128 research outputs found

    Automatic processes in aesthetic judgment: Insights from the implicit association test

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    This study employed the Implicit Association Test (IAT) with aim to examine the nature of automatic aesthetic judgment. The main hypothesis was that basic hedonic tone of artwork is one of important factors influencing automatic aesthetic evaluation. We conducted two experiments in which we varied hedonic valence of paintings of figural (Experiment 1) and abstract art (Experiment 2), measured participants’ implicit association between these paintings and evaluative attribute dimension via IAT and registered their explicit judgments of paintings’ hedonic tone. In both experiments we found that participants were significantly faster in those dual-categorization tasks in the IAT where preselected hedonically “positive” paintings were paired with the positive attributes and hedonically “negative” ones with the negative attributes than the other way around. We additionally found that explicit assessments of the hedonic tone were substantially related to the individual IAT effects in the case of abstract art, but not in the case of figural art. Implications of these findings are discussed. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179018 i br. 179033

    The effect of music background on the emotional appraisal of film sequences

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    In this study the effects of musical background on the emotional appraisal of film sequences was investigated. Four pairs of polar emotions defined in Plutchik’s model were used as basic emotional qualities: joy-sadness, anticipation-surprise, fear-anger, and trust disgust. In the preliminary study eight film sequences and eight music themes were selected as the best representatives of all eight Plutchik’s emotions. In the main experiment the participant judged the emotional qualities of film-music combinations on eight seven-point scales. Half of the combinations were congruent (e.g. joyful film - joyful music), and half were incongruent (e.g. joyful film - sad music). Results have shown that visual information (film) had greater effects on the emotion appraisal than auditory information (music). The modulation effects of music background depend on emotional qualities. In some incongruent combinations (joysadness) the modulations in the expected directions were obtained (e.g. joyful music reduces the sadness of a sad film), in some cases (anger-fear) no modulation effects were obtained, and in some cases (trust-disgust, anticipation-surprise) the modulation effects were in an unexpected direction (e.g. trustful music increased the appraisal of disgust of a disgusting film). These results suggest that the appraisals of conjoint effects of emotions depend on the medium (film masks the music) and emotional quality (three types of modulation effects)

    Automatic processes in aesthetic judgment: Insights from the implicit association test

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    This study employed the Implicit Association Test (IAT) with aim to examine the nature of automatic aesthetic judgment. The main hypothesis was that basic hedonic tone of artwork is one of important factors influencing automatic aesthetic evaluation. We conducted two experiments in which we varied hedonic valence of paintings of figural (Experiment 1) and abstract art (Experiment 2), measured participants' implicit association between these paintings and evaluative attribute dimension via IAT and registered their explicit judgments of paintings' hedonic tone. In both experiments we found that participants were significantly faster in those dual-categorization tasks in the IAT where preselected hedonically 'positive' paintings were paired with the positive attributes and hedonically 'negative' ones with the negative attributes than the other way around. We additionally found that explicit assessments of the hedonic tone were substantially related to the individual IAT effects in the case of abstract art, but not in the case of figural art. Implications of these findings are discussed

    The effect of music background on the emotional appraisal of film sequences

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    In this study the effects of musical background on the emotional appraisal of film sequences was investigated. Four pairs of polar emotions defined in Plutchik's model were used as basic emotional qualities: joy-sadness, anticipation-surprise, fear-anger, and trust disgust. In the preliminary study eight film sequences and eight music themes were selected as the best representatives of all eight Plutchik's emotions. In the main experiment the participant judged the emotional qualities of film-music combinations on eight seven-point scales. Half of the combinations were congruent (e.g. joyful film - joyful music), and half were incongruent (e.g. joyful film - sad music). Results have shown that visual information (film) had greater effects on the emotion appraisal than auditory information (music). The modulation effects of music background depend on emotional qualities. In some incongruent combinations (joysadness) the modulations in the expected directions were obtained (e.g. joyful music reduces the sadness of a sad film), in some cases (anger-fear) no modulation effects were obtained, and in some cases (trust-disgust, anticipation-surprise) the modulation effects were in an unexpected direction (e.g. trustful music increased the appraisal of disgust of a disgusting film). These results suggest that the appraisals of conjoint effects of emotions depend on the medium (film masks the music) and emotional quality (three types of modulation effects)

    Predikcija indeksa telesne mase (ITM) i fizičke aktivnosti roditelja na fizičku aktivnost učenika na času fizičkog vaspitanja

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    Imajući u vidu da je fizička aktivnost učenika na časovima fizičkog vaspitanja značajan pokazatelj kvaliteta nastave, sprovedeno je istraživanje sa ciljem da se utvrdi u kojoj meri indeks telesne mase (ITM) i fizička aktivnost roditelja doprinose predikciji obima i inteziteta fizičke aktivnosti učenika na času fizičkog vaspitanja. Istraživanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno ukupno 259 učenika trećeg i četvrtog razreda (uzrasta 10 ± 1,1 godina) osnovne škole (137 dečaka i 122 devojčica). Fizička aktivnost je merena po obimu pedometrom Coach Gear i po intezitetu pulsmetrom Suunto Memory Belt. Za procenu fizičke aktivnosti roditelja primenjen je Međunarodni upitnik o fizičkoj aktivnosti (IPAQ-International Physical Activity Questionnaires), dok su podaci o indeksu telesne mase (ITM) dobijeni standardnom procedurom, a na osnovi podataka o telesnoj masi i telesnoj visini roditelja. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je predikcija fizičke aktivnosti roditelja statistički značajna (p < 0.01), kod dečaka i devojčica na obe kriterijske varijable (obim i intezitet fizičke aktivnosti), dok je predikcija indeksa telesna mase (ITM) izostala kod oba pola. Na nivou pojedinačnih varijabli fizička aktivnost oca ima najveću prediktivnu moć. Važno je da roditelji podrže fizičku aktivnost svoje dece, da budu rol-modeli, da učestvuju zajedno sa decom u fizičkoj aktivnosti, da podstiču aktivnu igru i bavljenje sportom. Sve aktivnosti koje škola i/ili nastavnici preduzimaju radi poboljšanja fizičke aktivnosti učenika u školi, treba planirati tako da intervencija uključuje i roditelje.Publishe

    Predictors of physical activity of students in physical education class

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    Imajuci u vidu da je fizicka aktivnost ucenika na casovima fizickog vaspitanja nedovoljna, istraživanje je sprovedeno sa ciljem da se utvrdi od kojih cinilaca najviše zavisi fizicka aktivnost ucenika mladeg školskog uzrasta na casu fizickog vaspitanja. U istraživanje je bilo ukljuceno 272 ispitanika (127 decaka, 145 devojcica) trecih i cetvrtih razreda iz osnovnih škola sa teritorije grada Užica. Generalni cilj istraživanja, u skladu sa problemom i predmetom istraživanja, je ispitivanje doprinosa pojedinih personalnih, bihejvioralnih i socijalnih faktora fizickoj aktivnosti ucenika mladeg školskog uzrasta na casu fizickog vaspitanja. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da fizicka aktivnost roditelja (oceva), ima najvecu predikciju na fizicku aktivnost ucenika mladeg školskog uzrasta na casu fizickog vaspitanja. Zatim po prediktivnosti slede: motoricki status, fizicka aktivnost ucenika u slobodno vreme, morfološke karakteristike, fizicki self-koncept i motivacija.Bearing in mind that the physical activity of students in physical education classes is insufficient, research was conducted in order to determine the factors of which depends mostly on physical activity of younger school age students in the classroom physical education. The study included 272 subjects (127 boys, 145 girls), third and fourth grades of elementary schools in the town of Uzice. The general aim of the research, in accordance with the issue and the subject of research is to examine the contributions of individual personal, behavioral and social factors, physical activity pupils of younger school age at the time of physical education. The results show that physical activity of parents (fathers), has the highest prediction of the physical activity of younger school age students in the classroom physical education. Then, after the predictability follow: motor status, physical activity of students in his spare time, morphological characteristics, physical selfconcept and motivation

    Starosrpska poslovnopravna pismenost kao retorički fenomen

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    Multiple gigantic renal cysts

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    Introduction. Cystic renal lesions are very heterogeneous lesions which differ in ethiopathogenesis, morphological and clinical manifestations, and also in evolution and therapy. Classification of cystic lesions is complex, symptomatology is poor, and diagnosis is based on complete radiological diagnostic procedures. Case report. We presented a 20-year old patient with mild subjective symptoms. Objectively, he was without positive clinical signs and changes in biochemistry of blood. Using ultrasonography (US) multiple serous simple cysts were found in both kidneys. Using computed tomography (CT) multiple serous cysts were found, without changes in cystic walls, with preserved renal parenchyma and without cystic changes on other parenchymatous organs. Conclusion. Although renal cystic lesions are frequent in adult population, this is a rare example of a young adult man with simple, gigantic, serous cysts which do not produce clinical manifestations nor functional renal difficulty so far

    Abstract metric spaces and Sehgal–Guseman-type theorems

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    AbstractRecently, Raja and Vaezpour [P. Raja and S.M. Vaezpour, Some extensions of Banach’s contraction principle in complete cone metric spaces, Fixed Point Theory Appl. 2008, 11 pages, doi:10.1155/2008/768294. Article ID 768294] proved some results for Sehgal–Guseman-type theorems in the framework of abstract (cone) metric spaces over a normal solid cone. The purpose of this paper is to present this in the framework of symmetric spaces which are associated with abstract (cone) metric spaces introduced by Radenović and Kadelburg [S. Radenović, Z. Kadelburg, Quasi-contractions on symmetric and cone symmetric spaces, ISI J. BJMA (electronic) (in press)]. Our results extend and generalize Sehgal–Guseman-type theorems from metric and abstract metric spaces to some symmetric spaces. Examples are given to illustrate the results


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