855 research outputs found

    The transborder economic region of Hong Kong - Shenzhen

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    纪念香港回归、地理学研究成果的“ 特辑”A few transborder regions have appeared in the 1970s as a consequence of international di-vision of labour in manufacturing arising from globalization of economic activities. The border-ing cities of Hong Kong and Shenzhen belong to different ideologies and systems of gover-nance, yet they have since the late 1970s gradually developed into a highly interrelated trans-border economic region. Such development has promoted economic growth of Shenzhen and deepened the structural transformation of Hong Kong into a higher status in international trade, shipping, and finance. The mutual causative transborder development in the past decade had largely been initiated and participated by private investors following the rule of the mar-ket. After 1997, with the return of Hong Kong to China,transborder cooperation is expected to receive more government attention and achieve promotion. Of course the continue existence of a demarcation is crucial to transborder cooperation and will benefit both places. The case of Hong Kong-Shenzhen is different from other transborder regions such as the Singapore Trian-gle. 本文以70年代末中國改革開放以來香港-深圳這兩個分屬不同社會制度的城市的發展和緊密結合而形成跨境城市經濟區為個案研究對象,總結兩者各自的城市發展歷史,分析兩地在過往10余年間的跨境發展特征及相互影響。一方面深圳借助于香港資本流入等因素發展成為現代化的大都市;另一方面香港跨境向深圳、珠江三角洲經濟腹地擴散,促進了其產業升級和國際貿易、金融和航運中心地位的鞏固。過往10多年香港-深圳跨境的區域發展是由市場規范的、自發和民間促成的。隨著“九七”香港回歸祖國,這一跨境城市經濟區的發展應由兩地政府積極、主動地參與和管理。同時,港深管理線的存在及其完整性對保持和促進這一跨境城市經濟區的發展是至關重要的。published_or_final_versio

    Validity of MTI (Actigraph) for physical activity measurement in children with cerebral palsy

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    Theme: Adapted Physical Activity Over Life-SpanINTRODUCTION: Physical activity (PA) measurement among children with cerebral palsy (CP) has not been adequately established. CP involves a wide range of disabilities, and the assessment of PA in this population is of importance to the design and implementation of health, therapy, and physical education programs (Kim, 2009; Pirpiris & Graham, 2004). The purpose of this study is to examine the validity of MTI (Actigraph) as a PA measurement instrument for children with CP. METHODS: Participants included 31 children with CP (17 female and 14 male) aged 6 to14 years (M = 9.71 years, SD = 2.52 years). The participants were classified within Gross Motor Classification System (GMFCS) I to III, and took part in two activity sessions: (1) structured activity protocol with increasing intensities and (2) free play session. MTI was used to measure activity counts, heart rate was measured …postprin

    Sox10 regulates enteric neural crest cell migration in the developing gut

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    Concurrent Sessions 1: 1.3 - Organs to organisms: Models of Human Diseases: abstract no. 1417th ISDB 2013 cum 72nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology, VII Latin American Society of Developmental Biology Meeting and XI Congreso de la Sociedad Mexicana de Biologia del Desarrollo. The Conference's web site is located at http://www.inb.unam.mx/isdb/Sox10 is a HMG-domain containing transcription factor which plays important roles in neural crest cell survival and differentiation. Mutations of Sox10 have been identified in patients with Waardenburg-Hirschsprung syndrome, who suffer from deafness, pigmentation defects and intestinal aganglionosis. Enteric neural crest cells (ENCCs) with Sox10 mutation undergo premature differentiation and fail to colonize the distal hindgut. It is unclear, however, whether Sox10 plays a role in the migration of ENCCs. To visualize the migration behaviour of mutant ENCCs, we generated a Sox10NGFP mouse model where EGFP is fused to the N-terminal domain of Sox10. Using time-lapse imaging, we found that ENCCs in Sox10NGFP/+ mutants displays lower migration speed and altered trajectories compared to normal controls. This behaviour was cell-autonomous, as shown by organotypic grafting of Sox10NGFP/+ gut segments onto control guts and vice versa. ENCCs encounter different extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules along the developing gut. We performed gut explant culture on various ECM and found that Sox10NGFP/+ ENCCs tend to form aggregates, particularly on fibronectin. Time-lapse imaging of single cells in gut explant culture indicated that the tightly-packed Sox10 mutant cells failed to exhibit contact inhibition of locomotion. We determined the expression of adhesion molecule families by qPCR analysis, and found integrin expression unaffected while L1-cam and selected cadherins were altered, suggesting that Sox10 mutation affects cell adhesion properties of ENCCs. Our findings identify a de novo role of Sox10 in regulating the migration behaviour of ENCCs, which has important implications for the treatment of Hirschsprung disease.postprin

    Framing scholars’ perspectives of practices to address breaches of academic integrity in the Muslim world

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    Although previous work explained internal and external cultural challenges impacting academic integrity in the Muslim world, to date, no study has specifically examined the attempts and practices by the universities to address these challenges. The objective of this paper was to understand the actions taken by academics and institutions in the Muslim world to address, prevent breaches of academic integrity, and to recommend improvement of these practices. To capture institutional efforts and practices, relevant literature from 2010 to 2021 was reviewed to gather evidence of practices of academic integrity in higher education in the Muslim world. The findings suggest a framework that can be used for evaluation of current practices of academic integrity in the Muslim world, to go beyond plagiarism-focussed prevention, detection, and punishments

    Split Fracture: A Complication of Cerclage Wiring of Acute Patellar Fracture

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    Introduction: Iatrogenic patellar fracture is reported as a complication of patella procedures, such as medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction, reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee using bone-patellar tendon-bone technique, and resurfacing the patella in total knee arthroplasty. Case Presentation: A 65-year-old lady with right patella fracture was treated with open reduction and cerclage wiring. An iatrogenic split fracture was noted during tension of the cerclage wire and was successfully managed by screw fixation of the split fracture. Conclusions: Split fracture is a rare complication of circumferential cerclage wiring of patellar fracture. The surgeon should be aware of the contributing factors in order to avoid this complication

    EphA4 and EfnB2a maintain rhombomere coherence by independently regulating intercalation of progenitor cells in the zebrafish neural keel

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    AbstractDuring vertebrate development, the hindbrain is transiently segmented into 7 distinct rhombomeres (r). Hindbrain segmentation takes place within the context of the complex morphogenesis required for neurulation, which in zebrafish involves a characteristic cross-midline division that distributes progenitor cells bilaterally in the forming neural tube. The Eph receptor tyrosine kinase EphA4 and the membrane-bound Ephrin (Efn) ligand EfnB2a, which are expressed in complementary segments in the early hindbrain, are required for rhombomere boundary formation. We showed previously that EphA4 promotes cell–cell affinity within r3 and r5, and proposed that preferential adhesion within rhombomeres contributes to boundary formation. Here we show that EfnB2a is similarly required in r4 for normal cell affinity and that EphA4 and EfnB2a regulate cell affinity independently within their respective rhombomeres. Live imaging of cell sorting in mosaic embryos shows that both proteins function during cross-midline cell divisions in the hindbrain neural keel. Consistent with this, mosaic EfnB2a over-expression causes widespread cell sorting and disrupts hindbrain organization, but only if induced at or before neural keel stage. We propose a model in which Eph and Efn-dependent cell affinity within rhombomeres serve to maintain rhombomere organization during the potentially disruptive process of teleost neurulation

    Reliability and validity of the IPAQ-L in a sample of Hong Kong Urban older adults: does neighborhood of residence matter?

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    This study examined reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire–Long Form (IPAQ-LC) in Chinese seniors, including moderating effects of neighborhood walkability and socioeconomic status (SES) on reliability and validity. The IPAQ-LC was interviewer-administered (n = 96), accelerometer and 7-day walk-diary data were collected (n = 94), and the IPAC-LC was readministered (N = 92). Acceptable reliability was found for all measures of physical activity (PA) overall and across different types of neighborhood. Participants from highly walkable neighborhoods were more reliable at estimating walking for transport. Participants from low-SES areas were less reliable at estimating leisure-time PA and sitting but more reliable at estimating transport-related walking. IPAQ-LC walking was significantly related to light- but not moderate-intensity accelerometry-based PA. It was moderately to strongly related to a 7-day diary of walking. The data imply slow-paced walking, probably due to age, climate, and terrain. The findings suggest that the IPAQ-LC’s reliability and validity are acceptable in Chinese seniors