4,064 research outputs found

    The influence of brand effect on slogan‘s memorability

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    Purpose: The main aim of this article is to examine the influence of consumers’ brand effect on their ability to remember brand slogans. Design/Methodology/Approach: An empirical quantitative study was carried out via an online questionnaire, analyzing 370 real costumers of three telecom B2C service providers in Portugal. Findings: The results tend to indicate to not corroborate the positive influence of brand effect on brand slogan memorability. However, it was also found evidence to raise doubts on the absence of the relationships, since some components of brand effect had a positive impact on slogan recognition in some of the brands studied. Practical implications: Brands might consider focusing on other dimensions besides brand effect, if their aim is to increase brand and slogan awareness. However, since some contradictory results were verified, managers should not view that implication as a golden rule for management and branding decisions. Originality/Value: The main contribution of this study is to shed a light on a relation not yet sufficiently explored in previous studies related to slogan’s effectiveness.peer-reviewe

    Contributo das tecnologias da informação e comunicação na evolução do perfil do profissional de secretariado : um exemplo de aplicação das TIC

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    O atual avanço tecnológico torna necessária uma aproximação entre todas as instituições sociais e, neste contexto, o profissional de secretariado deve saber utilizar os meios tecnológicos/digitais para poder produzir e difundir informação com qualidade e clareza. As Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação pretendem constituir-se como um conjunto de intervenções favoráveis à aquisição de competências científicas, pedagógicas e técnicas neste domínio e, por esta via, um espaço dedicado ao estudo, à reflexão e à crítica como componentes essenciais de formação e desenvolvimento pessoal, indispensáveis à vida profissional. No momento em que se comemoram 20 anos do curso de Secretariado da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, ainda que sob diversas denominações, pretende-se com o presente trabalho retratar a evolução do perfil do profissional de secretariado tendo por base a influência das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação, assim como fazer uma breve resenha acerca das competências que o profissional desta área deve adquirir ao nível das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação. É ainda feito um estudo de caso da utilização do software Simple Concordance Program na elaboração do estudo de concordância do discurso de tomada de posse do atual Presidente da República.Given the current technological advances, becomes necessary an approach between all social institutions and in this context, the secretariat professional should know how to use the technology/digital media in order to produce and disseminate information with quality and clarity. The Information and Communication Technologies intend to establish itself as a set of interventions in favor of the acquisition of scientific, pedagogical and technical expertise in this area and, in this way, a space dedicated to the study, reflection and criticism as essential components of training and personnel necessary for the working life development. By the time we celebrate 20 years of the course of Secretariat in the Education Superior School of the Castelo Branco Polytechnic Institute, although under different names, it is intended with this work portray the evolution of the Secretariat professional profile based on the influence of information and communication technologies, as well as make a short review about the skills that professionals in this area must acquire at the level of information and communication technologies. It is also made a case study of the use of Simple Concordance Program software in drawing up the concordance of the inaugural speech of President of the Republic.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reminiscences: periodical publication as an academic problem

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    This article offers some recollections about the implementation of support for Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul’s periodicals, a concomitant and following action to the consolidation of the editorial production of Brazilian universities from mid 80’s to late 90’s. Furthermore, it adds some remarks on the long, arduous preparation period of an academic journal, an adversity shared by many fields of knowledge, including the Visual Arts

    The influence of brand affect on slogan‘s memorability

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    A ideologia do “verde” e o marketing

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    O presente artigo pretende, fundamentalmente, ajudar a esclarecer a relação entre a "ideologia do verde" e 0 marketing empresarial. A título introdutório também procuraremos tecer algumas considerações sobre a relação entre as quest6es ambientais e outras vertentes do marketing (para além da vertente empresarial). Uma vez que este artigo se destina a ser publicado numa revista de cariz vincadamente jurídico (e aos juristas e dirigida), procuraremos não entrar em discuss6es demasiadamente técnicas. Também para isso tentaremos não recorrer a um tipo de linguagem demasiadamente específico utilizado na gestão e no marketing. Sendo este um artigo generalista e de caracter introdutório, dividimos a sua estrutura em quatro grandes divis6es. Na primeira divisão tentaremos introduzir o conceito de gestão e o conceito de marketing empresarial. Nesse momento, a nossa principal preocupação será esclarecer algumas perceções erradas que o publico em geral detém relativamente ao conceito de marketing. Na segunda divisão introduziremos, de forma breve, a referida "ideologia do verde", cujo desenvolvimento e maturação temos vindo a presenciar nos últimos anos. Na terceira divisão cruzaremos e aplicaremos os conhecimentos relacionados com marketing empresarial lucrativo e com gestão (explanados na primeira divisão) com matérias propinas da "ideologia do verde" (afloradas na segunda divisão). Na última grande do artigo divisão procuraremos introduzir e explorar brevemente algumas das possíveis interações entre as temáticas ambientais e outros ramos do marketing (ramos para além do marketing empresarial com fins lucrativos)

    Marketing relationship databases as a customer loyalty builing tool in small companies: their potencial and generic principles

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    O objectivo-base deste artigo é demonstrar que a existência e a utilização de bases de dados relacionais de marketing podem e devem desempenhar um papel essencial ao nível da fidelização de clientes em pequenas empresas. Para tal, a metodologia que seguiremos consistirá numa abordagem descritiva teórico-prática que procurará: clarificar o que entendemos por bases de dados relacionais em marketing; explicar a importância actual da existência e da utilização dessas bases de dados, focando atenções no contexto da fidelização de clientes no caso de pequenas empresas e, consequentemente, propor alguns aspectos genéricos que a criação e gestão da maioria dessas bases de dados deverá conter e seguir em tais situações.This paper’s main objective is to demonstrate that marketing relationship databases can have significant importance on customer loyalty in small business. Therefore, the methodology adopted consists on a descriptive theoretical and pragmatic approach. Such methodology will try to: clarify the marketing relationship database concept; explain the actual importance of such databases existence and utilisation in customer loyalty activities, focusing on small companies cases; suggest some generic elements ad principles to be considered in the construction and management of such databases

    The relevance of shopper marketing touchpoints : an empirical study on wine choice in restaurants

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    Shopper marketing is a relatively new approach that calls for an examination of potential influences that can be triggered in several touchpoints along the entire path-to-purchase customers’ journey. The present study is carried out on that context, aiming to understand if the attributes considered by wine customers in restaurants are influenced by a touchpoint. For that purpose, an empirical quantitative study was conducted, with face-to-face interviews in restaurants to a target population of 663 wine customers. Results show that most attributes with highest importance-levels (“wine color”; “wine region”; “certified wine region”) were positively influenced by only one touchpoint related to previous consumption experience. The attribute “brand” was influenced by several touchpoints, evidencing that managers should not aim to simplify the shopper marketing management by acting only on few touchpoints.peer-reviewe

    Land Use Change and Socio-Economic Evaluation in São Jorge Island (Between 15th and 20th Century)

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    The agenda explain the historical evolution of land uses in São Jorge Island (Azores- Portugal) between 15th-20th century.The economic exploitation of the island space prosecuted itself in simultaneous with his colony, one form to guarantee the auto supplying of the populations. First we assess the capacity of the island territory for different uses based on agronomic analysis and transform these capacities in attractiveness coefficients.Then we design a spatial interaction model with five different sectors which employment can be closely related with surface area, first to five zones in the island and within those zones to small plots of 1 hectare each.Finally we use historical data on population and main export crops in order to calibrate the model for each century. Therefore, based on data on the export crop and on the population it is possible to estimate the different land use of the island for all the sectors and to assess the carrying capacity of the island.