1,539 research outputs found

    The history of stellar metallicity in a simulated disc galaxy

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    We explore the chemical distribution of stars in a simulated galaxy. Using simulations of the same initial conditions but with two different feedback schemes (McMaster Unbiased Galaxy Simulations – MUGS – and Making Galaxies in a Cosmological Context – MaGICC), we examine the features of the age–metallicity relation (AMR), and the three-dimensional age– [Fe/H]–[O/Fe] distribution, both for the galaxy as a whole and decomposed into disc, bulge, halo and satellites. The MUGS simulation, which uses traditional supernova feedback, is replete with chemical substructure. This substructure is absent from the MaGICC simulation, which includes early feedback from stellar winds, a modified initial mass function and more efficient feedback. The reduced amount of substructure is due to the almost complete lack of satellites in MaGICC. We identify a significant separation between the bulge and disc AMRs, where the bulge is considerably more metal-rich with a smaller spread in metallicity at any given time than the disc. Our results suggest, however, that identifying the substructure in observations will require exquisite age resolution, of the order of 0.25 Gyr. Certain satellites show exotic features in the AMR, even forming a ‘sawtooth’ shape of increasing metallicity followed by sharp declines which correspond to pericentric passages. This fact, along with the large spread in stellar age at a given metallicity, compromises the use of metallicity as an age indicator, although alpha abundance provides a more robust clock at early times. This may also impact algorithms that are used to reconstruct star formation histories from resolved stellar populations, which frequently assume a monotonically increasing AMR

    A model for the operation of perovskite based hybrid solar cells:formation, analysis and comparison to experiment

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    This work is concerned with the modeling of perovskite based hybrid solar cells formed by sandwiching a slab of organic lead halide perovskite (CH3NH3PbI3?xClx) photo-absorber between (n-type) acceptor and (p-type) donor materials—typically titanium dioxide and spiro. A model for the electrical behavior of these cells is formulated based on drift-diffusion equations for the motion of the charge carriers and Poisson’s equation for the electric potential. It is closed by (i) internal interface conditions accounting for charge recombination/generation and jumps in charge carrier densities arising from differences in the electron affinity/ionization potential between the materials and (ii) ohmic boundary conditions on the contacts. The model is analyzed by using a combination of asymptotic and numerical techniques. This leads to an approximate—yet highly accurate—expression for the current-voltage relationship as a function of the solar induced photo- current. In addition, we show that this approximate current-voltage relation can be interpreted as an equivalent circuit model consisting of three diodes, a resistor, and a current source. For sufficiently small biases the device’s behavior is diodic and the current is limited by the recombination at the internal interfaces, whereas for sufficiently large biases the device acts like a resistor and the current is dictated by the ohmic dissipation in the acceptor and donor. The results of the model are also compared to experimental current-voltage curves, and good agreement is shown

    Evidence and implications for exciton dissociation in lead halide perovskites

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    We have employed ultrafast transient-grating and two- dimensional electronic spectroscopy to probe dynamics of photo-excited CH3NH3PbI3 thin films with 16-fs temporal resolution. We distinctly capture the 30-fs decay of excitons, weakly coupled to the phonons

    On the spacing distribution of the Riemann zeros: corrections to the asymptotic result

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    It has been conjectured that the statistical properties of zeros of the Riemann zeta function near z = 1/2 + \ui E tend, as E→∞E \to \infty, to the distribution of eigenvalues of large random matrices from the Unitary Ensemble. At finite EE numerical results show that the nearest-neighbour spacing distribution presents deviations with respect to the conjectured asymptotic form. We give here arguments indicating that to leading order these deviations are the same as those of unitary random matrices of finite dimension Neff=log⁥(E/2π)/12ΛN_{\rm eff}=\log(E/2\pi)/\sqrt{12 \Lambda}, where Λ=1.57314...\Lambda=1.57314 ... is a well defined constant.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure
