40 research outputs found

    Neurons Expressing Pathological Tau Protein Trigger Dramatic Changes in Microglial Morphology and Dynamics

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    International audienceMicroglial cells, the resident macrophages of the brain, are important players in the pathological process of numerous neurodegenerative disorders, including tauopathies, a heterogeneous class of diseases characterized by intraneuronal Tau aggregates. However, microglia response in Tau pathologies remains poorly understood. Here, we exploit a genetic zebrafish model of tauopathy, combined with live microglia imaging, to investigate the behavior of microglia in vivo in the disease context. Results show that while microglia were almost immobile and displayed long and highly dynamic branches in a wild-type context, in presence of diseased neurons, cells became highly mobile and displayed morphological changes, with highly mobile cell bodies together with fewer and shorter processes. We also imaged, for the first time to our knowledge, the phagocytosis of apoptotic tauopathic neurons by microglia in vivo and observed that microglia engulfed about as twice materials as in controls. Finally, genetic ablation of microglia in zebrafish tauopathy model significantly increased Tau hyperphosphorylation, suggesting that microglia provide neuroprotection to diseased neurons. Our findings demonstrate for the first time the dynamics of microglia in contact with tauopathic neurons in vivo and open perspectives for the real-time study of microglia in many neuronal diseases

    Heparan Sulfate as a Therapeutic Target in Tauopathies: Insights From Zebrafish

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    Microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT) hyperphosphorylation and aggregation, are two hallmarks of a family of neurodegenerative disorders collectively referred to as tauopathies. In many tauopathies, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD), progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and Pick’s disease, tau aggregates are found associated with highly sulfated polysaccharides known as heparan sulfates (HSs). In AD, amyloid beta (Aβ) peptide aggregates associated with HS are also characteristic of disease. Heparin, an HS analog, promotes misfolding, hyperphosphorylation and aggregation of tau protein in vitro. HS also provides cell surface receptors for attachment and uptake of tau seeds, enabling their propagation. These findings point to HS-tau interactions as potential therapeutic targets in tauopathies. The zebrafish genome contains genes paralogous to MAPT, genes orthologous to HS biosynthetic and chain modifier enzymes, and other genes implicated in AD. The nervous system in the zebrafish bears anatomical and chemical similarities to that in humans. These homologies, together with numerous technical advantages, make zebrafish a valuable model for investigating basic mechanisms in tauopathies and identifying therapeutic targets. Here, we comprehensively review current knowledge on the role of HSs in tau pathology and HS-targeting therapeutic approaches. We also discuss novel insights from zebrafish suggesting a role for HS 3-O-sulfated motifs in tau pathology and establishing HS antagonists as potential preventive agents or therapies for tauopathies

    Altered vaccine-induced immunity in children with Dravet syndrome

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    International audienceDravet syndrome (DS) is a refractory epileptic syndrome. Vaccination is the trigger of the first seizure in about 50% of cases. Fever remains a trigger of seizures during the course of the disease. We compared ex vivo cytokine responses to a combined aluminium-adjuvanted vaccine of children with DS to sex-and age-matched heathy children. Using ex vivo cytokine responses of peripheral-blood mononuclear cells and monocytes, we found that vaccine responsiveness is biased toward a proinflammatory profile in DS with a M1 phenotype of monocytes. We provide new insight into immune mechanisms associated with DS that might guide research for the development of new immunotherapeutic agents in this epilepsy syndrome

    HS3ST2 expression is critical for the abnormal phosphorylation of tau in Alzheimer's disease-related tau pathology

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    Heparan sulphate (glucosamine) 3-O-sulphotransferase 2 (HS3ST2, also known as 3OST2) is an enzyme predominantly expressed in neurons wherein it generates rare 3-O-sulphated domains of unknown functions in heparan sulphates. in Alzheimer's disease, heparan sulphates accumulate at the intracellular level in disease neurons where they co-localize with the neurofibrillary pathology, while they persist at the neuronal cell membrane in normal brain. However, it is unknown whether HS3ST2 and its 3-O-sulphated heparan sulphate products are involved in the mechanisms leading to the abnormal phosphorylation of tau in Alzheimer's disease and related tauopathies. Here, we first measured the transcript levels of all human heparan sulphate sulphotransferases in hippocampus of Alzheimer's disease (n = 8; 76.8 +/- 3.5 years old) and found increased expression of HS3ST2 (P < 0.001) compared with control brain (n = 8; 67.8 +/- 2.9 years old). Then, to investigate whether the membrane-associated 3-O-sulphated heparan sulphates translocate to the intracellular level under pathological conditions, we used two cell models of tauopathy in neuro-differentiated SH-SY5Y cells: a tau mutation-dependent model in cells expressing human tau carrying the P-301L mutation hTau P-301L, and a tau mutation-independent model in where tau hyperphosphorylation is induced by oxidative stress. Confocal microscopy, fluorescence resonance energy transfer, and western blot analyses showed that 3-O-sulphated heparan sulphates can be internalized into cells where they interact with tau, promoting its abnormal phosphorylation, but not that of p38 or NF-kappa B p65. We showed, in vitro, that the 3-O-sulphated heparan sulphates bind to tau, but not to GSK3B, protein kinase A or protein phosphatase 2, inducing its abnormal phosphorylation. Finally, we demonstrated in a zebrafish model of tauopathy expressing the hTau P-301L, that inhibiting hs3st2 (also known as 3ost2) expression results in a strong inhibition of the abnormally phosphorylated tau epitopes in brain and in spinal cord, leading to a complete recovery of motor neuronal axons length (n = 25; P < 0.005) and of the animal motor response to touching stimuli (n = 150; P < 0.005). Our findings indicate that HS3ST2 centrally participates to the molecular mechanisms leading the abnormal phosphorylation of tau. By interacting with tau at the intracellular level, the 3-O-sulphated heparan sulphates produced by HS3ST2 might act as molecular chaperones allowing the abnormal phosphorylation of tau. We propose HS3ST2 as a novel therapeutic target for Alzheimer's disease.Association France Alzheimer & Maladies ApparenteesSATT Idf InnovCONACyT, MexicoFrench Ministry of Higher Education and ResearchInstitute de Recherche ServierUniv Paris Est, CNRS, Lab Cell Growth Tissue Repair & Regenerat CRRET, UPEC,EA 4397,ERL 9215, F-94000 Creteil, FranceUPMC, Univ Paris 04, Inst Cerveau & Moelle Epiniere, CNRS,UMR 7225,INSERM,U1127,UM75, Paris, FranceHop Robert Debre, INSERM, UMR 1141, F-75019 Paris, FranceSorbonne Paris Cite, Univ Paris Diderot, Paris, FranceUniversidade Federal de SĂŁo Paulo, Aging & Neurodegenerat Dis Brain Bank Invest Lab, BR-04023062 SĂŁo Paulo, BrazilGrp Hosp Pitie Salpetriere, Biochim Malad Neurometab, F-75013 Paris, FranceRadboud Univ Nijmegen, Med Ctr, Radboud Inst Mol Life Sci, NL-6525 ED Nijmegen, NetherlandsUniv Strasbourg, INSERM, U1119, FMTS, F-67000 Strasbourg, FranceUniversidade Federal de SĂŁo Paulo, Aging & Neurodegenerat Dis Brain Bank Invest Lab, BR-04023062 SĂŁo Paulo, BrazilCONACyT, Mexico: 308978Web of Scienc

    Zebrafish as a Model for Neurological Disorders

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    Over the past two decades, the simplicity and the versatility of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) have helped make it one of the main animal models used to address an increasing number of issues, from fundamental research to clinical investigations, drug discovery [...

    SDHI Fungicide Toxicity and Associated Adverse Outcome Pathways: What Can Zebrafish Tell Us?

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    International audienceSuccinate dehydrogenase inhibitor (SDHI) fungicides are increasingly used in agriculture to combat molds and fungi, two major threats to both food supply and public health. However, the essential requirement for the succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) complex-the molecular target of SDHIs-in energy metabolism for almost all extant eukaryotes and the lack of species specificity of these fungicides raise concerns about their toxicity toward off-target organisms and, more generally, toward the environment. Herein we review the current knowledge on the toxicity toward zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio) of nine commonly used SDHI fungicides: bixafen, boscalid, fluxapyroxad, flutolanil, isoflucypram, isopyrazam, penthiopyrad, sedaxane, and thifluzamide. The results indicate that these SDHIs cause multiple adverse effects in embryos, larvae/juveniles, and/or adults, sometimes at developmentally relevant concentrations. Adverse effects include developmental toxicity, cardiovascular abnormalities, liver and kidney damage, oxidative stress, energy deficits, changes in metabolism, microcephaly, axon growth defects, apoptosis, and transcriptome changes, suggesting that glycometabolism deficit, oxidative stress, and apoptosis are critical in the toxicity of most of these SDHIs. However, other adverse outcome pathways, possibly involving unsuspected molecular targets, are also suggested. Lastly, we note that because of their recent arrival on the market, the number of studies addressing the toxicity of these compounds is still scant, emphasizing the need to further investigate the toxicity of all SDHIs currently used and to identify their adverse effects and associated modes of action, both alone and in combination with other pesticides

    Contribution a l'etude de la myogenese des muscles squelettiques chez l'homme

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    SIGLEAvailable from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : T 78695 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Le poisson zèbre comme modèle pour les troubles neurologiques

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    International audienceOver the past two decades, the simplicity and the versatility of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) have helped make it one of the main animal models used to address an increasing number of issues, from fundamental research to clinical investigations, drug discovery [1] and applied toxicology [2]. Its small size, rapid external development, almost full transparency, and the abundant tools available to study it, whether molecular (fluorescent calcium sensors, optogenetics, etc.) or genetic (transgenesis, gene editing, etc.), have made the zebrafish embryo an unparalleled model for in vivo investigations in the neurosciences [3]. Its central nervous system displays the characteristic organization found in vertebrates: a four-lobed brain, a spinal cord, and a neural crest; the biochemistry underlying the functioning of neuronal networks is also closely similar. All neurotransmitters (glutamate, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), etc.) and neuromodulators (oxytocin, somatostatin, etc.), and their receptors, and all neuron types (dopaminergic, cholinergic, etc.) and glial cell types (oligodendrocytes, microglia, etc.), exhibit full evolutionary conservation between the fish and mammals [4]. The zebrafish model and the many advantages it offers have already been thoroughly reviewed elsewhere, and so will not be described further here. The usefulness of the zebrafish and its relevance as an in vivo model in the neurosciences are plainly evident in the research articles and reviews that make up this special issue of International Journal of Molecular Sciences “Zebrafish as a model for neurological disorders”.Au cours des deux dernières décennies, la simplicité et la polyvalence du poisson zèbre (Danio rerio) ont contribué à en faire l'un des principaux modèles animaux utilisés pour répondre à un nombre croissant de problèmes, de la recherche fondamentale aux investigations cliniques, en passant par la découverte de médicaments [1] et toxicologie appliquée [2]. Sa petite taille, son développement externe rapide, sa transparence quasi totale et les nombreux outils disponibles pour l'étudier, qu'ils soient moléculaires (capteurs de calcium fluorescents, optogénétique, etc.) ou génétiques (transgenèse, édition de gènes, etc.), ont fait de l'embryon de poisson zèbre un modèle inégalé pour les investigations in vivo en neurosciences [3]. Son système nerveux central présente l'organisation caractéristique des vertébrés : un cerveau à quatre lobes, une moelle épinière et une crête neurale ; la biochimie qui sous-tend le fonctionnement des réseaux neuronaux est également très similaire. Tous les neurotransmetteurs (glutamate, acide γ-aminobutyrique (GABA), etc.) et neuromodulateurs (ocytocine, somatostatine, etc.), et leurs récepteurs, et tous les types de neurones (dopaminergiques, cholinergiques, etc.) et types de cellules gliales (oligodendrocytes, microglie, etc.), présentent une conservation évolutive complète entre les poissons et les mammifères [4]. Le modèle du poisson zèbre et les nombreux avantages qu'il offre ont déjà fait l'objet d'un examen approfondi ailleurs, et ne seront donc pas décrits plus en détail ici. L'utilité du poisson zèbre et sa pertinence en tant que modèle in vivo dans les neurosciences sont clairement évidentes dans les articles de recherche et les revues qui composent ce numéro spécial de l'International Journal of Molecular Sciences "Le poisson zèbre comme modèle pour les troubles neurologiques"