917 research outputs found


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    Penegakan Hukum dalam perkara Investasi Illegal atau Penipuan Investasi tidak selesai dengan dipidananya pelaku investasi illegal atau penipuan investasi, selalu menyisakan persoalan terkait pengembalian kerugian korban, seringkali korban tidak mendapat keadilan karena barang bukti hasil tindak pidana tidak dikembalikan kepada korban bahkan dinyatakan dirampas untuk negara, sehingga harus dikaji bagaimana solusi atas permasalahan pengembalian kerugian korban penipuan investasi atau investasi illegal, salah satu persoalan utamanya adalah tidak adanya mekanisme penyelesaian yang komprehensif dan tuntas terkait pengembalian kerugian kepada korban dalam sistem peradilan pidana, hal ini juga diperparah dengan banyaknya putusan yang saling bertentangan antara putusan perkara pidana dan perdatanya dalam konteks perkara Investasi Illegal atau Penipuan Investasi, berdasarkan hal-hal tersebut mengkombinasikan lembaga Prejudicieel Geschil dan Kepailitan merupakan solusi konkret untuk menjawab persoalan tidak adanya mekanisme pengembalian kerugian korban dalam sistem peradilan pidana sekaligus solusi mencegah putusan yang saling bertentangan.   Keywords: Investment, Prejudicieel Geschil, Bankruptc


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    Depression is a mood disorder that is characterized by profound and sustained sadness and sadness until the loss of life passion. Lemongrass which contains eugenol is thought to have the potential as an antidepressant that works by inhibiting the Mono Amine Oxidase enzyme. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of antidepressant citronella extract (Cymbopogon nardus (L.) Rendle) on male white mice. This study used 5 treatment groups namely CMC Na 0.5%, amitriptilyn, lemongrass extract dose 1.5 mg/kgBB, 15 mg/kgBB and 150 mg/kgBB. Antidepressant testing was determined based on immobility time using the forsed swim test method. Data analysis using statistics was tested for normality and continued with the One Way Anova method with a 95% confidence level. The results showed that the most effective treatment group as an antidepressant was amitriptilyn followed by lemongrass extract dose 150 mg/kgBB. The conclusion of this study is that lemongrass extract dose 150 mg/kgBB has the effectiveness as an antidepressant but is no more effective than the comparison of amitri


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    Language and culture are two parts of cannot be separated each other, because culture is in language. The other side, to study English language as a foreign language in Indonesia, as same as study the English’s culture.To understand the culture is means to make a communication be fluently between the speakers and make the effective communication because culture as a basic of communication. To communicate is not only talk about the understanding of linguistic, but must understand about the paralanguage include kinesics, tone, the characteristic of sound, gesture and the expression of face that we can see when the interaction by communicate is happen. By the growing of America, the America culture become a means for the English students, especially for the young generation in many countries like the people in Indonesia, the table manner, relationship, and the life style become the size of somebody status. This life style become the growing reflection of somebody that have been followed by the people in many countries in the world, and this life style become a symbol of individual social status. The electronic media such as television, film, etc that have been successed to make the students of Indonesia bring the America-English and their life style be popular. Key words: Languange, culture, communication, social status

    Evaluasi Kinerja Peralatan Pemboran Berarah di Lapangan Lepas Pantai “Mln” Laut Jawa

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    Pada operasi pemboran selalu diinginkan lubang yang lurus atau vertikal karena operasinya lebihmudah dan lebih murah. Akan tetapi, terkadang dalam Kenyataannya tidak selalu demikian, banyakmasalah yang timbul ketika melakukan pemboran vertikal. Oleh karena itu, diperlukannyapemboran berarah sebagai solusi untuk mengatasi masalah dalam pemboran vertikal. Terdapatbeberapa hal yang patut diperhatikan dalam pemboran berarah, salah satunya ialah pemilihanrangkaian BHA yang tepat. BHA ialah serangkaian kombinasi peralatan bawah permukaan yangdipasang pada rangkaian drill string sehingga diperoleh suatu performa yang baik dalammembentuk kemiringan atau arah dari lintasan lubang bor dalam mencapai target pada pemboranberarah. Terdapat beberapa hal yang patut diperhatikan dalam pengoperasian pemboran berarah,yaitu faktor formasi dan lithology batuan, pemilihan rangkaian BHA, hidrolika pemboran sertaparameter – parameter pemboran untuk menghasilkan ROP (Rate Of Penetration), WOB (WeightOn Bit) dan RPM (Rotation Per Minute) yang maksimal. Pemboran berarah merupakan salah satuaspek penting dalam operasi pemboran, dimana perlu diketahui target permukaan dan dibawahpermukaan agar dapat direncanakan pola lintasan (Trajectory) dari sumur yang akan di bor. DalamTugas Akhir ini akan dilakukan Evaluasi terhadap kinerja peralatan pemboran berarah yangdigunakan yaitu Down Hole Drilling Motor (DHDM) pada sumur S-02 dan Rotary Steerable System(RSS) pada sumur K-02

    Memperluas Agenda Studi Keamanan Nasional: Politik, Hukum dan Strategi

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    National security is the first and foremost responsibility of a nation. A nation isconsidered a strong nation once it is able to secure the livelihood of the people and thewellbeing of the nation itself. Yet the world is evolving quickly and new technologies andinnovations bring about new threats and opportunities towards national security. Thisarticle aims to describe the expansion of politics, laws, and strategies within the study ofnational security. Content analysis method will be used in this article. From more than20 articles referenced here, it can be summarized that changes in strategic environmentis heavily affected by the latest industrial revolution, the industry 4.0. Thus, this bringsabout new challenges such as cyber threats. The researcher then concluded that thesethreats could affect a nation strategically. These threats then focused on political threatsof collective security, current law threats which requires cyber law, and strategic threatswhich is cyber security.Keywords: National Security, Strategy, Politic, La


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    The wound is a physical injury that results in tears and damage to skin tissue. One type of wound is excision wound, excision wound is of the a wound that is caused by cutting tissue by sharp object scratches. The main goal in wound management is to achieve rapid healing with optimal function and good results. That can be achieved by preventing further infection and trauma with the availability of an environment that can optimize the healing of the wound. One plant that has the potential to heal wounds is the paper petal plant. The purpose of thes study is to find out the effectiveness of giving paper petal extract to the healing of excision wounds in male rats. The study conducted in the Laboratory Health Institute of the Deli Husada Deli Tua. The extracts formulated into ointment preparations with concentrations of 10%, 15%, and 20% then conducted evaluation of ointment preparations, namely organoleptic tests, homogeneity tests, ph tests, visicosity tests, hedonic tests and spread power tests. The results of organoleptic tests and irritant tests of paper petal ethanol extract ointment preparations, all concentrations were declared good while in the most preferred hedonic test was a concentration of 10%. From the results of the spread test is a concentration of 15% with a static test value on the 21st day which is 6.3000 where this value is equal to the value of povidone iodine, while in the pH test on the 21st day the concentration that sees the best statistic test value is 10% concentration with a value of 6.4467 which is close to the value of povidone iodine which is 7.3133. The results of the study is each treatment group experienced a decrease in the diameter of the cut wound. Of the 5 treatment groups, the best reduction in the diameter of the cut wound was the positive control group (povidone iodine) and the 20% concentration where the statistic test value on the 15th day was 0.0000 where this value was equal to the value of povidone iodine. &nbsp


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    This paper examine the determinant of bank runs in Indonesia that includes economic fundamental,bank performance, and self-fulfilling prophecy factors for all banks either in full sample periods between years 1990 - 2005 or in banking crisis periods between years 1997 - 1998. The bank runs determinant uses dynamic panel model from Arrelano-Bond. Estimation result shows that self-fulfilling prophecy, bank monetary performance which is rentability and fixed credit ratio and macroeconomic condition which is economic growth, inflation and real exchange rate influence bank runs in Indonesia. Bank runs determinant in banking crisis between year 1997 - 1998 also shows a result that is not really different from bank runs determinant during full sample periods between years 1990 - 2005


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    Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif (norma atau hukum). Sesuai dengan jenis, obyek, pendekatan dan metode yang digunakan, maka penelitian ini menitikberatkan pada studi literatur yang dihimpun dari berbagai pustaka. Pada prinsipnya, dalam metode ini penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan dengan mengkaji dan memilah bahan-bahan atau data-data yang berhubungan dengan penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kewenangan Kejaksaan dalam melakukan penegakan Tindak Pidana Korupsi baik ditahap Penyelidikan maupun tahap Penyidikan belum memperhatikan Konsep dasar perlindungan hak-hak asasi manusia yang seharusnya dilakukan secara profesional dan ber- integritas sehingga harus diprioritaskan untuk didahulukan penyelesaiannya sebagaimana asas peradilan yang cepat, sederhana dan biaya ringan.Kata Kunci : Korupsi, Kewenangan, Kejaksaan, Hak Asasi Manusi

    Agresivitas dan Violensia

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    There is a number of distinctions regarding the nature of aggression and itsfunction. Therefore it is necessary to elucidate clear differences between theactive engagement in gaining mastery over the environment for survival'ssake, and self defence with force when threatened, and enjoyment oftorturing, controlling, or killing without provocation or real need. Of theseexplanations it would elucidatively appear that aggression and violencediffer, but both interact one another

    Analisa Waktu Yang Tidak Produktif (Npt) Pada Operasi Pemboran Sumur Lepas Pantai “Nb-aaa” Lapangan Xy, Total E&p Indonesie Kalimantan Timur

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    Pemboran adalah suatu kegiatan utama dalam industri perminyakan yang bertujuan untukmembuat lubang dari permukaan menuju ke target reservoir untuk memproduksikan hidrokarbon.Operasi pemboran harus dilakukan dengan baik dan benar agar dapat selesai sesuai denganwaktu dan biaya yang telah direncanakan. Namun tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa dalamkenyataannya banyak permasalahan yang tidak diduga/unplanned events yang dijumpai selamaproses pemboran berlangsung dan berujung pada membengkaknya waktu dan biaya. Waktudimana rig tidak melakukan aktivitas pemboran sesuai dengan rencana atau plan awal disebutdengan istilah Non Productive Time (NPT) atau waktu yang tidak produktif. Dalam penelitian iniakan dilakukan pengamatan terhadap waktu yang tidak produktif pada Sumur “NB-AAA” lapanganXY. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan dengan penganalisaan data-data kegiatan pemboran dan akanditeliti faktor-faktor yang menjadi penyebab utama tingginya waktu yang tidak produktif (NPT),sehingga dapat dicari solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut
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