70 research outputs found

    The Mental Health of Combatants

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    The chapter deals with the theoretical, methodological, and practical aspects of combatants’ mental health as participants in hostilities, in the context of psychosocial environment characteristics and the transformation of personal characteristics in the process of stress service. The emerging situational and dynamic nosological and subclinical changes are described, which do not lead to social disintegration during the service. The study of the power structure of employees’ catamnesis for 10 years of service was conducted with an assessment of social adaptation to peaceful life from clinical and psychological positions. The efficiency of complex therapy for persons with post-traumatic stress disorder and adaptation disorders is estimated, and the features of the organization of stage-by-stage rehabilitation with a team poly-professional approach are described. The methods allowing to predict the formation of borderline mental disorders (BMD) in this contingent are offered. The directions of medical and psychological support of combatants with the creation of a fundamentally new diagnostic, psychoprophylactic structure—the Center of Mental Health—to improve the quality of psychological and psychiatric care and monitoring of participants of the fighting mental state are systematized

    Specialized computer systems for mathematical modeling of discrete point structures readout process

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    The paper describes the specialized software systems that have been used to solve difficult mathematical problems in digital images processing. The most important part of the work is the fact that software systems created in his study based on not numerical but analytical transformations. It allowed the researchers eventually obtain new mathematical formulas that are responsible for the reliability of the error-free images reading, and also find the way to their rigorous proof

    Prevention of Dementia Formation in Retired Combat Participants with a History of Traumatic Brain Injury

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    Background: A set of measures to prevent the formation of gross organic mental disorders in combat participants having traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an important public health task. This study aims to conduct a catamnestic survey of retired combat participants who possess a history of TBI to determine the directions of prevention of dementia formation. Methods: Seventy-one retired combatants were surveyed at the time of their retirement and three years after their retirement. Clinical and experimental psychological methods were used. To identify the dynamics of cognitive disorders, the Short Sample Test was used (in the adaptation of Vanderlick), and Kotenev’s Questionnaire of Traumatic Stress was used for post-stress disorders –. The catamnestic method was applied via the study of outpatient cards and using a social survey of retired combatants three years after their dismissal. Results: It was found that 47.8% of participants in combat operations had neurosis-like disorders with impaired emotions, 26.8% – organic emotional-labile disorder, 25.4% – organic personality disorder, 26.7% – alcohol abuse, and 25.4% were disabled due to mental illness. Three years after their dismissal, their cognitive abilities had a significant negative dynamic with a marked decrease in the integral indicator of intellectual activity; emotional disorders, and signs of psychosocial maladaptation were detected. Conclusion: A catamnestic analysis of the mental health of participants in combat operations with traumatic brain injury in their history showed the presence of adverse psychosocial trends, a fact that requires the development of measures to improve the effectiveness of complex inter-professional therapy and rehabilitation. To prevent the formation of deep mental disorders with severe cognitive impairment and dementia, it is necessary to develop and improve the regulatory legal and information base for organizing psychiatric care

    Self-Government Bodies in Russia: Formation and Development Policies

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    The article aims at studying the legal nature and essence of local self-government bodies in the Russian Federation as exemplified by the theoretical and legal comprehension of the historical aspects of forming local self-government bodies. The article uses the methods of induction and systemic scientific analysis, as well as comparative-legal and historical methods. The authors of the article proved that the implementation of the principles of local self-government in the Russian state apparatus became effective since it is based on objective economic, political and social prerequisites and conditions. As a result, all cities and rural settlements became municipalities.Keywords: Local self-government; Constitution; Municipal authority; Municipal structure; Human rights. Badan Pemerintahan Lokal di Rusia: Kebijakan Pembentukan dan Pengembangan AbstrakArtikel ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari sifat hukum dan esensi dari badan-badan Pemerintahan Lokal di Federasi Rusia, sebagaimana yang dicontohkan oleh pemahaman teoretis dan hukum dari aspek-aspek sejarah pembentukan badan-badan pemerintahan lokal sendiri. Artikel ini menggunakan metode induksi dan analisis ilmiah sistemik, serta metode komparatif-hukum dan historis. Penulis artikel membuktikan bahwa penerapan prinsip-prinsip pemerintahan lokal sendiri di aparatur negara Rusia menjadi efektif karena didasarkan pada prasyarat dan kondisi ekonomi, politik dan sosial yang objektif. Akibatnya, semua kota dan pemukiman pedesaan menjadi kotamadya.Kata Kunci: Pemerintahan Daerah Lokal; Konstitusi; Otoritas Kota; Struktur Kota; Hak Asasi Manusia.Органы местного самоуправления в России: Политика формирования и развития АннотацияСтатья направлена на изучение правовой природы и сущности органов местного самоуправления в Российской Федерации на примере теоретико-правового осмысления исторических аспектов формирования органов местного самоуправления. В статье используются методы индукции и системного научного анализа, а также сравнительно-правовой и исторический методы. Автор статьи доказал, что реализация принципов местного самоуправления в российском государственном аппарате стала эффективной, поскольку основывается на объективных экономических, политических и социальных предпосылках и условиях. В результате все города и сельские поселения стали муниципалитетами.Ключевые слова: Местное самоуправление; Конституция; Муниципальная власть; Муниципальное устройство; Права человека

    Multilevel Modeling of 1-3 Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Based ‎on Porous Piezoceramics

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    The paper presents a computer analysis of the properties of a piezoelectric composite consisting of porous piezoceramic rods regularly arranged in an elastic matrix (piezocomposite with a connectivity of 1-3). The porous piezoceramic PZT-4 is used based on porous piezoceramics as an active material. The calculation of material properties is carried out based on a multilevel approach. First, the effective moduli of porous piezoceramics are determined, and then a 1-3 piezocomposite with rods having the calculated homogeneous properties is analyzed. The simulation uses the homogenization method based on the Hill lemma and the finite element method, as well as approximate analytical models. The effective properties of 1-3 composite are determined for various percentages of porosity of piezoceramic rods, which are a composite of 3-0 connectivity. Calculations were performed in the software package ACELAN-COMPOS. The calculated properties are used in finite element models to evaluate the effectiveness of composite materials in sensors and energy harvesting devices. Two cases of stiffness of an isotropic matrix are considered, which correspond to the stiffness of a porous composite at 50% and 80% porosity. The electromechanical properties, such as electro-mechanical coupling coefficient and output potential, for different transducers models made from the proposed composite are analyzed

    Evidence for a Direct Harmful Effect of Alcohol on Myocardial Health: A Large Cross-Sectional Study of Consumption Patterns and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Biomarkers From Northwest Russia, 2015 to 2017.

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    Background Alcohol drinking is an increasingly recognized risk factor for cardiovascular disease. However, there are few studies of the impact of harmful and hazardous drinking on biomarkers of myocardial health. We conducted a study in Russia to investigate the impact of heavy drinking on biomarkers of cardiac damage and inflammation. Methods and Results The Know Your Heart study recruited a random sample of 2479 participants from the population of northwest Russia (general population) plus 278 patients (narcology clinic subsample) with alcohol problems. The general population sample was categorized into harmful drinkers, hazardous drinkers, nonproblem drinkers, and nondrinkers, according to self-reported level of alcohol consumption, whereas the narcology clinic sample was treated as the separate group in the analysis. Measurements were made of the following: (1) high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T, (2) NT-proBNP (N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide), and (3) hsCRP (high-sensitivity C-reactive protein). The narcology clinic subsample had the most extreme drinking pattern and the highest levels of all 3 biomarkers relative to nonproblem drinkers in the general population: high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T was elevated by 10.3% (95% CI, 3.7%-17.4%), NT-proBNP by 46.7% (95% CI, 26.8%-69.8%), and hsCRP by 69.2% (95% CI, 43%-100%). In the general population sample, NT-proBNP was 31.5% (95% CI, 3.4%-67.2%) higher among harmful drinkers compared with nonproblem drinkers. Overall, NT-proBNP and hsCRP increased with increasing intensity of alcohol exposure (test of trend P<0.001). Conclusions These results support the hypothesis that heavy alcohol drinking has an adverse effect on cardiac structure and function that may not be driven by atherosclerosis

    Features of Anesthesiologists-Reanimatologists’ Emotional States in Different COVID-19 Pandemic Periods in Russia

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most stressful events in recent times. Medical professionals, including anesthesiologists-reanimatologists, suffered the main blow in this difficult and stressful environment. Aims: This study aimed at identifying the features of anesthesiologists-reanimatologists’ emotional states in different COVID-19 pandemic periods. Methods: The study was conducted through an anonymous questionnaire among anesthesiologists-reanimatologists in two periods. In the First stage – which was carried out in May 2020 (during the first COVID-19 pan¬demic wave) – 58 anesthesiologists-reanimatologists in the Arkhangelsk region took part. During the Second segment – which took place in October 2020 (in the second COVID-19 pandemic wave) – 43 anesthesiologists-reanimatologists were examined. Repeated questioning was carried out among the same participants. Results: In October 2020, compared to May, the number of doctors who noted a high intensity of professional activity increased. Regardless of the study period, one-third of the subjects experienced constant pronounced anxiety. Anesthesiologists-reanimatologists, whose professional activity was directly related to the patients in COVID-19 care, noted a poorer emo¬tional state more frequently in October, accompanied by anxiety, depressed mood, irritability and a high burnout level, which may indicate a depletion of internal resources in this group. Conclusions: The study results showed that for anesthesiologists-reanimatologists, a further depletion of emotional resources accompanied the second pandemic wave. The anesthesiologists-reanimatologists’ emotional state was mediated by a number of social and gender factors, as well as specific labor organization features

    Reactive co-sputter deposition of nanostructured cermet anodes for solid oxide fuel cells

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    The impact of a nanostructured NiO/yttria-stabilized zirconia (NiO/YSZ) and NiO/gadolinia-doped ceria (NiO/GDC) anode functional layers on low- and intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) performance is investigated. NiO/YSZ and NiO/GDC thin films were reactively sputter-deposited by pulsed direct current magnetron sputtering from the Ni, Zr–Y, and Ce–Gd targets onto commercial NiO/YSZ substrates. Anode-supported SOFCs based on magnetron sputtered YSZ and GDC electrolytes (~4 µm) with and without the nanostructured anode layers are fabricated. A direct comparison of the YSZ- and GDC-based SOFCs in temperature range of 600–800 and 400–600 °C is made. The performance of cells with the nanostructured anode layers significantly increases as compared to that of the cell without it, especially at lower temperatures. Increase of cells performance was achieved by reduction of the total area-specific resistance by 26–30%

    Magnetron sputtered LSC thin films for solid oxide fuel cell application

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    In this study, La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-d (LSC) thin films were deposited by pulsed DC magnetron sputtering at oblique angle of the LSC target. The effect of post-annealing temperature in the range of 600-1000°C on the film crystalline structure was investigated. The phase composition, crystalline structure and surface morphology of the films were determined using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy, respectively. Anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) with bi-layered thin-film yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) / gadolinium-doped ceria (GDC) electrolyte and an LSC thin film interlayer were fabricated. Polarization curves were measured in the temperature range from 700 to 800°C. It was shown that the LSC interlayer improves SOFC power density. Our results demonstrate that magnetron sputtering provides a low-temperature synthesis route for realizing thin LSC films for intermediate-temperature SOFCs