50 research outputs found

    A high-throughput screening identifies microRNA inhibitors that influence neuronal maintenance and/or response to oxidative stress

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    Oxidative stress; Small RNA sequencing; NeurodegenerationEstrés oxidativo; Secuenciación de ARN pequeño; NeurodegeneraciónEstrès oxidatiu; Seqüenciació d'ARN petit; NeurodegeneracióSmall non-coding RNAs (sncRNAs), including microRNAs (miRNAs) are important post-transcriptional gene expression regulators relevant in physiological and pathological processes. Here, we combined a high-throughput functional screening (HTFS) platform with a library of antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) to systematically identify sncRNAs that affect neuronal cell survival in basal conditions and in response to oxidative stress (OS), a major hallmark in neurodegenerative diseases. We considered hits commonly detected by two statistical methods in three biological replicates. Forty-seven ASOs targeting miRNAs (miRNA-ASOs) consistently decreased cell viability under basal conditions. A total of 60 miRNA-ASOs worsened cell viability impairment mediated by OS, with 36.6% commonly affecting cell viability under basal conditions. In addition, 40 miRNA-ASOs significantly protected neuronal cells from OS. In agreement with cell viability impairment, damaging miRNA-ASOs specifically induced increased free radical biogenesis. miRNAs targeted by the detrimental ASOs are enriched in the fraction of miRNAs downregulated by OS, suggesting that the miRNA expression pattern after OS contributes to neuronal damage. The present HTFS highlighted potentially druggable sncRNAs. However, future studies are needed to define the pathways by which the identified ASOs regulate cell survival and OS response and to explore the potential of translating the current findings into clinical applications.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER funds (SAF2014-60551-R and SAF2017-88452-R). We acknowledge the support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MEIC) to the EMBL partnership and the Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2013-2017 (SEV-2012-0208). We acknowledge the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science Innovation and Universities, Maria Maeztu Unit of Excellence Programme. We thank the staff of the Genomics Unit for the preparation of sRNA libraries and sequencing and the staff of the Biomolecular Screening and Protein Technologies Unit for their help in the setting up the high-throughput screening

    Multi-Smart and Scalable Bioligands-Free Nanomedical Platform for Intratumorally Targeted Tambjamine Delivery, a Difficult to Administrate Highly Cytotoxic Drug

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    Nanocàpsules anfòteres; Tractament del càncer de pulmó; Sistemes de lliurament de medicaments dirigitsNanocápsulas anfóteras; Tratamiento del cáncer de pulmón; Sistemas de administración de fármacos dirigidosAmphoteric nanocapsules; Lung cancer treatment; Targeted drug delivery systemsCancer is one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide due, in part, to limited success of some current therapeutic approaches. The clinical potential of many promising drugs is restricted by their systemic toxicity and lack of selectivity towards cancer cells, leading to insufficient drug concentration at the tumor site. To overcome these hurdles, we developed a novel drug delivery system based on polyurea/polyurethane nanocapsules (NCs) showing pH-synchronized amphoteric properties that facilitate their accumulation and selectivity into acidic tissues, such as tumor microenvironment. We have demonstrated that the anticancer drug used in this study, a hydrophobic anionophore named T21, increases its cytotoxic activity in acidic conditions when nanoencapsulated, which correlates with a more efficient cellular internalization. A biodistribution assay performed in mice has shown that the NCs are able to reach the tumor and the observed systemic toxicity of the free drug is significantly reduced in vivo when nanoencapsulated. Additionally, T21 antitumor activity is preserved, accompanied by tumor mass reduction compared to control mice. Altogether, this work shows these NCs as a potential drug delivery system able to reach the tumor microenvironment, reducing the undesired systemic toxic effects. Moreover, these nanosystems are prepared under scalable methodologies and straightforward process, and provide tumor selectivity through a smart mechanism independent of targeting ligands.This research was funded by Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León (BU092U16 and BU067P20), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grants PI18/00441 and DTS20/00018), ACCIÓ (Agency for business competitiveness; Generalitat de Catalunya) (Nuclis d’R+D EMC/2755/2017); co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (LABAE18009SEGU), and supported by the “Pla de Doctorats Industrials de la Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya (grant number 2013 DI 028)

    The European MAPPYACTS Trial: Precision Medicine Program in Pediatric and Adolescent Patients with Recurrent Malignancies

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    Precision Medicine; Pediatric and Adolescent Patients; Recurrent MalignanciesMedicina de Precisión; Pacientes pediátricos y adolescentes; Neoplasias malignas recurrentesMedicina de precisió; Pacients pediàtrics i adolescents; Neoplasmes malignes recurrentsMAPPYACTS (NCT02613962) is an international prospective precision medicine trial aiming to define tumor molecular profiles in pediatric patients with recurrent/ refractory malignancies in order to suggest the most adapted salvage treatment. From February 2016 to July 2020, 787 patients were included in France, Italy, Ireland, and Spain. At least one genetic alteration leading to a targeted treatment suggestion was identified in 436 patients (69%) with successful sequencing; 10% of these alterations were considered “ready for routine use.” Of 356 patients with follow-up beyond 12 months, 107 (30%) received one or more matched targeted therapies—56% of them within early clinical trials—mainly in the AcSé-ESMART platform trial (NCT02813135). Overall, matched treatment resulted in a 17% objective response rate, and of those patients with ready for routine use alterations, it was 38%. In patients with extracerebral tumors, 76% of actionable alterations detected in tumor tissue were also identified in circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA)

    Krüppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) regulates the miR-183~96~182 cluster under physiologic and pathologic conditions

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    Cèl·lules mare embrionàries; Melanoma; MicroARNCélulas madre embrionarias; Melanoma; MicroARNEmbryonic stem cells; Melanoma; MicroRNAMicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of endogenous non-coding small RNAs that post-transcriptionally control the translation and stability of target mRNAs in a sequence-dependent manner. MiRNAs are essential for key cellular processes including proliferation, differentiation, cell death and metabolism, among others. Consequently, alterations of miRNA expression contribute to developmental defects and a myriad of diseases. The expression of miRNAs can be altered by several mechanisms including gene copy number alterations, aberrant DNA methylation, defects of the miRNA processing machinery or unscheduled expression of transcription factors. In this work, we sought to analyze the regulation of the miR-182 cluster, located at the 7q32 locus, which encodes three different miRNAs that are abundantly expressed in human embryonic stem cells and de-regulated in cancer. We have found that the Krüppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) directly regulates miR-182 cluster expression in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and in melanoma tumors, in which the miR-182 cluster is highly expressed and has a pro-metastatic role. Furthermore, higher KLF4 expression was found to be associated with metastatic progression and poor patient outcome. Loss of function experiments revealed that KLF4 is required for melanoma cell maintenance. These findings provide new insights into the regulation of the miR-182 cluster expression and new opportunities for therapeutic intervention in tumors in which the KLF4-miR-182 cluster axis is deregulated.This work was supported by NCI/NIH Grant (5R01CA155234), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CP11/00052 and RD12/0036/0016) co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and European Commission’s Framework Programme 7 through the Marie Curie Career Integration Grants

    A biobank of pediatric patient-derived-xenograft models in cancer precision medicine trial MAPPYACTS for relapsed and refractory tumors

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    Cancer models; Paediatric cancerModelos de cáncer; Cáncer pediátricoModels de càncer; Càncer pediàtricPediatric patients with recurrent and refractory cancers are in most need for new treatments. This study developed patient-derived-xenograft (PDX) models within the European MAPPYACTS cancer precision medicine trial (NCT02613962). To date, 131 PDX models were established following heterotopical and/or orthotopical implantation in immunocompromised mice: 76 sarcomas, 25 other solid tumors, 12 central nervous system tumors, 15 acute leukemias, and 3 lymphomas. PDX establishment rate was 43%. Histology, whole exome and RNA sequencing revealed a high concordance with the primary patient’s tumor profile, human leukocyte-antigen characteristics and specific metabolic pathway signatures. A detailed patient molecular characterization, including specific mutations prioritized in the clinical molecular tumor boards are provided. Ninety models were shared with the IMI2 ITCC Pediatric Preclinical Proof-of-concept Platform (IMI2 ITCC-P4) for further exploitation. This PDX biobank of unique recurrent childhood cancers provides an essential support for basic and translational research and treatments development in advanced pediatric malignancies.This work was supported by grants from Fondation Gustave Roussy; Fédération Enfants Cancers et Santé, Société Française de lutte contre les Cancers et les leucémies de l’Enfant et l’adolescent (SFCE), Association AREMIG and Thibault BRIET; Parrainage médecin-chercheur of Gustave Roussy; INSERM; Canceropôle Ile-de-France; Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer (Equipe labellisée); Fondation ARC for the European projects ERA-NET on Translational Cancer Research (TRANSCAN 2) Joint Transnational Call 2014 (JTC 2014) ‘Targeting Of Resistance in PEDiatric Oncology (TORPEDO)’, ERA-NET TRANSCAN JTC 2014 (TRAN201501238), and TRANSCAN JTC 2017 (TRANS201801292); Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-10-EQPX-03, Institut Curie Génomique d’Excellence (ICGex); IMI ITCC-P4; The Child Cancer Research Foundation (CCRF), Cancer Council Western Australia (CCWA); PAIR-Pédiatrie/CONECT-AML (INCa-ARC-LIGUE_11905 and Association Laurette Fugain), Ligue contre le cancer (Equipe labellisée, since 2016), OPALE Carnot institute; Dell; Fondation Bristol-Myers Squibb; Association Imagine for Margo; Association Manon Hope; L’Etoile de Martin; La Course de l’Espoir; M la vie avec Lisa; ADAM; Couleur Jade; Dans les pas du Géant; Courir pour Mathieu; Marabout de Ficelle; Olivier Chape; Les Bagouz à Manon; Association Hubert Gouin Enfance et Cancer; Les Amis de Claire; Kurt-und Senta Hermann Stiftung; Holcim Stiftung Wissen; Gertrud-Hagmann-Stiftung für Malignom-Forschung; Heidi Ras Grant Forschungszentrum fürs Kind; Children’s Liver Tumor European Research Network (ChiLTERN) EU H2020 projet (668596); Fundación FERO and the Rotary Clubs Barcelona Eixample, Barcelona Diagonal, Santa Coloma de Gramanet, München-Blutenburg, Sassella-Stiftung, Berger-Janser Stiftung and Krebsliga Zürich, Deutschland Gemeindienst e.V. and others from Barcelona and province, and No Limits Contra el Cáncer Infantil Association

    MEK and MCL-1 sequential inhibition synergize to enhance rhabdomyosarcoma treatment

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    Targeted agents have emerged as promising molecules for cancer treatment, but most of them fail to achieve complete tumor regression or attain durable remissions due to tumor adaptations. We used dynamic BH3 profiling to identify targeted agents effectiveness and anti-apoptotic adaptations upon targeted treatment in rhabdomyosarcoma. We focused on studying the use of BH3 mimetics to specifically inhibit pro-survival BCL-2 family proteins, overwhelm resistance to therapy and prevent relapse. We observed that the MEK1/2 inhibitor trametinib rapidly depleted the pro-apoptotic protein NOXA, thus increasing MCL-1 availability. Indeed, we found that the MCL-1 inhibitor S63845 synergistically enhanced trametinib cytotoxicity in rhabdomyosarcoma cells in vitro and in vivo. In conclusion, our findings indicate that the combination of a BH3 mimetic targeting MCL-1 with trametinib improves efficiency on rhabdomyosarcoma by blocking tumor adaptation to treatment

    Sequential combinations of chemotherapeutic agents with BH3 mimetics to treat rhabdomyosarcoma and avoid resistance

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    Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most common soft tissue sarcoma in childhood and adolescence. Refractory/relapsed RMS patients present a bad prognosis that combined with the lack of specific biomarkers impairs the development of new therapies. Here, we utilize dynamic BH3 profiling (DBP), a functional predictive biomarker that measures net changes in mitochondrial apoptotic signaling, to identify anti-apoptotic adaptations upon treatment. We employ this information to guide the use of BH3 mimetics to specifically inhibit BCL-2 pro-survival proteins, defeat resistance and avoid relapse. Indeed, we found that BH3 mimetics that selectively target anti-apoptotic BCL-xL and MCL-1, synergistically enhance the effect of clinically used chemotherapeutic agents vincristine and doxorubicin in RMS cells. We validated this strategy in vivo using a RMS patient-derived xenograft model and observed a reduction in tumor growth with a tendency to stabilization with the sequential combination of vincristine and the MCL-1 inhibitor S63845. We identified the molecular mechanism by which RMS cells acquire resistance to vincristine: an enhanced binding of BID and BAK to MCL-1 after drug exposure, which is suppressed by subsequently adding S63845. Our findings validate the use of DBP as a functional assay to predict treatment effectiveness in RMS and provide a rationale for combining BH3 mimetics with chemotherapeutic agents to avoid tumor resistance, improve treatment efficiency, and decrease undesired secondary effects

    Neurological Short-Term Outcomes of a Cohort of Children Born to Zika Virus-Infected Mothers in Barcelona

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    Zika virus infection; Microcephaly; NeonateInfección por el virus Zika; Microcefalia; NeonatoInfecció pel virus Zika; Microcefàlia; NounatZika virus (ZIKV) is a vector-borne flavivirus with a known teratogenic effect, yet the full spectrum has not been delineated. Studies on endemic areas tried to characterize the clinical outcomes of ZIKV intrauterine exposure. We aimed to describe early neurodevelopmental outcomes on prenatally ZIKV-exposed children in a non-endemic ZIKV area. This is a prospective observational cohort study conducted from May 2016 to December 2021 at Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. We monitored for up to 24 months 152 children extracted from a pregnant women cohort with suspected ZIKV infection; eleven women (11/150; 7.3%) fulfilled the criteria for a confirmed ZIKV infection. Among the 152 children included, we describe two cases of congenital ZIKV syndrome (CZS) born from women with a confirmed ZIKV infection. Additionally, we describe five cases of other potentially ZIKV-related outcomes (OPZROs), all with normal birth cranial circumference and born to women with probable ZIKV infection. The low exposed prevalence of adverse outcomes in asymptomatic children at birth in a non-endemic area suggests that close follow-up should be addressed by primary care pediatricians instead of pediatric specialists. Further studies are needed to assess the effects of ZIKV intrauterine exposure beyond two years of life.European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 734857 (ZIKAction)

    Zika Virus Infection in Tourists Travelling to Thailand : Case Series Report

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    Thailand is a popular tourist destination where Zika virus (ZIKV) transmission is currently active. To our knowledge, there are no reports of ZIKV infection imported from Thailand and affecting children. Here, we describe the clinical and microbiological findings in three cases of vector-borne ZIKV infection: An 11-year-old boy, a 2-year-old girl, and her pregnant mother, this last case leading to the prenatal exposure of her second baby to ZIKV in the second trimester of pregnancy. All patients were diagnosed after traveling to Thailand between September 2019 and January 2020. No complications were detected in any patient at follow-up, and the prenatally exposed fetus showed no abnormalities during intensive antenatal health care monitoring. On postnatal study, there were no clinical signs or microbiological findings of mother-to-child ZIKV transmission. ZIKV IgG was initially positive, but seroreversion occurred at 4 months of life. This report describes the clinical and serological evolution of vector-borne ZIKV infection occurring in dengue-naïve tourists returning from Thailand. The World Health Organization currently recommends that pre-travel advice to prevent arbovirus infection should be maintained in travelers to Southeast Asia

    Hedgehog Pathway Inhibition Hampers Sphere and Holoclone Formation in Rhabdomyosarcoma

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    Altres ajuts: This work was supported by grants from Institut Català d'Oncologia (ICO), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (RTICC-RD12/0036/0016 and RD12/0036/0027; PI11/00740 and PI14/00647), Fundació A. BOSCH, and ajuts predoctorals VHIR.Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most common type of soft tissue sarcoma in children and can be divided into two main subtypes: embryonal (eRMS) and alveolar (aRMS). Among the cellular heterogeneity of tumors, the existence of a small fraction of cells called cancer stem cells (CSC), thought to be responsible for the onset and propagation of cancer, has been demonstrated in some neoplasia. Although the existence of CSC has been reported for eRMS, their existence in aRMS, the most malignant subtype, has not been demonstrated to date. Given the lack of suitable markers to identify this subpopulation in aRMS, we used cancer stem cell-enriched supracellular structures (spheres and holoclones) to study this subpopulation. This strategy allowed us to demonstrate the capacity of both aRMS and eRMS cells to form these structures and retain self-renewal capacity. Furthermore, cells contained in spheres and holoclones showed significant Hedgehog pathway induction, the inhibition of which (pharmacologic or genetic) impairs the formation of both holoclones and spheres. Our findings point to a crucial role of this pathway in the maintenance of these structures and suggest that Hedgehog pathway targeting in CSC may have great potential in preventing local relapses and metastases