306 research outputs found

    De la historia a la histeria. 'Las teorías salvajes' de Pola Oloixarac

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    Resumen Pola Oloixarac se presenta como paradigma de un nuevo escenario histórico y epistemológico en la concepción, escritura y lectura de la literatura argentina actual. Así en en este artículo hacemos un recorrido de la "historia" a la "histeria" de su ficción: desde el análisis de la historia reciente argentina, hasta la construcción y recepción de la (auto)figuración de la autora. Al mismo tiempo abordamos la pugna crítica entre fuerzas de tasación literaria que oscilan entre la promoción mercadotécnica y el aval de la doxa académica, y que tienen como eje central la imagen espectacularizada y la marca construída de y por Pola Oloixarac. Pola Oloixarac is presented as a paradigm of a new historical and epistemological scene in the way of thinking, reading and writing in today´s Argentinian literature. To do this, we go from "History" to "Hysteria": from the analysis of the recent Argentinian history, to the construction  and reception of the author´s autofiguration. It´s presented a critical shove between forces of literary appraisal, between marketing promotion and the endorsement of academic doxa, whose centerpiece of criticism is the spectacularized image, brand and logo of Oloixarac

    Red de aprendizaje en la universidad

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es la creación de una red social, en la asignatura Didáctica General del Grado de Pedagogía, adaptada a este ámbito del conocimiento y al contexto universitario, para permitir herramientas de comunicación e intercambio de información en tiempo real entre los estudiantes, las profesoras y compañeros/as de otras Facultades de Ciencias de la Educación españolas. Las redes sociales están adquiriendo una importancia extraordinaria, convirtiéndose en un nuevo fenómeno sociológico a escala global. Por este motivo, hemos querido incluirlas como metodología activa para el conocimiento de esta asignatura, además de ser un elemento motivador por la utilización que los estudiantes hacen de ellas en su vida cotidiana.This research is aimed to creating a social network for students of the course "General Didactics" in 1st year of Pedagogy; a network adapted to this field and to a university context, to provide a tool for real-time communication and information exchange between students, teachers and colleagues at other Spanish Education Schools. Social networks are taking an extraordinary importance, becoming a new sociological phenomenon at a global scale. That’s why we chose to include them as an active methodology for the study of this subject, besides being a motivating element given the use that students make of them in their daily life

    Direct Olive Oil Analysis

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    El impacto práctico del análisis directo es tan innegable como que el contribuye decisivamente a mejorar las denominadas características analíticas relacionadas con la productividad como la rapidez, la reducción de costes y la minimización de riesgos para los analistas y el ambiente. El principal objetivo es establecer un adecuado "bypass" a las operaciones convencionales preliminares del proceso analítico. Este artículo ofrece una propuesta sistemática en este contexto y resalta el gran campo de acción de las metodologías directas en los análisis de rutina del aceite de oliva. Se analizan los dos tipos principales de metodologías. Por una lado, se analiza la determinación directa de los compuestos volátiles. Por el otro, se presentan y discuten los procedimientos simples para implementar automáticamente las operaciones preliminares del análisis del aceite usando sistemas simples en los que la muestra se introduce directamente con/sin una dilución simpleThe practical impact of “direct analysis” is undeniable as it strong contributes to enhance the so-called productive analytical features such as expeditiousness, reduction of costs and minimisation of risks for the analysts and environment. The main objective is to establish a reliable bypass to the conventional preliminary operations of the analytical process. This paper offers a systematic approach in this context and emphasises the great field of action of direct methodologies in the routine analysis of olive oil. Two main types of methodologies are considered. On the one hand, the direct determination of volatile components is systematically considered. On the other hand, simple procedures to automatically implement the preliminary operations of the oil analysis using simple devices in which the sample is directly introduced with/without a simple dilution are present and discusse

    Conociendo cocinando : un análisis socio-ecológico de los conocimientos de la cocina y su articulación al turismo en Isla Fuerte (Bolívar)

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    La tesis aborda las cocinas como recurso etnográfico y punto de entrada para la comprensión de las transformaciones socio-ecológicas que han ocurrido en torno al agua y a la tierra en Isla Fuerte (Bolívar) a partir del desarrollo de iniciativas turísticas. La investigación parte de una estrategia de análisis que asume la cocina como punto de partida que trasciende el ámbito estrictamente alimenticio, para concebirla como un elemento relacional y de sinergia entre diversas dimensiones ecológicas, políticas, sociales y económicas de la vida cotidiana de las y los isleños. La tesis se inscribe dentro del campo de la ecología política, se ancla dentro de las lecturas críticas sobre el turismo y aborda las cocinas desde discusiones que retoman algunos argumentos centrales desarrollados en la antropología de la alimentación.The thesis deals with kitchens as an ethnographic resource and point of entry for the understanding of socio-ecological transformations that have occurred around water and land in Isla Fuerte (Bolívar) from the development of tourism initiatives. The research is based on a strategy of analysis that assumes the kitchen as a starting point that transcends the strictly alimentary scope, to conceive it as a relational element and of synergy between diverse ecological, political, social and economic dimensions of the daily life of the Islanders. The thesis is part of the field of political ecology, is anchored in the critical readings on tourism and addresses the kitchens from discussions that take up some central arguments developed in the anthropology of food.Antropólogo (a)Pregrad

    La evaluación a partir de un perfil de competencias

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    El estudio que nos planteamos pretendía realizar un análisis del perfil de competencias para poder evaluar de forma cualitativa y cuantitativa cada una de las capacidades genéricas que se pretenden desarrollar en la asignatura de Didáctica General, en el curso primero del Grado de Pedagogía, de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación en la Universidad de Sevilla. Nos plantemos la necesidad de diseñar instrumentos que nos ayuden a evaluar capacidades de forma objetiva y precisa. Hasta ahora la evaluación se ha centrado en los conocimientos que se han valorado como cualidad o cantidad con diferentes instrumentos, pero nos encontramos con la dificultad de evaluar el desarrollo de esas capacidades que nos planteamos en cada uno de nuestros proyectos docentes y de la que no tenemos tradición ni experiencia.This study intended to make an analysis about the profile of competences to assess qualitatively and quantitatively each of generic abilities that are to be developed in the course of General Didactics in the first year of Pedagogy Degree, Faculty Science Education at the University of Seville. We considered the need to design instruments that help us assess abilities objectively and accurately. So far the assessment has focused on knowledge that has been valued as a quality or quantity with different instruments, but we find difficulties to assessment the development of those abilities which we set in each of our educational projects and we don’t have tradition and experience

    The chair of food Banks UPM as a tool of raising awareness and promoting a culture of rational food comsumption

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    The Chair of Food Banks UPM arises from a cooperation agreement between the Spanish Federation of Food Banks (FESBAL) and the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), with the aim of raising awareness and promoting rational food consumption to avoid food waste, through activities of training, transfer of knowledge and promotion of I+D+i. The aim of this paper is to reflect on the activities carried out during the first year in order to obtain learning lessons and improve the management of activities and resources

    The Use of Digital Portfolio in Higher Education before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This study is focused on the advantages and disadvantages of using a digital portfolio to improve the learning and evaluation processes in the initial teacher training of 4th-year students in the University of Seville (Spain). One of the interests of this research was to compare the learning capacities perceived by the students to improve their learning process before and during the COVID 19 pandemic. A qualitative, descriptive methodology was applied, identifying the most relevant dimensions, categories and codes for the analysis, management and interpretation of the opinions of the students, with a research triangulation (Cohen’s kappa coefficient) and a coding performed using the ATLAS.ti 8.4 software. The results show that the advantages with greater percentage correspond to the following categories: learning, usefulness of OneDrive, autonomy and evaluation. The greatest disadvantages detected were: time, uncertainty, usefulness of OneDrive and autonomy. There are differences in the perceptions of the students, between before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, about the learning capacities developed with the use of digital portfolio, since they consider that they have acquired more significant learning, greater self-regulation of their learning and greater reflection capacity

    Cribado de alto rendimiento (hts) de una librería de pequeñas moléculas para la identificación de moléculas anti-EBOV

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    Motivation: Ebola virus (EBOV) is considered as the prototypical pathogen of viral hemorrhagic fever, causing severe disease and mortality rates as high as 90%. The implementation of different High-Throughput Screening systems to avoid the use of BSL-4 facilities will promote the generation of lead molecules and so the development of new therapeutics for EBOV within the next few years. The goals of the present project are directed to the discovery of new antiviral drugs against EBOV by using HTS of different libraries of small compounds, some of which have previously been an excellent source of potent antiviral compounds, by the use of a retroviral pseudotype particle (pEBOV-GFP) carrying the EBOV glycoprotein (GP).  Methods: Retroviral pseudotypes were generated by the transfection with the HIV gag-pol plasmid, pCMV-Δ8.91, the EBOV GP expression construct, pCAGGS-EBOV, and the green fluorescence protein (GFP) reporter construct, pCSGW at a ratio of 1.1:0.5:0.75 (core:envelope:reporter). At we carryed out at the IBiS the screening of different libraries of small compounds of different nature. The libraries of small compounds to be screened were synthesized by: i) the Medicinal Chemistry Institute of Madrid (IQM-CSIC), ii) the Unit of Molecular Chemistry and Pharmacology of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine of Barcelona (IRB), and iii) the Group of Organic Chemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Seville. Antiviral activivity was evaluated by pEBOV-mediated GFP expression.  Results: After the evaluation of 60 compounds, only compounds 4, 10, 17, 23, 33, 34, 125, 126, 279, 284, 298, 372, 385, 414 and 42 showed a significant (> 50%) inhibition of pEBOV-GFP entry (50 µM), presenting values of cytotoxicity (CC50) greater than 100 mM, therefore considered safe. Compounds 21, 371, 82, despite showing optimal inhibition percentages at 50 µM, presented CC50 values lower than our 100 µM threshold and because of that they were excluded from further evaluations. Conclusions: Although the antiviral activity of molecules identified by these system has to be confirmed against the wild-type EBOV, it is a useful tool to identify anti-EBOV candidates that also solves the necessity of work in BSL-4 facilities. Compounds identified in this work could potentially represent strong hit compounds for the development of a treatment for the EBOV disease

    A Role for Zinc in Plant Defense Against Pathogens and Herbivores

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    Pests and diseases pose a threat to food security, which is nowadays aggravated by climate change and globalization. In this context, agricultural policies demand innovative approaches to more effectively manage resources and overcome the ecological issues raised by intensive farming. Optimization of plant mineral nutrition is a sustainable approach to ameliorate crop health and yield. Zinc is a micronutrient essential for all living organisms with a key role in growth, development, and defense. Competition for Zn affects the outcome of the host-attacker interaction in both plant and animal systems. In this review, we provide a clear framework of the different strategies involving low and high Zn concentrations launched by plants to fight their enemies. After briefly introducing the most relevant macro- and micronutrients for plant defense, the functions of Zn in plant protection are summarized with special emphasis on superoxide dismutases (SODs) and zinc finger proteins. Following, we cover recent meaningful studies identifying Zn-related passive and active mechanisms for plant protection. Finally, Zn-based strategies evolved by pathogens and pests to counteract plant defenses are discussed

    An Educational Framework in Digital Rights and Responsibilities for Young Entrepreneurs

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    A strong link currently exists between entrepreneurship and use of technology and the Internet, primarily because young people increasingly use digital and online strategies to start and develop entrepreneurial initiatives. The goal of this document analysis is to propose a reference framework for digital rights in youth entrepreneurship based on selection and analysis of 20 documents with legislation, regulations, and reports that focus on guaranteeing safe, responsible digital environments. The study resulted in a framework for connecting digital rights and responsibilities with young entrepreneurs, based on three main points: rights to equality and participation; rights to freedom; and rights to development, creation, and sustainability. In addition to including concepts, practices, and applications in young people’s initiatives, the framework is useful for educating young entrepreneurs, guiding future research, and helping public administrations to promote the guarantee of digital rights and responsibilities for all.Funding for Open Access Charge: School-Centered Teacher Education Research Group (FORCE HUM-386 Research Group)/Department of Didactics and School Organization (University of Granada, Spain).European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2014-2020 Operational Program/Andalusian Government/Department of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities/Project A.SEJ.46.UGR2