110 research outputs found

    The Mediating Effect of Motivation between Internal Communication and Job Satisfaction

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    Communication in organisations is essential for them to be competitive in a global world that is constantly changing. Internal communication especially can be a highly effective and useful strategic tool for improving organisational performance through employee motivation and satisfac tion. Based on a questionnaire survey completed by 426 employees of Portuguese organisations, this work aims to understand, using a partial least squares structural equation model, the importance of internal communication in the motivation and satisfaction of Portuguese employees. The results show that internal communication in organisations directly influences job satisfaction and also indirectly, through motivation at work, giving motivation at work the role of mediator. It is therefore important for Portuguese organisations to invest in effective internal communication strategies in order to promote employee motivation and satisfaction, recognising motivation as a key mediator in the relationship between internal communication and job satisfaction.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Influence of Empowerment on the Motivation of Portuguese Employees - A Study Based on a Structural Equation Model

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    Over the last few years, in a continuous and growing way, the motivation of employees has been studied and it is currently agreed that it is an important work factor that significantly influences productivity and individual performance in an organisational context. As an influential factor for this motivation, we can find psychological empowerment in the sense that it gives employees freedom and confidence. This study aimed to understand the role of psychological empowerment in employee motivation. Empowerment can be translated, in a business context, into the training and valorisation of collaborators with a sense of their commitment to better the individual and, consequently, global performance of the organisation. In this research, empowerment was considered a motivational factor in achieving organisational objectives. The methodology used was of a quantitative nature based on a questionnaire survey that aimed to analyse psychological empowerment and the motivation of 620 individuals working in Portuguese organisations in the industry and services sectors. The results obtained, which were based on a structural equation model, show that psychological empowerment at work positively influenced employee motivation, with the meaning and self-determination dimen sions contributing the most to motivation. The results obtained in the study have the potential to benefit both employees and organisations, contributing to a more productive and healthy working environment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Performance of human resources in nonprofit organizations – What really counts?

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    Human resources are seen as an important asset for general associations, particularly for non-profit organizations. In the literature, it is possible to ascertain a set of factors influencing the performance of these resources, in general, in an organizational context. However, given the specificity of their missions, realizing that large management areas in this type of institutions influence their performance would significantly contribute. In practice, it was possible to implement assertive strategies to promote the performance of these employees. Thus, for the present study, and using a quantitative methodology, we started by analysing strategic management, financial management, governance and management of social services promoted by the Holy Houses of Mercy in Portugal. It was possible to ascertain that, among these areas, only financial management does not influence the performance of human resources in this type of institution. Recognizing the importance of the remaining areas, it was possible to present a set of indicators grouped into subdimensions, revealing important contributions to theory and practice. It was possible to conclude that, in a context of significant economic and social instability, such as the one we are currently experiencing, NPOs that seek to improve their level of human resource management should pay special attention to aspects related to strategy, governance and management of the social services they promote, as this is where the key factors for this performance improvement are found.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Determinants of financial performance of non-profit organizations

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    Financial performance can be seen as a determinant of organizational sustainability. Although non-profit organizations do not present as their main objective of obtaining profit but rather the fulfilment of a mission, this logic should not be very different for these organizations. Nevertheless, given this specificity, it is important to understand which major areas in managing these organizations effectively influence their financial performance. Thus, for the present study, and using a quantitative methodology, we analyzed strategic management, governance, human resource management and management of social services, promoted by the Holy Houses of Mercy, a non-profit organization with a stronger presence in portuguese society. It was possible to verify that, among these areas, only human resource management positively influences the financial performance of these institutions, that strategic management presents a negative influence and that governance and social responses do not present a direct relationship with financial performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The influence of financial management and governance in the provision of social services in non-profit organizations

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    The financial crises and the pandemic COVID 19 have reinforce the importance of the nonprofit organizations (NPOs) in promoting the social welfare. These institutions face nowadays various challenges related to the new needs required by the populations, and also the deepening of the traditional social problems. In this context, fulfill their social mission implies that NPOs have to take care with their performance and simultaneously maximize the social value generated. The review of the literature allowed to identify factors associated with financial management and governance that may contribute to the definition of the social services offered by NPOs. Thus, in a studied applied to Holy Houses of Mercy in Portugal, this investigation intends to understand the influence of the financial management and the governance on the NPO social services provided. The results obtained show a positive contribution of the finances and the governance on the social services of these institutions, which lead us to conclude that to be more effective in the social services provision, NPOs must emphasize their financial management and governance practices.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Strategy and Human Resources Management in Non-Profit Organizations: Its Interaction with Open Innovation

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    The socioeconomic changes that many countries have been experiencing in recent decades, caused by structural factors or by specific circumstances, where the pandemic crisis of COVID-19 is only the most recent example, have posed challenges to organizations, which present themselves more and more and in various forms as threatened by the possibility of fulfilling their mission. Public and private sectors increasingly present themselves as insufficient to respond effectively to day-to-day requests. This context of instability and the resulting impacts for non-profit organizations pose serious problems to the way in which governance is exercised and served as a motivation for carrying out a study that aimed to understand the influence of strategy and human resources on the governance of these organizations. A review of the literature on the variables under study made it possible to identify the sub-dimensions associated with each one of them and the respective indicators. Thus, for a quantitative study, it was possible to apply a questionnaire to 242 Holy Houses of Mercy in Portugal to understand the direct and indirect influences of strategic management and human resources management on the governance of these institutions. The results obtained show the existence of a positive relationship between the variables under analysis, confirming that not only do these variables influence, by themselves and directly, the governance of the institutions studied, but also the strategy influences human resources policies, which in turn have implications for the way the Holy Houses of Mercy deal with aspects associated with governance. It is concluded that, in general, for these organizations to be more effective in efforts to improve their governance processes, they must focus on strategic management and human resources management instruments.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Covid 19 impacts on digital marketing strategies: the case of catering SMEs in Portugal

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    Focusing the study's on the implementation of digital marketing strategies by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the catering sector in Portugal during the pandemic period COVID 19, the present investigation aims to understand the impact of this pandemic in the implementation of digital marketing strategies of SMEs, to investigate the depth of implementation of these strategies according to the digital marketing decalogue, and to propose a performance matrix for these SMEs that intend to start efforts in this direction. For this purpose, a qualitative study was carried out, using semi-structured interviews, in a sample collected under the snowball technique, composed of 9 SMEs. It was possible to notice that the current pandemic crisis implied changes in how digital marketing strategies are perceived and applied. It was also found that more than strategies, these SMEs adopted isolated initiatives that combine digital marketing strategies and traditional marketing, and it was also possible to proceed with a set of measures to be implemented by these SMEs that intend to start efforts in this direction.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intracranial hypertension with ocular manifestation during the use of tetracycline: case report

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    The authors describe a young female patient with intracranial hypertension associated with ocular manifestations, during treatment with tetracycline. This is a rare adverse effect described in the medication warnings, and in a few reported cases in the scientific literature.Os autores relatam o caso de uma paciente jovem, do sexo feminino, que desenvolveu quadro de hipertensão intracraniana benigna com manifestações oculares em concomitância ao uso de tetraciclina para o tratamento de otite. Esta é uma reação adversa rara deste medicamento, descrito em bula e com alguns relatos de caso em literatura internacional.Hospital oftalmológico de SorocabaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Pontifícia Universidade Católica de SorocabaUNIFESPSciEL

    A Gestão de Recursos Humanos nas Organizações Sem Fins Lucrativos – um instrumento de medida

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    Os recursos humanos são apontados como um importante ativo para as organizações em geral, sendo particularmente relevantes para as Organizações Sem Fins Lucrativos. É importante que estas organizações desenvolvam uma gestão cuidada dos recursos humanos, de forma a que se consigam munir de uma equipa de colaboradores adequada para cumprir a sua missão social e enfrentar os desafios da sociedade. Assim, o presente estudo pretende fundamentar e apresentar um instrumento de medida para os recursos humanos destas organizações, que permita auxiliar estas organizações na gestão dos mesmos, dotando-as de uma ferramenta de apoio à gestão das pessoas que as compõem.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Desafios da prática pedagógica em tempos de Pandemia do COVID19- Relato de experiência de um docente da Região Norte do Tocantins / Challenges in pedagogical practice in COVID19 Pandemic - Experience report of a teacher from the Northern Region of Tocantins

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     O objetivo do presente estudo foi compreender os desafios didático-pedagógicos que os docentes enfrentaram por conta da pandemia do COVID19 em suas ações de ensino e gestão, assim como identificar as novas metodologias utilizadas, bem como analisar as perspectivas futuras do ensino pós pandemia. A metodologia empregada no estudo foi a por meio de uma entrevista com um professor da educação básica, seguida de revisão de literatura com intuito fundamentar os preceitos educacionais em tempos de pandemia. A partir de marco do ano de 2020 a educação mundial precisou se adaptar e lançar mão de estratégias didático-pedagógicas pouco conhecidas e/ou utilizadas nas escolas e pelos professores adaptados ao modo presencial de ensino. Essas mudanças que ocorreram de forma tão repentina trouxeram aos professores grandes dificuldades na adaptação de realizarem suas atividades que passaram a ser de forma virtual. Surgiram imensas dificuldades no uso das tecnologias disponíveis para o ensino remoto. Frente a essa nova realidade o futuro do ensino ainda é um enigma, mais toda essa experiência vivenciada pelos docentes, os novos aprendizados, com todos esses recursos tecnológicos utilizados, são possíveis prever a rotina em sala de aula, da educação e a forma de ensinar e aprender sofrerá adequações irreversíveis ao qual vislumbra-se o ensino híbrido como um possível “novo normal” nos planejamentos educacionais vindouros