3,660 research outputs found

    Oral Melanoma: Histopathological and Molecular Alterations

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    Failler Albert. Benjamin Moulet, Évêques, pouvoir et société à Byzance (VIIIe-XIe siècle). Territoires, communautés et individus dans la société provinciale byzantine (Byzantina Sorbonensia 25), 2011. In: Revue des études byzantines, tome 70, 2012. pp. 303-305

    The challenges of business tourism with the greater digitisation of economic activity

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    Tudo apontava para que 2020 fosse um ano de forte crescimento do turismo a nível mundial, incluindo em Portugal. O seu contributo para o desenvolvimento económico e social dos países é muito elevado. Nos últimos anos, Portugal investiu muito nesta indústria, criando infraestruturas de qualidade para responder à procura. O retorno, em termos de receitas e empregos criados, tem sido elevado. Em 2019, representou cerca de 9% do produto interno bruto e foi responsável por 336.800 empregos apenas nas áreas de catering, alojamento e agência de viagens. Mas, de forma inesperada, no final de 2019, surgiu um vírus, causador da doença Covid-19, que quase paralisou o mundo e alterou a forma como trabalhamos e vivemos, e talvez tenha mudado para sempre a indústria do turismo e outras. Com a pandemia, boa parte do setor do turismo ficou suspenso. De acordo com o Instituto Nacional de Estatística, no segundo trimestre de 2020, no setor do alojamento turístico as dormidas totais recuaram 92,5%. Um dos seguementos com crescente peso na economia nacional, o do turismo de negócios, foi dos mais atingidos, e poderá ser o que demorará mais tempo a recuperar. Trata-se de um subsetor que vive de pequenos e grandes eventos, como congressos, conferências e feiras, muitos deles com dimensão internacional, basta lembrarmo-nos da Web Summit. Contribui fortemente para a divulgação da imagem do país, incluindo como destino de lazer, compensando a sazonalidade de outras ofertas, nomeadamente a de sol e praia. O Turismo de negócios é o tema que será desenvolvido nesta dissertação, procurando perceber como poderá evoluir a curto e médio prazo. Uma tarefa difícil dada a elevada incerteza sobre a capacidade de controlo da pandemia, nomeadamente através do uso generalizado de vacinas. Ainda assim, é possível identificar algumas tentativas para dar a volta à atual crise.Everything pointed out that 2020 was a year of strong growth in tourism worldwide, including Portugal. The contribution of this sector to the economic and social development of countries is very high. In recent years, Portugal has invested a lot in this industry, creating quality infrastructure to meet demand. The return, in terms of revenues raised and jobs created, has been high. In 2019, it accounted for about 9% of gross domestic product and contributed for 336,800 jobs in catering, accommodation and travel agencies. However, unexpectedly, at the end of 2019, a virus emerged, causing the disease Covid-19, which almost paralyzed the world and changed the way we work and live, and perhaps changed forever the tourism industry and others. With the pandemic, much of the tourism sector has been suspended. According to Instituto Nacional de Estatística, in the second quarter of 2020, in the tourism accommodation sector total number of nights fell by 92.5%. One of the increasingly essential segments in the national economy, business tourism, was one of the hardest hits, and may be the one that will take longer to recover. It is a subsector that lives on small and large events, such as congresses, conferences and fairs, many of them with an international dimension, just remember the Web Summit. It contributes strongly to the dissemination of the image of the country, including as a leisure destination and others, offsetting the seasonality of other offerings, namely sun and beach. Business tourism is the theme that is going to be developed in this dissertation, trying to understand how it can evolve in the short and medium-term. A difficult task given the high uncertainty about the ability to control the pandemic, notably through the widespread use of vaccines. Still, it is possible to identify some attempts to turn around the current crisis

    UK pension funds : fund portfolio performance analysis

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    Mestrado em Mathematical FinanceNo UK, indivíduos recebem uma pensão após a reforma, ou se falecer sua/seu esposa/o. Esta pode ser oferecida pelo estado, mas um dos casos mais comuns é; as pessoas recebem-na do seu fundo de pensão ocupacional (derivado do seu caminho de trabalho). Este tipo de pensão é fornecido pelo empregador e acumula benefícios que irão gerar o salário do empregado após a reforma. Para financiar as pensões, os empregadores devem criar um portfólio de investimento, que inclui diversos fundos e classes de ativos (alguns que pretendem gerar maiores retornos, assumindo maiores riscos, e outros que pretendem gerar retornos seguros, mas mais baixos). De modo a monitorizar o desempenho destes fundos, com o fim de entender se está a ser feita uma gestão adequada dos mesmos, é necessário ter em conta os seguintes fatores: gestão de risco, alocação dentro das diferentes classes de fundos e seleção de fundos. Para este efeito é utilizado o método de analise de atribuição, que nos diz o valor que foi adicionado ao portfolio proveniente das decisões do gestor. No atual período de pandemia, que afetou os mercados financeiros de forma considerável, o estudo desenvolvido neste projeto, visa perceber qual foi o impacto desta situação em quatro portfolios diferentes, com diferentes estratégias de investimento, e maioritariamente estudar as diferentes posições que foram assumidas pelos diferentes gestores, com o objetivo de manter a estabilidade do desempenho dos portfolios depois da grande queda dos mercados que se deu com o fecho da economia no inicio de 2020.In the UK, individuals receive a pension after their retirement or their spouse's death. This pension can be provided by the state, but one of the most common cases is that people will receive it from their occupational pension fund (in result of their work path). This type of pension is sponsored by the employer and it accumulates benefits that will generate the income of a person after their retirement. To fund the pensions of the employees, employers need to create investment portfolios, that include different funds and asset classes (some seek higher growth while assuming higher risk, and others seek guaranteed, but lower returns). To monitor the performance of these portfolios and understand if the management is being done efficiently, one needs to take into consideration: risk management, asset allocation and selection decisions. For this effect, we use the attribution analysis method, which tells us the value that has been added to the portfolio by the active management decisions. In a period of pandemic, that affected the financial markets considerably, the study practiced in this project, aims to understand what was the impact of the situation in four different portfolios, with different investment strategies, and mainly to study the different positions that were assumed by the different managers, in order to keep the portfolios stability after the rough market crash that came with the economic shutdown in the beginning of 2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Zooarchaeological evidence from the Iron Age site of Castro da Azougada (Moura, Portugal)

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    This paper presents the zooarchaeological results from the 2016 excavation in Castro da Azougada (Moura, Portugal). The latter is a well preserved site dated from the 5th and 4th centuries BC, and it is a key element for the understanding of the Iron Age occupation of Baixo Alentejo. Castro da Azougada was first excavated in the 1940s by Fragoso de Lima and Manuel Heleno, and only revisited in September 2016 when it was recovered an assemblage of archaeological materials including pottery, metals, lithics, bones and shells from Iron Age levels. The faunal assemblage is composed by 632 remains of mammals, shells and fish. Mammals are the best represented but the high fragmentation of the remains allows species identification of only a few fragments. They reveal a local rural economy including domesticated species, such as cattle and caprids. Red deer is also present, even though it is hard to determine if it was hunted by local people or acquired by commercial exchanges. The exploitation of the local rivers Guadiana and Ardila is confirmed by the presence of freshwater shells (Unio delphinus and Potomida littoralis); whereas trading activity with the country’s littoral is revealed by the identification of saltwater shells (cf. Ruditapes sp.) and fragments of marine fish bones (probably from the shark family). To sum up, zooarchaeological evidence shows an inland Iron Age site characterised by herding and local fishing activities, with diets including wild game and complemented by coastal resources obtained by trading.Neste estudo apresentam-se os resultados da análise dos restos faunísticos recuperados em 2016 na escavação arqueológica do Castro da Azougada (Moura, Portugal). O sítio apresenta uma cronologia que aponta para os séculos V–IV a.C. e que, pelo seu grau de conservação, consiste num elemento importante para a compreensão da Idade do Ferro no Baixo Alentejo. Inicialmente escavado na década de 1940 por Fragoso Lima e Manuel Heleno, o Castro da Azougada voltou a ser intervencionado em setembro de 2016 recuperando-se um conjunto de materiais arqueológicos, nos quais se incluem cerâmicas, metais, líticos e um conjunto de faunas da Idade do Ferro. O conjunto faunístico é constituído por 632 restos de fauna mamalógica, malacológica e ictiológica. A coleção mamalógica é a mais representativa, mas o elevado grau de fragmentação possibilitou apenas a identificação de alguns restos. Estes indicam a exploração de uma economia local bastante ruralizada, onde se incluem espécies domésticas, como o gado bovino e ovicaprino. A presença de espécies selvagens está também confirmada pelas evidências de veado, embora o seu modo de aquisição seja ainda desconhecido, se por atividades de caça locais ou por trocas comerciais. Foram também recuperados restos de conchas fluviais (Unio delphinus e Potomida littoralis), que apontam para uma exploração dos recursos dos rios Guadiana e Ardila. A presença de fragmentos de malacofauna marinha (cf. Ruditapes sp.) e de fragmentos de espinhas de peixe de espécies também marinhas (possivelmente da família dos tubarões) é reveladora de relações comerciais com o litoral. Os dados faunísticos apontam assim para um sítio de características rurais, pelo menos em parte dedicado à exploração dos recursos agropecuários e fluviais do território em que se implanta, revelando alguns indícios de ligações comerciais com o litoral.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of antibacterial activity of caffeic acid encapsulated by -cyclodextrins

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    Context: Caffeic acid is described as antibacterial, but this bioactive molecule has some issues regarding solubility and stability to environmental stress. Thus, encapsulation devices are required. Objective: The aim of this work was to study the effect of the caffeic acid encapsulation by cyclodextrins on its antibacterial activity. Materials and methods: The interactions between the caffeic acid and three cyclodextrins (-cyclodextrin (CD), 2-hydroxypropyl--cyclodextrin (HPCD) and methyl--cyclodextrin were study. Results and discussion: The formation of an aqueous soluble inclusion complex was confirmed for CD and HPCD with a 1:1 stoichiometry. The CD/caffeic acid complex showed higher stability than HPCD/caffeic acid. Caffeic acid antibacterial activity was similar at pH 3 and pH 5 against the three bacteria (K. pneumoniae, S. epidermidis and S. aureus). Conclusions: The antibacterial activity of the inclusion complexes was described here for the first time and it was shown that the caffeic acid activity was remarkably enhanced by the cyclodextrins encapsulation.The authors have declared no conflict of interests. The authors are grateful for the FCT Strategic Project PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/ 2013 and the Project ‘‘BioHealth – Biotechnology and Bioengineering approaches to improve health quality,’’ Ref. NORTE-07–0124-FEDER-000027, co-funded by the ‘‘Programa Operacional Regional do Norte’’ (ON.2 – O Novo Norte), QREN, FEDER. The authors also acknowledge the project ‘‘Consolidating Research Expertise and Resources on Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology at CEB/IBB’’, Ref. FCOMP-01– 0124-FEDER-027462. This work is, also, funded by FEDER funds through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors - COMPETE and National Funds through FCT Foundation for Science and Technology under the project PEstC/CTM/UI0264/2011. Additionally, the authors would like to thank the FCT for the grant for E. Pinho (SFRH/BD/62665/2009)

    Police Officers’ perspectives on state (police) violence: a sociomoral and psychological-driven study on disengagement

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    This paper comprises a theoretical and empirical incursion into the phenomenon of state violence, namely police violence. Although extensively explored in different perspectives within and outside academia, police violence is complex and has not been sufficiently problematized yet. In our understanding, this phenomenon requires a dialectical and dynamic discussion wherein both the development of state powers (macro-perspective) and how these powers affect the subjectification of those who act on their behalf (micro-perspective) are articulated into a critical analysis. In more concrete terms, the present study contributes to such analysis by shedding light on the main processes of moral disengagement (cf. Bandura, 1990, 1999, 2004) disclosed in the internal perspectives of six Portuguese police officers about common daily work-related situations. To legitimize the resort to police violence, police officers rely heavily on different mechanisms of moral disengagement. For instance, sanitizing language (anchored in a police technical jargon) is typically used as a linguistic mechanism to disguise violent actions; advantageous comparisons with other law enforcement agencies or with the recipient’s conduct are typically employed; non-lethal violence is usually minimized and portrayed as innocuous; and the recipient of violence is usually dehumanised and seen as responsible for the acts of violence. The findings are discussed based on the moral disengagement theory (Bandura, 1990, 1999, 2004); on the denial approach (Cohen, 2001, 2003); and on the impact of organizational, legal and socio-cultural dimensions of police organization (e.g., Fassin, 2011; Huggins, Haritos-Fatouros, & Zimbardo, 2002).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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