294 research outputs found

    Severe dolichoectasia of the intracranial arteries

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    A non-LTE abundance analysis of the post-AGB star ROA 5701

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    An analysis of high-resolution Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT)/ University College London Echelle Spectrograph (UCLES) optical spectra for the ultraviolet (UV)-bright star ROA 5701 in the globular cluster omega Cen (NGC 5139) is performed, using non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) model atmospheres to estimate stellar atmospheric parameters and chemical composition. Abundances are derived for C, N, O, Mg, Si and S, and compared with those found previously by Moehler et al. We find a general metal underabundance relative to young B-type stars, consistent with the average metallicity of the cluster. Our results indicate that ROA 5701 has not undergone a gas-dust separation scenario as previously suggested. However, its abundance pattern does imply that ROA 5701 has evolved off the AGB prior to the onset of the third dredge-up.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS (Online Early

    Elevating crop disease resistance with cloned genes

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    Essentially all plant species exhibit heritable genetic variation for resistance to a variety of plant diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, oomycetes or viruses. Disease losses in crop monocultures are already significant, and would be greater but for applications of disease-controlling agrichemicals. For sustainable intensification of crop production, we argue that disease control should as far as possible be achieved using genetics rather than using costly recurrent chemical sprays. The latter imply CO2 emissions from diesel fuel and potential soil compaction from tractor journeys. Great progress has been made in the past 25 years in our understanding of the molecular basis of plant disease resistance mechanisms, and of how pathogens circumvent them. These insights can inform more sophisticated approaches to elevating disease resistance in crops that help us tip the evolutionary balance in favour of the crop and away from the pathogen. We illustrate this theme with an account of a genetically modified (GM) blight-resistant potato trial in Norwich, using the Rpi-vnt1.1 gene isolated from a wild relative of potato, Solanum venturii, and introduced by GM methods into the potato variety Desiree

    The Origin of B-Type Runaway Stars: Non-LTE Abundances as a Diagnostic

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    There are two accepted mechanisms to explain the origin of runaway OB-type stars: the Binary Supernova Scenario (BSS), and the Cluster Ejection Scenario (CES). In the former, a supernova explosion within a close binary ejects the secondary star, while in the latter close multi-body interactions in a dense cluster cause one or more of the stars to be ejected from the region at high velocity. Both mechanisms have the potential to affect the surface composition of the runaway star. TLUSTY non-LTE model atmosphere calculations have been used to determine atmospheric parameters and carbon, nitrogen, magnesium and silicon abundances for a sample of B-type runaways. These same analytical tools were used by Hunter et al. (2009) for their analysis of 50 B-type open cluster Galactic stars (i.e. non-runaways). Effective temperatures were deduced using the silicon-ionization balance technique, surface gravities from Balmer line profiles and microturbulent velocities derived using the Si spectrum. The runaways show no obvious abundance anomalies when compared with stars in the open clusters. The runaways do show a spread in composition which almost certainly reflects the Galactic abundance gradient and a range in the birthplaces of the runaways in the Galactic disk. Since the observed Galactic abundance gradients of C, N, Mg and Si are of a similar magnitude, the abundance ratios (e.g., N/Mg) are, as obtained, essentially uniform across the sample

    CaII K observations of QSOs in the line-of-sight to the Magellanic Bridge

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    We describe medium-resolution spectroscopic observations taken with the ESO Multi-Mode Instrument in the CaII K line (3933.661 Angstroms) towards 7 QSOs located in the line-of-sight to the Magellanic Bridge. At a spectral resolution R = 6,000, five of the sightlines have a signal-to-noise ratio of 20 or higher. Definite Ca absorption due to Bridge material is detected towards 3 objects, with probable detection towards two other sightlines. Gas-phase CaII K Bridge and Milky Way abundances or lower limits for the all sightlines are estimated by the use of Parkes 21-cm HI emission line data. These data only have a spatial resolution of 14 arcminutes compared with the optical observations which have milli-arcsecond resolution. With this caveat, for the three objects with sound CaII K detections, we find that the ionic abundance of CaII K relative to HI, A=log(N(CaK)/N(HI)) for low-velocity Galactic gas ranges from -8.3 to -8.8 dex, with HI column densities varying from 3-6x10^20 cm^-2. For Magellanic Bridge gas, the values of A are 0.5 dex higher, ranging from -7.8 to -8.2 dex, with N(HI)=1-5x10^20 cm^-2. Higher values of A correspond to lower values of N(HI), although numbers are small. For the sightline towards B0251--675, the Bridge gas has two different velocities, and in only one of these is CaII K tentatively detected, perhaps indicating gas of a different origin or present-day characteristics (such as dust content), although this conclusion is uncertain and there is the possibility that one of the components could be related to the Magellanic Stream. Higher signal-to-noise CaII K data and higher resolution HI data are required to determine whether A changes with N(HI) over the Bridge and if the implied difference in the metalicity of the two Bridge components towards B0251-675 is real.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres

    FUSE Observations of the Magellanic Bridge Gas toward Two Early-Type Stars: Molecules, Physical Conditions, and Relative Abundance

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    We discuss FUSE observations of two early-type stars, DI1388 and DGIK975, in the low density and low metallicity gas of Magellanic Bridge (MB). Toward DI1388, the FUSE observations show molecular hydrogen, O VI, and numerous other atomic or ionic transitions in absorption, implying the presence of multiple gas phases in a complex arrangement. The relative abundance pattern in the MB is attributed to varying degrees of depletion onto dust similar to that of halo clouds. The N/O ratio is near solar, much higher than N/O in damped Ly-alpha systems, implying subsequent stellar processing to explain the origin of nitrogen in the MB. The diffuse molecular cloud in this direction has a low column density and low molecular fraction. H2 is observed in both the Magellanic Stream and the MB, yet massive stars form only in the MB, implying significantly different physical processes between them. In the MB some of the H2 could have been pulled out from the SMC via tidal interaction, but some also could have formed in situ in dense clouds where star formation might have taken place. Toward DGIK975, the presence of neutral, weakly and highly ionized species suggest that this sight line has also several complex gas phases. The highly ionized species of O VI, C IV, and Si IV toward both stars have very broad features, indicating that multiple components of hot gas at different velocities are present. Several sources (a combination of turbulent mixing layer, conductive heating, and cooling flows) may be contributing to the production of the highly ionized gas in the MB. Finally, this study has confirmed previous results that the high-velocity cloud HVC 291.5-41.2+80 is mainly ionized composed of weakly and highly ions. The high ion ratios are consistent with a radiatively cooling gas in a fountain flow model.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ (October 10, 2002). Added reference (Gibson et al. 2000

    Metallicity and Physical Conditions in the Magellanic Bridge

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    We present a new analysis of the diffuse gas in the Magellanic Bridge (RA>3h) based on HST/STIS E140M and FUSE spectra of 2 early-type stars lying within the Bridge and a QSO behind it. We derive the column densities of HI (from Ly\alpha), NI, OI, ArI, SiII, SII, and FeII of the gas in the Bridge. Using the atomic species, we determine the first gas-phase metallicity of the Magellanic Bridge, [Z/H]=-1.02+/-0.07 toward one sightline, and -1.7<[Z/H]<-0.9 toward the other one, a factor 2 or more smaller than the present-day SMC metallicity. Using the metallicity and N(HI), we show that the Bridge gas along our three lines of sight is ~70-90% ionized, despite high HI columns, logN(HI)=19.6-20.1. Possible sources for the ongoing ionization are certainly the hot stars within the Bridge, hot gas (revealed by OVI absorption), and leaking photons from the SMC and LMC. From the analysis of CII*, we deduce that the overall density of the Bridge must be low (<0.03-0.1 cm^-3). We argue that our findings combined with other recent observational results should motivate new models of the evolution of the SMC-LMC-Galaxy system.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Ap

    Making FORS2 fit for exoplanet observations (again)

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    For about three years, it was known that precision spectrophotometry with FORS2 suffered from systematic errors that made quantitative observations of planetary transits impossible. We identified the Longitudinal Atmospheric Dispersion Compensator (LADC) as the most likely culprit, and therefore engaged in a project to exchange the LADC prisms with the uncoated ones from FORS1. This led to a significant improvement in the depth of FORS2 zero points, a reduction in the systematic noise, and should make FORS2 again competitive for transmission spectroscopy of exoplanets.Comment: To appear in the March issue of the ESO Messenge

    Multiwavelength observations of the M15 intermediate velocity cloud

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    We present Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope HI images, Lovell Telescope multibeam HI wide-field mapping, Wisconsin H-alpha Mapper facility images, William Herschel Telescope longslit echelle CaII observations, and IRAS ISSA 60 and 100 micron coadded images towards the intermediate velocity cloud located in the general direction of the M15 globular cluster. When combined with previously-published Arecibo data, the HI gas in the IVC is found to be clumpy, with peak HI column density of 1.5x10^(20) cm^(-2), inferred volume density (assuming spherical symmetry) of 24 cm^(-3)/(D kpc), and maximum brightness temperature at a resolution of 81x14 arcsec of 14 K. The HI gas in the cloud is warm, with a minimum FWHM value of 5 km/s, corresponding to a kinetic temperature, in the absence of turbulence, of 540 K. There are indications in the HI data of 2-component velocity structure in the IVC, indicative of cloudlets. This velocity structure is also tentatively seen in the CaK spectra, although the SNR is low. The main IVC condensation is detected by WHAM in H-alpha with intensities uncorrected for Galactic absorption of upto 1.3 Rayleigh, indicating that the cloud is partially ionised. The FWHM of the ionised component, at a resolution of 1 degree, exceeds 30 km/s. The spatial and velocity coincidence of the H-alpha and HI peaks in emission is qualitatively good. Finally, the 100 and 60 micron IRAS images show spatial coincidence over a 0.7 degree field, with low and intermediate-velocity gas, respectively, indicating that the IVC may contain dust.Comment: MNRAS, in pres
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