosses between domestic Balkan breed and Alpine breed) were fed and kept in the same conditions. After the slaughter, measurements of each carcass were made. The results show signicant dierences in birth weight of domestic Balkan breed (3.24 kg) and F1 crosses between domestic Balkan breed and Alpine breed (2.67 kg). Carcass yield was found lower (51.94%) with pH1 6.56 and pH2 5.90 in domestic Balkan kids compared to Alpine kids (57.61%) with pH between 6.40 and 5.76. Average tissue shares for Balkan breed were as follows: muscle tissue 49.46 %, fat tissue 17.35% and bones 33.19% in domestic Balkan kids. Muscle tissue from F1 crosses between domestic Balkan breed and Alpine breed was 55.57%, fat tissue 18.19% and bones 26.54%Svrha ovog istraživanja je bila utvrditi način na koji pasmina utječe na intenzitet rasta i karakteristike jarećeg mesa. Svi muški jarići (domaće Balkanske pasmine i F1križanaca domaće Balkanske pasmine i Alpske pasmine) su hranjeni i održavani u istim uvjetima. Nakon klanja su izvršena pojedinačna mjerenja mesa. Rezultati pokazuju značajne razlike pri porodnoj težini domaće Bal- kanske pasmine (3,24 kg) i F1križanaca domaće Balkanske pasmine i Alpske pasmine (2,67 kg). Utvrđen je manji prinos mesa (51, 94%) sa pH1 6,56 i pH2 5,90 kod domaćih Balkanskih jarića u usporedbi s Alpskim jarićima (57,61%) i pH vrijednostima u rasponu od 6,40 i 5,76. Postotak mišićnog tkiva kod domaćih Balkanskih jarića je iznosio 49,46 %, masnog tkiva 17,35% i kostiju 33,19%. Kod F1križanaca domaće Balkanske pasmine i Alpske pasmine je mišićno tkivo iznosilo 55,57%, masno tkivo 18,19%, te kosti 26,54%

    Neke karakteristike mesa Balkanske koze i jarića

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    The aim of this research was to determine how breed inuences growth intensity and carcass traits of kid meat. All male kids (from domestic Balkan breed and F1 crosses between domestic Balkan breed and Alpine breed) were fed and kept in the same conditions. After the slaughter, measurements of each carcass were made. The results show signicant dierences in birth weight of domestic Balkan breed (3.24 kg) and F1 crosses between domestic Balkan breed and Alpine breed (2.67 kg). Carcass yield was found lower (51.94%) with pH1 6.56 and pH2 5.90 in domestic Balkan kids compared to Alpine kids (57.61%) with pH between 6.40 and 5.76. Average tissue shares for Balkan breed were as follows: muscle tissue 49.46 %, fat tissue 17.35% and bones 33.19% in domestic Balkan kids. Muscle tissue from F1 crosses between domestic Balkan breed and Alpine breed was 55.57%, fat tissue 18.19% and bones 26.54%Svrha ovog istraživanja je bila utvrditi način na koji pasmina utječe na intenzitet rasta i karakteristike jarećeg mesa. Svi muški jarići (domaće Balkanske pasmine i F1križanaca domaće Balkanske pasmine i Alpske pasmine) su hranjeni i održavani u istim uvjetima. Nakon klanja su izvršena pojedinačna mjerenja mesa. Rezultati pokazuju značajne razlike pri porodnoj težini domaće Bal- kanske pasmine (3,24 kg) i F1križanaca domaće Balkanske pasmine i Alpske pasmine (2,67 kg). Utvrđen je manji prinos mesa (51, 94%) sa pH1 6,56 i pH2 5,90 kod domaćih Balkanskih jarića u usporedbi s Alpskim jarićima (57,61%) i pH vrijednostima u rasponu od 6,40 i 5,76. Postotak mišićnog tkiva kod domaćih Balkanskih jarića je iznosio 49,46 %, masnog tkiva 17,35% i kostiju 33,19%. Kod F1križanaca domaće Balkanske pasmine i Alpske pasmine je mišićno tkivo iznosilo 55,57%, masno tkivo 18,19%, te kosti 26,54%

    Uticaj težine i presovanje buta na kalo svinjskog pršuta proizvedenog u industrijskim uslovima

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    U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja o uticaju presovanja svinjskog buta na kalo dobijenog pršuta. Nakon klanja, primarne obrade i hlađenja svinjskih polutki odvojeni su butovi, merene njihove pojedinačne mase i svrstavane u težinske kategorije. Nakon suvog soljenja, butovi su presovani pod različitim opterećenjima, pomoću specijalne prese za presovanje pršuta. Na kraju proizvodnog procesa pršuti su mereni, kako bi se utvrdio kalo (gubitak mase) prilikom presovanja. Znatno veći kalo su imali butovi sa masom većom od 10 kg, a niži kalo butovi sa masom većom od 13 kg. Utvrdjen je značajan uticaj opterećenja pri presovanju na razlike u kaliranju pršuta (na nivou p<0,01). Ključne reči: prsut, kalo, presovanj

    Ucesce masa misica muskulus semimembranosus i muskulus semitendinosus u trupovima i butovima kod svinja rase Daland

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    U radu su prikazani rezltati ispitivanja ucesca dva veoma znacajnih misica koji sacinjavaju najveci deo mesa u buta, a to su polutetivesti misicic m. semitedinosus i polucipesti misic m. semimembranosus. Prosecna masa m.semitendisnsus je iznosila 344,83g sa varijacijom od 348 do 364g dok masa m.Ssemimembranosusu je 679,86g sa varijacivom od 670 do 696g. Ucesce m. Semitendinosus u masi hladnog trupa je bila 0,50%, dok ucesce m. Semimembtabosus je bila 0,98%

    Anatomsko - topografske karakteristike unutrasnih organa kod svinja

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja anatomsko - topografskih karakteristika (masa, duzina i debljina) nekih vaznijih unutrsnjih organa (srce, jetra, slezina i bubrezi) kod mladih svinja rase daland. Prosecna ziva vaga kod svinje pre klanja je bila 110,466kg. Ukupna masa unutrasnjih organa (srce, jetra, slezina bubrezi je bila 2161 ,62g. Masa srca je iznosila u proseku od 350g, dok duzina 100,829mm i debljina od 80mm. Prosecna masa jetra kod svinje je 1.322.40g , sirina od 295,100mm i debljina od 48,OOmm. Prosecna masa slezine je iznosila u proseku od 210,66g, sa duzinom od 376,33mm, sirinom od 52,733mm j debljinom od 24,703mm, dok je prosecna masa bubrega bila 139,566g, sa duzi nomod 100,833mm, sirjnom od 73,466mm i debljinom od 25,666mm

    Marketing knowledge and strategy for SMEs: Can they live without it?

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    The literature has for more than two decades warned of operational, organizational, dysfunctional, market and managerial barriers hindering the marketing activities and plans of small companies. Small firms typically possess certain characteristics, which serve to differentiate them from larger organizations. These characteristics include inherent weaknesses with respect to capitalization and marketing awareness and practice. Many observed problems stemmed from businesses failing to practice marketing or produce marketing strategy and plans. High failure rates of small firms are largely attributed to weaknesses in financial management and marketing. Many classical management concepts are unsuitable for application in a small firm context, with research suggesting non-implementation of theoretically based marketing practice is the rule rather than the exception in the small firm. This paper reviews issues pertaining to marketing practice of strategy and planning in the small firm, acknowledges inherent weaknesses with regard to marketing in small firms, reviews marketing practice in the context of small firm characteristics, and considers the roles of owner/managers in improving small firm’s marketing practice