28 research outputs found

    The Effect of Competitive Sport on Achievement’s Motive—Study of Between Students’ Athletes and Students’ Non-Athletes

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    This study aims to reveal whether the sporting achievement (high performance) among student athletes able to cultivate qualities oriented achievement motivation. Research by design ex post de facto (research after the event) in which the data collection techniques using achievement motivation questionnaire. The Achievement motivation questionnaire arranged and developed following the Likert model with reference to five levels, with a reliability of 0.85, while the alternative answers were arranged in such a way in the form of simulation. The population in this study was the PPLP student athletes in North Sumatra and students of SMA 6 Medan. Based on the results of the study at 95% confidence level (α 0.05), significantly found (1) there were differences in achievement motivation among student athletes and non-athletes, (2) there was no difference in achievement motivation by the length of exercise, (3) there were no difference in achievement motivation of athletes male and female athletes, (4) there was not difference in achievement motivation among the 7 sports. The results of the study recommended that to improve students achievement motivation should participate or engage in competitive sports

    Efforts to Improve Long Jump Skills in Squat Style Through a Play-Based Approach on 11th Grade Science Students at Teladan High School in Sei Rampah

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    The problem of this research is the inadequate learning process and facilities in the long jump technique using the squat style, as well as the lack of mastery of basic skills in long jump, resulting in suboptimal student learning outcomes. Based on the problem, the research problem in this study is how to improve learning outcomes in long jump using the squat style through a play-based approach for students in class XI IPA of Teladan Sei Rampah High School, Sei Rampah Subdistrict, Serdang Bedagai District. This study is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) conducted in 2 cycles. The population and subjects of this study are 36 students in class XI IPA of Teladan Sei Rampah High School, Sei Rampah Subdistrict, Serdang Bedagai District. The results of this study show that through play-based learning, students' abilities in learning long jump using the squat style can be improved. The conclusion of this study is that through play-based learning, the ability to perform long jumps using the squat style can be improved for students in class XI IPA of Teladan Sei Rampah High School, Sei Rampah Subdistrict, Serdang Bedagai District

    Physical Condition of Medan Sports Committee Athletes in Preparation for North Sumatra Sports Week in 2022

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the physical condition of the Athletics athletes of KONI Medan in preparation for the Sports Week of Nort Sumatera Province in 2022. This research method was a descriptive method. The sampling technique used is total sampling with 15 athletes. This research design uses pre-test – post-test, the instruments used are test and measurement. The data analysis technique used is the percentage. The results of the study showed that the initial test results were 83%, the average second test results were 87 % and there was an average increase of 4% in the physical condition of the KONI Medan Athletics athletes Preparation for the Sports Week of North Sumatera province in 2022. It can be concluded that the exercises carried out so far have a positive impact on the physical condition of the Athletics athletes of KONI Medan Preparation for the Sports Week of North Sumatra Province in 2022

    Dampak agen sosial terhadap prestasi atlet pusat pendidikan dan latihan pelajar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak social agent terhadap prestasi atlet Pusat Pendidikan dan Latihan Pelajar (PPLP) Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan sebaran angket Social Agent Olahraga yang sudah disetujui oleh validator ahli dan dengan perhitungan kevaliditan butir soal. Dalam penelitian ini penulis memilih lokasi penelitian di Pusat Pendidikan dan Latihan Pelajar (PPLP) Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Adapun yang menjadi populasi pada penelitian ini adalah atlet PPLP Provinsi Sumut yang berjumlah 97 orang atlet. Maka sampel penelitian ini diambil sesuai dengan kriteria, sehingga jumlah sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 30 orang atlet.Hasil penelitian dari beberapa aspek agen sosialisasi (social agent), hanya 4 (empat) aspek yang memberikan dampak terhadap prestasi atlet PPLP Povinsi Sumut, yaitu; orang tua, pelatih, teman sebaya dan media massa.Social agent yang terdiri dari 4 (empat) aspek tersebut memberikan dampak terhadap prestasi atlet PPLP Provinsi Sumut sebesar, yaitu : orang tua (59%) dengan kategori cukup, pelatih (60%) dengan kategori cukup, teman sebaya (62%) dengan kategori baik dan media massa (58%) dengan kategori cukup, dan korelasi antara dampak social agent terhadap prestasi PPLP Provinsi Sumut adalah sebesar 70% dengan kategori cukup

    Tracer Study of Outstanding Athletes

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    This study aims to trace the achievements of athletes from several sports. This study used a descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques using observation, questionnaires, and documentation. In this study, the subjects of the study were athletes who were still actively training. The results showed that the social agent aspect had an impact on athlete achievement, namely: parents (74%) in the good category, coaches (81%) in the good category, teachers (78%) in the good category, peers (74%) in the good category. good environment (87%) in very good category, mass media (78%) in good category, and the correlation between social agent and achievement is 80% in good category. Based on the research results, each of these social agents has a role in achievement. High or low athlete achievement is not only the social agent aspect that influences it. Achievement was created from many factors that influence it

    Evaluation of the Implementation of 2013 Curriculum Vocational Batubara Regency

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    This research aims to evaluate the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum in Batubara District. The components of curriculum implementation that are evaluated include: (1) student conditions, (2) teacher conditions, (3) teacher understanding of the curriculum, (4) conditions of infrastructure, (5) lesson planning, (6) implementation of scientific-based learning, (7) ) implementation of authentic assessments, and (8) authentic assessment results related to aspects of attitudes, knowledge and skills. The evaluation model used is the Model evaluation model Stake Countenance by collecting information on curriculum implementation component data and then comparing it with the standards of the ministry of education. The population consists of 13 SMK. The research subjects were principals and teachers who were determined by purposive sampling technique. The instruments used were questionnaire sheets, observation sheets, and documentation sheets. The trial of the questionnaire instrument was conducted at a vocational school in Batubara district. Data analysis using descriptive techniques. The results of the study, the condition of the students was 93.4%, the condition of the teacher was 75%, the condition of the infrastructure was 69.3%, the understanding of the 2013 curriculum was 80%, the lesson planning or RPP was 75%, the implementation of learning was 95%, the implementation 90% authentic assessment, 82.5% authentic assessment results. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that all aspects in each stage have not been fulfilled maximally according to the standard

    Web Based Petanque Sports Match Statistics

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    This research aims to (1) Produce a product on web based Petanque sport match statistics , (2) Find out the use of Petanque sport match statistics. This research uses the Research and Development Method ( R & D) refers to the development model from Borg and Gall through 8 stages , namely: (1 ) Potential and problems, (2) Information collection, (3) Product design, (4) Design validation, (5) Design revision, ( 6) Small scale trial, (7) Revision of small scale trial, (8) Large scale trial, (9) Final product. The subjects of this research during small group trials during routine training were 7 athletes and 4 coaches. During the trials, the large group consisted of 10 athletes and 8 coaches during the Sumut-Aceh PON XXI PELATDA Selection. The results of this research are (1) A web based statistical product for Petanque sports competitions to find out to what extent the athlete's abilities are during training. (2) The level of suitability of this product is determined through expert validation assessment. (3) Development and development of match statistics. The web based petanque match statistics application meets the criteria or is very feasible to use. It is proven that the development of web based Petanque match statistics is feasible to use

    Is Scientific Learning Better Than Conventional Learning on Creativity and Student Learning Outcomes?

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    This study aims to identify and describe the Comparison of the Effects of Scientific and Conventional Learning on the Creativity and Learning Outcomes of Physical Education Students in Class XI SMA in Kota Kisaran, Kab. Asahan T.A 2017/2018. This study was an experiment using test instrument techniques for learning outcomes and questionnaires for creativity, with the ANOVA 2 x 2 research design. A total of 138 students were sampled using cluster random sampling sampling technique. Before carrying out a two-way analysis of variance at a significance level of α of 0.05, first perform the analysis requirements, namely the normality and homogeneity tests, followed by the Scheffe test at a significance level of α = 0.05. Research results: 1). There are differences in learning the effect of learning on creativity and learning outcomes, 2). There is an interaction between the influence of learning on creativity and physical education learning outcomes. From the results of this study indicate that the process of applying scientific learning is better in achieving physical education learning outcomes compared to the application of conventional learning. &nbsp

    Implementation Of Training Aid Tools Development (Remote Control and Headset) For Sprint Tunanetra Athletes

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    The purpose of this study was to develop training aids (remote control and headset) for sprint athletes with visual impairments as a directional controller during a sprint running exercise program. The benefit of this research is to produce training aids for sprint athletes with visual impairments. This study uses research and development research and development methods. The research was carried out in 2 places, namely the Yapentra SLB-A school for small-scale trials and Karya Murni's SLB-A large-scale trials for the development of blind sprint athletes in North Sumatra NPC. The analysis technique uses quantitative descriptive. The conclusions of this study are: (1) In using remote control and headsets, athletes focus more on personal abilities without thinking about collaboration, acceleration and communication, (2) Using remote control and headsets, athletes are more confident and more independent in sprinting activities. Using remote control and headsets, guades and coaches are more focused in conveying information and are more efficient in training blind athletes with sprint running numbers by looking at personal abilities and motivation as sprint athletes running norms

    Efforts to Improve Long Jump Skills in Squat Style Through a Play-Based Approach on 11th Grade Science Students at Teladan High School in Sei Rampah

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    The problem of this research is the inadequate learning process and facilities in the long jump technique using the squat style, as well as the lack of mastery of basic skills in long jump, resulting in suboptimal student learning outcomes. Based on the problem, the research problem in this study is how to improve learning outcomes in long jump using the squat style through a play-based approach for students in class XI IPA of Teladan Sei Rampah High School, Sei Rampah Subdistrict, Serdang Bedagai District. This study is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) conducted in 2 cycles. The population and subjects of this study are 36 students in class XI IPA of Teladan Sei Rampah High School, Sei Rampah Subdistrict, Serdang Bedagai District. The results of this study show that through play-based learning, students' abilities in learning long jump using the squat style can be improved. The conclusion of this study is that through play-based learning, the ability to perform long jumps using the squat style can be improved for students in class XI IPA of Teladan Sei Rampah High School, Sei Rampah Subdistrict, Serdang Bedagai District