7 research outputs found

    Aimai dalam Anime Flying Witch: Kajian Sosiopragmatik

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    Language and culture are two things that cannot be separated. The culture in a society of every nation is different. These cultures will affect how people communicate. One of the cultures that influence Japanese communication is the Aimai. Aimai is defined as a situation in which there is more than one intended meaning resulting in ambiguity, gloom, and uncertainty. Aimai used in communication aims to maintain harmony in social life. This study aims to examine the Aimai in the flying witch anime. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The data collection method used is the listening method with the basic technique in the form of tapping techniques and the advanced technique is the note-taking technique.data of this research is the dialogue between the characters in the flying witch anime directed by Katsusi Sakurabi. This research found 33 data containing Aimai where the Aimai that appear are words, expressions, and sentences. The data that appears the most is Aimai in the form of interrogative sentences with kana, this is indicated by the discovery of 13 data containing kana. While the least is Aimai in the form of sentences with the kanji tte where only 1 data is found. After analyzing the data, it can be concluded that the forms of Aimai in Japanese communication can be in the form of words, expressions, and sentences


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    Kesehatan di Indonesia masih menjadi masalah, padahal kesehatan merupakan suatu faktor terjadinya peningkatan indeks dari berkembangnya suatu negara. Indeks kesehatan Indonesia menempati urutan ke-97 dari 167 negara. Pada Tahun 2021 di Sumatra Utara, Kepesertaan BPJS Kesehatan-PBI sebesar 32% sedangkan kepesertaan BPJS Kesehatan-Non PBI sebesar 22,93%. Angka tersebut masih dibawah indeks rata-rata nasional, dimana UHC setiap provinsi harus memiliki indeks minimal 60. Masyarakat memiliki peran terhadap peningkatan indeks kesehatan negara dan memiliki peran aktif untuk masa mendatang terutama pada mahasiswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan dengan perilaku pemanfaatan pelayanan BPJS kesehatan pada mahasiswa FKM UINSU Medan. Metode penelitian ini dilakukan dengan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tanggal 3 juni 2023. Populasi pada penelitian ini berjumlah 340 orang dengan sampel sebanyak 183 sampel yang dilakukan dengan simple random sampling. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa, masih terdapat mahasiswa yang tidak memiliki BPJS sebesar 17.5%. Dimana untuk tingkat pengetahuan, menunjukkan 64.5% dengan penegtahuan baik namun terdapat mahasiswa tingkat pengetahuan akan pelayanan BPJS yang kurang sebesar 4.9%. Sedangkan untuk pemanfaatan BPJS sebesar 74.9% yang memanfaatkan BPJS Kesehatan. Berdasarkan analisi hasil antara hubungan pengetahuan dengan pemanfaatan BPJS kesehatan pada mahasiswa FKM UINSU  didapatkan P Value 0.84 (>0.05) yang artinya tidak ada buhungan yang signifikan/bermakna antara pengetahuan dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan BPJS Kesehatan pada mahasiswa FKM UINSU


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    Rumah singgah pasien merupakan usaha meringankan biaya pasien dhuafa dari Inisiatif Zakat Indonesia di Sumatera Utara. Telah dijelaskan dalam Pasal 3 UU RI NO 23 Tahun 2011 Tentang Pengelolaan Zakat bahwasannya pengelolaan zakat dalam suatu lembaga bermaksud sebagai upaya mencapai efektivitas pelayanan serta meningkatkan manfaat zakat dalam pengelolaannya sehiggga tercapailah kesejahteraan umum. Begitupun IZI Sumatera Utara yaitu lembaga amil zakat yang memiliki tujuan dan sasaran yang tetap penyalurannya. Namun, melihat masih banyaknya penduduk miskin Indonesia, salah satunya Sumatera Utara memungkinkan masih terdapat ketidaktepatan dalam penyaluran bantuan bagi kaum dhuafa. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang sudah didapatkan, menunjukkan bahwa keefektifan program yang dilaksanakan lembaga IZI, khususnya pada bidang kesehatan sudah berjalan dengan baik dan sesuai sasaran. Kepuasan masyarakat (pasien dan pendamping) terhadap pelayanan yang diberikan memperlihatkan jika program tersebut sangat membantu dan dibutuhkan bagi mereka-mereka yang termasuk dalam kaum dhuafa


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    Job demand is scant in the Riau Islands, prompting people to try to find workers in neighboring countries, or neighboring countries like Malaysia. However, in practice, many Riau Islanders working in Malaysia do not comply with the requirements set forth by the law, such as working 25-27 days on a visit or visa-free stay. This condition then raises legal issues, including how the government provides legal protection if immigration and labor problems are found for those who work improperly. customary. Through this service activity, it is necessary in the future to continuously socialize and expand the reach of the people of the Riau Islands, so that they know what procedures must be met if they want to work in Malaysia.Kebutuhan lapangan pekerjaan yang minim di Kepulauan Riau, membuat masyarakatnya berupaya untuk mencari pekerja di negeri jiran, atau negara tetaga seperti Malaysia. Namun pada kenyataanya banyak masyarakat Kepulauan Riau yang bekerja di Malaysia tidak memathui persyaratan yang telah ditentukan oleh peraturan perundang-undangan, seperti bekerja selama 25-27 hari dengan menggunakan visa bebas kunjungan atau passing. Kondisi ini kemudian menimbulkan perosalan hukum, termasuk juga bagaimana mekanisme bagi pemerintah memberikan perlindungan hukum apabila ditemukan permasalahan keimigrasian dan ketenagakerjaan bagi masyarakat yang bekerja tidak sesuai dengan prosedur. Melalui kegiatan Pengabdian ini maka, kedepan perlu dilakukan sosialisasi secara berkelanjutan dan memperluas jangkauan bagi masyarakat di Kepulauan Riau, agar mengetahui apa saja prosedur yang harus dipenuhi apabila ingin bekerja di negara Malaysia

    Hubungan Antara Pola Asuh Ibu Bekerja Dan Tidak Bekerja Dengan Kepercayaan Diri Anak Di TK Purbonegaran Sagan Yogyakarta

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    Abstract: Background: Sometimes ago child mothering generally done by mother because they are not work. Nowdays, at the height of education of woman and demand of live the effect of monetary crisis that was made mother work to earn life. Mother with child of preschool ought to be correct how to lead time prudently, because the basic in raising child personality especially self confidence was at preschool. The problem is how mothering applied by mother to their children so that the child growing up to become strong and stabilize person, with high self confidence. Objective: The aim of this research is knowing whether there are difference mothering style between working and not working mother with the growing up child\u27s self confidence. Methods: This research was an quantitative method by using cross-sectional design.The analysis of the data was using Chi-square. This research was doing to ward 51 couples of mother and their child which is studying in TK Purbonegaran Sagan Yogyakarta, 43 respondents is fulfilling criterion divided in two group that is working mother 17 people (39,5%) and not working mother 26 people (60.5%). Data collecting by using questionnaire consisted of respondent identity, mothering style questionnaire, and child\u27s self confidence questionnaire. Results: The result of this research showing there was no significant difference of mothering style between working and not working mother (p > 0,05). There was difference of child\u27s self confidence between working and also not working mother (p 0,05). Conclusion: The categorizing of child\u27s self confidence shows that mostly child have middle category with autoritative pattern, and mostly child have middle category of child\u27s self confidence with not working mother. Keywords: child\u27s self confidence, mothering style, working mother, not working mothe

    Hubungan Antara Pola Asuh Ibu Bekerja Dan Tidak Bekerja Dengan Kepercayaan Diri Anak Di TK Purbonegaran Sagan Yogyakarta

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    Background: Sometimes ago child mothering generally done by mother because they are not work. Nowdays, at the height of education of woman and demand of live the effect of monetary crisis that was made mother work to earn life. Mother with child of preschool ought to be correct how to lead time prudently, because the basic in raising child personality especially self confidence was at preschool. The problem is how mothering applied by mother to their children so that the child growing up to become strong and stabilize person, with high self confidence.Objective: The aim of this research is knowing whether there are difference mothering style between working and not working mother with the growing up child's self confidence. Methods: This research was an quantitative method by using cross-sectional design.The analysis of the data was using Chi-square. This research was doing to ward 51 couples of mother and their child which is studying in TK Purbonegaran Sagan Yogyakarta, 43 respondents is fulfilling criterion divided in two group that is working mother 17 people (39,5%) and not working mother 26 people (60.5%). Data collecting by using questionnaire consisted of respondent identity, mothering style questionnaire, and child's self confidence questionnaire.Results: The result of this research showing there was no significant difference of mothering style between working and not working mother (p > 0,05). There was difference of child's self confidence between working and also not working mother (p 0,05).Conclusion: The categorizing of child's self confidence shows that mostly child have middle category with autoritative pattern, and mostly child have middle category of child's self confidence with not working mother.Keywords: child's self confidence, mothering style, working mother, not working mothe