9,160 research outputs found

    Ceramic-coated boat is chemically inert, provides good heat transfer

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    Refractory metal foil sprayed with ceramic coating serves as evaporating boat for inorganic materials. The high thermal conductivity of this boat makes it useful with ohmic heaters

    Thin-film gage measures low heat-transfer rates

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    Low heat-transfer gage facilitates determination of the transition between laminar and turbulent conditions, in the boundary layer surrounding slender and moderately slender cones under test in a hypersonic blowdown helium tunnel. The gage consists of a thin layer of vacuum-evaporated platinum on a heat resistant glass substrate contoured to fit model surfaces

    Exposure interlock for oscilloscope cameras

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    An exposure interlock has been developed for oscilloscope cameras which cuts off ambient light from the oscilloscope screen before the shutter of the camera is tripped. A flap is provided which may be selectively positioned to an open position which enables viewing of the oscilloscope screen and a closed position which cuts off the oscilloscope screen from view and simultaneously cuts off ambient light from the oscilloscope screen. A mechanical interlock is provided between the flap to be activated to its closed position before the camera shutter is tripped, thereby preventing overexposure of the film

    Hyperbola-generator for location of aperiodic events

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    Plotting device, when used in conjunction with three or more detectors and local receiver and recorder, can quickly pinpoint location of any aperiodic event. Operation requires minimal training and is readily adapted to the field. Mechanical error in device prototype is less than or equal to 3 percent

    Simulator model specification for the augmentor wing jet STOL research aircraft

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    The configuration and simulation studies of a C-8A (De Havilland Buffalo) aircraft are described. The modifications to STOL configuration consisted of augmentor-wing jet flaps, blown and drooped ailerons, and leading edge slats. The total simulator model includes a number of component parts for producing realistic visual, aural, tactile, vestibular, and kinesthetic cues for the pilot to assess the predicted behavior of the real airplane

    A Special Case Of A Conjecture By Widom With Implications To Fermionic Entanglement Entropy

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    We prove a special case of a conjecture in asymptotic analysis by Harold Widom. More precisely, we establish the leading and next-to-leading term of a semi-classical expansion of the trace of the square of certain integral operators on the Hilbert space L2(Rd)L^2(\R^d). As already observed by Gioev and Klich, this implies that the bi-partite entanglement entropy of the free Fermi gas in its ground state grows at least as fast as the surface area of the spatially bounded part times a logarithmic enhancement.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, improvement of the presentation, some references added or updated, proof of Theorem 12 (formerly Lemma 11) adde

    Environmental Impact on the Southeast Limb of the Cygnus Loop

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    We analyze observations from the Chandra X-ray Observatory of the southeast knot of the Cygnus Loop supernova remnant. In this region, the blast wave propagates through an inhomogeneous environment. Extrinsic differences and subsequent multiple projections along the line of sight rather than intrinsic shock variations, such as fluid instabilities, account for the apparent complexity of the images. Interactions between the supernova blast wave and density enhancements of a large interstellar cloud can produce the morphological and spectral characteristics. Most of the X-ray flux arises in such interactions, not in the diffuse interior of the supernova remnant. Additional observations at optical and radio wavelengths support this account of the existing interstellar medium and its role in shaping the Cygnus Loop, and they demonstrate that the southeast knot is not a small cloud that the blast wave has engulfed. These data are consistent with rapid equilibration of electron and ion temperatures behind the shock front, and the current blast wave velocity v_{bw} approx 330 km/s. Most of this area does not show strong evidence for non-equilibrium ionization conditions, which may be a consequence of the high densities of the bright emission regions.Comment: To appear in ApJ, April 1, 200

    Toward High-Precision Astrometry with WFPC2. I. Deriving an Accurate PSF

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    The first step toward doing high-precision astrometry is the measurement of individual stars in individual images, a step that is fraught with dangers when the images are undersampled. The key to avoiding systematic positional error in undersampled images is to determine an extremely accurate point-spread function (PSF). We apply the concept of the {\it effective} PSF, and show that in images that consist of pixels it is the ePSF, rather than the often-used instrumental PSF, that embodies the information from which accurate star positions and magnitudes can be derived. We show how, in a rich star field, one can use the information from dithered exposures to derive an extremely accurate effective PSF by iterating between the PSF itself and the star positions that we measure with it. We also give a simple but effective procedure for representing spatial variations of the HST PSF. With such attention to the PSF, we find that we are able to measure the position of a single reasonably bright star in a single image with a precision of 0.02 pixel (2 mas in WF frames, 1 mas in PC), but with a systematic accuracy better than 0.002 pixel (0.2 mas in WF, 0.1 mas in PC), so that multiple observations can reliably be combined to improve the accuracy by N\surd N.Comment: 33 pp. text + 15 figs.; accepted by PAS

    Binaries and the dynamical mass of star clusters

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    The total mass of a distant star cluster is often derived from the virial theorem, using line-of-sight velocity dispersion measurements and half-light radii, under the implicit assumption that all stars are single (although it is known that most stars form part of binary systems). The components of binary stars exhibit orbital motion, which increases the measured velocity dispersion, resulting in a dynamical mass overestimation. In this article we quantify the effect of neglecting the binary population on the derivation of the dynamical mass of a star cluster. We find that the presence of binaries plays an important role for clusters with total mass M < 10^5 Msun; the dynamical mass can be significantly overestimated (by a factor of two or more). For the more massive clusters, with Mcl > 10^5 Msun, binaries do not affect the dynamical mass estimation significantly, provided that the cluster is significantly compact (half-mass radius < 5 pc).Comment: Comments: 2 pages. Conference proceedings for IAUS246 'Dynamical Evolution of Dense Stellar Systems', ed. E. Vesperini (Chief Editor), M. Giersz, A. Sills, Capri, Sept. 200