803 research outputs found

    A low-noise CCD electrometer using buried-channel LDD nMOSFETs

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    A iow-noise, CCD electrometer is presented that makes use of devices akin to buried-channel, LDD NMOS FETs. Self-aligned source and drain contacts are used that result in high performance and a simplified process. These devices were fabricated in a scaled, buried-channel NMOS CCD process without adding any process complexity. In spite of the higher capacitances associated with the scaled process (higher levels of doping and thinner gate oxides) in which this device was constructed, the input referred voltage responsivity or sensitivity of this electrometer is 15 /xV/electron, the highest reported to date. This high responsivity leads to superior noise performance. At room temperature, the output amplifier\u27s input-referred-noise component is only 7.5 electrons rms over a -3dB bandwidth of 35.9 MHz. The total input-referred noire of this wide-band electrometer is only 7.2 electrons rms, with correlated double-sampling employed to eliminate kTC noise. Therefore, the noise performance has been greatly improved over the current state-of-the-art, floating-diffusion, amplifier-type electrometers

    The environment power system analysis tool development program

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    The Environment Power System Analysis Tool (EPSAT) is being developed to provide space power system design engineers with an analysis tool for determining system performance of power systems in both naturally occurring and self-induced environments. The program is producing an easy to use computer aided engineering (CAE) tool general enough to provide a vehicle for technology transfer from space scientists and engineers to power system design engineers. The results of the project after two years of a three year development program are given. The EPSAT approach separates the CAE tool into three distinct functional units: a modern user interface to present information, a data dictionary interpreter to coordinate analysis; and a data base for storing system designs and results of analysis

    The Architecture of the GW Ori Young Triple Star System and Its Disk: Dynamical Masses, Mutual Inclinations, and Recurrent Eclipses

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    We present spatially and spectrally resolved Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of gas and dust orbiting the pre-main sequence hierarchical triple star system GW Ori. A forward-modeling of the 13{}^{13}CO and C18{}^{18}O JJ=2-1 transitions permits a measurement of the total stellar mass in this system, 5.29±0.09M5.29 \pm 0.09\,M_\odot, and the circum-triple disk inclination, 137.6±2.0137.6 \pm 2.0^\circ. Optical spectra spanning a 35 year period were used to derive new radial velocities and, coupled with a spectroscopic disentangling technique, revealed that the A and B components of GW Ori form a double-lined spectroscopic binary with a 241.50±0.05241.50\pm0.05 day period; a tertiary companion orbits that inner pair with a 4218±504218\pm50 day period. Combining the results from the ALMA data and the optical spectra with three epochs of astrometry in the literature, we constrain the individual stellar masses in the system (MA2.7MM_\mathrm{A} \approx 2.7\,M_\odot, MB1.7MM_\mathrm{B} \approx 1.7\,M_\odot, MC0.9MM_\mathrm{C} \approx 0.9\,M_\odot) and find strong evidence that at least one (and likely both) stellar orbital planes are misaligned with the disk plane by as much as 4545^\circ. A VV-band light curve spanning 30 years reveals several new \sim30 day eclipse events 0.1-0.7~mag in depth and a 0.2 mag sinusoidal oscillation that is clearly phased with the AB-C orbital period. Taken together, these features suggest that the A-B pair may be partially obscured by material in the inner disk as the pair approaches apoastron in the hierarchical orbit. Lastly, we conclude that stellar evolutionary models are consistent with our measurements of the masses and basic photospheric properties if the GW Ori system is \sim1 Myr old.Comment: 26 pages, 15 figures, accepted to Ap

    KELT-11b: A Highly Inflated Sub-Saturn Exoplanet Transiting the V=8 Subgiant HD 93396

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    We report the discovery of a transiting exoplanet, KELT-11b, orbiting the bright (V=8.0V=8.0) subgiant HD 93396. A global analysis of the system shows that the host star is an evolved subgiant star with Teff=5370±51T_{\rm eff} = 5370\pm51 K, M=1.4380.052+0.061MM_{*} = 1.438_{-0.052}^{+0.061} M_{\odot}, R=2.720.17+0.21RR_{*} = 2.72_{-0.17}^{+0.21} R_{\odot}, log g=3.7270.046+0.040g_*= 3.727_{-0.046}^{+0.040}, and [Fe/H]=0.180±0.075 = 0.180\pm0.075. The planet is a low-mass gas giant in a P=4.736529±0.00006P = 4.736529\pm0.00006 day orbit, with MP=0.195±0.018MJM_{P} = 0.195\pm0.018 M_J, RP=1.370.12+0.15RJR_{P}= 1.37_{-0.12}^{+0.15} R_J, ρP=0.0930.024+0.028\rho_{P} = 0.093_{-0.024}^{+0.028} g cm3^{-3}, surface gravity log gP=2.4070.086+0.080{g_{P}} = 2.407_{-0.086}^{+0.080}, and equilibrium temperature Teq=171246+51T_{eq} = 1712_{-46}^{+51} K. KELT-11 is the brightest known transiting exoplanet host in the southern hemisphere by more than a magnitude, and is the 6th brightest transit host to date. The planet is one of the most inflated planets known, with an exceptionally large atmospheric scale height (2763 km), and an associated size of the expected atmospheric transmission signal of 5.6%. These attributes make the KELT-11 system a valuable target for follow-up and atmospheric characterization, and it promises to become one of the benchmark systems for the study of inflated exoplanets.Comment: 15 pages, Submitted to AAS Journal

    KELT-8b: A highly inflated transiting hot Jupiter and a new technique for extracting high-precision radial velocities from noisy spectra

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    We announce the discovery of a highly inflated transiting hot Jupiter discovered by the KELT-North survey. A global analysis including constraints from isochrones indicates that the V = 10.8 host star (HD 343246) is a mildly evolved, G dwarf with Teff=575455+54T_{\rm eff} = 5754_{-55}^{+54} K, logg=4.0780.054+0.049\log{g} = 4.078_{-0.054}^{+0.049}, [Fe/H]=0.272±0.038[Fe/H] = 0.272\pm0.038, an inferred mass M=1.2110.066+0.078M_{*}=1.211_{-0.066}^{+0.078} M_{\odot}, and radius R=1.670.12+0.14R_{*}=1.67_{-0.12}^{+0.14} R_{\odot}. The planetary companion has mass MP=0.8670.061+0.065M_P = 0.867_{-0.061}^{+0.065} MJM_{J}, radius RP=1.860.16+0.18R_P = 1.86_{-0.16}^{+0.18} RJR_{J}, surface gravity loggP=2.7930.075+0.072\log{g_{P}} = 2.793_{-0.075}^{+0.072}, and density ρP=0.1670.038+0.047\rho_P = 0.167_{-0.038}^{+0.047} g cm3^{-3}. The planet is on a roughly circular orbit with semimajor axis a=0.045710.00084+0.00096a = 0.04571_{-0.00084}^{+0.00096} AU and eccentricity e=0.0350.025+0.050e = 0.035_{-0.025}^{+0.050}. The best-fit linear ephemeris is T0=2456883.4803±0.0007T_0 = 2456883.4803 \pm 0.0007 BJDTDB_{\rm TDB} and P=3.24406±0.00016P = 3.24406 \pm 0.00016 days. This planet is one of the most inflated of all known transiting exoplanets, making it one of the few members of a class of extremely low density, highly-irradiated gas giants. The low stellar logg\log{g} and large implied radius are supported by stellar density constraints from follow-up light curves, plus an evolutionary and space motion analysis. We also develop a new technique to extract high precision radial velocities from noisy spectra that reduces the observing time needed to confirm transiting planet candidates. This planet boasts deep transits of a bright star, a large inferred atmospheric scale height, and a high equilibrium temperature of Teq=167555+61T_{eq}=1675^{+61}_{-55} K, assuming zero albedo and perfect heat redistribution, making it one of the best targets for future atmospheric characterization studies.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, feedback is welcom

    KELT-10b: The First Transiting Exoplanet from the KELT-South Survey -- A Hot Sub-Jupiter Transiting a V = 10.7 Early G-Star

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    We report the discovery of KELT-10b, the first transiting exoplanet discovered using the KELT-South telescope. KELT-10b is a highly inflated sub-Jupiter mass planet transiting a relatively bright V=10.7V = 10.7 star (TYC 8378-64-1), with Teff_{eff} = 5948±745948\pm74 K, logg\log{g} = 4.3190.030+0.0204.319_{-0.030}^{+0.020} and [Fe/H] = 0.090.10+0.110.09_{-0.10}^{+0.11}, an inferred mass M_{*} = 1.1120.061+0.0551.112_{-0.061}^{+0.055} M_{\odot} and radius R_{*} = 1.2090.035+0.0471.209_{-0.035}^{+0.047} R_{\odot}. The planet has a radius RP_{P} = 1.3990.049+0.0691.399_{-0.049}^{+0.069} RJ_{J} and mass MP_{P} = 0.6790.038+0.0390.679_{-0.038}^{+0.039} MJ_{J}. The planet has an eccentricity consistent with zero and a semi-major axis aa = 0.052500.00097+0.000860.05250_{-0.00097}^{+0.00086} AU. The best fitting linear ephemeris is T0T_{0} = 2457066.72045±\pm0.00027 BJDTDB_{TDB} and P = 4.1662739±\pm0.0000063 days. This planet joins a group of highly inflated transiting exoplanets with a radius much larger and a mass much less than those of Jupiter. The planet, which boasts deep transits of 1.4%, has a relatively high equilibrium temperature of Teq_{eq} = 137723+281377_{-23}^{+28} K, assuming zero albedo and perfect heat redistribution. KELT-10b receives an estimated insolation of 0.8170.054+0.0680.817_{-0.054}^{+0.068} ×\times 109^9 erg s1^{-1} cm2^{-2}, which places it far above the insolation threshold above which hot Jupiters exhibit increasing amounts of radius inflation. Evolutionary analysis of the host star suggests that KELT-10b is unlikely to survive beyond the current subgiant phase, due to a concomitant in-spiral of the planet over the next \sim1 Gyr. The planet transits a relatively bright star and exhibits the third largest transit depth of all transiting exoplanets with V << 11 in the southern hemisphere, making it a promising candidate for future atmospheric characterization studies.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, 7 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA