33 research outputs found

    Avaliação da via fosfatidilinositol 3-cinase em células do cumulus provenientes de ovócitos maturados in vitro em meio definido

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Medicina, Pós-graduação em Ciências Médicas, 2014.Introdução: A maturação do complexo cumulus-ovócito (CCO) in vitro depende do meio de cultivo no qual se encontra e é uma biotécnica bastante difundida para a geração de embriões bovinos para a produção de gado. A biologia do desenvolvimento do ovócito tem como indicadores a maturação nuclear, esteroidogênese, apoptose e nutrição dos CCOs, tendo as células do cumulus papel central nesses aspectos. A via fosfatidilinositol 3-cinase (PI3-K) tem ações comprovadas nos parâmetros citados, tornando-a ponto relevante no estudo da biologia dos CCOs bovinos. O presente trabalho visa estudar esses parâmetros para esclarecer algumas funções biológicas do meio definido e patenteado MIV B e da adição de 10 ng/mL de FSH. Para inferir a importância da PI3-K foi utilizado o inibidor dessa via (LY294002) durante o cultivo de CCOs. Métodos: Ovário bovinos foram coletados em abatedouros e os CCOs aspirados para cultivo por 22–24 horas. Os seguintes meios-teste foram utilizados, tendo o meio MIV B como base: 0FSH; 0FSH 10LY (+10 μM LY294002); 0FSH 100LY (+100 μM LY294002); 10FSH; 10FSH 10LY ou 10FSH 100LY. Posteriormente, a dose de 10 μM foi excluída, pois não apresentou nenhum efeito. A androstenediona foi suplementada para sustentar a esteroidogênese. Após o cultivo, os CCOs foram desnudos e as células do cumulus isoladas para as aferições subsequentes. Foram avaliadas a retomada e progressão da maturação nuclear, a expulsão do corpúsculo polar e a produção de hormônios 17 beta-estradiol (E2) e progesterona (P4). As células do cumulus foram analisadas para determinar a expressão de genes, por PCR real time, referentes à esteroidogênese (LHR, FSHR, CYP11A1, CYP19A1 e HSD17B1), apoptose (Bax), sobrevida celular (Bcl-2) e nutrição do CCO (GLUT1, GLUT4, PDH, G6PDH e SNAP25). Resultados: No meio 0FSH foi encontrado imaturidade nuclear e baixa taxa de expulsão do corpúsculo polar. Porém, manteve a produção de E2 e P4 e a expressão dos receptores de FSH e LH e das enzimas da esteroidogênese, mimetizando a condição de folículo ovariano em crescimento. O meio 0FSH ainda apresenta baixa expressão de Bax, Bcl-2 e GLUT1 e aumento da expressão de G6PDH e SNAP25. A adição do inibidor (meio 0FSH 100LY) causou a progressão da meiose, inibição da expulsão do corpúsculo polar, diminuição de E2 e aumento de P4. O meio inibiu a expressão de LHR, FSHR, CYP11A1, CYP19A1 e HSD17B1. Também houve diminuição da expressão de GLUT4 e G6PDH. No meio 10FSH há retomada e progressão da meiose e expulsão do corpúsculo polar, manutenção da produção de E2 e P4. Houve baixa expressão de LHR, FSHR, CYP19A1 e HSD17B1. Além disso, houve aumento da expressão de GLUT1, G6PDH, Bcl-2 e Bax e baixa expressão de GLUT4 e SNAP25, em relação ao meio 0FSH. A suplementação do inibidor (meio 10FSH 100LY) causou inibição da expulsão do corpúsculo polar e diminuição de E2. Houve aumento da expressão de LHR e CYP19A1, além da diminuição da G6PDH e Bax. O gene PDH não sofreu modificação em nenhum dos tratamentos. SNAP25, GLUT1 e Bcl-2 não foram afetadas pelo LY294002. Conclusões: O meio MIVB 0FSH é capaz de manter a esteroidogênese e a nutrição do CCOs, baseando-se na expressão gênica. A adição de FSH causa diminuição da expressão de genes importantes da esteroidogênese, mas aumenta os de sobrevida e de metabolismo (GLUT1 e G6PDH). Além disso, a via PI3-K tem ações diferentes no meio com e sem FSH. No meio sem FSH, a via mantém a expressão dos genes esteroidogênese e metabolismo (GLUT4 e G6PDH). No meio com FSH, inibe LHR e CYP19A1 e mantém G6PDH e Bax. ________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTIntroduction: The maturation of cumulus oocyte complex (COC) in vitro depends on culture medium environment and it is a widely used biotechnology to produce bovine embryos for livestock production. The developmental biology of oocyte involves nuclear maturation, steroidogenesis, apoptosis and nutrition of COC, with central role of cumulus cells. The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K) pathway controls the parameters cited previously, making PI3-K pathway relevant for the COC biology. The aim of the present work was to study those parameters to elucidate biology functions of a defined medium MIV B (patent medium of the lab) and the addition of 10 ng/mL of FSH. To infer the PI3-K role, its inhibitor (LY294002) was used in COC culture. Methods: Bovine ovaries were obtained at abattoirs and COC were aspirated for 22– 24 hours of culture. The CCOs were allocated in the following experimental groups, using the MIV B: 0FSH; 0FSH 10LY (+10 μM LY294002); 0FSH 100LY (+100 μM LY294002); 10FSH; 10FSH 10LY or 10FSH 100LY. After preliminary results the 10 μM of LY294002 were excluded because did not show effect. Androstenedione was supplemented to sustain steroidogenesis. After culture, COC were denuded and cumulus cells were isolated to subsequent evaluations. Resumption and progression of nuclear maturation, polar body extrusion, and steroid hormones final concentration 17 beta-estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4) were evaluated. The cumulus cells were analyzed to determine gene expression, for PCR real time, of proteins involved in steroidogenesis (LHR, FSHR, CYP11A1, CYP19A1 and HSD17B1), apoptosis (Bax), cell survival (Bcl-2), and nutrition of CCO (GLUT1, GLUT4, PDH, G6PDH and SNAP25). Results: MIV B 0FSH leads to immature nuclear status and low rates of polar body extrusion. However, the medium maintained the E2 and P4 values in culture media and expression of receptor of FSH and LH and of steroidogenic enzymes, mimetizing a growing ovarian follicle. 0FSH group presented low expression of Bax, Bcl-2 and GLUT1 and high levels of G6PDH and SNAP25. The addition of inhibitor (0FSH 100LY group) caused the meiosis progression, inhibition of polar body extrusion, decrease of E2 and enhance of P4 levels. The medium also decreased the LHR, FSHR, CYP11A1, CYP19A1 and HSD17B1 gene expression. GLUT4 and G6PDH expression were also inhibited by the medium. In the 10FSH medium the levels of resumption and progression of meiosis and polar body extrusion were higher, and E2 and P4 levels were maintained. LHR, FSHR, CYP19A1 and HSD17B1 expression were inhibited. In addition, the expression of GLUT1, G6PDH, Bcl-2 and Bax were stimulated and GLUT4 and SNAP25 were inhibited in comparison to 0FSH. The supplementation of inhibitor (10FSH 100LY group) prevented polar body extrusion and decreased E2 values. There was an increase of LHR and CYP19A1, and decrease of G6PDH and Bax expression. PDH gene expression did not change after culture treatments. SNAP25, GLUT1 and Bcl-2 expression were not affected by the LY294002. Conclusion: In conclusion, the MIV B 0FSH was able to maintain steroidogenesis and the nutrition of COC, based on gene expression. The addition of FSH caused a diminishing of gene expression of steroidogenesis, however improves those related to cell survival and metabolism (GLUT1 and G6PDH). Furthermore, PI3-K pathway demonstrates different action in the medium with and without FSH. The medium without FSH, the pathway maintains steroidogenesis and metabolism (GLUT4 and G6PDH). The medium with FSH inhibits LHR and CYP19A1 and maintains G6PDH and Bax

    Aspects of energetic substrate metabolism of in vitro and in vivo bovine embryos

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    Although the metabolism of early bovine embryos has not been fully elucidated, several publications have addressed this important issue to improve culture conditions for cattle reproductive biotechnologies, with the ultimate goal of producing in vitro embryos similar in quality to those developing in vivo. Here, we review general aspects of bovine embryo metabolism in vitro and in vivo, and discuss the use of metabolic analysis of embryos produced in vitro to assess viability and predict a viable pregnancy after transference to the female tract

    Culture of bovine ovarian follicle wall sections maintained the highly estrogenic profile under basal and chemically defined conditions

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    Follicle cultures reproduce in vitro the functional features observed in vivo. In a search for an ideal model, we cultured bovine antral follicle wall sections (FWS) in a serum-free defined medium (DM) known to induce 17β-estradiol (E2) production, and in a nondefined medium (NDM) containing serum. Follicles were sectioned and cultured in NDM or DM for 24 or 48 h. Morphological features were determined by light microscopy. Gene expression of steroidogenic enzymes and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) receptor were determined by RT-PCR; progesterone (P4) and E2 concentrations in the media were measured by radioimmunoassay. DM, but not NDM, maintained an FWS morphology in vitro that was similar to fresh tissue. DM also induced an increase in the expression of all steroidogenic enzymes, except FSH receptor, but NDM did not. In both DM and NDM, there was a gradual increase in P4 throughout the culture period; however, P4 concentration was significantly higher in NDM. In both media, E2 concentration was increased at 24 h, followed by a decrease at 48 h. The E2:P4 ratio was higher in DM than in NDM. These results suggest that DM maintains morphological structure, upregulates the expression of steroidogenic enzyme genes, and maintains steroid production with a high E2:P4 ratio in FWS cultures

    Efeito da desidroepiandrosterona (DHEA) sobre diferentes estruturas do sistema nervoso e sobre músculo esquelético de ratos

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    A glicose é o principal substrato energético do encéfalo in vivo. A maior parte é oxidada gerando 38 ATPs, dióxido de carbono (CO2) e água. Existem diferenças entre regiões do Sistema Nervoso (SN) na captação de glicose in vivo e na expressão de enzimas metabólicas. Evidências demonstram que astrócitos captam este substrato, sintetizam lactato a partir dele, e liberam este último para que possa ser utilizado pelos neurônios. O lactato é o substrato preferencial do SN in vitro. O músculo esquelético pode consumir tanto glicose como corpos cetônicos e ácidos graxos; o consumo preferencial de um deles depende apenas da intensidade da atividade física. A Desidroepiandrosterona (DHEA) é um hormônio esteróide relacionado ao aumento da sensibilidade periférica à insulina e melhora da captação de glicose, atuando sobre músculo esquelético, fígado e tecido adiposo, principalmente. A DHEA é sintetizada e atua no SN, sendo chamada de neuroesteróide.Ela é capaz de regular a síntese de IGF-1 de maneira tecido-específica, além de possuir efeitos apoptóticos/ antiproliferativos ou protetores, dependendo da dose utilizada. A presença de substrato oxidável no meio de incubação inibe seus efeitos anti-proliferativos. Também atua em receptores de membrana (GABAA, NMDA), na liberação de neurotransmissores (acetilcolina, glutamato) e inibindo enzimas da cadeia respiratória. Foram determinadas as diferenças basais na captação e oxidação de glicose na presença de lactato entre as diferentes estruturas do SN (córtex cerebral, hipocampo, cerebelo, hipotálamo e bulbo olfatório), e também a influência da DHEA (10-8 ou 10-12M) sobre a captação e oxidação de glicose nestas estruturas (na presença e ausência de lactato) e sobre o músculo esquelético. A presença de lactato estimulou a captação de glicose (2-14C-DG) no hipotálamo e bulbo, inibiu no córtex e cerebelo e não exerceu efeito no hipocampo. A oxidação de 14C-glicose em córtex e hipotálamo, na presença de lactato, foi 6,6 vezes menor quando comparada à oxidação de 14C-lactato. A DHEA não exerceu efeito sobre a captação de glicose em cerebelo, hipocampo e hipotálamo. No córtexcerebral DHEA 10-8M aumentou a captação na presença de lactato e, no bulbo olfatório, a mesma dose elevou a captação de glicose, porém na ausência de lactato. No músculo, DHEA 10-8M inibiu a captação de glicose. DHEA não exerceu efeito significativo sobre a oxidação das diferentes estruturas do SN. No hipotálamo e bulbo olfatório o lactato estimulou a captação de 2-14C-DG; talvez nestas estruturas as necessidades metabólicas sejam essencialmente supridas pela glicose. O córtex cerebral e o cerebelo parecem utilizar principalmente lactato como substrato. O hipocampo foi mais sensível à utilização da glicose do que ao lactato. A DHEA não exerceu efeito sobre cerebelo, hipocampo e hipotálamo, possivelmente porque esse neuroesteróide não é metabolizado a outros esteróides de maneira efetiva ou então a esteróides que não atuam sobre a captação de glicose. No córtex cerebral a DHEA pode estimular a liberação de glutamato in vitro e, assim, estimular a captação de 2- 14C-DG principalmente por astrócitos, mesmo na presença de lactato.No bulbo olfatório, a presença de lactato pode suprir as necessidades do tecido, porém a DHEA, que inibe a glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase (enzima expressa em grandes concentrações neste local), pode aumentar a captação de 2-14C-DG na ausência de substrato oxidativo. No músculo esquelético, a DHEA em baixas concentrações talvez iniba a captação de glicose atuando sobre proteínas da cascata de sinalização da insulina, mesmo não atuando na oxidação.The glucose is the main energetic substrate in the brain. Most of it is oxidized generating 38 ATPs, carbon dioxide (CO2) and water. There are differences between regions Nervous System (NS) in the glucose uptake and in the expression of metabolic enzymes. Evidences show that astrocytes uptake this substrate, synthesize lactate from it, and release this substrate for neurons metabolism. The lactate is the preferential substrate of NS in vitro. The skeletal muscle may consume glucose and fatty acids, the preferential consumption depends on the intensity of physical activity. The Desidroepiandrosterona (DHEA) is a sexual hormone related to increased peripheral sensitivity to insulin and improves the glucose uptake, acting on skeletal muscle, liver and adipose tissue. The DHEA is synthesized and acts on the NS and is called neurosteroid. It is able to regulate the IGF-1 synthesis a tissuespecific way, and have apoptotic effects / anti-proliferative or protective, depending on the dose used. The presence of oxidative substrate in incubation medium, inhibits their antiproliferative effects. It also acts on membrane receptors (GABAA, NMDA), the release of neurotransmitter (acetylcholine, glutamate) and inhibiting enzymes of respiratory chain. It was investigated the differences in the basal uptake and oxidation of glucose in the presence of lactate between the different structures of NS (cerebral cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, hypothalamus and olfactory bulb), and also the influence of DHEA (10-8 or 10-12 M) on these structures (in the presence and absence of lactate) and the skeletal muscle. The glucose is the main energetic substrate in the brain. Most of it is oxidized generating 38 ATPs, carbon dioxide (CO2) and water. There are differences between regions Nervous System (NS) in the glucose uptake and in the expression of metabolic enzymes. Evidences show that astrocytes uptake this substrate, synthesize lactate from it, and release this substrate for neurons metabolism. The lactate is the preferential substrate of NS in vitro. The skeletal muscle may consume glucose and fatty acids, the preferential consumption depends on the intensity of physical activity. The Desidroepiandrosterona (DHEA) is a sexual hormone related to increased peripheral sensitivity to insulin and improves the glucose uptake, acting on skeletal muscle, liver and adipose tissue. The DHEA is synthesized and acts on the NS and is called neurosteroid. It is able to regulate the IGF-1 synthesis a tissuespecific way, and have apoptotic effects / anti-proliferative or protective, depending on the dose used. The presence of oxidative substrate in incubation medium, inhibits their antiproliferative effects. It also acts on membrane receptors (GABAA, NMDA), the release of neurotransmitter (acetylcholine, glutamate) and inhibiting enzymes of respiratory chain. It was investigated the differences in the basal uptake and oxidation of glucose in the presence of lactate between the different structures of NS (cerebral cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, hypothalamus and olfactory bulb), and also the influence of DHEA (10-8 or 10-12 M) on these structures (in the presence and absence of lactate) and the skeletal muscle. The presence of lactate stimulated glucose uptake (2-14C-DG) in the hypothalamus and bulb, inhibited in the cortex and cerebellum and had no effect in the hippocampus. The 14C-glucose oxidation in cortex and hypothalamus, in the presence of lactate, was 6.6 times lower when compared to the 14C-lactate oxidation. The DHEA had no effect on cerebellum, hippocampus and hypothalamus. In the cortex DHEA 10-8 M increased the uptake in the presence of lactate,and in the olfactory bulb, the same dose increased the glucose uptake, but in the absence of lactate. DHEA 10-8 M inhibited the glucose uptake in muscle. DHEA has not effect on the oxidation of the several structures of NS. In the hypothalamus and the olfactory bulb lactate stimulated uptake of 2-14C-DG; perhaps in these structures the metabolic supply are done mainly by glucose. The cortex and cerebellum seem to use mainly lactate as substrate. The hippocampus, according evidence was more sensitive to the use of glucose than lactate. The DHEA had no effect on cerebellum, hippocampus and hypothalamus, possibly because this neurosteroid is not metabolized into other steroids or the steroids that do not act on the uptake of glucose. In the cerebral cortex DHEA can stimulate the release of glutamate in vitro and thereby stimulate the uptake of 2-14C-DG by astrocytes, even in the presence of lactate. In olfactory bulb, the presence of lactate can supply the needs of the tissue, but the DHEA, which inhibits glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (enzyme expressed in high concentrations on this site), soon may increase the 2-14C-DG uptake in absence of oxidative substrate. In muscle, DHEA in low concentrations may inhibit the glucose uptake acting on proteins in the signalling cascade of insulin, and not acting in oxidation

    Efeito da desidroepiandrosterona (DHEA) sobre diferentes estruturas do sistema nervoso e sobre músculo esquelético de ratos

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    A glicose é o principal substrato energético do encéfalo in vivo. A maior parte é oxidada gerando 38 ATPs, dióxido de carbono (CO2) e água. Existem diferenças entre regiões do Sistema Nervoso (SN) na captação de glicose in vivo e na expressão de enzimas metabólicas. Evidências demonstram que astrócitos captam este substrato, sintetizam lactato a partir dele, e liberam este último para que possa ser utilizado pelos neurônios. O lactato é o substrato preferencial do SN in vitro. O músculo esquelético pode consumir tanto glicose como corpos cetônicos e ácidos graxos; o consumo preferencial de um deles depende apenas da intensidade da atividade física. A Desidroepiandrosterona (DHEA) é um hormônio esteróide relacionado ao aumento da sensibilidade periférica à insulina e melhora da captação de glicose, atuando sobre músculo esquelético, fígado e tecido adiposo, principalmente. A DHEA é sintetizada e atua no SN, sendo chamada de neuroesteróide.Ela é capaz de regular a síntese de IGF-1 de maneira tecido-específica, além de possuir efeitos apoptóticos/ antiproliferativos ou protetores, dependendo da dose utilizada. A presença de substrato oxidável no meio de incubação inibe seus efeitos anti-proliferativos. Também atua em receptores de membrana (GABAA, NMDA), na liberação de neurotransmissores (acetilcolina, glutamato) e inibindo enzimas da cadeia respiratória. Foram determinadas as diferenças basais na captação e oxidação de glicose na presença de lactato entre as diferentes estruturas do SN (córtex cerebral, hipocampo, cerebelo, hipotálamo e bulbo olfatório), e também a influência da DHEA (10-8 ou 10-12M) sobre a captação e oxidação de glicose nestas estruturas (na presença e ausência de lactato) e sobre o músculo esquelético. A presença de lactato estimulou a captação de glicose (2-14C-DG) no hipotálamo e bulbo, inibiu no córtex e cerebelo e não exerceu efeito no hipocampo. A oxidação de 14C-glicose em córtex e hipotálamo, na presença de lactato, foi 6,6 vezes menor quando comparada à oxidação de 14C-lactato. A DHEA não exerceu efeito sobre a captação de glicose em cerebelo, hipocampo e hipotálamo. No córtexcerebral DHEA 10-8M aumentou a captação na presença de lactato e, no bulbo olfatório, a mesma dose elevou a captação de glicose, porém na ausência de lactato. No músculo, DHEA 10-8M inibiu a captação de glicose. DHEA não exerceu efeito significativo sobre a oxidação das diferentes estruturas do SN. No hipotálamo e bulbo olfatório o lactato estimulou a captação de 2-14C-DG; talvez nestas estruturas as necessidades metabólicas sejam essencialmente supridas pela glicose. O córtex cerebral e o cerebelo parecem utilizar principalmente lactato como substrato. O hipocampo foi mais sensível à utilização da glicose do que ao lactato. A DHEA não exerceu efeito sobre cerebelo, hipocampo e hipotálamo, possivelmente porque esse neuroesteróide não é metabolizado a outros esteróides de maneira efetiva ou então a esteróides que não atuam sobre a captação de glicose. No córtex cerebral a DHEA pode estimular a liberação de glutamato in vitro e, assim, estimular a captação de 2- 14C-DG principalmente por astrócitos, mesmo na presença de lactato.No bulbo olfatório, a presença de lactato pode suprir as necessidades do tecido, porém a DHEA, que inibe a glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase (enzima expressa em grandes concentrações neste local), pode aumentar a captação de 2-14C-DG na ausência de substrato oxidativo. No músculo esquelético, a DHEA em baixas concentrações talvez iniba a captação de glicose atuando sobre proteínas da cascata de sinalização da insulina, mesmo não atuando na oxidação.The glucose is the main energetic substrate in the brain. Most of it is oxidized generating 38 ATPs, carbon dioxide (CO2) and water. There are differences between regions Nervous System (NS) in the glucose uptake and in the expression of metabolic enzymes. Evidences show that astrocytes uptake this substrate, synthesize lactate from it, and release this substrate for neurons metabolism. The lactate is the preferential substrate of NS in vitro. The skeletal muscle may consume glucose and fatty acids, the preferential consumption depends on the intensity of physical activity. The Desidroepiandrosterona (DHEA) is a sexual hormone related to increased peripheral sensitivity to insulin and improves the glucose uptake, acting on skeletal muscle, liver and adipose tissue. The DHEA is synthesized and acts on the NS and is called neurosteroid. It is able to regulate the IGF-1 synthesis a tissuespecific way, and have apoptotic effects / anti-proliferative or protective, depending on the dose used. The presence of oxidative substrate in incubation medium, inhibits their antiproliferative effects. It also acts on membrane receptors (GABAA, NMDA), the release of neurotransmitter (acetylcholine, glutamate) and inhibiting enzymes of respiratory chain. It was investigated the differences in the basal uptake and oxidation of glucose in the presence of lactate between the different structures of NS (cerebral cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, hypothalamus and olfactory bulb), and also the influence of DHEA (10-8 or 10-12 M) on these structures (in the presence and absence of lactate) and the skeletal muscle. The glucose is the main energetic substrate in the brain. Most of it is oxidized generating 38 ATPs, carbon dioxide (CO2) and water. There are differences between regions Nervous System (NS) in the glucose uptake and in the expression of metabolic enzymes. Evidences show that astrocytes uptake this substrate, synthesize lactate from it, and release this substrate for neurons metabolism. The lactate is the preferential substrate of NS in vitro. The skeletal muscle may consume glucose and fatty acids, the preferential consumption depends on the intensity of physical activity. The Desidroepiandrosterona (DHEA) is a sexual hormone related to increased peripheral sensitivity to insulin and improves the glucose uptake, acting on skeletal muscle, liver and adipose tissue. The DHEA is synthesized and acts on the NS and is called neurosteroid. It is able to regulate the IGF-1 synthesis a tissuespecific way, and have apoptotic effects / anti-proliferative or protective, depending on the dose used. The presence of oxidative substrate in incubation medium, inhibits their antiproliferative effects. It also acts on membrane receptors (GABAA, NMDA), the release of neurotransmitter (acetylcholine, glutamate) and inhibiting enzymes of respiratory chain. It was investigated the differences in the basal uptake and oxidation of glucose in the presence of lactate between the different structures of NS (cerebral cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, hypothalamus and olfactory bulb), and also the influence of DHEA (10-8 or 10-12 M) on these structures (in the presence and absence of lactate) and the skeletal muscle. The presence of lactate stimulated glucose uptake (2-14C-DG) in the hypothalamus and bulb, inhibited in the cortex and cerebellum and had no effect in the hippocampus. The 14C-glucose oxidation in cortex and hypothalamus, in the presence of lactate, was 6.6 times lower when compared to the 14C-lactate oxidation. The DHEA had no effect on cerebellum, hippocampus and hypothalamus. In the cortex DHEA 10-8 M increased the uptake in the presence of lactate,and in the olfactory bulb, the same dose increased the glucose uptake, but in the absence of lactate. DHEA 10-8 M inhibited the glucose uptake in muscle. DHEA has not effect on the oxidation of the several structures of NS. In the hypothalamus and the olfactory bulb lactate stimulated uptake of 2-14C-DG; perhaps in these structures the metabolic supply are done mainly by glucose. The cortex and cerebellum seem to use mainly lactate as substrate. The hippocampus, according evidence was more sensitive to the use of glucose than lactate. The DHEA had no effect on cerebellum, hippocampus and hypothalamus, possibly because this neurosteroid is not metabolized into other steroids or the steroids that do not act on the uptake of glucose. In the cerebral cortex DHEA can stimulate the release of glutamate in vitro and thereby stimulate the uptake of 2-14C-DG by astrocytes, even in the presence of lactate. In olfactory bulb, the presence of lactate can supply the needs of the tissue, but the DHEA, which inhibits glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (enzyme expressed in high concentrations on this site), soon may increase the 2-14C-DG uptake in absence of oxidative substrate. In muscle, DHEA in low concentrations may inhibit the glucose uptake acting on proteins in the signalling cascade of insulin, and not acting in oxidation

    Effects of dehydroepiandrosterone DHEA and lactate on glucose uptake in the central nervous system

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    Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) prevents brain aging, enhances the cerebral metabolism and interacts with energy substrates. The interaction between lactate and DHEA on glucose uptake and lactate oxidation by various nervous structures was investigated and results demonstrate that the 2-14C-deoxiglucose (2-14C-Dglucose) uptake was stimulated by 10 mM lactate in the hypothalamus and olfactory bulb, inhibited in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum, and unaffected in the hippocampus. We also show that, in both the cerebral cortex and hypothalamus, 14C-lactate oxidation was higher than 14C-glucose oxidation (p ≤ 0.001), demonstrating a relevant role for lactate as energy substrate. The interaction of lactate and 10−8 M DHEA was tested and, although DHEA had no significant effect on uptake in the cerebellum, hippocampus, or hypothalamus, 10−8 M DHEA increased the 2-14C-Dglucose uptake in the cerebral cortex in the presence of lactate (p ≤ 0.001), and in the olfactory bulb in the absence of lactate (p < 0.05). However, DHEA had no significant effect on 14C-lactate oxidation. We suggest that DHEA improves glucose uptake in specific conditions. Thus, DHEA may affect CNS metabolism and interact with lactate, which is the most important neuronal energy substrate, on glucose uptake

    Effects of dehydroepiandrosterone DHEA and lactate on glucose uptake in the central nervous system

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    Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) prevents brain aging, enhances the cerebral metabolism and interacts with energy substrates. The interaction between lactate and DHEA on glucose uptake and lactate oxidation by various nervous structures was investigated and results demonstrate that the 2-14C-deoxiglucose (2-14C-Dglucose) uptake was stimulated by 10 mM lactate in the hypothalamus and olfactory bulb, inhibited in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum, and unaffected in the hippocampus. We also show that, in both the cerebral cortex and hypothalamus, 14C-lactate oxidation was higher than 14C-glucose oxidation (p ≤ 0.001), demonstrating a relevant role for lactate as energy substrate. The interaction of lactate and 10−8 M DHEA was tested and, although DHEA had no significant effect on uptake in the cerebellum, hippocampus, or hypothalamus, 10−8 M DHEA increased the 2-14C-Dglucose uptake in the cerebral cortex in the presence of lactate (p ≤ 0.001), and in the olfactory bulb in the absence of lactate (p < 0.05). However, DHEA had no significant effect on 14C-lactate oxidation. We suggest that DHEA improves glucose uptake in specific conditions. Thus, DHEA may affect CNS metabolism and interact with lactate, which is the most important neuronal energy substrate, on glucose uptake