10 research outputs found

    La Consultazione Socio-Culturale in ambito psichiatrico: valutazioni preliminari dell'esperienza nel distretto di Pianura Est (Bologna)

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    Obiettivi*: sperimentare un approccio multi-disciplinare e multi-metodologico alla salute mentale ed ai suoi determinanti nella popolazione migrante attraverso la costituzione di un team multi-professionale che analizzi l'impatto dei fattori culturali, sociali, giuridici ed economici sullo stato complessivo di salute dei migranti e sulla loro domanda di cura in ambito interculturale, con l'obiettivo di fornire supporto ai servizi socio-sanitari nel definire i percorsi terapeutici e di assistenza pi\uf9 appropriati nei casi di alta complessit\ue0, coordinare gli interventi e mettere in rete l'area dei servizi sanitari e l'area dei servizi alla persona. Metodi*: Il Progetto del Centro di Consultazione \ue8 nato dalla collaborazione tra il Dipartimento di Salute Mentale dell\u2019Ausl di Bologna, il Centro di Studi e Ricerche in Salute Internazionale e Interculturale, la cattedra di Antropologia Sociale dei Saperi Medici dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Bologna e alcuni professionisti esperti in servizi socio sanitari ed etno-psichiatria. Il quadro teorico di riferimento segue due modelli principali: la \u201cCultural Consultation\u201d proposta della McGill University di Montreal, che si caratterizza come servizio di consultazione (operando quindi senza una presa in carico del paziente) a supporto dei clinici e degli operatori che lavorano nell'ambito della salute mentale in un contesto multiculturale; i determinanti sociali come cornice per l'analisi delle relazioni tra organizzazione sociale, cultura e fattori biologici quali agenti che possono influenzare direttamente la salute o l'offerta dei servizi Le metodologie di lavoro del Centro di Consultazione combinano ricerca, azione e formazione: attraverso una specifica attivit\ue0 di ricerca a partire dall'esperienza di consultazione vengono condensate ed organizzare le conoscenze potenzialmente rilevanti nel migliorare l\u2019efficacia e l\u2019efficienza dei servizi; le conoscenze acquisite vengono attivamente trasferite ai servizi attraverso una relazione finale e momenti specifici di confronto con gli operatori, ai professionisti in formazione invece il Centro offre uno spazio per tesi, tirocini o stage. Risultati: Il Centro di Consultazione Culturale \ue8 stato attivato in via sperimentale nello scorso autunno dopo l'approvazione nei Piani di Zona. Nel periodo precedente il team ha effettuato la mappatura dei principali determinanti di salute che agiscono sul territorio a partire dalle informazioni quantitative gi\ue0 presenti nelle banche dati socio-sanitarie istituzionali e qualitativi attraverso un lavoro etnografico svolto autonomamente. Sono stati inoltre effettuati una serie di incontri con gli operatori per informarli delle attivit\ue0 del Centro. Con la disponibilit\ue0 di due spazi dedicati l'attivit\ue0 di consultazione si svolge attualmente quattro mattine al mese. Conclusioni*: Anche se non sono ancora disponibili esperienze sufficienti per la valutazione dell'intero processo alcune considerazioni preliminari possono essere avanzate: l'approccio multi disciplinare presenta iniziali difficolt\ue0 per via dei differenti linguaggi e approcci. Il lavoro in team (e non la semplice sovrapposizioni delle professionalit\ue0) consente la costruzione di un linguaggio e di conoscenze comuni; le prime attivit\ue0 di consultazione sembrano avvalorare l'idea che l'approccio multi-disciplinare alla complessit\ue0 consenta di comprendere in maniera efficace quali sono i fattori principali che agiscono sulla salute dei pazienti visitati e ed indicare possibili strategie per la risoluzion

    Il Centro di Psichiatria Transculturale dell'Universit\ue0 di Bologna

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    Il capitolo presenta le attivit\ue0 cliniche e di ricerca del centro Centro di Psichiatria Transculturale e della Migrazione G. Devereux dell\u2019Istituto di Psichiatria dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Bologna. E\u2019un centro di ricerca e formazione dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Bologna che si occupa dei temi della salute mentale dei migranti e delle minoranze e supporta le attivit\ue0 cliniche del Centro di Salute Mentale (CSM Bologna Ovest diretto dal Prof Berardi). Il gruppo di lavoro operante nei tre CSM Ovest (Nani, Scalo e Tiarini) \ue8 composto da un team multiprofessionale, di psichiatri, psicologi, infermieri professionali, assistenti sociali e antropologi, avente l\u2019obiettivo di intervenire sul disagio psichico dei migranti. Vengono realizzati \u201cinterventi specifici\u201d di presa in cura diretti a casi con bisogni psicosociali speciali, soprattutto denotanti un insufficiente grado di inserimento sociale (immigrazione recente, scarsa conoscenza dell\u2019Italiano, assenza di permesso di soggiorno, etc..). Parte integrante delle attivit\ue0 dei tre ambulatori \ue8 rappresentata dalla creazione di reti di collaborazione con altri settori sanitari, sociali e culturali. La creazioni di reti col settore sanitario del Dipartimento di Salute Mentale (Spazio giovani e SERT) o con i medici di medicina generale verte soprattutto a migliorare i percorsi di cura e l\u2019accessibilit\ue0 ai servizi, mentre la creazione di reti con servizi cittadini (Servizi Sociali, Associazioni di Volontariato) mira ad affrontare i bisogni sociali dei migranti e delle minoranze nel modo pi\uf9 appropriato e a favorire la loro integrazione ed accreditamento presso la comunit\ue0 locale. La collaborazione con i servizi sociali riguarda sia i migranti che si rivolgono al CSM, sia i richiedenti asilo per i quali sono i servizi sociali a promuovere il contatto. Oltre che sulle problematiche sociali, il lavoro con i migranti si basa sul riconoscimento delle specificit\ue0 culturali e delle conseguenti difficolt\ue0 comunicative. Il nostro progetto include un confronto attivo tra i professionisti rispetto alle tematiche culturali e all\u2019inserimento ove necessario nell\u2019equipe del mediatore culturale. I migranti seguiti dal Centro sono ad oggi 186. Il 57% sono uomini, l\u2019et\ue0 media \ue8 di 33 anni. L\u2019area di provenienza maggiormente rappresentata \ue8 quella del Maghreb (29%). Il 70% dei casi presentano disturbi mentali comuni (ansia e depressione) e la diagnosi psichiatrica pi\uf9 frequente \ue8 il disturbo dell\u2019adattamento (29,9%). Rispetto ai nativi, i migranti hanno un rialzo di oltre 5 volte del rischio di esordio psicotico. Le attivit\ue0 di collegamento hanno trovato implementazione sia mediante attivit\ue0 di consulenza svolte dagli psichiatri del CSM, che tramite l\u2019attivazione di corsi di formazione specificamente diretti a operatori socio-sanitari. Oltre che attivit\ue0 formative frontali e di totoraggio professionalizzante, svolte per studenti di medicina e specializzandi, Il centro Devereux organizza periodicamente momenti formativi interni al CSM con supervisioni di gruppo al fine di aumentare le \u201ccapacit\ue0 culturali\u201d del personale. Inoltre, in collaborazione con il Comune di Bologna, il Centro ha realizzato un progetto di formazione (\u201cLa relazione nei gruppi di lavoro e la gestione del disagio psichico\u201d) per gli operatori del Comune di Bologna a contatto con i richiedenti asilo e i rifugiati al fine di rafforzarne le competenze relazionali e psicologiche e contenere il distress che pu\uf2 colpire gli stessi operatori

    Disparities in mental health care provision to immigrants with severe mental illness in Italy

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    Aim. To determine whether disparities exist in mental health care provision to immigrants and Italian citizens with severe mental illness in Bologna, Italy. Methods. Records of prevalent cases on 31/12/2010 with severe mental illness and ≥1 contact with Community Mental Health Centers in 2011 were extracted from the mental health information system. Logistic and Poisson regressions were carried out to estimate the probability of receiving rehabilitation, residential or inpatient care, the intensity of outpatient treatments and the duration of hospitalisations and residential care for immigrant patients compared to Italians, adjusting for demographic and clinical covariates. Results. The study population included 8602 Italian and 388 immigrant patients. Immigrants were significantly younger, more likely to be married and living with people other than their original family and had a shorter duration of contact with mental health services. The percentages of patients receiving psychosocial rehabilitation, admitted to hospital wards or to residential facilities were similar between Italians and immigrants. The number of interventions was higher for Italians. Admissions to acute wards or residential facilities were significantly longer for Italians. Moreover, immigrants received significantly more group rehabilitation interventions, while more social support individual interventions were provided to Italians. Conclusions. The probability of receiving any mental health intervention is similar between immigrants and Italians, but the number of interventions and the duration of admissions are lower for immigrants. Data from mental health information system should be integrated with qualitative data on unmet needs from the immigrants' perspective to inform mental health care programmes and policie

    The provision of mental health services to immigrants and refugees in Italy: The barriers and facilitating factors experienced by mental health workers

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    Objective: To explore the barriers and facilitating factors to the provision of mental health services to immigrants and refugees by exploring the experiences of mental health workers (MHWs.) Method: A qualitative study was performed in May 2013 in a city in the Emilia Romagna region. Participants were recruited using purposive sampling and 14 semi-structured interviews were performed with MHWs. Framework Analysis was used to interpret the data. Results: Five facilitating factors were identified: language skill of patients, involvement of patients' family, specialist cultural psychiatric services, voluntary services and organisation of the mental health system. Five barriers were identified: patients' perceptions, lack of family support, cultural knowledge of MHWs, language skill of MHWs and funding of the mental health system. Conclusions: The barriers and facilitating factors identified reflect findings from research in both European and non-European countries. Nevertheless, the results of this study highlight the fact that a national mental health policy for immigrants and refugees needs to be implemented alongside cultural competence training programmes and specialist cultural psychiatric services

    Modalit\ue0 di trattamento nei pazienti con infezione di protesi aortica. Analisi di 164 pazienti dal Registro Italiano delle Infezioni Protesiche (IRGI)

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    Background. To evaluate outcome in patients with infected aortic graft in order to identify the profile of those at higher risk of complications after the treatment. Methods. Multi-center study conducted in 42 Italian Vascular Surgery Centers on a total of 164 patients (54 patients with aorto-enteric fistula, 23 patients with groin infection, 56 patients with clear clinical evidence of graft infection and 31 patients with infection based on non specific clinical findings). Results. Thirty-day mortality occurred in 34 patients (20.7%) and 7 amputations were performed in the same period. Statistical analysis showed that emergency surgery (p=0.01) and aorto-enteric fistula (p=0.03) are positive predictors of 30-day mortality. Gastrointestinal bleeding (p<0.0001) and fever (p=0.01) are positive predictors of aorto-enteric fistula. Actuarial survival, amputation-free interval and re-infection-free interval at 4 years were 70%, 90% and 96%, respectively. Conclusions. Aorto-enteric fistula and emergent surgery represent the conditions at higher risk of postoperative mortality. Aorto-enteric fistula in this series was associated with gastrointestinal bleeding only in half of the cases. In these cases, the presence of fever and the absence of palpable masses in the setting of a clinical situation suggestive of prosthesis infection, may lead the surgeon to a quick diagnosis and to prompt intervention

    10-year stroke prevention after successful carotid endarterectomy for asymptomatic stenosis (ACST-1); a multicentre randomised trial

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    BACKGROUND: If carotid artery narrowing remains asymptomatic (ie, has caused no recent stroke or other neurological symptoms), successful carotid endarterectomy (CEA) reduces stroke incidence for some years. We assessed the long-term effects of successful CEA. METHODS: Between 1993 and 2003, 3120 asymptomatic patients from 126 centres in 30 countries were allocated equally, by blinded minimised randomisation, to immediate CEA (median delay 1 month, IQR 0·3-2·5) or to indefinite deferral of any carotid procedure, and were followed up until death or for a median among survivors of 9 years (IQR 6-11). The primary outcomes were perioperative mortality and morbidity (death or stroke within 30 days) and non-perioperative stroke. Kaplan-Meier percentages and logrank p values are from intention-to-treat analyses. This study is registered, number ISRCTN26156392. FINDINGS: 1560 patients were allocated immediate CEA versus 1560 allocated deferral of any carotid procedure. The proportions operated on while still asymptomatic were 89·7% versus 4·8% at 1 year (and 92·1%vs 16·5% at 5 years). Perioperative risk of stroke or death within 30 days was 3·0% (95% CI 2·4-3·9; 26 non-disabling strokes plus 34 disabling or fatal perioperative events in 1979 CEAs). Excluding perioperative events and non-stroke mortality, stroke risks (immediate vs deferred CEA) were 4·1% versus 10·0% at 5 years (gain 5·9%, 95% CI 4·0-7·8) and 10·8% versus 16·9% at 10 years (gain 6·1%, 2·7-9·4); ratio of stroke incidence rates 0·54, 95% CI 0·43-0·68, p<0·0001. 62 versus 104 had a disabling or fatal stroke, and 37 versus 84 others had a non-disabling stroke. Combining perioperative events and strokes, net risks were 6·9% versus 10·9% at 5 years (gain 4·1%, 2·0-6·2) and 13·4% versus 17·9% at 10 years (gain 4·6%, 1·2-7·9). Medication was similar in both groups; throughout the study, most were on antithrombotic and antihypertensive therapy. Net benefits were significant both for those on lipid-lowering therapy and for those not, and both for men and for women up to 75 years of age at entry (although not for older patients). INTERPRETATION: Successful CEA for asymptomatic patients younger than 75 years of age reduces 10-year stroke risks. Half this reduction is in disabling or fatal strokes. Net benefit in future patients will depend on their risks from unoperated carotid lesions (which will be reduced by medication), on future surgical risks (which might differ from those in trials), and on whether life expectancy exceeds 10 years. FUNDING: UK Medical Research Council, BUPA Foundation, Stroke Association

    10-year stroke prevention after successful carotidendarterectomy for asymptomatic stenosis (ACST-1):a multicentre randomised trial

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    Backgroun: If carotid artery narrowing remains asymptomatic (ie, has caused no recent stroke or other neurological symptoms), successful carotid endarterectomy (CEA) reduces stroke incidence for some years. We assessed the longterm effects of successful CEA. Methods Between 1993 and 2003, 3120 asymptomatic patients from 126 centres in 30 countries were allocated equally, by blinded minimised randomisation, to immediate CEA (median delay 1 month, IQR 0·3–2·5) or to indefi nite deferral of any carotid procedure, and were followed up until death or for a median among survivors of 9 years (IQR 6–11). The primary outcomes were perioperative mortality and morbidity (death or stroke within 30 days) and non-perioperative stroke. Kaplan-Meier percentages and logrank p values are from intention-to-treat analyses. This study is registered, number ISRCTN26156392. Findings 1560 patients were allocated immediate CEA versus 1560 allocated deferral of any carotid procedure. The proportions operated on while still asymptomatic were 89·7% versus 4·8% at 1 year (and 92·1% vs 16·5% at 5 years). Perioperative risk of stroke or death within 30 days was 3·0% (95% CI 2·4–3·9; 26 non-disabling strokes plus 34 disabling or fatal perioperative events in 1979 CEAs). Excluding perioperative events and non-stroke mortality, stroke risks (immediate vs deferred CEA) were 4·1% versus 10·0% at 5 years (gain 5·9%, 95% CI 4·0–7·8) and 10·8% versus 16·9% at 10 years (gain 6·1%, 2·7–9·4); ratio of stroke incidence rates 0·54, 95% CI 0·43–0·68, p<0·0001. 62 versus 104 had a disabling or fatal stroke, and 37 versus 84 others had a non-disabling stroke. Combining perioperative events and strokes, net risks were 6·9% versus 10·9% at 5 years (gain 4·1%, 2·0–6·2) and 13·4% versus 17·9% at 10 years (gain 4·6%, 1·2–7·9). Medication was similar in both groups; throughout the study, most were on antithrombotic and antihypertensive therapy. Net benefi ts were signifi cant both for those on lipid-lowering therapy and for those not, and both for men and for women up to 75 years of age at entry (although not for older patients). Interpretation Successful CEA for asymptomatic patients younger than 75 years of age reduces 10-year stroke risks. Half this reduction is in disabling or fatal strokes. Net benefit in future patients will depend on their risks from unoperated carotid lesions (which will be reduced by medication), on future surgical risks (which might differ from those in trials), and on whether life expectancy exceeds 10 years